Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- A void Moon period begins tonight at 9:19 PM (until the Moon enters Gemini at 1:02 AM tomorrow).
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase until 2:59 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 29th.
- Venus is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until October 7th.
- Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
A Mercury-Neptune opposition suggests seeing things through the lens of wishful thinking today, dear Aries, and the shortcuts you take now could be regrettable or costly at a later date. Conversations can be vague or even guilt-ridden in spots. Precise and factual reasoning can suffer, and your mind tends to wander. Even so, it’s an imaginative influence, and given the right place for your musings, you could come up with creative solutions to problems. If you can find healthy ways to mix up the routine, do so. Your mind tends to take some detours, which can certainly be interesting but could be better for concentration. Stretching the truth and coverups are best avoided now, even though they can be strangely attractive. Seek a better balance between work and rest for the best results now. Fortunately, it’s a great time to discover new things and connect with your feelings.Taurus
Today’s opposition between Mercury and Neptune signals a need to pull back from overthinking things, dear Taurus, but it can also confuse matters, so try not to bank on what you perceive today. Do your best to avoid misunderstandings and double-check your facts. It’s also a good idea to seek harmless ways to engage your imagination. You may need a bit of magic or drama in your life, and events occurring now can subtly highlight this! Watch that you don’t get carried away by an idea or vision that takes you too far away from what needs to get done, but aim to find ways to satisfy your itch for new options and possibilities when appropriate. Fortunately, it’s a good day for taking it easy and engaging your imagination. There can be a strong connection with the past and your memories, possibly stirred by a chance connection. Helping someone out or taking the initiative to make a connection can also figure strongly.Gemini
You can be especially fascinated with a workable idea, project, or mystery to solve today, dear Gemini. It’s a fine day to seek some inspiration. There can be unique insights and intuition into business and work methods. However, something you say or do could be relayed or misconstrued with your ruler, Mercury, in opposition to illusory Neptune today. Uncertainty about your career or goals can interfere with enjoying the moment. All that is imaginative, fantastic, or spiritual engages you now. Aim to seek people you trust for opinions on your more practical affairs, but look within for answers to matters of the heart. You may have too many choices right now, and, likely, you’re not truly ready to come to a solid conclusion. If that’s the case, then wait things out. Take the time to reflect–you’ll likely find that giving things more time is helpful.Cancer
You’re in good shape for connecting with resources or people that help you see a new path on practical levels, dear Cancer. However, in the first half of the day, your imagination may be working overtime. Mercury and Neptune form an opposition, making it hard to concentrate when needed most, possibly disrupting your routines. You can have a hard time arriving at definites and conclusions. On the one hand, the desire is to obtain information and make sense of something, but on the other, the tendency to break it apart is powerful. There are better times for critical detail work! Watch for misunderstandings in your conversations. Let your imagination go, but do so at the right time and place and not so far that you set yourself up for a letdown. Otherwise, transits now encourage you to dream and aspire.Leo
Connections with people with whom you share similar interests can figure strongly today, dear Leo, and they feel particularly rewarding. You gravitate toward situations or people that help you grow, and they may even fill you with a sense of purpose. Still, some things can be downright confusing today with a Mercury-Neptune opposition in play. As much as you’d like to be gung-ho, you may end up on the fence. For best results, be especially vigilant regarding lending and spending today. New ideas can be imaginative but require more attention to detail before passing the test. It’s a time for checking and double-checking your work if you’re dealing with facts and figures. It’s also essential to avoid over-committing, which applies to your spending, relationships, friendships, work, and obligations. However, let your imagination loose when appropriate, as you’re likely to see more possibilities than you might on a regular day.Virgo
You may feel good about getting support or doing the supporting today, dear Virgo. Either way, you crave the connection. Mercury in your sign these days is most excellent for mental tasks. However, it reaches an opposition to Neptune, and there could be some drama in your close relationships in the first half of the day. You might be frustrated with others who seem unresponsive, indifferent, imprecise, or extremely vague. Situations are ambiguous when you’re seeking definite answers. You might also question whether you’re being lied to today. If possible and appropriate, try to let things be and depend on yourself for the time being. Watch that you don’t say something that leaves too many things open to interpretation, as people may not be getting you temporarily. Explaining, pushing, or questioning will not make anything better at the moment. You may need to wait things out.Libra
