*March 2023 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*
While there can be the need or desire to restore your energy and turn inward much of the month, dear Aries, it’s also a time when others notice you. Personal attraction runs high. Especially as March advances, you feel readier to share and enjoy yourself. It’s a powerful period for your plans and initiatives. You’re also going through some exciting inner changes!
You begin the month with a strong need for more personal, private, or down time. You’re drawing more upon your intuition and are less influenced by sources outside of yourself. You’re still inclined to mix and mingle but keep a lot to yourself. Getting in touch with your innermost needs and letting go of attitudes and circumstances that no longer serve you well can be especially helpful with Jupiter and Chiron aligning in your sign this month. It’s a powerful time to put a past grudge behind you and build your confidence in who you are. Your unique personality and style shine.
March is good for rest, regeneration, and connecting with your inner world. Even with the Sun’s undercover transit of your solar twelfth house until the 20th, you’re inclined to get some special attention. People are drawn to your natural charm and appreciate the qualities you display most naturally. Transits can bring positive attention and admiration your way. Others want to be around you and share some space with you in March, although you need to make room for downtime.
There can be a scramble to get your life into better working order around the Full Moon on the 7th, and the benefits of doing so are great.
Pluto’s slow transition out of your career sector begins this month, and it’s significant for you. Pressures on your performance, ambition, and career will lessen and release this year and the next. Another major planetary ingress in March is Saturn’s move into your solar twelfth house. This puts you in a critical cycle for spiritual renovation, clean-up, and better attention to mental health. You are challenged to take care of unfinished business, regroup, process, and heal. It’s important to rid yourself of regrets or perceived failures and disappointments as a Saturn-Sun cycle enters its last leg before coming full circle in 2025-6 (when Saturn will begin its transit of your sign).
You’re in excellent shape for boosting your income and managing your money from the 16th. This is set to increase even further next month, so you might aim to lay the groundwork for new beginnings and gain your financial footing. Venus in your solar second house is remarkable for enjoying financial or emotional increase, abundance, and comfort.
Personal influence increases from the 19-20th, and the New Moon on the 20th fuels you with the motivation to start fresh. You could be driven to change your image or your attitude to new beginnings. This New Moon is in your sign, signaling a period of personal new beginnings and a chance to reinvent yourself. While this lunation promotes a strong sense of self, it’s also a good time for mental renewal and decisiveness. You’re being quoted and noted!
Renewal, coming out of the background, getting attention, making decisions, and moving forward are all strong themes now. You’re seizing the moment and making an impression.
There is a less scattered or hurried pace to your life once Mars moves out of your communications sector on the 25th, after which you pour more energy into your family and home life. Problems that were swept under the carpet in your domestic life begin to emerge and demand resolution now and through to May 20th. Home and family life can be busy, animated, and energetic.
March brings terrific opportunities to connect and enjoy yourself, dear Taurus. At the same time, a lot is happening under the hood. There can be much joy in a supportive or behind-the-scenes role.
Once Mars moves into your communications zone on the 25th, you’ll have increased energy for learning and personal interests, and there can be a lot of activity in your daily life, with little chance for focused work. Pressures to make money or push business and practical matters ahead are subsiding. The last week of March brings a greater need and desire for time to recuperate and renew yourself, but you also enjoy an active mind and vital interests.
In many ways, you feel that you’re moving forward. The month is excellent for embracing your need for others with an emphasis on your social sector. Relationships and special projects can be motivators, getting you going and firing you up. Healthy competition can fuel the desire to do your very best. Ideas generated with or about relationships are winners. There might be a conversation that opens up doors.
At the same time, Saturn makes a big move on the 7th, encouraging order and discipline in your sector of friends, groups, community, and hopes/wishes. This Saturn transit will last until 2025/6, and it’s time to scrutinize, put to the test, and authenticate your social life and happiness goals. During this cycle, you’ll make dreams a reality or put them behind you. You’ll see your connections and projects more clearly, although sometimes sternly. While reality tests are possible, it’s a stabilizing cycle overall.
There is a subtle shift in energy from the 19-20 forward when Mercury and the Sun enter your privacy sector. It’s a natural period for withdrawing just a little so that you can renew your strength and vitality. You’re increasingly seeking out some personal time, but you’re also in an excellent position to shine socially with Venus in your sign from the 16th. It’s about grabbing quality time when you can.
