*November 2019 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Aries:
The month ahead brings a strong focus on shared resources, debts, support, and self-empowerment, dear Aries. You’re also exploring new ideas and enjoying learning and sharing. You’re in fabulous shape for publishing, promoting, traveling, or connecting later this month when Venus aligns with Jupiter in your sector of spirit and adventure. This comes at a time when Jupiter is on the last leg of its transit of this area of your solar chart. You’re spirited and ready for something a little different.
Still, there are some slowdowns to manage. You can feel in limbo in the first three weeks of November regarding a financial matter or a connection. Waiting for an answer never feels great, but you have a lot to keep you busy as you wait. You’re returning to old problems with a different attitude, and taking care of unfinished business.
The desire to feel more independent and empowered can be strong. Activities that feed your imagination and sense of mystery or magic can be therapeutic now. You get the chance to find a better balance between material and spiritual focus. As you focus on stabilizing your work, career, or reputation, you’ll be strengthening your commitment to downtime, rest, and repose. Separating work and rest is your success story right now. This is a time for more fully tuning out work while resting, and working with few distractions when you’re pursuing your goals.
New insight into an old relationship or your own psyche can be helpful and enlightening, especially from the 8-13. It’s a strong time for looking back at an old problem in a new way. You can be very self-absorbed, but in the good sense of the word, as you’re bound to make important discoveries. Conversations about intimate or taboo matters can be helpful and unusually creative. You could be coming to conclusions, or gaining clues, to a mystery or other investigation now. The Full Moon on the 12th can inflate your emotions, particularly surrounding business or financial matters. There may be some scrambling for resources, records, and information, or there can be money (or money news) coming in.
Tensions about being dependent on someone’s support or approval can reach a head this month, and a stronger sense of freedom seems to be on offer. Essential changes that put you back into the driver’s seat are imminent. Clear out the junk now, carefully and respectfully, so that you can begin attracting enlightening, fresh, and positive experiences.
Jupiter is on the last leg of its journey through your sector of discovery, spirit, and adventure, and Venus spends the 1-25 in this sector. These influences open your mind and open doors to you for promotion, publishing, travel, and education. For some, a legal outcome leads to more freedom or an opportunity emerges to explore an adventure that you’ve only dreamt of in the past. It can be a time of romantic possibilities with someone offering you an entirely different perspective on life. Intelligence attracts! Or, you are more adventurous with your feelings and bolder with your affections. Sharing your ideas with others might lead to bigger opportunities. A fun and healthy escape may be in the offing and can be a real refresher. You might especially benefit from word of mouth or positive reviews around the 23-24 when Venus and Jupiter join forces. Some might meet a special friend through new interests, studies, or adventures.
Venus heads to the top of your solar chart on the 25th and Jupiter will soon follow in early December. It’s a fine time for your career or reputation, and you’re gearing up for a year that brings great rewards in these areas. Also in the last week of November, resolutions to problems that cropped up earlier in the month arrive.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Taurus:
November can find you mainly focused on your relationships and gaining a different perspective on your life, dear Taurus. You’re in great shape for finding balance. Harmonizing and connecting seem the most important factors for reaching your goals at this time of year. There’s a Mercury retrograde in the first three weeks of the month, and this can point to some backtracking, or you could be waiting for an answer before moving a matter forward. While you’re in limbo, you can certainly enjoy yourself, however. People in your life may be having more dramas than usual, and you’re often drawn right in!
There can be a growing focus on support, finances, and shared talents or resources as the month advances. Intimate relationships can get a big boost, or you’re invested in connecting with your deeper desires and ambitions, and it feels great to get to know yourself better. Jupiter is on the last leg of its transit through your intimacy sector, and your ruler, Venus, meets up with this benevolent planet on the 23-24, suggesting a nice boost, whether financial or emotional. You might enjoy a special relationship or passion project now–either way, you’re feeling wonderfully connected and motivated.
