Work, health, and relationships are in big focus this month, dear Aries, and motivation levels are on the increase. From the 9th, strong energy for consulting, negotiating, and partnering is with you, particularly in connection with your work or health goals. You could be teaming up with someone to pursue health and fitness programs, or to get a particular project done, and while you’re typically very independent, this is a great time to let someone in. When it comes to work and career, this is a powerful time for renovations, redesign, and dramatic improvements. Your ambition increases pleasantly now, and you are especially resourceful in your methods. There could be some recognition for efforts that previously were taken for granted. You can be thoroughly enjoying your work or daily routines, and this shows in the finished product. When it comes to the pursuit of better health and well-being, what you may have been lacking recently is patience, but this month puts this shortsightedness behind you. Newfound or increased joy in your work can also bolster health. While you can be quite busy now, you are increasingly turning to study in order to perfect your skills or to gain knowledge. Lifestyle changes implemented now are likely to last. For some of you, you may be discovering your “calling” now and in the coming months. This is an important month for being alert and active. You are especially inventive, creative, and enterprising, particularly with your work, methods, and pet projects. If a fresh start is needed in a partnership, the New Moon on the 12th can provide it. The Full Moon on the 27th can be a call to handle out of control money matters.
Wonderful influences for both work and play are with you this month, dear Taurus. With your ruler, Venus, and Mercury in mutual reception and both direct from the 9th forward, you are in excellent shape mentally. Work benefits the most from this, but relationships improve considerably as well with open lines of communication and attentiveness. Work relationships can improve now, and work projects or health programs get off the ground. There can be surprising or exciting turns of events surrounding romance, children, entertainment, and creative projects. Small risks or innovations can be rewarding. You can be seeking, and likely finding, more meaning in your projects, hobbies, and friendships. Self-improvement efforts are strong. As you pour more of your energy and heart into romantic relationships and creative pursuits, your relationships and work take on new life. Powerful and meaningful connections might be made. Travel and romance may be connected now and in the coming months. The Full Moon on the 27th is in your sign, bringing an emotional epiphany. All month, and especially from the 9th forward, personal magnetism is through the roof. You are certainly attracting positive attention as your more playful impulses surface. This is only set to increase as the month advances, and continues into next month. Enthusiasm for hobbies, entertainment, and other forms of playful expression increases, and opportunities emerge to more thoroughly enjoy yourself. This is also a good month for learning and travel. You’re feeling increasingly freer of the need to sort out family and home matters, and confidence improves.
The month ahead brings home and family matters into strong focus, dear Gemini, as well as romantic, creative, and playful pursuits. Your ruler, Mercury, turns direct on the 9th and around the same time is in mutual reception with attracting Venus. This brings more charm, clarity, and warmth to your presentation. You are being received especially well. You have energetic Mars and expansive Jupiter in your sector of soul/home all month, and Venus entering here on the 8th. This brings many opportunities to improve relationships with family and with yourself! It’s also good for creative improvements to the physical home, not only emotional ones. Ideas for having fun and making your accommodations more livable are abundant. You’ll need to be especially active on the domestic front in order to truly benefit from these energies – Mars here becomes temperamental and disruptive if it doesn’t have something constructive to do! Generally speaking, this month and extending until June is a period very important for laying down foundations and setting up a base of operations on career or life-path levels, particularly for those of you with Gemini Ascendants. Take every opportunity to get in touch with your heart’s desire. Discoveries can be profound. Some of you could come into financial support or backing for establishing yourself in a career or home. The New Moon on the 12th can bring a nice charge of motivation for creative and entertaining pursuits or a new start in a romance. The second half of the month is certainly better for mental clarity. You now have the motivation to launch new projects. The Full Moon on the 27th brings a sudden need to tend to spiritual and restful needs. Treat yourself to some down time now.
The month ahead is powerful for motivation and energy levels, dear Cancer, particularly on mental levels, and is also strong for strengthening your resolve and self-confidence. When it comes to learning, connecting, and communicating, your taste for the new and untried is powerful, and your initiative is through the roof, particularly after the 9th and building as the month advances. A partner is in your corner, and there can be a motivating, supportive meeting of minds. You might be the go-to person for information and know-how. Some of you could meet someone special through the phone, online, at school, or possibly in your own neighborhood with Pluto in your relationship sector in favorable aspect to Jupiter, Mars, and Venus in your communications sector. There could be new or improved connections and friendships. New information coming in or a new perspective from someone close to you could transform your own perspective or motivate you to pursue a dream project. Studies and mental interests are rewarding. How you view your relationships and commitments in general can be changing, and more clarity is likely now. Grab any opportunities that emerge to improve your communication skills and mindset. Some of you could be doing a lot of work at home or even on the home. A better atmosphere for learning or working at home can happen now. There can be lovely exposure to different ideas, opportunities, and possibilities. You’ll need to be fairly active and enterprising in your communications in order to benefit the most from the positive energies with you this month and into November; otherwise, you could feel rather restless and impatient, which can lead to mistakes. For some of you, transportation opportunities can open up, making it easier to get around. The Full Moon on the 27th brings a cosmic push to reach out to friends and groups. Networking efforts can be rewarding. The last week of the month stimulates a desire to play, enjoy, share your feelings and affections, and create.