After the New Moon on the 20th, circumstances favor or require a new start with how you do your downtime. There can be events and realizations that help distance you from self-limiting secrets or situations, ultimately giving you more freedom. Some soul-searching is in order, and the urge to find some level of emotional peace of mind is apparent. You can have great ideas about matters of the past and how to learn from and move past them.
You’re on an important inner spiritual search in March. It’s a time to build a deeper connection with your intuition and a better relationship with yourself from the inside out. Forgiveness and understanding can help you move on and embrace your future. You might come to a better understanding of an old problem.
Mars has spent over seven months in your resources sector, and on the 25th, moves into your communications sector, where it will stay until May 20th. It’s a time to share ideas, learn, connect, and feel enthusiasm for your current projects and interests. It can be a busy and sometimes tense period, too, if you give in to the temptation to rush things. You’ll be better off harnessing this transit’s enthusiasm, courage, and grit while downplaying the haste and impatience of Mars in this area of your solar chart.
There can be a strong focus on taking care of business this month, dear Gemini, but also a lot of attention to your personal and social life. March is an important month for connecting with your goals and ambitions, and it’s a fine time to explore your need to share and connect. Your unique outlook attracts positivity. Healing yourself on multiple levels (physical, emotional, and spiritual) can figure strongly in March.
Events this month stimulate your ambition and gently push you to do your best. The month is busy regarding your commitments to the outside world, both in terms of responsibility and pleasure. Romantic opportunities can arise through networking. You want to shine personally and professionally–with your loved ones and your reputation with others–and both drives are strong! You may be working with others but doing your own thing simultaneously — somehow, you are making this work.
Saturn’s move to the top of your solar chart is a significant shift. With Saturn here until 2025/6, career or public life is more demanding. It’s a cycle for really putting in the work. Saturn’s transit is only beginning and will play out over a few years when you can feel driven to prove or achieve something substantial. It’s a time when you can be called to task! However, this is also a period of reward for past hard work.
Long-term benefits can come from hard work, solid effort, sincerity, and respect or humbleness. It’s not a time for getting too caught up in your own press. Learn what you are capable of doing and embrace reality if unrealistic goals have been slowing your progress. Give it your all, and try not to let the bumps in the road or disappointments deter you. Still, since you’re entering a period of harder work and increased scrutiny, make your downtime truly count. Take care of your body and mind by simplifying and decluttering.
People value your friendship, input, and company more than usual this month. You might reach a new level of understanding and awareness or see ways of rejuvenating a connection. Your approach to relationships is fresh and new, and your generosity of spirit and willingness to be vulnerable is appealing. It’s a powerful month for exploring your need for others.
Venus moves into your privacy sector on the 16th, and while you’re moving forward in many ways, you need a little more time to process feelings and understand your needs.
On the other hand, Mercury and the Sun move into your sector of community and friendships on the 19-20th, keeping you connected and extending your special attention to happiness goals and networking. If you’ve been neglecting your need to spend time with people and projects that help you de-stress, this is a time for a clear reminder. You could find yourself taking an interest in something entirely new now. The goal is to contribute and feel connected.
The New Moon on the 20th encourages a fresh slate with friendships, networks, social life, and happiness goals. Aim to harness this energy to start fresh with friends and groups.
After a very long visit (over seven months), Mars leaves your sign on the 25th. The spotlight has been on your independent side, but now, some of your rough edges soften, and there is considerably less pressure on you to take action. Your central focus pulls away from being me-oriented towards security-minded. It’s an excellent time to work on self-esteem issues. You can be excited to get your money straight, earn more, or take on an ambitious project. You should probably watch for impulsive buying, however.
You see your heart more clearly in March, dear Cancer, improving your decisions and choices. The larger focus seems to be on the bigger picture this month, and you want to stretch your mind. You’re doing more learning, sharing, and exploring, and it’s rewarding.