While new beginnings are on the horizon, some backtracking is likely now. It’s a time of going over old problems, conversations, and negotiations. With Mercury retrograde until the 20th, others may not always come through for you in the usual ways, but there can be new ways of connecting to discover. This period is more about accepting and enjoying people than making big moves.
You’re in good shape for bringing more balance to your life through special attention to both spiritual and material pursuits. You get a real sense that as you build your skills and attend to your practical affairs, you’ll connect with people or causes that inspire and encourage you. You may be learning useful skills that move you closer to your goals.
You may gain new insight into old issues, particularly around the 7-13. You’re likely to look at something (or someone) from the past in a new way. You don’t have all the facts or answers before you, but this is the start of some serious rethinking of matters. Conversations now, whether about or with a significant other, can be important ones, even if you don’t yet see their significance. The Full Moon in your sign also happens during this window. It can be a time of a big epiphany–you’re getting things out into the open, but consider that there is likely more to the story. Feelings of being confined or restricted from expressing yourself can reach a head this month. Mars moving into opposition with your sign from the 19th forward means that buried frustrations in your relationships can surface.
November is also a time for facing fears and breaking through taboos. You can experience a real sense of joy through intimacy with someone special, or experience an emotional breakthrough of your own. You or a partner may receive a financial boost. There can be a release from a private burden or a debilitating secret. Let in the positive energy now, and make room for new opportunities. Jupiter will move into harmony with your sign for about a year, starting in early December, and it can be the start of a particularly balanced period of your life. For now, you’re in a good position for sharing responsibilities and combining resources or talents. Promotional activities, counseling, and financial dealings can be successful in November.
In the last week of the month, you might hear from a friend after a long absence or pick up an old project and begin reworking it. Some of the disconnects you experienced early in the month clear up, and resolutions to problems help settle your mind.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Gemini:
November is likely to be busy and at times hectic, dear Gemini, but also quite excellent for making corrections and connections! For most of the Sun’s transit of your work and health sector in November, Mercury is retrograde in the same sector, suggesting that you are likely to do some reorganizing and perhaps redoing or waiting for answers. You can be productive while you wait, but there can be some backtracking involved. The recycling of projects and ideas can be extraordinarily successful now.
While you can sometimes find yourself swamped in the details in the first three weeks of November, good energies are with you for clarifying your broader life goals. As you let go of unhealthy expectations and pressures, you are likely to feel more balanced. You more readily find the right guidance, and you might stumble upon a helpful person or project at this time that can change your life, particularly related to career. Getting your finances and support situation sorted out can motivate and inspire your work.
Especially around the 7-13, you’re in good shape for rediscovering old project ideas and interests. You see things in a new light, mainly related to work, tasks, chores, habits, and health. During this window, a Full Moon occurs in your soul sector, bringing to light previously buried emotions or information. For some of you, a work project can culminate, a health issue can come to light, or you discover something significant about your past. If you’ve been ignoring your needs for privacy, rest, and reflection, you’ll need to make corrections now. There can be some concern about the reveal of a secret this month, but consider that getting things off your chest might move you forward. As well, getting to a good work-rest balance can be a challenge in November, but rewarding as you divide your time more equitably.
Jupiter is on the last leg of its transit of your partnership sector, and Venus is in this same area of your chart from the 1-25. There can be distinct opportunities to win others over or to enhance a relationship. This can be a good time for attracting a pleasant or helpful person into your life. You can be feeling particularly good about your relationship situation. You’re sure to benefit from virtually any one-on-one setup, whether it’s about counseling, business, or romance. You are expressing real confidence, and you have a strong desire to move forward through forgiveness and acceptance. People seem to want to help you out or be around you right now, and others seem to be quite receptive to your ideas and plans.
