Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- A void Moon period occurs from 8:33 AM forward (lasting until tomorrow at 12:42 AM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 3rd, and the Full Moon will happen on the 10th.
- Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, and Chiron Rx.
- Mercury will turn retrograde late tomorrow.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
While you want to be productive today, dear Aries, you’re less interested in getting your practical pursuits going than you are in pursuing your happiness goals. The Moon spends the day in your social sector, and you tend to focus on wishes and dreams close to your heart. You appreciate shared goals, interests, and viewpoints, and they’re more evident in your relationships right now. You generally have your priorities straight today, but you can do battle with some inner rebellion. As well, plans may not go precisely as expected with the Moon’s square to Uranus. Still, today is about catching your breath and paying more attention to your dreams, friendships, or aspirations. You’re especially interested in what you can bring to the world.Taurus
The motivation is with you to make some valuable changes in your life, dear Taurus. Your instincts are strong that a change is imminent or necessary, and getting on top of it makes sense. If you feel you’ve fallen behind with your responsibilities, you might aim to eliminate distractions. You might seek the comfort of rules today, although part of you is rebellious about anything that seems to tie you down. Fortunately, once you manage your concentration, your business instincts or sense of what’s worth your time are strong. Checking in with your goals can motivate you to take care of your priorities and improve your life.Gemini
With the Moon in your spirit sector all day, you crave more space and light on an emotional level, dear Gemini. At the same time, the Moon meets Saturn in this area of your solar chart today, urging you to be productive and in control. Learning something useful might fit the bill. You could enjoy some serious studying, sharing, or thinking. It’s a good idea to channel your passion into a worthy cause or plan–feeling a stronger sense of purpose through what you’re doing can be satisfying. Still, you may need to battle some disarray in your daily affairs that slows you down from pursuing your goals.Cancer
Today’s energies are good for zeroing in on problem areas, making progress in special projects or relationships, and financial planning or goal-making, dear Cancer. You tend to operate or observe from the background just for now with the Moon in your solar eighth house all day, but you retain much power in this position. It’s not a time when you accept things at face value; you’re inclined to challenge yourself and investigate. You’re in a mainly serious frame of mind. A block or responsibility can get in the way of doing what you enjoy, or you could feel a little low if you’re focusing on what you lack instead of what you have, however. Facing reality or dealing with an obstacle can ultimately move you on a path towards exciting improvements and getting yourself back on track.Leo
You could be more focused on relating and connecting well today, dear Leo, with the Moon in your partnership sector all day. Your obligations to someone could be in the spotlight. It’s a good day to apply yourself, especially to pursuits that fulfill you intellectually. You’re striving for more balance and patience, and your interactions with a significant person can help you see something relevant about yourself and your life. Nevertheless, you could feel a little tied down or over-obligated in spots, and managing this feeling will go a long way to enjoying the day. You might recognize that the challenges you face with others can help you get in touch with your potential.Virgo
With the Moon in your solar sixth house all day, dear Virgo, you may be helping or supporting others and focusing on daily affairs. Health and wellness pursuits can also be in the spotlight. The Moon meets with Saturn in your work and health sector but also forms a square to Uranus, you’re not entirely content with the monotony of the routine, and it can be a good idea to find ways to stay engaged. You want to be productive, but if you’re dissatisfied with your current work, schedules, or state of mind/health, you can certainly feel this more powerfully today. Fortunately, this discontent can be a powerful motivator to make changes. In truth, it’s a fine time to attend to practical matters, especially if you can manage to tune out distractions.Libra
The Moon spends the day in your sector of pleasure, romance, and creative expression, dear Libra, spotlighting your need for leisure. Even so, the Moon meets Saturn in this area of your solar chart, and being productive is also important to you. Adding some structure to your leisure time can be useful. A block or delay is possible, but it’s also likely that you gravitate to practical activities, finding it soothing and satisfying to do so. Making plans and finding workable solutions to problems can be enjoyable. Self-honesty is helpful today, especially if you feel some stirrings of discontent.Scorpio
The Moon spends the day in your solar fourth house, dear Scorpio, stirring your need for personal space and security. Because the Moon meets with serious Saturn, you may need to do some work before you relax! Saturn reminds you of your domestic responsibilities. While your home-oriented predisposition today could clash with a significant someone or your own needs for companionship, it makes sense to look within before making significant changes. It’s possible that organizing your home environment can improve inner clarity.Sagittarius
While you’re curious about many different things today, dear Sagittarius, it may be more productive if you find something, whether it’s a topic project or idea, that you can pursue independently. A little self-discipline can go a long way. Today’s transits can awaken a need to handle a matter rather than hold it off for a later date. Spending extra attention on constructive and practical projects can be rewarding. There can be some distractions to manage, and it’s best to avoid a chaotic environment.Capricorn
You’re especially tuned into your need to manage or organize your practical affairs today, dear Capricorn. Paying particular attention to detail or your money and personal possessions can be in focus and quite rewarding. You benefit from thinking ahead rather than concerning yourself only with your immediate wants. Perhaps a sense of orderliness inspires you, and you make an extra effort to organize your workspace. The idea of settling in and getting comfortable is appealing. Relationships benefit from the right balance of interest and freedom or emotional space.Aquarius
You’re likely to find the most satisfaction in setting your own pace today, dear Aquarius. The Moon spends the day in your sign, meeting Saturn there but also clashing with your planetary ruler, Uranus. You may have more obligations than usual, but you’re a self-starter, and with people turning to you, you become your best. You could feel defensive of your feelings or personal space, or there can be disruptions to manage. However, you have a strong sense of purpose, and you can be quite productive despite this somewhat erratic element.Pisces
While you can be preoccupied today, dear Pisces, the time you spend thinking or retreating can be most useful to reorient yourself. The Moon is in your privacy sector all day, indicating a need to look back before you look forward. You are inclined to look within or behind you if you’re looking for answers, and you can enjoy this time of introspection. However, discontent can magnify today if you’re feeling a little stuck. Take a time-out, if possible, to sort things out. Tying up loose ends is also in favor. It’s not particularly easy to get the repose you need at times today, but tuning out distractions can be worth the effort.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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