At the same time, there’s a powerful focus on your sector of career and reputation. It’s a month for putting yourself out there with more sincerity and confidence, and the New Moon on the 20th can give you a push in this direction and the chance for a fresh start. Your stronger sense of responsibility boosts inner growth and healing. You can be more confident in your path or happier about where you’re heading. Freeing yourself from problems that have weighed you down can be liberating, and making plans and setting goals is exciting.
March supports learning, extracurricular activities, career, and reputation. Your thinking frequently turns to different places and ideas, primarily because you crave more from life than usual. Nurture your ambitions or go hard with your studies this month for good results. You’re in perfect shape for gaining new knowledge and pushing forward work or life path goals. You have a boost of clarity and courage on your side.
Venus moves into harmony with your sign on the 16th, ensuring a more admiring and interested “audience” for the rest of the month and beyond. Friendships can get a boost, people enjoy your company, friendly people come into your life, or acquaintances bring positive experiences. You’re more responsive, and others especially enjoy your company, feedback, and input.
Mercury and the Sun move to the top of your solar chart on the 19-20, and a New Moon occurs on the 20th, stirring your ambitions. Others notice you for your accomplishments. You may come to a sudden decision to clear something away to start fresh, and this can involve a career path, work project, or life goal. Unexpected professional opportunities can pop up, or this New Moon brings a sense of renewal or revival.
You’ll find yourself adapting and adjusting in ways that benefit your career, reputation, status, or long-term goals. It’s an intelligent and practical time. There can be a shift in your reputation or with leadership and management.
You’ve spent quite a bit of time behind the scenes in recent months, and even when you’ve been out and about, you may have been quite withdrawn, keeping things to yourself. On the 25th, assertive Mars moves into your sign, and these things are changing! Decisions come quickly during this cycle that lasts until May 20th. A decidedly more confident and assertive side emerges. People can’t help but notice you. This happens only a short time after the Sun moved to the very top of your chart, pushing you into the limelight. You’re in good form if you listen to gut instincts rather than merely react to life. With this transit, you experience a re-awakening of sorts, preferring to do things on your own, be the first, pioneer, and take the lead.
Saturn moves into your solar ninth house and into harmony with your sign this month. This powerful transit lasts until 2025/6, bringing a more stable, predictable, and practical theme to your life. You’re likely to enjoy a steadier pace. This transit encourages you to build something slowly and carefully, and it’s a valuable time for learning and studying practical skills and brushing up on your knowledge. With Saturn here, you’re challenged to look at life and your future more realistically and practically. There can be important accomplishments in publishing or education in the year ahead. You might recognize the need to concentrate, focus, and specialize.
March is an excellent month for getting in better touch with your inner power, dear Leo, and building your spirit and optimism. The month holds terrific energy for attracting good things to you. You’re attracting people into your life who make your life easier, and your appeal is easy and natural. Still, much is going on under the surface of things–it’s a beautiful month for devoting more time and energy to passion projects, learning, and extracurricular activities.
You’re connecting with powerful ideas and beliefs, and there can be a remarkable increase in engagement with others. You enjoy more positivity in your outlook, thoughts, and conversations, particularly as March progresses. As you tire of old rules, routines, and information, you embrace new ways of looking at problems.
You often feel inspired to seek new interests and experiences in March. Extracurricular activities can figure strongly now as you’re ready and willing to step a little out of your comfort zone. Relating and connecting more openly and confidently can be most satisfying, and opening your heart leads to chances to heal and resolve problems.
You might learn of an untapped resource or receive positive news related to your finances, particularly around the Full Moon on the 7th. The month is powerful for self-development and making positive lifestyle changes. It seems in reach to achieve the right balance between introspection and external focus.
Venus heads to the top of your solar chart on the 16th, positioning you well for work, career, goal-setting, and reputation–your professional and public appeal increase. There can be pleasant recognition or a boost in popularity. It’s a fine period for improving the pleasure factor in pursuing your practical goals.
But there are other shifts in the works: Mercury and the Sun enter your spirit sector on the 19th and 20th, and a New Moon occurs, bringing on new approaches to learning, home life, publishing, and recreation. These influences extend a theme of reaching out beyond the usual routine. New or revitalized interests, unusual studies, and different perspectives can lead you in different directions. The mood is often light, sociable, energetic, and interactive.