In the last week of the month, relationships grow in significance. You’re ready to resolve problems that were overwhelming earlier in the month–the information you need arrives or delays abate. You can also find yourself rebuilding your faith and optimism or enthusiasm regarding career, long-term plans, and responsibilities. Your reputation or professional image can improve as a result of this trust.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Cancer:
November brings opportunities to enjoy yourself and advance your goals, dear Cancer. There is a stronger focus on pleasure, recreation, hobbies, and love than usual, and perhaps some complications or backtracking related to these matters. At the same time, you’re in an excellent place to enjoy your tasks, work, chores, and health pursuits. Opportunities can come through your special attention to your obligations.
You might find ways to reconnect with those activities that nourish your spirit and encourage expressing yourself more freely. A partner or good friend may inspire you to reach new heights, learn and do new things, and generally live your life more fully. While some things remain up in the air, on a higher level, you’re feeling a little more directed and confident that you’ll find the right path.
Mercury is retrograde in your sector of creativity and joy until the 20th, turning your attention to the past. To clear the way for a fresh start, you may need to take care of some unfinished business. Projects might be on hold until you finish up some important details. Romantic relationships can be a little complicated, or you may be focusing on a past connection. Those projects or connections that have been holding you back from expressing your true, creative self may come under scrutiny. Try not to spend too much time waiting for something to happen since retrograde Mercury periods are notorious for delays and obstacles. Instead, pour your energies into what you know will bear fruit while keeping things open in the ambiguous areas of your life.
Especially around the 7-13, you’re likely to gain insight into a creative or romantic matter. You might experience an epiphany of sorts about a creative or romantic matter. The Full Moon on the 12th reminds you of your need for friends, associates, support of the community, or like-minded people. Tensions in your social or romantic life can come to a head. Discoveries made now are emotional and exciting.
You may be dealing with uncertainty or unpredictability in your social life at some points this month. You could be sending or receiving mixed signals. Strive to avoid short-sighted decision making, even if ups and downs are frustrating. Feelings and desires can emerge abruptly, but you can choose to express them calmly for better results. If something is building inside you that needs a release, finding healthy ways to communicate it can be cleansing.
Jupiter is spending its last full month in your work and health sector, and with Venus here from the 1-25, it’s an especially fun final ride. You might discover a new health program, or you could come up with excellent ideas about a work project. Good humor helps you to heal and more thoroughly enjoy the work you do. There can be opportunities to improve or enjoy your daily life and happily attend to your health and wellness. You more fully enjoy getting things done, working, helping, guiding, assisting, or being of service. You might also be feeling quite motivated to do meaningful work or to make your work more meaningful to you. You could be making connections and socializing in places you never thought to do so. Compliments or other forms of recognition for your efforts can figure strongly. Gaining cooperation to complete chores can be easier than usual now. Sparks of attraction or love might even occur while pursuing your daily routines or health goals.
Venus heads into your partnership sector on the 25th, and you’re gearing up for another fortunate–and longer-term–influence that begins early December, promising great benefits from your one-to-one connections. Also in the last week of November, you can be feeling re-energized on spiritual levels. Travel, educational, or publishing matters, plans, and decisions may begin to move forward. Recent distractions from the bigger picture start to fall to the side, and romantic or creative blocks seem to lift at this time.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Leo:
The month ahead is powerful for special attention to your personal life, dear Leo. There can be some important renovations and improvements in your home or with family relationships. There may be some backtracking over old problems and conversations, and perhaps some paperwork to manage, with Mercury retrograde until the 20th. Even if old problems re-emerge and blow up now, they’re likely to blow over later this month. Some delays may end up blessings in disguise as they give you the chance to redo and refine or reconsider things.
Even with quite introspective energy with you in November, you’re in a brilliant place for creative and romantic pursuits. Jupiter is spending its last full month in your sector of joy, and Venus joins in from the 1-25. You are looking especially good these days, and you’re feeling it, too! Your powers of attraction run high.
You might discover a good reason for letting go of a grudge or frustration in the second week of November. You’re in great shape for a positive lifestyle change, or you find yourself managing your time more efficiently. You’re in an improved position for bringing more balance in your relationships, with money, and regarding diet and habits. This is a time for having the faith that if you take care of the things under your control, matters that are up in the air will be easier to accept or will fall into place in due time.
