Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo.
- A void Moon period begins today at 10:51 AM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 7th in the sign of Gemini, and the Last Quarter Moon will occur on the 16th.
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from October 30th, 2022, to January 12th, 2023).
- Mars Rx, Uranus Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon spends today in your creative sector, dear Aries, but it opposes Saturn this morning. It’s a day for seeking out entertainment and play, and your romantic inclinations are stronger than usual. However, it’s more challenging to come by than it is typically at this time of the lunar month early today. There can also be challenges separating pleasure and business. Ideally, you’re able to break the blocks standing in the way of enjoyment, perhaps related to your responsibilities to others or the demands of your friends or networks. Fortunately, it gets easier to let your hair down as the day advances. You’re able to satisfy both your need for comfort and variety.Taurus
With the Moon in your home and family sector all day, you seek more comfort and quiet, dear Taurus. It’s the time of the lunar month to explore your inner world and get in better touch with your needs for nurture. A Moon-Saturn opposition early today reminds you of your commitments, challenging you to find a balance between your personal and outer lives. Rest and work can both draw you in. You may not be especially popular with your opinions later today. You might aim to follow the advice, “if you can’t say something nice, say nothing” for now. Alternatively, delays or miscommunications need handling. Still, you’re not afraid to follow your instincts, and this inner confidence becomes you. Solving a mystery or puzzle might figure strongly.Gemini
There can be a small letdown as you see the reality of a situation, or there may be some tensions in interpersonal relationships, dear Gemini, mainly revolving around responsibilities and taking communications the wrong way. However, there’s a strong potential to reach a beautiful understanding with a significant other. The Moon in your communications sector all day can keep you busy and connected. Your personal interests are a strong draw, but your attention span can be short. There could be frustration with differences of opinion, or you could feel the pressure to avoid frivolous activities. Still, you’re creative with expressing yourself and taking part in activities that inspire and feed your energy can be most satisfying.Cancer
You could find that people are inconsistent with their interest or enthusiasm today, dear Cancer, and you can be quite sensitive to news. You might find that responsibilities weigh heavier on you than usual temporarily, and people in your life can seem withholding. The Moon spends the day in your resources sector, spurring a desire to make or build something substantial. You prefer to stick with comfortable settings and activities. Fortunately, it’s a good time to focus on some of the intangibles in life that inspire you. For example, there is a pleasingly open vibe to your interactions, and you can more readily incorporate some unusual elements into your routines that keep things interesting.Leo
With the Moon in your sign all day, it’s not easy to hide what you’re feeling today, dear Leo. Even if you’re not verbally expressing your emotions, you’re wearing them on your sleeve! It’s a time of the lunar month to explore feelings you may have buried or brushed aside. Still, there can be some tension or feelings of blockage in your interactions with others. You could find someone distant or serious. Still, the minor hurdles you might face can force small changes and refinements that will help you in the long run. Fortunately, you bring uniqueness to your work or responsibilities. There can be a boost to your reputation and professional appeal.Virgo
You’re a little more sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around you today, dear Virgo, but you’re also ready to insulate to regenerate yourself. It’s a time in the lunar month for tying up loose ends. You tend to stay in the background or avoid the spotlight just for now, allowing you to center yourself and connect with your innermost feelings and aspirations. A sense of being blocked or inhibited today is possible but likely to pass quickly, after which life doesn’t seem quite as serious. Responsibilities can drop into your lap or surprise you, but once handled, you’re able to quickly get back into your own world. There’s also good energy with you for feeling you’re growing and improving in the family unit or in your personal life. Aim to take a break or another form of refreshing interruption.Libra
With the Moon in your social sector all day, you’re most at home in the world of your social life or networking right now, dear Libra. You might look to friends for nurturance or to cherished dreams and goals for inspiration. This is a better day for cooperative or solo activities than competitive ones. There can be minor tensions or frustration as you could encounter delays and stresses, but nothing you can’t manage. Aim to rest your mind even if it isn’t easy to settle on a special activity. Fortunately, exploring new ideas or rounding out your knowledge can be gratifying. There is special creativity in your words and appeal in your expression.Scorpio
Today’s Moon can stir your ambitions, dear Scorpio, although distractions can interfere with accomplishing all that you set out to do. Try not to let this bother you too much. You’re harder on yourself now than you typically are. While this is fine in moderation from time to time if it motivates you to fill your responsibilities, it’s best to keep this at a healthy level. Keep your sense of humor and fun, and you’ll be far more productive. Fortunately, there can be an implicit understanding between you and a partner or special someone today that has you feeling valued and respected. A good buy or idea might also figure strongly now.Sagittarius
There can be some tension if someone wants you to be serious about a matter, but you’re not feeling it, dear Sagittarius. It’s certainly possible that the demands of your daily life interfere with your pursuit of more adventurous activities, or differences in opinion may figure strongly. You may need to do a balancing act to get things back to normal. Otherwise, you are in great shape if you work on making yourself happy regardless of what’s happening around you. You may be longing for open spaces or more room to explore. This is not the time of the lunar month for dull routines, and if you’re stuck in them anyhow, you might decide to take extra breaks or find creative ways to revitalize your day.Capricorn
You’re in an observant, reflective frame of mind today, dear Capricorn, and you can be attracted to the deeper layers of people and life in general. You might relish a little time to yourself. With Saturn’s influence, there can be some difficulties understanding and sympathizing with people around you, and you may feel similarly unappreciated, at times today. However, you’d rather observe than jump into action right now, and it’s a good thing because these feelings are transient. While you can experience some dissatisfaction with your routines, you’re quick to shuffle things up to make them more interesting.Aquarius
The Moon is in your opposing sign today, dear Aquarius, and you could find that you’re doing a lot of compromising and accommodating. There can be some difficulties coordinating your plans and getting everyone into a place of agreement, however. Fret only if you are willing to work on a strategy to change things; otherwise, you waste valuable energy. You may be able to let go of interactive problems and work on what matters to you most, which puts you in better shape today. It’s possible you discover ways to satisfy both your desire to connect and the need to stick with familiar routines. You can have quite a bit of fun doing everyday things with some creativity, which is in abundant supply.Pisces
With the Moon in your solar sixth house all day, dear Pisces, you prefer not to idle. You could sometimes feel blocked today, especially if the things you haven’t done or unsettled matters distract you from your course. Your commitments to rest or healing can get in the way. There can be some delays or miscommunications to deal with now. However, unique personal interests, news, or communications can figure strongly and move you forward. They make it easier to let go of personal agendas and minor differences in views.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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