Mars has spent over seven months in your social sector, and it finally moves on from the 25th. Mars will travel the sign behind yours, working in the background of your life, until May 20th. It’s a time of special attention to your private life or inner world. You may be processing a lot, not quite ready to make a big move or change. Be patient with this–it’s a necessary process and a natural progression.
Use this time to digest, reevaluate, and understand your desires. You’ll likely come to meaningful conclusions as you connect with your deeper feelings. Make it a goal to rest and unwind more often.
Another shift occurring this month is a significant one: After over two years, Saturn is now exiting your partnership sector. There can be a sense of relief or release now since this also means Saturn is no longer opposing your sign. Vitality and optimism can improve. Of course, Saturn doesn’t disappear from your chart and will turn your attention to firming up financial and intimate arrangements, but the shift taking place now takes the direct pressure off.
As you close out the month, it’s a great time to explore ideas and topics and share. At the same time, it’s a good idea to honor your increased need for time to yourself for processing and digesting. Aiming for a good balance makes sense.
Your social life can be in strong focus in March, dear Virgo. You’re frequently involved in collaborating, compromising, and balancing. A Full Moon in your sign occurs on the 7th, when you could have an epiphany about a relationship or your own needs feel urgent. From the 25th, the influence that has put pressure on your career and reputation sector since August moves on so that you are becoming far less worried about your performance.
March can also hold terrific opportunities for financial gain, deepened relationships, more joy in your intimate life, and generally more support from others. The last week of the month can push you in this general direction. A close relationship can grow, and your relationship with yourself improves as you embrace your deeper nature.
With an open mind and heart, you can reach a new level with someone important to you as Jupiter and Chiron come together in your solar eighth house. You might discover something about a relationship or your inner workings that builds your faith. It’s a time for emotional repair, healing, and heightened understanding. Combining your resources or talents with someone can be beneficial for reaching a goal, and getting financial or moral support comes with less effort.
You’re more invested than usual in the success of your relationships this month. Especially as March advances, you gravitate to absorbing activities and profound thought, study, and conversations. You’re attuned to the hidden layers of situations. Discussions tend to be a little more intimate, or you’re doing more strategizing, investigating, and researching.
Still, Saturn moves into opposition to your sign from the 7th forward, placing some pressure on you. This transit lasts until 2025/6 and is useful for better understanding your relationships and partnering needs. Along the way, you may face some tests to a current relationship’s strength. This transit can also stimulate a stronger desire for long-term, real connections, or it may bring a more mature or serious partner into your life. Decisions are easier when you can see people and things for both their strengths and weaknesses, so aim for this sweet spot.
Venus heads into your adventure sector on the 16th, and your interest in the world outside your routines expands. Your desire to learn about new things is intense. There can be romantic or creative connections with someone far away from you or someone unexpected. You might enjoy more spontaneity, adventure, or excitement in your love life. Or, a particular topic of interest, line of study, person, or experience gives you a valuable new perspective and boost of inspiration.
However, Mercury and the Sun head into your solar eighth house on the 19th and 20th, and a New Moon occurs there, extending your focus on your inner world further. You gain insight into which aspects of yourself need transforming. You can also be determined to sort out feelings of indebtedness. An event can open your eyes to the need for handling debts or shared resources more effectively. You’re paying extra attention to emotional and psychological renewal.
For over seven months, Mars has animated your career and reputation sector, but on the 25th, it moves into your social sector. With Mars now heating up your sector of friends and happiness goals, it can be a good time to connect with people, more actively contribute, enjoy new experiences, or energize teamwork. You gain fabulous emotional fuel with Mars no longer at a stressful angle to your sign. Making changes seems to come naturally because you are working with an open mind, and you’re answering calls to spontaneity.
You’re exploring the ability to detach and enjoy non-committed, light, and pressure-free connections with others from time to time.
The last week of the month is powerful for identifying your priorities and connecting to people and projects you love. Still, your sense of adventure is building. Progress, improvement, or growth are potent motivators.
The drive to improve your life is compelling in March, dear Libra, and your relationships can also be a strong focus. Applying yourself to something constructive is satisfying, and putting in the effort to enhance your daily routines is rewarding. Circumstances seem to push you to improve and reach a little further, and you have a real knack for smoothing over differences.