Especially from the 7-13, ideas that emerge from your conversations and musings can be significant, prompting long-term plans. You may be trying to make sense of family matters and past patterns, and you’re set to learn much that can help inform your decisions. You might release a problem through conversation with someone you trust. Also during this window, a Full Moon occurs, pitting your personal needs against your public/professional responsibilities and exposing imbalances. If you’ve been ignoring or brushing aside your ambitions, you’ll feel the lack now. There can be a rush of emotional energy that you can harness and use for achieving something important to you. You are reminded of your responsibilities, commitments, and need for accomplishment. Seek out creative or productive ways to release pent-up frustrations. You’ll experience more tensions along these lines later this month that seem to push you to find a balance between work and family or public and personal lives when Mars opposes Uranus.
Excellent energy is with you for expanding your horizons through creative endeavors, or for enjoying special hobbies, pleasures, romance, or pastimes. You’re likely to feel especially generous with your heart, time, happiness, or money. This is a great time to inject some extra romance, affection, or fun into a relationship.
The chance to resolve problems that cropped up earlier in the month arrives in the last few days of November. You’re also rebuilding your faith in your ability to work through problem areas as Neptune ends its retrograde. You may be turning a corner regarding matters of shared assets, support, and boundaries in relationships. Venus heads into your work and health sector, increasing your enjoyment of your work and health routines, and Jupiter will soon do the same (in early December) for a more extended stay.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Virgo:
There is a strong focus on connecting, learning, transportation, communications, and daily affairs in November, dear Virgo. You’re also likely to enjoy your home and personal life more fully this month. While there can be ups and downs and delays to manage, you’ll ultimately get to see which of your projects are genuinely viable and worth your effort.
You may be seeing a person or relationship in a new way this month. While Mercury’s retrograde until the 20th can sometimes muddle communications, in a general sense, you’re generating more warmth and trust with important people in your life. It can also be a time when a significant idea or hunch sets you on a new path. Relationship goals may very well inspire you to better yourself. You’re committed to making the most of your talents, and with improved self-discipline reflecting well on you and your relationships, you feel stronger, more fulfilled, and increasingly more whole. You’re at your happiest when you’re feeling better organized and disciplined.
Ideas that come to you from the 7-13 can be particularly significant in the long term. You may see an old project or problem in a new light. An original or recycled interest or pursuit may result from this insight. There can be helpful reflections about your past or tricky topics during this window. You’ll do well for yourself by reviewing recent decisions and allowing yourself to process and digest matters.
With the Full Moon on the 12th, something comes to light that changes your perspective and focus, lifting your concerns above and beyond the routine. It can encourage you to look at the big picture or to reach higher and wider. For some of you, there could be a culmination of a project. Unmet and unspoken needs can find a platform now. Consider that your needs for variety, independence, and freedom are key, and understanding these things is better than letting them rule your decisions. Do your best to avoid big debates or arguments around this time. While sitting on anger can invite mishaps, accidents, and disputes, sounding off or rushing out angry messages can cause real damage. As such, it’s best to seek a middle ground. Make room for the possibility of real breakthroughs in your thinking this month.
Jupiter is on the last leg of its transit of your solar fourth house, and Venus transits this same area from the 1-25. These influences boost your personal life and improve your living conditions, arrangements, and relationships with loved ones. Nice opportunities can arise to bond with those closest to your heart. Opportunities for love and friendship may emerge close to home. Or, you may be bringing more love, beauty, and harmony to your domestic world. You might receive a gift–or give yourself one–that benefits the family or home. This is a time for emphasizing cooperation, trust, and faith in your relationships. You can be feeling quite generous, either materially or emotionally (or both). This can also be an excellent time to clear space around the home.
