
The month ahead begins quietly and slowly builds in activity, dear Aries. There is a lot to handle behind the scenes, particularly with the Sun, Venus, and Mercury moving through your privacy sector – at least one of them active at any point in March. However, Mars, your ruler, moves into your adventure sector on the 5/6th, and you’re a little more courageous and active rather than simply hopeful and optimistic. You’re making your own happiness rather than waiting for it to come to you. It feels easier to accomplish things now. This continues to build when the Sun and then Mercury enter your sign on the 20th and 21st, and you feel the need to take the reins.
Even so, the “quiet” times are essential. A Solar Eclipse occurs on the 8th, reminding you to take care of unfinished business before moving forward. Whether it’s a relationship, a way of life, or an attitude that needs to be put behind you, it becomes very clear that you need to make an important change. For some of you, something hidden or a secret could emerge, and while this can be disconcerting at first, it’s also freeing. You’re preparing yourself to move on to bigger and better things!
On the 8-10, listen to your intuition. You’re in a good position to understand yourself, others, and the past, and in so doing, you’re setting yourself up for strong decisions later. The 14th can be temperamental. There can be a “should I stay or should I go?” problem now. Intuition and instincts clash.
Work holds both strong opportunities and challenges this month. If you’ve been overdoing things, a Jupiter-Saturn square marches in, perfecting on the 23rd, to let you know that it’s not going to happen that way. However, a Jupiter-Pluto aspect that perfects on the 16th (and will continue to influence you until June), encourages continued efforts towards redesigning, renovating, and improving the work you do, and for many, health programs. There could be some recognition for efforts that previously were taken for granted. You can be thoroughly enjoying your work or daily routines, and this shows in the finished product. Even so, there are hurdles to jump and hard work to do. With these conflicting energies, it’s important to be resourceful and to think in terms of priorities. If you haven’t been coloring inside the lines, you may need to focus on the important details now. Of course, this will benefit you in the long run.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd is the final cosmic push to sort out close relationships and matters of independence/dependence. You’ll be making important decisions about partnerships at this time. Recognition of relationship needs and feelings can come in a rush. Domestic issues can reach a head as well now. Use your powers of negotiation, talk things through, and aim to resolve problems.
The Sun and then Mercury move into your sign on the 20th and 21st, respectively. Venus will follow in the first week of April. This is a power period – a time when you feel more in control of your life, when people pay you more attention, and when you feel the confidence and motivation to make big personal and lifestyle changes. You’re seen and heard at this time. Mars working in harmony, exactly on the 24-26, can really get the juices flowing. It’s spring, and you really feel the energy of starting fresh. Creative ideas are powerful now. There can be a strong interest in being heard, producing, and publishing. Mars is nearing a retrograde that will begin on April 17th, and some of the projects you begin now could need some polishing then. Keep this in mind, but enjoy the spirit of renewal as well.

The month ahead brings opportunities to improve friendships, grow romantic affairs and creative projects, and connect with your deeper needs and desires, dear Taurus. Feelings for friends or a lover can be complicated and require some sorting.
While there is certainly activity in your social sector this month with a Solar Eclipse at least one inner planet in this sector at any given time in March, there can also be an introspective quality to you with strong influences in your private and emotional sectors. Soul-searching is essential in March. Listen to your intuition at the time of the solar eclipse on the 8th. It’s a time for breakthrough ideas that are bound to bear fruit down the road. A friendship may begin or end – the need for a fresh start becomes obvious. Certainly with Mercury in your friendship sector from the 5-21 and then Venus here from the 12th forward, you’re in a great position to network, connect, and share. People are bringing opportunities into your life, and your special charm is helping this along.
Mars moving into your intimacy sector on the 5/6 is especially significant, as it will spend quite a bit of time here with an upcoming retrograde cycle stretching things out. This is a time for focus on intimacy, shared resources, joint finances, debts owed and due, personal power, and power dynamics in a close relationship – all very weighty matters! Complications are part of the picture, particularly with Saturn in the same sector clashing with Jupiter this month. While there can be some ups and downs to deal with, the potential for a breakthrough in an intimate relationship is strong. Jupiter’s energy is strong for romantic and creative playfulness, but Mars and Saturn are in a serious, intimate zone. You can be sending out mixed signals about the depth of your feelings or commitment to others.
While your romantic or creative life can get complicated this month, there are also rich opportunities to grow and advance. There can be important turns of events surrounding romance, children, entertainment, and creative projects. You may be finding more meaning in your projects or hobbies. Powerful and meaningful connections might be made. Travel, publishing, and promotion can be rewarding. There can be especially happy times with friends on the 10th and then the 19-21. Connections made now feel spiritually rich.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd can be a final cosmic push to sort out work problems. Health or work matters can reach an important turning point. If your work or daily regimens have become too monotonous and have taken a toll on your spirits, circumstances occurring now push you to make needed changes. This comes at a time when Jupiter and Saturn are facing off and you can be trying to sort out your relationships and commitments, so this can be a time of heavy thinking. However, it’s a fabulous time to get going on a new or improved health and fitness endeavor.