The potential is great for a balanced work-life focus. You continue to put a lot of thought and energy into dealing with your daily affairs, improving your work, and attending to your health and wellness this month. At the same time, relationships are in high focus throughout March.
From the 7th, Saturn encourages you to simplify and work more efficiently. It’s about building some boundaries and disciplining yourself as the planet moves through your work and health sector, where it will transit until 2025/6. You’re challenged to straighten out your daily affairs, work, routines, health, habits, and self-care programs during this useful cycle. Aim to make changes slowly, responsibly, and conservatively — Saturn-style! The goal now is to make improvements that last years, if not a lifetime. Aim to work hard and do what you can, without pushing yourself too hard. Saturn wants you to work smarter, not necessarily harder.
You’re in fine shape to form or enhance close relationships and partnerships. The best version of yourself often shines forth in one-on-one situations. You could attract people who boost your confidence. This is a time for making an extra effort to reach out, connect, and negotiate. Aim to address any need that arises in a current relationship for growth and development. It’s an excellent time for committing to a healing process, connection, or improved attitude related to relationships.
From the 16th, you’re in excellent shape with shared finances, loans, support, research, and intimate relationships. You can get to the root of challenges in a close relationship related to sharing and power politics. Or, you can get to the heart of your own desires.
With Mercury and Sun heading into your solar seventh house on the 19th and 20th, you seek or attract people who help stimulate your ideas and decisions. A New Moon occurs on the 20th, and the desire or need to cooperate and merge with someone is strong. Relationship needs awaken, and unusual impulses push you into a new beginning. A fresh start in a relationship can involve taking on a new attitude or gathering the courage to make something happen. You see your life in new ways as others offer you their perspective–you learn about yourself through conversations and companionship.
Your attention to the material world, career, and your performance or public image increases from the 25th. Mars moves to the top of your solar chart, firing up your ambitions. You’re tapping into a new sense of direction. In recent months, you may have been focusing on making your life more enjoyable and interesting. Now, you’re gradually shifting your attention towards taking care of business, performing, and handling your responsibilities. You can feel motivated to progress on a professional or lofty project or goal.
With an emphasis on your joy sector in March, you’re tuning in to your needs for pleasure and leisure, dear Scorpio. At the same time, your work-and-health sector is strong this month, and the potential is excellent for a nice balance between work and play.
Creative urges and the need to share them are in the spotlight this month. People are more cooperative, helpful, or supportive. You can be highly motivated to pursue a personal interest, particular topic, hobby, or creative activity. You’re also awakening to a need for kindred spirits and more involvement with friends or the community around the Full Moon on the 7th.
People gravitate to your warm and healing aura, and sharing ideas or creations is rewarding. Expressing yourself through creative mediums can be in the spotlight.
A work-and-health theme is gaining traction this month–you’re focusing on the details of your life. Your thoughts and conversations often turn to work, health, and practical matters from the 19th. It’s a decent time for learning new skills, especially practical ones, and for seeking information that helps you improve your routines and habits.
The New Moon on the 20th can get the ball rolling. You’re ready to start anew and take charge of your work, daily routines, self-care programs, and health. There can be a reinvigoration process in your everyday life, and it’s about more faith and vision. This lunation can pump you up to make meaningful changes to your daily routines. It’s a time to do work, health, and self-care in brand-new ways.
You also have Jupiter and Chiron meeting up in this sector of your solar chart, and increased optimism and hope can be powerful healers. Finding more meaning in your work and satisfaction in helping or serving others is a big theme. You might discover or commit to a new wellness program. It feels great when you’re on top of things, contributing, helping, and healing. As well, people can help you reach your goals.
The last week of the month brings Mars into a better relationship with your sign after seven months at a somewhat awkward angle. With Venus now in your partnership sector, relationships are easier and interactions are more spontaneous. Your natural charm and appeal are better appreciated so that creating happy circumstances is effortless. From the 25th, while there is a stronger focus on your working life, your adventurous side is stirring, and you’re ready to take on challenges confidently.