Jupiter will move into harmony with your sign and into your sector of joy early in December. It’s set to spend over a year there, boosting your romantic and creative life. This month, Venus heads into the same sector on the 25th, giving you a nice preview of this energy on a smaller scale. You’re finding new ways to enjoy yourself. Also in the last week of November, you seem to have more faith and energy for your relationships. Mercury’s direct turn on the 20th was another boost to clarity, and Mercury gets even more support from the 27-30, helping you clear up problems and find the answers you were seeking to issues raised earlier in the month.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Libra:
There is a continued focus on money, business, practical affairs, and comfort matters this month, dear Libra, and perhaps some complications on these fronts! Still, even with some delays or obstacles, it’s a fine time for making refinements and improvements. Efforts put forth now can lead to wonderful new beginnings and rewards. There are things to learn about your attachments this month. Still, there’s much to enjoy, especially on social and mental levels. Your mind is active, and your interests are exciting. Connections and communications can be delightful at times in November, even with Mercury retrograde until the 20th!
You’re often drawn to the right resources or connections you need in November, but the path is not always straightforward. Pay particular attention to your needs for more imagination, gentleness, romance, or nuance in your life for best results. Home, family, work, and health matters all benefit from a more balanced approach this month. Your routines improve as you pay attention to both your material and spiritual needs rather than prioritizing one over the other. Getting organized and disciplined can reflect wonderfully on your work and health pursuits, freeing you up for the time to imagine, dream, and innovate.
From the 7-13 especially, you’re in an excellent position to see an old problem in a new light, and significant ideas with long-term potential can emerge regarding money, business, valuables, talents, or personal possessions. You could find great value in a matter you previously wrote off or overlooked. The Full Moon on the 12th can serve to stir up feelings related to power dynamics, dependencies, or finances. Emotions or hunches you bottled up or ignored can now emerge, and it’s a time for seeking out compromises and balance. You might release an obligation or an issue that has weighed you down and prevented you from growing. It’s time to think about ways to free yourself of restrictions that are holding you back. A fresh start can only happen after clearing out resentment and other negatively-charged energy.
Jupiter is on the last leg of its transit of your communications sector, and Venus is in this same area of your solar chart this month from the 1-25, making November an excellent time to exchange ideas, learn new things, and connect with others. You might hear something of great use to you, or you might enjoy new or improved means of transportation and communication. There can be a chance to expand your knowledge or personal interests. Conversations can be fun, romantic, or heartwarming. People are receptive to your ideas and want to hear from you! Success tends to come through word of mouth or bright ideas, and promotion or publicity can be particularly favorable or prosperous, particularly from the 22-24.
Jupiter will head into your home and family sector in early December for a stay of just over a year, blessing your personal life or domestic world. This month, Venus heads into the same sector on the 25th, bringing a pleasant preview of this fortunate transit. It’s a good time to improve your relationships with loved ones and comfort levels on the home front.
The last few days of the month are strong for resolving problems that seemed to overwhelm you earlier in November. It’s also a time when blocks seem to lift regarding money matters, work, health, and daily affairs.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Scorpio:
November features your sign, dear Scorpio, and it’s a personal power period. The month favors creative endeavors, focus on personality and growth, and making considered changes. Although it may only feel like things are moving forward after the third week of November, you can come to exciting new insights. The month is strong for small but significant changes as well as financial boosts. You’re learning a lot about yourself now.
You’ve just recently experienced a New Moon in your sign towards the end of October, but just when you were gearing up, Mercury turned retrograde in your sign, asking you to pace yourself. You’ll have to look back before going forward, but this can eventually bring rewards. Patience is necessary! Take care of unfinished business so that you can begin anew with less baggage.
What you communicate has more impact than usual—people hear you loud and clear, but they don’t necessarily see the whole picture in the first few weeks. It’s a time for taking stock of recent events and for drawing on the past for ideas and insights, which can be significant in the formation of new or improved plans down the road.
The Full Moon on the 12th is a brilliant one for a new understanding of the past. It can undoubtedly bring unacknowledged feelings to the surface, and there may be a turning point in a relationship now. You might verbalize or acknowledge a situation or feeling, and it’s an emotional discovery.