There is strong focus on goals and career this month, dear Gemini, and your social life is apt to become especially busy as the month moves forward.
Relationships in general become livelier with Mars’ move into your opposing sign on the 5/6. This is assertive, active, and sometimes aggressive energy. You or a partner are/is no longer willing to simply sweep problems under the rug. Mars will end up spending quite some time in this sector due to an upcoming retrograde, and with Saturn already here, complications are likely. You’ll have plenty of time to sort them out, and the rewards are strong for when you do, but for now, you’re beginning to see what needs changing. Be aware that you can be stricter or a little more critical of partners than you have been. If you’ve been starry-eyed in the past, this can be changing. Aim to get things out into the open, but be careful that you’re not coming across too severely.
New career developments are likely with at least one inner planet stimulating your solar tenth house all month, and a Solar Eclipse occurring here on the 8th, to boot. Unexpected events trigger new directions. Bosses and parents, especially, are noticing what you’re doing, and what you haven’t done in the past. You feel a lot more accountable – it seems others are expecting you to take action. Your actions or performance are a little more public than they have been. There is powerful intuition to draw upon around the 10th. Your career or life path may not be clear at this time, but you should pay attention to cues occurring now that seem to point you in an interesting direction.
Even with all of this focus on life direction and goal-setting, your greatest source of both opportunity and challenge seems to be your attachment to home and family this month. It’s an important time for laying down foundations and setting up a base of operations. Take every opportunity to get in touch with your heart’s desire, as discoveries can be profound. Changes in your family dynamic have likely been brewing since October, and you’ll see more rewards this month. Some of you could come into financial support or backing for establishing yourself in a career or home. Others are opening up their hearts and connecting more richly with people they love. However, there can also be some pressures brewing if you’ve been overly dependent or reclusive. You’ll need to reach a better state of balance if excesses have been an issue, particularly as Jupiter squares Saturn, peaking on the 23rd, which is coincidentally also the time of a Lunar Eclipse.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd gives the final push towards sorting out your relationships with friends and lovers. These areas of life have been filled with changes for many of you, and this eclipse tends to stimulate a turning point.
While much of your energy is directed into career, family, and partnership this month, and you certainly have a lot going for you in these departments, friendships and group connections come into stronger focus from the 20th forward, and can be important outlets for releasing tension. This can also be a time for great ideas and new directions, with the 23-24, 29th, and 31st strong days for making connections.

March is a month of personal development through learning and experience, dear Cancer. You’re looking for inspiration, and likely to find it. There is quite a bit of focus on work, health, and career as well this month. In many ways, it’s a month of preparations and adjustments.
From the 6th forward, there can be more demands from your daily life and work. Mars moves into your sector of daily routines, habits, work, and health, stirring up the pot, and will spend more time than usual in this part of your solar chart in months to come due to an upcoming retrograde. Saturn is already here reminding you of your duties. Things can get complicated, but ultimately sorting out your routines will reward you greatly.
The Solar Eclipse on the 8th sends you in new directions. This can be a time when you are thinking of making big changes, such as a new course/line of study or direction. You are more inclined to follow your heart and your passions, although you’re likely to have to deal with the mound that’s already on your plate and come to some form of compromise in order to get the time to do so. Look for people, places, and ideas to stimulate and inspire you on the 10th and then the 19-21. Personal appeal is wonderful at this time. Travel, adventure, and publishing can be in focus.
Perhaps the biggest challenge of the month is sorting out an overloaded schedule. You are hungry to learn, connect, and explore, but you also have a lot to manage. A Jupiter-Pluto influence that has been with you to some degree since October returns strongly mid-month, pointing to real rewards in the areas of learning and connecting. There can be a motivating, supportive meeting of minds with a partner. You might be the go-to person for information and know-how. Some of you could meet someone special through the phone, online, at school, or possibly in your own neighborhood. You could find motivation to pursue a dream project. Transportation and communication opportunities can open up. Even so, Jupiter-Saturn and Jupiter-Uranus challenges can remind you of the limits of time and energy – you’ll need to find a balance and do some simplifying or you’ll end up feeling drained and pulled in too many directions. If you’ve taken on too many personal projects or interests, you could find that this impacts your attention to responsibilities or professional goals. Look for ways to divide your attention in a more balanced way, even if this means cutting back on certain activities. Otherwise, the activities that you enjoy most can eventually feel burdensome.
Any problems brewing in your domestic or personal life can reach a head around the Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd. This can be experienced as a cosmic push for you to make changes in order to bring your life back into balance, particularly if you’ve been putting too much of yourself into your work and responsibilities. You’ll be reorganizing your priorities now – a repeating theme in March! Some of you could make a final decision about a move or career change. The last week of March can be strong for recognition of your talents and hard work.

