Annie Heese
Astrology Cafe is an extension of Cafe Astrology, and is a place for daily astrology posts as well as various articles and blog posts.
Since 2002, I’ve owned and maintained Cafe Astrology, and I continue to do so. In 2013, I received an email selling a domain name – not this one – and clicked through to take a look. I discovered domain name auctions, and after doing a few searches for fun, I put in fully expecting it to NOT be listed. To my surprise, it was.
Interestingly, when looking for a domain name for Cafe Astrology way back in 2002, a friend and I had searched for AstrologyCafe, but it was taken, so we tried CafeAstrology. As well, many people over the years have emailed me at Cafe Astrology and referred to my site’s name incorrectly/reversed (“I love your site, Astrology Cafe”, for example).
For these reasons, I decided to join the auction. There were several bidders, and I opted to place the final bid in the last minutes of the auction. I had to be away from home at that time, so I brought my tablet with me. I figured that if I won the domain name without paying a small fortune, then I’d be happy, and if not, well, no big deal.
I didn’t think it meant quite that much to me, but in the final minutes as I was driving home, I was tense. I pulled over to place my final bid. After refreshing repeatedly, I was excited to find out I had won it. I told my kids, “I don’t know what I will do with this, but at least I have it.”
Here I am, over a year later, and finally doing something with it. For years, I’ve wanted to update the design of CafeAstrology, but have never found the time in my day. I did begin working on an html site design, and I may very well pursue that, but part of me feels I can do more with Wordpress. Making the commitment to recreate my whole site, with its few thousand pages, on this platform is a daunting one, so for now, I’ve decided to work on Astrology Cafe with a blog-like format. As I grow accustomed to it, I will be better equipped to make the decision to commit to converting CA, or not.
About Daily Astrology:
I continue to publish full horoscopes for each sign, If Today is Your Birthday horoscopes, and Daily Trends on Cafe Astrology. On this site, Astrology Cafe, I summarize all of these in one post. This has been suggested to me by various readers over the years, and it makes sense to me for those who want to have an overview of the Astrology of the day. Others have asked for shorter horoscopes, and still others for horoscopes without the astrological terminology. The ones in Daily Astrology posts are a little more succinct.
Calendars are from the excellent Sirius, Solar Fire, and Day Watch software programs. I can’t recommend these programs enough. I have altered some of the text to use my own interpretation “briefs” for the aspects in the SF daily reports. These are the tools I use to write horoscopes and general daily trends every day, and I am sharing them with anyone who’s interested.
There are some extras here – for example, I incorporate some asteroids and “other” points in my horoscopes, but rarely refer to them on CA. In Daily Astrology posts, they’re included.
Beyond dailies, I aim to write about astrology odds and ends – things I’m thinking about and learning.
I hope you enjoy the site!
— Annie