Mars spent an unusually long period undercover in your solar chart, but now that it’s transiting your spirit sector, it’s fueling your desire to get a little more from your life. You tend to fight for what you believe in and are more direct about expressing your ideas or opinions. This transit can be the start of an exciting new passion or interest. Enthusiasm stirred up now can take you far.
Another headline this month: Saturn leaves your family and home sector, moving away from a stressful relationship with your sign, and heads into your creativity sector. If you haven’t been feeling very comfortable or settled lately, this situation eases tremendously now. Living conditions or arrangements improve or stabilize.
Saturn’s new transit of your solar fifth house lasts until 2025/6. With this long-term transit, you will likely feel steadier, less pressured, and more responsible, and life becomes more predictable. The years ahead are strong for living a more disciplined life, in general, and for adding more structure to your leisure time. A hobby can be more consuming, or your work on it is more diligent and regular. Creative expression, entertainment, romance, children, or hobbies are areas of belt-tightening, realism, commitment, and increased discipline. It’s a time to see a more serious side to your relationships, projects, and undertakings. You’ll draw up new or improved plans for reaching your goals. Someone or a relationship may inspire you to get your life into better shape.
The spotlight is on your personal life and domestic world in March, dear Sagittarius. You’re paying special attention to your needs for nurture, safety, and familiarity. Even so, a creative, playful theme is strong and building.
You’re in excellent shape for attending to your home, family, and personal needs in March. Improvements to your relationships with family, relatives, children, and love interests figure strongly.
You are more aware of your need to entertain, be entertained, celebrate, enjoy, and share yourself with others this month. Your personal magnetism receives a nice boost.
Until the 16th, you have lovely Venus in arguably the best position of your solar chart, second only to Venus gracing your sign. This transit enhances and supports your popularity and likability. You’re smoothing over your relationships and attracting mutually beneficial friendships. You are abuzz with fun, playful, and flirty energy.
But it also goes deeper: Jupiter and Chiron join forces in this area of your solar chart, and there can be a turning point for forgiveness and understanding in a relationship. Or, you’re approaching your creativity with more sincerity and openness, opening you up to new directions, healing, and growth. You could be expanding your horizons through your pleasures and pastimes.
Venus moving into your work and health sector on the 16th can mean bringing more harmony to your daily routines, which is fruitful. You can turn even complex tasks into fun exercises now. There can be a social theme to your pursuit of health or work goals.
Mercury and the Sun head into your solar fifth house on the 19th and 20th, and you’re communicative and friendly, often seeking intellectual entertainment. There can be a more vital need for communication and movement in a relationship. The power of your words is evident now, bringing new opportunities into your life, and word of mouth also works well for you.
The New Moon on the 20th asks you to pay more attention to finding outlets for creative release and pleasure. It encourages you to find time to relax, create, and enjoy yourself as you do.
Making more room for recreation and personal enjoyment is in focus. It’s a time to turn over a new leaf, and events in your life can bring out your feelings, romantic inclinations, and creativity. You enjoy increased motivation or opportunity to pursue a personal interest.
With Mars opposite your sign for over seven months, you haven’t always felt that you were in the driver’s seat in your own life. Demands on you have been heavier, and personal plans may have been on hold. This transit ends on March 25th. Mars moves into your intimacy sector and animates your private life–a valuable transit for digging things up and stirring up passions and desires you may have ignored or buried. You don’t want to feel constrained or limited now, and there can be a stronger desire to take action on matters you’ve put aside. You may solve a mystery that has baffled you for some time.
As well, no-nonsense, serious Saturn moves out of your communications sector and into your home and family sector this month. This shift does pull Saturn out of harmony with your sign and into a position of challenge. Still, it alleviates some of the pressure or inhibition you’ve felt with your everyday affairs, connections with acquaintances and siblings, and general mental outlook.
During this cycle that lasts until 2025/6, home, family, personal, and nurturing/sustenance matters require more discipline, realism, tradition, and structure. You’re challenged to bring more order to your home life. Outworn or poor structures may break down now, and it’s time to rebuild. While this transit has a few years to play out, you will likely see hints of it now. Saturn favors careful, responsible, slow-but-sure moves. It makes sense to deal with pressures instead of putting them off.