Jupiter is on its last leg of its journey through your solar second house and will move on in early December. Look for ways to improve your feelings of comfort, security, and abundance. An income boost is possible now, particularly around the 23-24.
While the Sun leaves your sign on the 22nd, Mercury ends its retrograde in Scorpio on the 20th, and Mars enters your sign on the 19th. Attention to your personal needs and plans continues, making it a fine time for sorting things out and taking charge.
As well, from the 20th, you’re more decisive. Mars has just entered your sign and Mercury, already in Scorpio, turns direct. Sorting out recent problem areas comes especially naturally and is most successful in the last few days of the month.
The month is strong for relationships, self-expression, and creative pursuits. You’re communicating and connecting in inspired but also very practical, useful ways. You’re finding it easier to balance out your hard work with imaginative pursuits, and this helps round out your relationships and daily life. Loosening your grip just a little on your projects or studies can help you gain perspective, and you’re likely to find more meaning in your pursuits as a result.
Conflicts with someone may present themselves if you feel you’ve put in all the effort and others are in and out as they please or not as committed, and it can be frustrating. Try not to set unrealistic pressure or time limits on something that doesn’t need to be rushed. It’s a time for clearing the decks so that you can go forward with more confidence and less burden.
However, you can enjoy a special appreciation for recent blessings. Others acknowledge and appreciate your talents. There can be a happy feeling of abundance or a stronger drive to enjoy certain freedoms and the fruit of your labor. There can be a gift or discovery of a resource that benefits you. Towards the end of the month, you begin to feel reinvigorated on creative and romantic levels. You’re encouraged to believe in your dreams or to clear your mind of dreams that no longer serve you well so that you can make room for new ones. A creative project, cherished hobby, or romantic friendship may show signs of moving forward.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Sagittarius:
While there’s a distinct focus on your inner world and past matters in November, dear Sagittarius, you’re heading into a power period for activity and involvement. Jupiter is on the last leg of its journey through your sign, and Venus spends the 1-25 in Sagittarius, boosting the love and pleasure factors in your life.
While you are keeping to yourself in many ways, it’s not limiting your personal appeal! Others are drawn to you more than usual. You are the desired one right now. The Sun in your sign gives you more power and courage from the 22nd forward. Home life becomes more animated, and family life demands more of your time towards the end of November.
Jupiter has been transiting your sign for about a year now and is wrapping up its visit–it will move on to your resources sector in early December. Especially on the 22-24, your personality shines. People see your value. It’s a winning month for attracting others to you through your unique self-expression and vision, as well as for putting past grudges behind you.
Nevertheless, you have excellent support for your needs for privacy and emotional renewal, or quiet activities with others can be satisfying. Withdrawing just a little can be useful now, but try not to close all doors so that you can thoroughly enjoy the accepting, natural flow of energy around you.
November brings suitable energy for focusing on saving or simplifying and decluttering. Paying particular attention to both your practical and spiritual needs comes easily, helping you to find a healthy balance. It’s true that Mercury is retrograde until the 20th, and this suggests major decision-making should probably wait. Still, you’re sensible and clear on the bigger things in your life.
November is a strong time to see old problems or a past matter in a very revealing new light, and this energy is most potent from the 7-13. There can be significant insight into the past or your innermost feelings and subconscious mind. Your ability to support or advise others is considerable now.
The Full Moon on the 12th can bring a work, health, or private matter to light or to a turning point. Recently, you’ve been doing a lot of looking within, withdrawing, and possibly escaping certain duties, and now you are reminded of your obligations, both to others (work, services) and to yourself (self-care programs, for one). Pushing yourself beyond your limits can lead to a variety of health complaints, so do your best to learn what those limits are.
Jupiter’s meeting with Venus on the 23-24 can fill you with a nice sense of abundance, perhaps as if puzzle pieces are coming together. This arrives shortly after the Sun has entered your sign, and you feel more confident, seeking more involvement. You would do well to put a past grudge behind you, as this is a good time for generous moves. Until this turning point, working behind the scenes benefits you. The rest and privacy you need are yours, although there may be plenty of stimulating dramas playing out around you.
