- The Moon is in Pisces.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurred on the 25th, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will occur on the 8th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from April 1st to 25th).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s Venus-Pluto influence supports heartfelt pursuits, dear Aries. Emotions and thoughts drive creative efforts, and emotional self-honesty can push you along a more empowering path. There can be a comfortable intensity in your interactions with others. The changes you make with friends or associates are a step in the right direction with long-term benefits. Solid energy is with you now for dreaming, wishing, and planting seeds for the future. It’s also a good day for personal magnetism, networking, and winning favor. Venus is currently transiting your sign, boosting your appeal, and its harmony with Pluto today bumps up your influence further.Taurus
Today’s transits both support getting your bearings and making improvements or gaining new insight, dear Taurus. You’re inclined to pour energy into something you genuinely enjoy. You are more disciplined than usual, so take advantage! Support is there if you need it, possibly from an unusual or hidden source, or your own feelings emerge from deep within, guiding you. A surprise and strong attraction or interest can be brewing! You might find a good reason to put work you did in the past into use today, and it serves as a boost. You could also gain new insight into a past relationship or your feelings as Venus, your ruler, harmonizes with Pluto. It’s a strong day for cooperating or bonding with someone special.Gemini
Today’s transits can support good conversations, dear Gemini. Listening as much as you contribute is especially important now, as you can hear something that truly benefits you. It’s a good day for feeling sharp, motivated, and optimistic. A Venus-Pluto aspect endows you with unique personal appeal and magnetism. Networking and friendships can be rich sources of information, enjoyment, or even inspiration today. You can feel passionately about an idea, cause, or belief, and you might bond with others through this excitement. A sense of inner well-being today can come from making plans for the future that inspire growth and hope. Plans involving education, learning, or adventure can come together nicely. It’s a fine time to gather strength through your connections, long-term pursuits, and happiness goals.Cancer
The Moon spends the day in your spirit sector, dear Cancer, lifting your mood. Today’s Venus-Pluto transit points to obtaining the support or backing you need to advance your goals or increase personal conviction. It’s an excellent time to enhance or repair relationships, whether in your personal or professional life. You can be motivated to work through problems or do valuable research. Putting your energy into heartfelt pursuits can be most productive and satisfying. There are treasures to find when you dig a little deeper today! Today is also strong for intense but pleasant attractions. You may very well be at your best today when you’re putting energy into heartfelt pursuits.Leo
With today’s transits, it’s a beautiful time for strategies and plans for improvement, dear Leo. Strategy is essential now, as it’s not the time for extraordinarily bold or flashy moves. Show your integrity, faithfulness, and reliability as a Venus-Pluto aspect is in play. Today is strong for connecting with a special someone. You are more interested in quality than quantity in your personal life. It can be an important time for commitment and intensity in relationships and interactions. Fortunately, seeing your emotional or affectional priorities is easier than usual, and you have much to learn and share. Conversations are genuinely helpful, and a new perspective may be reached through your interactions.Virgo
You might enjoy a significant personal revelation or a memory today, dear Virgo, or even a new way of looking at an old problem. Alternatively, something previously hidden, such as an untapped resource, can reveal itself to you now, and this comes into your life as a personal gain. Pursuing heartfelt activities and building alliances are favored, with Venus and Pluto in a harmonious angle. Researching, editing, or otherwise reviewing business, health, and financial matters can be satisfying. A money boost or news of a pending monetary bonus or relief can figure strongly now. Working with others to make a positive change can also work well for you. The trick is to share.Libra
You might enjoy opportunities to advance or grow through your relationships, friendships, studies, or interests today, dear Libra. Today’s Venus-Pluto transit boosts your interactions on many different levels. Venus, your ruler, is currently transiting your opposing sign, and you’re gaining a new perspective through others. This Venus transit today can bring pleasant, rewarding contact. New insights into communications projects, partnerships, or romantic relationships can come now, which have long-term benefits. It’s a fabulous time for one-on-one interactions, negotiations, and repair and renewal if needed in a relationship. The day is particularly favorable for bringing up topics with someone you might avoid on other days.Scorpio
With today’s Moon, self-expression is natural, smooth, and open today, dear Scorpio. Others are likely to receive you well. Emotional energy today is strong but pleasant, with Venus in favorable aspect to your planetary ruler, Pluto. You’re coming across with added personal magnetism, and you’re a little more confident and persuasive than usual. Further, you’re likely to magnetize good things to you, and you can feel that you’re on track and heading in the right direction. There can also be beautiful opportunities through work, duties, or routines today. Focus now on eliminating, streamlining, and downsizing, as this will give you an organized and confident feeling.Sagittarius
It’s a good time to reach out socially or professionally, dear Sagittarius. Today’s Venus-Pluto harmony boosts your enjoyment and influence regarding communications and your special interests and projects. It can be an excellent time to make a love connection and for charm, in general. Studying, learning, connecting, and creating are in favor. Having a bit of fun with your conversations or creations can figure strongly, and they can even be a vehicle for bringing a connection to the next level. Bonding can be wonderful now. You’re also in the right place for friends and business income. You’re more confident with your talent and skills, which can bring opportunities your way. Others are admiring your intellect.Capricorn
The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, dear Capricorn, boosting your interactions. Today’s Venus-Pluto can bring new insights into your personal income and practical matters in general. It can be a fine time to make more from what you already have, and you can feel quite accomplished as a result. Energies today favor income, gifts, and money matters in particular. You’re discovering your talents, resources, or skills, and as you feel more natural about them, opportunities seem to pop up for you. You’re also well-positioned to understand your needs more fully. It’s a better time than usual for addressing problems, even those that seem especially sensitive or complex, since many of the day’s benefits come from your ability to understand and face truths.Aquarius
Today’s Venus-Pluto aspect positions you well to connect with a friend, dear Aquarius, possibly on a whole new level. Conversations are brilliant or satisfying now, and your communications come across particularly well. It’s a good time for personal impact and appeal. This transit favors acknowledging, accepting, and enjoying feelings, even the deeper ones you don’t always have the time or energy to process. It’s a time to focus on renewal, healing, and bonding in your relationships and communications for the best results. The desire to contribute something of value or specialize and learn a topic more deeply can be a major motivator.Pisces
Today’s transits can be beneficial for money matters, dear Pisces. You’re in fine shape for paying special attention to your personal resources. New insight into a venture can be motivating, or you simply feel more committed and on track with money and business or practical affairs. Certainly, a strong sense of organization can be motivating! Financial planning and handling are in favor as Venus and Pluto harmonize. You may be building alliances or making satisfying commitments. Anything that relieves stress will be appropriate today, but you’re also up for a gentle, pleasant challenge.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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