March holds much potential for a nice balance between connecting and unwinding, dear Capricorn. You can enjoy success with communications, connecting, learning, and personal interests. At the same time, a more profound need to enjoy the security of family or home life emerges and builds as the month advances. Your personal life is in the spotlight!
While it’s not an ideal period for concentration and focus, it can be excellent for getting odds and ends done. You’re enthusiastic about picking up handy information, boosting your knowledge, and sharpening your skills.
A theme building for you this month, set to dominate in the last week of the month, centers around home and family. You’re in excellent shape for repairing and enhancing family relationships, moving or renovating, and improving your feelings of safety and comfort. While the need to belong and feel nurtured can be a soft spot, identifying and facing this helps move you to possible solutions. It’s a time for emphasizing cooperation, trust, and faith.
You’re shining with romantic and creative expression from the 16th when Venus moves into your solar fifth house. It’s a beautiful time to explore your creative side and allow it to shine.
Energies are good for discussing personal or family issues from the 19th when Mercury heads into your solar fourth house. The following day, the Sun moves into the same sector, and a New Moon occurs. You’re in an excellent position to improve your living conditions and home life or make peace with yourself.
The New Moon on the 20th can prompt a fresh approach or changes in living conditions, life at home, and getting comfortable. Attention to your needs for all that’s familiar is beneficial. This lunation reminds you that your home is your base, and treating it as such is essential. Working on it first can help other areas of life blossom.
Mars has spent over half of a year in your work and health sector, and while you may have made some improvements to your daily routines, the pace of your life has been hectic. From the 25th, Mars no longer influences this zone of your solar chart as it moves into your partnership sector. Relationships are lively and moving forward, but unresolved problems can demand immediate attention. Your social life can be up and down, but at least it’s active!
While you could experience conflicts with a significant person in your life, you might instead actively work on improving an alliance.
Saturn, your ruler, changes signs, heading out of your sector of finances and resources and into your solar third house of communication. This ingress takes some of the pressure off in business, with money, and regarding practical affairs.
Saturn will transit your communication sector until 2025/6. During this new cycle, there can be increased daily responsibilities or commitments. Serious study or training and detail work are likely. There’s a possibility of tests of your ideas and studies to see whether or not they’re sound and worth your time. During this cycle, you’re learning the value of waiting for strategic moments to express yourself and choosing your words more carefully.
This transit will play out over the next few years, but you’ll get some hints of it this month. It’s a stabilizing influence as Saturn is now harmonizing with your sign.
Another major player, Pluto, is beginning its transition out of your sign. Because Pluto is so very slow-moving, and due to retrograde cycles, it won’t be until late 2024 before it truly moves on. Still, this shift means you’re processing and crystallizing Pluto’s lessons. You’re stronger, more assertive, and have more personal influence.
March brings continued focus on getting comfortable, dear Aquarius, but it also encourages you to branch out, explore, learn, and connect. It’s a strong month for taking care of business, practical matters, budget-making, and discovering new ways to boost your income.
Venus moves through your communications sector until mid-month, enhancing your communications. Your words can get you closer to others, at least in spirit. Collaboration can be excellent, and sharing or publishing a piece of work, joining a workshop, furthering a cause, or communicating with a new friend can be in happy focus.
People find it easy to admire you! New avenues can open for communicating, enjoying your personal interests, or learning. Open, sensitive, and fresh communications can lead to the chance to bond with someone special. Others might enjoy your words of wisdom even more so than usual. Relations with siblings, family, classmates, neighbors, or acquaintances can improve with the warmth and energy you invest in these relationships.
With Venus heading into your home and family sector on the 16th, the second half of March is good for finding your emotional center and getting in touch with your needs for safety, nurture, and security. There can be special attention to the home or family, important changes and discoveries, and fun creative changes or renovations.
Your interests, curiosity, and desire to learn and make connections are growing–you could discover new subjects or topics that excite you with Mercury and the Sun moving into your solar third house on the 19th and 20th. Your confidence increases in your ability to study, learn, and communicate.
After the New Moon on the 20th, you’re ready to make a significant change and perhaps put an end to a particular project or line of study to start in a brand new direction. Instead, you might approach studies or personal interests with fresh new energy. New avenues for communicating or getting around can open for you.