The New Moon on the 26th brings the chance to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. Neptune turns direct around the same time, and taking care of family or home-related issues comes naturally. The inner troubleshooting that you’ve been engaging in starts to pay off as you regain some sense of direction and determination.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Capricorn:
November brings a strong focus on your happiness goals, friendships, and associations, dear Capricorn. It also offers a powerful time for taking care of unfinished business, as well as for healing, relaxing, and getting in touch with your inner world.
You’re in good shape for finding inspiration, particularly in your studies, personal interests, and communications this month. You’re both practical and imaginative, celebrating both sides of your personality. Finding new meaning in what you’re learning and communicating can enrich your experience considerably now, inspiring you to take better care of yourself. Mercury is retrograde until the 20th, and it may be best to reserve judgment on some issues until you have all the information you need. Small delays and predicaments aside, November is suitable for big-picture thinking.
From the 8-13, emerging ideas can be significant. A friend from the past may reappear in your life, or you could come to a new understanding of an old friendship. The same can be true of particular pursuits or projects. You can experience a creative rush, powerfully romantic or affectionate feelings, and a compelling need to express your emotions with the Full Moon occurring on the 12th. You might feel the need to get something off your chest, as unacknowledged feelings and needs surface. This is a time to do something playful, fun, self-expressive, and creative, even with tensions experienced between what you think you should be doing and what you feel.
Your private life or the past can pleasantly come into focus. With Venus spending most of the month in your privacy sector, meeting with Jupiter there, something may surface out of the blue that brings much joy to your life. You might perform a generous act behind the scenes or anonymously. There could be a freeing of sorts from a burden or unhealthy attachment, or forgiveness and understanding help you move on and look forward to your future. A private matter can also stimulate happy feelings. More information could surface about a personal issue that will help you make better decisions about the future. Jupiter will enter your sign early December, beginning an exciting transit that’s reinvigorating and fresh, lasting over a year. Now is the time to clear the path for new beginnings.
The last few days of November are stable for clearing up problems and troubleshooting. You may be rebuilding motivation and faith in your projects, studies, and relationships. A learning, writing, or transportation issue that has been in limbo can move forward as news you were waiting for arrives or a lost item is found. Venus enters your sign on the 25th, and until December 20th, you’re in exceptionally good favor. It’s a time for feeling especially good about yourself and a period for embracing your need for more pleasure in your life.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Aquarius:
There is a continued focus on career, reputation, status, and life direction for you in November, dear Aquarius. Still, there’s a growing theme of recreation, personal enjoyment, and friendship. There can be ups and downs regarding your goals but also definite improvements or at least foreseeable ones.
You may need to return to an old project or redo and refine something that you thought was complete as Mercury retrogrades until the 20th. If something’s left hanging, aim to focus on productivity in other areas. Consider that apparent backtracking can lead to the strengthening of things that were once on shaky ground.
Jupiter is on the last leg of its transit of your friendship sector, and Venus joins in, spending the 1-25 in this social area of your solar chart. You’re likely to feel appreciated and enjoyed this month! People are drawn to your optimism and generosity of spirit. You’re in particularly good shape for networking, sharing, and promoting.
Increased faith in your talents and your value leads to positive developments in November, even if you can feel that you’re looking to the past more often than usual. Focusing on handling outstanding or unresolved issues in your life can boost your sense of security, self-worth, and money situation.
You’re in particularly good shape for reviewing recent business projects, decisions, or ideas around the 8-13. Thinking about life direction and long-term goals in new ways can be fruitful now, and can also lead to significant new insights or plans. You can be recycling or reviving old projects and ideas, and while these things haven’t yet fleshed out with all the details, you’re in great shape for working your magic on them.
