- The Moon is in Pisces until 7:24 AM, from which time the Moon is in Aries.
- A void Moon period occurs from 4:26 AM to 7:24 AM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurred on the 25th, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will occur tomorrow.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from April 1st to 25th).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
This is a generally good time for your personal appeal, mood, and plans, dear Aries, with Venus in your sign. Today, the Moon aligns with Venus, highlighting your powers of attraction. It’s a time to feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin. You may want to pamper yourself now, and you’re pretty charming at coming forth with what you want. As the day advances, a minor challenging Venus-Jupiter aspect comes into play, and you might watch for taking things too far, particularly when it comes to spending and indulging. It might also be best not to communicate too soon about a matter. Look for new ways to get creative, but avoid overcommitting. The bits and pieces you pick up these days can lead to something quite successful, but today, it’s best to remind yourself that having more of something will not necessarily make you happier.Taurus
With the Moon’s move into your privacy sector today, dear Taurus, you can find yourself in need of some form of withdrawal, rest, decompression, or anonymity. Today’s mood inspires attention to your inner world, and you might seek a healthy escape from the usual. A Moon-Venus alignment encourages you to let your intuition lead the way. Processing and digesting your feelings and affections can be beneficial now. You might enjoy tackling a matter behind the scenes. As the day advances, watch for a tendency to buy into speculative ventures or to make promises that can eventually be difficult to keep. Dare to dream, but don’t overlook the fine print in the process!Gemini
You seek satisfaction and comfort from your social life today, dear Gemini, with the Moon’s move into your solar eleventh house where it meets Venus. You might enjoy contributing or sharing, or you get a nice boost from supporting a friend. You’re attracting goodwill your way. There is something in how you meet the world that is very appealing and draws people to you. Friends and associates hold you in high esteem today. It makes sense to be moderate with commitments or promises and to remember your limits as the day advances. While mood swings can be distracting, you’re also getting in better touch with matters of self-worth.Cancer
You can feel pleasantly ambitious today, dear Cancer, and you can make some interesting connections. Fulfilling responsibilities contributes much to your emotional satisfaction right now. The feeling that others are either cooperating or letting you do your thing helps you to be especially productive. You can attract positive attention or pleasing situations, and you might enjoy setting new goals or meeting your responsibilities. However, later today, it can be difficult focusing on priorities as much as you’d like to. Distractions aside, you can be feeling quite optimistic now, but it’s best not to take on too many commitments and avoid doing things to excess.Leo
You’re readily sensing things and following your intuition, dear Leo. People readily cooperate with you, and you might enjoy looking at the bigger picture or gaining perspective. It’s a good time to break from over-analyzing, thinking, or managing. Sharing a vision, belief, or idea can be rewarding, and your unique perspective on matters can fuel your personal appeal and magnetism. Taking a detour from the usual routine can be emotionally refreshing and rewarding. Aim to be moderate and avoid going over the top later today, however, as judgment may be off. Avoid over-committing and stretching yourself too thin. There’s uncertain energy with us temporarily, and it makes sense to wait and see.Virgo
The Moon heads into your intimacy sector today, dear Virgo, cozying up to Venus there, and enhancing your peace and comfort with your feelings. You gravitate to all that’s hidden or subtle and multi-layered. Let your imagination go later today, but consider that the finer details may need attention later. Aim to stretch your mind and entertain possibilities but commit yourself some other time. While judgment is a little off, and the tendency is to go overboard, it can be a good idea to take a break from overthinking things. In the meantime, try to tame restlessness and overblown expectations. Consider that there could be news coming in that is exaggerated.Libra
The Moon moves into your partnership sector today, dear Libra, boosting your need for balance and feedback. It meets Venus there, and you’re especially approachable and involved–your confidence radiates through others. Having company or feedback helps you get in stronger touch with your feelings and tastes. A Venus-Jupiter transit influencing later today and early tomorrow suggests you should watch out for practical details as they’re easy to miss. Avoid putting all hope in others right now, as it’s a better time to work on the self. Perhaps through a bit of discomfort or restlessness, you free yourself up to move forward.Scorpio
The Moon moves into your solar sixth house today, dear Scorpio, meeting Venus there. You need some recreation and perhaps a little pampering, but you must also get things done to feel complete. You might instead show you care about someone by helping and supporting them. Later today, a Venus-Jupiter transit comes into play and suggests you should watch out for practical details as they’re easy to miss. With work or chores, you might feel you can take on a lot, but keep in mind that energy and time may not match your optimism today. Timing may not be ideal, making it best to avoid counting on plans that appear to be a little too unrealistic, but do stretch your mind now. There can be a tendency to overstate or promise too much, even unintentionally, to keep the good mood alive. These things can bite back later, so keep things as authentic as possible.Sagittarius
Your playfulness today gets you attention, dear Sagittarius. Relationships thrive with openness and kindness. You can enjoy a spirit of cooperation as the Moon aligns with Venus. Social pleasures are in special focus. It can be a time of gentle attraction and letting people and things come to you. Diplomacy comes naturally to you, and energies are smooth. It’s best not to pin all your hopes on one thing later today, however, as exaggeration is a theme. You tend to crave more time to get creative, but work and chores also call strongly. The tendency is to do it all! Consider finding a balance between work and play rather than overdoing one or the other.Capricorn
With the Moon moving into your solar fourth house, dear Capricorn, there is a stronger focus on the familiarity of home or comfortable situations and people. As the Moon meets Venus there, it can be a good time to bring a bit of imagination to your home and family life. You’re ready to enjoy yourself! You may also want to get cozy with your feelings and needs. Later today, there may be some scattering of energies, however. It can be difficult to truly know what you want, although it is a good idea to uncover the source of any discontent you feel now. You can be on the fence about whether to play things safe or to take a personal risk. Check in with yourself to understand whether your impulses are based on real need and not just boredom!Aquarius
The Moon heads into your communications sector today, dear Aquarius, stirring your curiosity. You’re inclined to dabble rather than specialize, and with Venus there, you’ll likely enjoy it thoroughly! You’re taking a break from heavy thinking. You are more charming and creative with your words, and love can be particularly mental and verbal. While you can find various things to do or think about, it can be somewhat scattered as the day advances. It’s important to avoid overstating or exaggerating. Restlessness or overestimating your needs can lead to less-than-ideal choices. The best advice now is to avoid jumping to make commitments. Aim to keep your expectations of others to a realistic level to prevent ups and downs.Pisces
With the Moon’s move into your solar second house, dear Pisces, your money instincts are strong. You might also recognize the power of the present and living in the moment. You might especially enjoy creature comforts or practical, earthy activities. Your sense of security is taking over. Later today, however, a big part of you wants to settle in and enjoy a slower pace, but your curiosity and emotional restlessness can stir the pot. While some woolgathering can be worthwhile and a nice break, it might also be a form of procrastination when time might be better spent focusing on current practical needs. If you can tame these unproductive tendencies, you can more readily tap into the great optimism of this time.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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