Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 29th.
- Venus is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until October 7th.
- Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
While today’s Moon encourages predictability, dear Aries, you gravitate to activities that put you into contact with others and those with fewer rules and expectations. You can find yourself in pleasant agreement with significant others, and making connections with people is easier now. You have the opportunity to look at matters of partnering and relationships logically. In fact, today is very strong for problem-solving that gets results in a partnership. You may be putting a situation that was unfair or imbalanced behind you. You’re also well-positioned to draw up plans and focus on exciting new goals. It’s a strong time for activities with a partner. Connections made with others are creative and inspiring.Taurus
The Moon continues its transit of your sign today, dear Taurus, and you see the world through a more emotional lens than usual. This transit amplifies your emotions. Still, good energy is with you for clarifying a work or health matter. You might find a new way to perform a task or resolve a problem that improves your daily routines or health and wellness. You are in the right frame of mind to make opportunities for yourself, particularly related to work and home developments. Concentration and commitment are strong, but while you’re determined, you’re also expending energy intelligently.Gemini
You can do some important inner work with the Moon in your soul sector all day, dear Gemini. This transit points to a general need to detox, decompress, and take a break from competitive or demanding situations. However, you’re also in great shape for connecting. Connections made with others are creative and inspiring. Your sense of harmony and balance is powerful, and your powers of negotiation are strong. Transits favor creative pursuits of all kinds. You’re in an unusually good position for finding a balance between risk-taking and comfort, seeking out activities that are familiar and safe, but mixing them up with exciting, playful elements.Cancer
The Moon in your social sector today encourages your desire to feel connected and in the loop, dear Cancer. You gravitate to activities that put you into contact with others and situations with fewer rules and expectations. As well, your sense of justice stirs today. If something has been unfair or imbalanced, particularly around the home or with family and friends, you’ll want to address this now. It’s also a good time for problem-solving in these areas, and it’s strong for bringing more beauty and balance to your domestic world. You can be spirited and quietly inspired. You may want to take things apart to fully understand them. It can be a time to think up new strategies for going about your business or putting your talents to work.Leo
The Moon spends the day in your reputation and career sector, dear Leo, bringing a theme of following the rules and meeting your responsibilities. This brief transit is best used for attention to priorities, which will put you into a more empowered, satisfied frame of mind. You’re also in good shape for feeling that you’re making real and valuable contributions to other people’s lives. You’re attracted to intellectual activities, and exchanges with others can be significant. It’s a great day for smoothing over differences if you can avoid scorekeeping. If you need to talk, and you probably will, someone is there to talk to. It’s just one of those days. There is excellent energy for solving problems, particularly mechanical and learning/schooling ones. There can be a gently competitive feeling with your communications.Virgo
The Moon spends the day in the sector of the higher mind in your solar chart, dear Virgo, drawing out your natural courage and desire to explore, discover, and learn. You’re making room for spirit-boosting activities and focal points. Still, you also have good energy with you for problem-solving with business, financial, and practical affairs today. Planning, structuring, and seeing patterns come more naturally now, so take advantage! In fact, you might gain an advantage in a financial or business matter, and interestingly, you can accomplish much from an unseen position. It’s a time for taking care of business, and you’ll be doing so quietly but efficiently.Libra
Taking part in something creative or a special hobby can be especially satisfying today, dear Libra, even with the Moon’s transit of your private, intimate solar eighth house. In fact, you can receive a lot of attention now, and others tend to look to you for advice. There can be an opportunity to see a problem from a new angle and sort it out. Energy is excellent for fixing issues and getting things up and running smoothly again. It can be a little too easy, however, to become worked up over inconsistencies or imbalances. Fortunately, you’re likely to see that adding a bit of strategy to the mix is powerful. Willpower is excellent, and while you often prefer to act independently these days, teaming up with someone in some manner can be very practical and possibly even invigorating. You might gain a distinct advantage, and you can be quite clever about getting others on board with your ideas and adventures.Scorpio
You are giving plenty of thought to the past, dear Scorpio, and today, transits favor making some sense of recent musings. Patterns pop out at you now, and you might even discover a missing puzzle piece to an emotional problem or dilemma. You are interested in learning about things that are truly valuable and practical, so anything that boosts your practical skills will be appealing. Fortunately, you can have great success with projects you’re passionate about. You’re gaining a better understanding of your work or long-term goals and strategizing successfully. You’re making moves more deliberately and decisively, and you can accomplish much from behind the scenes.Sagittarius
The Moon in your work and health sector today encourages you to focus on service and work, not immediate reward, dear Sagittarius. It’s a good time to catch up on odds and ends. Tidying up your life feels good! Transits today have you bringing more oomph to your projects, routines, or work. Work matters can also be dissected with relative ease. Today is also strong for building rapport with friends or associates. You see important patterns, and you might develop some attractive, well-structured plans and designs. You might straighten out a matter with a friend with success now. There could be unusual, pleasant circumstances surrounding your relationships or the connections you make. Planning for future projects can be exciting, and ideas are inventive.Capricorn
Today’s Moon stirs your need for more play, creativity, and imagination in your life, dear Capricorn. The need to connect with your inner spirit, sense of joy, and sense of fun is strong. However, you’re also in great shape for your practical affairs, long-term goals, or career. You might get the chance to clear something up in your professional dealings or with your reputation. Good energy is with you for creative approaches to a work project or your career in general. Gaining a better understanding of your work or long-term goals puts you in a strong position for strategizing, connecting, and building up a long-term plan that will serve you well.Aquarius
The Moon spends the day in your family and home sector, dear Aquarius, and the need to center yourself and address your needs for comfort and safety is strong. Still, you’re in great shape for connecting and sharing. Good energy is with you for creative problem-solving and helping people understand your point of view. It can be satisfying to clarify misunderstandings. You’re also discovering new and interesting methods for accomplishing your goals. You are able to bring more excitement or variety into your routines or work. Activities with a partner or joining with someone to accomplish something important to you can be in focus and fruitful.Pisces
The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, keeping you mentally stimulated, dear Pisces. With this transit, it’s not always easy to relax or focus, but you’re also curious and connected. You might be the one to solve a problem or mystery or uncover an important truth with today’s Sun and Mars transits–plans can be drawn, and problems can be solved. Intimate matters can also benefit from further thought or conversation. You can be motivated to hash out problems in close relationships related to confusing power dynamics, possessiveness, or ownership matters. Others admire your brilliance. You’re in the right frame of mind to make opportunities for yourself, mainly related to work and home developments.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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