The Full Moon occurring on the 12th is a fertile one, bringing on a strong need for finding a balance between your attention to your professional life and personal life. Family matters or personal needs that have been ignored or brushed aside can erupt now for special consideration. You’ve been very focused on the practical, responsible side of your life, and now you are called to take care of the emotional elements. This theme is reiterated later in November when Mars opposes Uranus. The desire to break free from restrictive circumstances is strong. Recently buried and building frustrations can surface, but if handled well, they help clear a path for you to start fresh.
There can be the opportunity to connect with a spirited, interesting person or especially enjoy spending time with others this month. Wonderful feelings can arise through enthusiastically helping others. This can be a time of social refreshment, and you might turn to others or new ideas for inspiration. Especially after week three of the month, you’re in need of some detoxing from pressured situations and goals, and you’re able to find more time for sharing, connecting, and community.
In the last week of November, your spirit and dreams are reinvigorating. You put faith in your intuition on business and financial matters. Confidence in your ability to handle your responsibilities, make the living you want, and attract the right resources to you increases now and will continue building. A money matter that was stuck or in limbo may now release and progress forward. While your relationship with your money, income, talents, and resources is an ongoing journey with several peaks and valleys, you’re headed towards one of the peaks.

Horoscope Overview for November 2019 for Pisces:
November brings special emphasis on learning, sharing, life experiences, and career or reputation, dear Pisces. You’re in particularly good shape in public or professional settings this month. There can be a significant meeting of minds with someone in authority, the achievement of a special goal, or another such boost. You can be feeling quite optimistic about your career or social standing, and others are seeing you in a positive light.
With Mercury retrograde until the 20th, there can be some backtracking and delays that allow you to refine and improve your projects. Redoing work that you thought was complete or returning to old material or conversations and problems can make you feel a little stuck at times this month, but you’re making substantial progress. Minor inconveniences aside, you’re getting to a much better place mentally. It’s a time for strengthening problem areas. The temptation may be to release a work or complete a project or study before it’s truly ready, but it’s important to exercise patience–chances are that some refinements are needed. As well, it’s better to wait for a time when people, in general, are more receptive.
Pay particular attention to new information and ideas coming to you from the 7-13, when there can be a new understanding of past matters that can eventually fuel successful new plans and beginnings. The conversations you engage in now can be inspiring and possibly quite enlightening. Unresolved emotional matters and unacknowledged feelings emerge around the Full Moon on the 12th. You can experience a strong hunger to be understood, to have your say, and to express your ideas or point of view. This can be a time for recognition of recent ideas, projects, or learning endeavors, or for the fruition of school or publishing projects. However, it’s best not to speak too soon on a matter. Observe, understand, and process for best results.
Inner discontent is possible if you want to branch out but find it difficult to get where you want to go, possibly due to disorganization in your daily life or upset schedules. If you need a push to make a change, and you’re confident it’s coming from the heart and not from pride or a whim, then this can be a time to break free. Fortunately, you’re likely to find an anchor in a friendship, group association, or cherished dream or cause. Pacing yourself is important in the first three weeks of November!
After the third week of the month, you’re in strong shape for nurturing a long-term vision and for more thoroughly enjoying yourself, your career or reputation. Connecting and cooperating with others is the key to reward and success now. There can be a boost in popularity, or you may be feeling more confident or happier about where you’re headed. Making plans and setting goals is exciting now! Business connections can be helpful. Romantic or friendly connections are particularly likely from public attention or business affairs. Jupiter is spending its final full month in your solar tenth house, and you’re feeling positive and confident about your talents and your value to others. Venus enters your social sector, further boosting your appeal, but now primarily through networking and social events.
As well, Neptune turns direct in your sign after retrograde motion since June, and you begin to feel reinvigorated on spiritual levels. You’re inclined to approach the world in a fresh, more empowered manner. There can be forward motion with projects or personal plans as well as more confidence and faith in your dreams. You might arrive at new and improved ways of presenting yourself to others. Solutions for problems that cropped up earlier in the month arrive now.
Monthly Calendar:
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