The month ahead is strong for motivation, initiative, communications, and business, dear Leo, and can be very prosperous. Focus on building, connecting, and producing. There is a lovely exchange going on between your sectors of finance and resources and of communications from the 8th forward, and with Mercury turning direct in your communications sector on the 9th, strong energy for moving projects forward, gaining momentum as the month advances. It’s a good time for both goal-setting and pursuing. You are bolder than usual when it comes to business and earnings, and especially motivated to produce and prove your worth. There could be job offers or you could be making your own job opportunities now, and possibly significant gifts or bonuses. Financial breakthroughs are possible. Your attitude towards your practical affairs and business is proactive, confident, fresh, and positive. Opportunities to attract improved conditions in work, services you render, financial picture, and health are emerging, and this trend is only set to continue for many months ahead. Successful new ventures and launches are more possible now. There is also excellent energy for healing the body and improving health, particularly through grounding activities. There could be new purchases of communications or transportation equipment that improves your daily life. You can also enjoy learning new things this month, and studies are favored. The New Moon on the 12th is good for starting fresh and taking on new interests or studies, and also for promotion, marketing, and sales. The Full Moon on the 27th calls your attention to your career, public standing, reputation, and responsibilities. Recognition for your efforts can arise now.
Your energy levels run high this month, dear Virgo, and your pioneering instincts are strong. Venus returns to your sign (it entered Virgo briefly in July before turning retrograde) just when Mercury turns direct on the 8-9. This is good news for personal appeal and attracting what you want into your life. Still, with Mars in Virgo all month, you are making things happen! This is a fabulous period for charm and attractiveness, and this trend continues into November as well. This is a time for finding your creative voice, furthering a creative project or beginning a new venture, and possibly elevating a romantic relationship, although commitment may not be a goal at the moment. You can be feeling especially empowered, putting negativity behind you, and pursuing your goals. The ways you greet the world and carry yourself are transforming in positive ways. Children may be thriving as previous obstacles are overcome. This is a strong time for picking up or renewing a satisfying hobby. Money matters and business projects are likely to move forward after the 9th, with new beginnings after the 12th possible. This is one of the better times of the year for financial prosperity. You can feel as if you’re winding up as energetic Mars and expansive Jupiter move towards alignment in your sign, exact on the 17th. Those who matter most tend to believe in you fully right now. You have the drive to make your vision a reality, and your ideas are no less than huge. Timing is excellent and your willingness to learn from others gains you even more respect. As October progresses, you can feel more and more decisive and sure of yourself. The Full Moon on the 27th can be a time for making an announcement, publishing, or promotion.
While you’re certain to be getting attention this month, with the Sun in your sign until the 23rd and Mercury in your sign all of October, dear Libra, there is some sense of holding back, and this makes it a more relaxed time than it typically is at this time of year. Mercury is still retrograde until the 9th, and you’re looking back rather than forward, after which you have the chance to act on recent revelations and changes of mind. At the same time, Venus enters your soul sector where Mars is already traveling, and will continue to stay throughout the month. This points to a possible need for a sabbatical of sorts when it comes to major decisions in general, as well as relationships. While you may not be blossoming in an obvious sense quite yet, this is an excellent month for preparing yourself for busier times to come. Personal appeal is strong now, and creative pursuits can thrive, particularly if you’re doing something behind the scenes or if you’re on the last stretch of a special project. Your perceptions heighten this month. You’re learning important things about your inner world, deepest needs, and family or loved ones. Money matters are set to improve considerably. If a relationship is distracting you from your responsibilities and schedules, try to nip that in the bud, as this is an important time for developing your style of communication and for honing your skills. The 10-13 is powerful for new beginnings with a New Moon in your sign putting personal power in your hands, and occurring around the time of a healing Jupiter-Pluto connection. Even so, you may still be better off saving the really big things for later, when Venus and Mars cross the horizon in your solar chart by mid-November. There is still much going on under the hood in October, and for the most part, the biggest changes are going on inside.
While much of October your privacy sector is emphasized and you require more time to yourself, dear Scorpio, there are important influences in your social sector that can’t be ignored. From the 8th, you have creative, attracting Venus and assertive, energetic Mars moving in this part of your chart. Jupiter’s already here and receives a beautiful aspect from your ruler, Pluto, in your communications sector. It’s a powerful time for your social life, networking, and communicating. Some of you could be building a following for your ideas or your work. This month and the next, be sure to make connections and share your ideas. Your ambition is stimulated, and you are enjoying experimenting and entertaining new ideas. You may be feeling especially confident about what you have to offer others and the community, and in your own goals and dreams. You may be taking the lead in a group or people may be looking to you for guidance. New people coming into your life could inspire you to make important changes and improvements. Sudden or unexpected changes, disruptions, and meetings can actually lead to positive new directions. Love requires more emotional space, acceptance, and tolerance. Some of you could be finding love through group associations, networking, and friends. The Sun moves into your sign on the 23rd, bringing more attention to your personality and personal concerns. A Full Moon on the 27th brings relationship needs to the forefront and buried feelings to the surface. October brings far greater clarity to your personal plans, friendships, and love relationships.