Transits today encourage you to reach out and connect, dear Libra. There are rewards to discover in one-on-one interactions. Your imagination can be rewarding in many ways now, but a Mercury-Neptune opposition can cloud things in the first half of the day. It can be challenging to distinguish between what you want to believe and what’s real. This transit reminds you that you can’t always have clear answers — and don’t always need them! A chaotic or disrupted routine or lack of directions can be distracting today, but the detour your mind takes as a result can ultimately be enlightening. Nevertheless, it’s important to watch for miscommunication, and discretion may be in order today. Positively, someone or something can inspire an exciting new idea.Scorpio
Even if you’re not looking for them, there can be some good ideas circulating to improve your work or health, dear Scorpio. You tend to express yourself more spontaneously, from the heart, and creatively today. However, an opposition between Mercury and Neptune influences the first half of the day can challenge your thinking. It may very well open your mind to see new options and possibilities, but it can also be a little disruptive. Misunderstandings are possible, particularly with friends and lovers. There can be trouble with people overstepping their boundaries, promising more than they can deliver, or with missed connections and off-timing. Rest and reflect for the best results! Consider that you’re more vulnerable to delusion or confusion, just for now. It’s not the time for make-or-break decisions. You may need to give things time before arriving at firm conclusions.Sagittarius
Studies or projects can show signs of progress or motivate you to do something new and bold, dear Sagittarius. While the day can inspire some imagination, it can be challenging to deal with things clearly and directly. Mercury opposes Neptune, and avoiding making important decisions based on your current perceptions is best. Consider that wishful thinking will likely strongly influence what you see today. Others may not tell you all you need to know for the time being, or they could be misinformed. Distractions are plenty, and the chance of misunderstandings runs high. Dreaming up new possibilities can figure strongly, but there are better times to commit to something substantial. You’ll need some time to process what you see today, particularly regarding your home, family, and personal life. This way, you won’t jump to premature conclusions.Capricorn
You’re in good shape for research and home matters today, dear Capricorn. There is positive forward energy in these areas of life, and you can feel supported, or you could come across great ideas to make improvements. Certainly, today’s transits can help you detach yourself a little from heavier topics and demanding activities, and it’s a nice change of pace. However, it’s best to keep your wits about you in the first half of the day. There is a tendency to gloss over facts. With the energy of a Mercury-Neptune opposition, self-deception is possible. If you can keep things creative and free-form, you can enjoy opening your mind to new possibilities. You could be hungry for entertaining and enlightening concepts, ideas, and fantasies. In the right places, these can be rewarding.Aquarius
You’re likely to find people more willing to cooperate with you than usual with you today, dear Aquarius. Your imagination for making money or improving your practical affairs is in full force as well. But with Mercury opposite Neptune, you may not have all the facts or information to go on in the first half of the day. Uncertainty about your income, resources, or abilities can weigh on your mind or distract you from doing what you want. People and information can be elusive now. The compelling need to organize your thoughts, especially about finances, projects, and relationships, is real. However, others may not be as interested in setting things straight. You may need to take a step back and allow your intuition to kick in before you move forward. Fortunately, the day advances with less fog, and you appreciate your interactions.Pisces
This can be a good day for finding helpful information or resources in your work, dear Pisces. Conversations with friends or ideas shared with a team or group can be enjoyable today. However, in the first half of the day, Mercury opposes Neptune in your sign, and questions from others could awaken the escapist in you. At the same time, you do need to take some time to get to conclusions. Consider whether you can give a little and give others something to go on. Still, it’s possible you experience a mental disconnect with someone now. Be careful if you give answers that unintentionally mislead, as these may fix things at the moment but lead to long-term problems. While it’s all too easy to become distracted today, it’s also a strong time for new ideas and imaginative thinking. Given some space and freedom, you can come up with something very innovative.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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