Success comes through word of mouth or bright ideas right now. Your good cheer and optimism can help strengthen close relationships. Promotion or publicity can be particularly favorable or prosperous.
Mars moves into your work and health sector on the 25th, and the motivation for work, projects, organization, and health and wellness programs increases. This transit fires up your desire to excel with your work, chores, routines, and health pursuits until May 20th. Expect a lot of busy-ness in your daily routines! You need to do your own thing at your own pace during this period.
The biggest headline of the month is Saturn leaving your sign on the 7th, which can feel like a release of pressure. You’re crystallizing lessons learned and seeing the real benefits of the work you’ve done in the past few years. Even though Saturn’s tour of your sign has helped you prioritize and take care of all sorts of practical odds and ends in your life, it can feel as if a weight lifts off you when it leaves. Saturn’s new transit of your resources sector will stay with you until 2025/6. The period ahead brings a more responsible and realistic approach to money and possessions. Belt-tightening is in order and very useful. It’s also a time to declutter, reduce waste, and make good (more efficient) use of your resources.
Later in March, Pluto moves into your sign, and it can feel like you’re swapping out heavyweight planets! Pluto won’t transit your sign consistently until late 2024; until then, it weaves in and out of Capricorn and Aquarius. But this Pluto transit is on its way and will ask a lot of you. Stirring in you is the desire to radically change how you go after what you want in life. How you view your place in the world is evolving. For now, you might be flirting with changing your manner, image, or approach. In the years ahead, you’ll be reclaiming your personal power.
You’re more noticeable, connected, and engaged this month, dear Pisces, and your personal impact is considerable. Especially with Mercury’s move into your sign on the 2nd, you have more to say and share with others. Venus moves into harmony with your sign on the 16th, and Mars finally changes signs on the 25th, and your love life, creative world, and assertive powers increase further. You’re less inclined to keep your feelings to yourself. In fact, when pursuing what and who you want, you’re direct, straightforward, and more confident than ever.
Your presence is large until the 20th, and your voice is powerful from the 2-19. You’re in an excellent position for decisiveness and credibility–you’re making a mark and leaving an impression. You might prefer to take the lead in mental tasks and make executive decisions.
In March, you’re expressing your ideas and personality more freely. Personal opportunities abound. You could receive gifts or the kind of attention that boosts your confidence until the 16th. The Full Moon in your partnership sector on the 7th prompts discoveries or epiphanies about your feelings or a close relationship. If feelings of discontent magnify, they help motivate you to make improvements. Partnerships are changing, and this is a time when your needs for others become more apparent.
As the month advances, it becomes more and more about building your resources, manifesting results, and profiting from your talents rather than building your popularity and developing your personality.
Expanding your personal resources is indeed more important to you in March. In truth, it can be a powerful month for getting in touch with any attitudes or insecurities that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential regarding using your talents and saving and using money to your benefit. On another level, you’re more likely to recognize your value, perhaps calling out those who don’t treat you with the respect you deserve.
Around the New Moon on the 20th, aim to start fresh with your money and business goals. The Sun begins its month-long transit of your resources sector on the same day, and in the following weeks, you’re seeking a little more security and predictability than usual. It’s a good time to take stock, attend to your valuables, and better understand what you can accomplish. Your view of your capabilities is marked and realistic during this stabilizing cycle.
Pressures on the home front ease considerably from the 25th. Mars moves into your solar fifth house, ramping up your desires and animating your romantic life or creative world, and it’s a wonderful boost. This shift has been a long time coming! You’re confident and assertive and even more attractive than usual. Relationships are passionate now. You’re alert, ready to make changes, and willing to put yourself out there, and this is a winning combination. You can feel on fire with passion and creative energy, and your timing is much better than usual.
Still, one of the biggest headlines this month is Saturn’s move into your sign for a stay of over two years. The cosmos demand that you mature in some manner – that you meet responsibilities and get organized in some life departments. It’s a time for more attention to detail and special efforts to maintain and improve health and personal affairs. During this important cycle, you’re learning which habits and attitudes work for you and which should be left behind. The 29-30 brings a chance to temper your energy and display patience. You might put much energy into plans that help you achieve a goal related to personal fulfillment and pleasure.
Monthly Calendar:

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