While there is continuing focus on your social life this month, dear Sagittarius, career, responsibilities, and life plan goals are in strong focus, although they do have a social element to them. Very creative dynamic energy is with you, particularly after the 9th, for manifesting your goals or for furthering your career goals. Money matters are likely improving the more energy you put in the work you do, as you’re enjoying it more than usual. This trend will be with you for many months going forward, but right now, motivation is powerful. Your ruler, Jupiter, is in excellent shape this month, connecting beautifully with Venus, goddess of love, energetic and courageous Mars, powerful and resourceful Pluto, and inventive Uranus. This is a time for really shining and getting noticed for your performance. You may have the chance to use your most natural talents and skills in practical ways. There is courage for trying new things and even for starting something from scratch through redesign or renovation. Seek out connections with people who can further your career or personal interests. Through others’ faith in you, or wisdom, you are encouraged to reach your potential. Projects or even finances might be turned around. The pace may be hectic, but you’re generally enjoying it. If there have been problems with friends, you have the chance to make serious improvements, first with Mercury’s direct motion from the 9th, and then with the power of the New Moon on the 12th, which can help to wipe the slate clean with someone you care about, if necessary. Love relationships can certainly improve this month, particularly after the 9th.
Life is really picking up pace for you this month, dear Capricorn, in a most enjoyable way. You seem to be balancing work and play well right now, with opportunities emerging on both personal and professional levels. There is good energy for applying your knowledge and skillset in practical ways and to good feedback, particularly from the 9th forward. For some of you, your ideas are reaching a larger audience and gaining recognition, or publishing, learning, and teaching are in strong focus. Combining business and travel can be rewarding for some. You might be enjoying an exciting new project or a revival of one already in progress. Personal magnetism is strong and is only set to increase. You’ll find that moving outside of your normal bounds and routines improves your opportunities. There can be great hunger for new experiences and knowledge that feed your mind and spirit. Many of you could be feeling that you bounce back much more easily from minor stresses and problems. Teaching or guiding can be in strong or stronger focus in the work you do. Opportunities for travel, friendship, learning, and love can emerge. Jupiter connects with Pluto in your sign, and this can stimulate a real sense of meaning and purpose. There may be some issues with instability on the home front to deal with three weeks in, but you’re in a good position to manage problem areas. Mercury’s forward motion on the 9th and the New Moon on the 12th both can help to boost career efforts and reputation. There can be a sense that you can start anew. The Full Moon on the 27th is strong for love relationships, romance, and creative pursuits. The lines of communication open.
This month brings improvement to learning pursuits, transportation, and general spirit or attitude towards life, dear Aquarius. For people in love relationships or looking for love, this month and the next are strong for getting closer. Connections can deepen. While you’re seeking out a little more adventure from your life this month, your private world holds a lot of appeal. In fact, there can be times when you’re utterly absorbed in quiet activities, research, and projects. The desire for more intimacy in a relationship, or in your relationships in general, is increasing, and opportunities are likely to present themselves. Support from others tends to be more and more available to you, if you are seeking it. Self-improvement efforts can be very successful this month, and in many respects, in the coming year. Some of you could enjoy support or backing for travel or educational plans. You are coming into a very good career period, and while the rewards may be more explicit later, you’re likely to feel more competent, motivated, and a little freer when it comes to doing things your way. The last half of the month tends to play more heavily in your favor, and this can be in the areas of finances, love, and friendship. Special dates for advances in financial and intimate arenas include the 15, 17,22-23, and 25. Your ruler, Uranus, connects beautifully with Jupiter by a parallel aspect, boosting motivation levels and a sense of joy and purpose. This perfects in the last week of October, when a Full Moon occurs in your home and family sector. You can feel that loved ones really have your back, and confidence increases as a result.
There is a strong focus on the agendas of others in your life this month, dear Pisces, on your close relationships, and on your relationship with yourself and self-understanding. From the 8-9, there is a nice exchange going on between your partnership and intimacy houses, not to mention the direct motion of Mercury, your partnership ruler. This can improve relationships many times over, and especially partnerships or other one-on-one connections, such as in counseling set-ups. Negotiations are well-favored. You could be meeting with especially exciting or enticing people now, and for those in a partnership, a relationship is animated, perhaps a little demanding at times, but overall contributing to a nice growth and learning process. There might also be some good publicity for you in October. Mutually beneficial connections can be made, and networking can be rewarding. Some of you could meet a partner through your work or group associations. Relationships in general can advance to a new level. Be open to new ideas and stimulation, but experiment wisely and creatively. Be sure to get a word in edgewise, even if it’s an important time to consider the input of others. A partner or special friend can inspire or motivate you to pursue a dream or to work up to your potential. The New Moon on the 12th along with Mercury’s direct motion can bring forward motion to a financial matter for some, and the Full Moon on the 27th is strong for learning and communications projects.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
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