The month ahead puts strong emphasis on love relationships, intimacy, and money matters, dear Leo. Later in March, learning, sharing, publishing, and possibly some adventure can be part of the picture.
Mars moving into your solar fifth house on the 5/6 is supportive energetically speaking. There are less obstacles in your way as you go about your business. It feels easier and more natural to assert your desires. This is about discovering or pursuing your passions. Hobbies and creative or competitive pursuits, or a romance, can be in focus. This can also reinforce business savvy, as it stimulates better timing, improved energy, and increased courage. However, with an upcoming retrograde that begins in the middle of April, there can be some complications to deal with. Saturn is in the same sector, so that it’s a good idea to firm up some of your plans and bring more structure to your creative projects and play time. For some, a relationship may be in need of more regularity or predictability so that you can come to better balance in your life.
Even so, there is a large focus on your solar eighth house and its themes: debts owed or due, emotional and material support, intimate relationships, and power dynamics. At least one inner planet is in this house at any given time this month, and for part of it, three. As well a Solar Eclipse occurs here on the 8th, which can bring on a need to take charge of your financial or intimate affairs. A new beginning on the level of financial or emotional support is possible now. This begins a good period in which to get a handle on shared resources, to manage difficult dependencies, and to grow an intimate relationship.
Earnings and talents are in focus with Jupiter in your sector of resources, and its trine to Pluto suggests it’s a strong period for setting goals and pursuing them. A project begun last fall may be spreading its wings or could need your attention. You can be especially motivated to produce, build, accumulate, and prove your worth. There could be job offers or you could be making your own job opportunities now, and, for some, there can be significant gifts or bonuses. There is also excellent energy for healing the body and improving health. Jupiter is also challenged by Uranus and Saturn this month, however, and if you’ve been overdoing your focus on the material world, for example, you may need to look for ways to balance things out. This can mean simplifying or leaning up your projects, working harder, improving self-discipline, cutting out some of your more frivolous activities, or putting better schedules and structures into place. You may also need to find ways to balance out practical application and experimentation, as you’re excited about learning new things but this can eat a lot of your time and you also need to put food on the table.
When it comes to close relationships, the 10th and 19-21 are powerful for growing your spiritual connection. Try not to turn a blind eye to money details this month, as tempting as it is.
Communications, studies, publishing, and connecting are in stronger focus from the 20th forward. A Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd can stimulate some drama, as small issues loom large. However, what emerges now can bring you to an important turning point. It can be an especially busy time when it can be difficult to focus on the things that inspire and drive you. Your words are more powerful now, so use this energy well. For some, it can be a time for a book or web site launch or announcement, a studying opportunity, or other turning point related to transportation and/or communication. This is the last of a series of eclipses that falls along your communications axis, and you are likely to want to bring a project to fruition or make a final decision.
The 20-21 stimulates a desire for adventure and excitement, and the 23-26 awaken a strong need to express yourself creatively.

There is a strong focus on relationships this month, dear Virgo, as well as home and family and financial matters.
The Solar Eclipse on the 8th brings something to an end and paves the way for a new beginning, likely related to partnership. This can be a new way of relating and approaching one another in an existing relationship, or it might be about a new relationship altogether for some. Your needs become clearer than usual. Something happens that reinforces your needs from partnership. It’s a partner or significant person in your life who is in the spotlight now.
You are in an excellent position to make a difference in your close relationships and to attract others’ support and confidence. The 10th and the 19-21 are especially strong for connecting and attracting. Agreements can be made, cooperation comes easily, and relationships can have a magical quality to them.
While you’ll be giving others their due attention, it’s a strong month for furthering, editing, reviewing, and polishing up projects with a Jupiter-Pluto connection helping you along. This can be related to a project begun last Fall. Your personal interests and projects can be absorbing. Some of you could be moving a romantic relationship to a new level. How you carry yourself has been transforming in positive ways since October, and you’re in a position to further enhance your image. Children may be thriving as previous obstacles are overcome, or you could be deepening your connection with a child. This is a strong time for picking up or renewing a satisfying hobby.
Even so, while Jupiter is encouraging a stronger focus on personal needs and matters of personal freedom, its challenging aspects to Saturn and Uranus remind you that if you’ve been overdoing things, you may need to tone things down now. The Jupiter-Uranus quincunx in the first week of March can serve as a checkpoint if you’ve recently taken on too much, and a Jupiter-Saturn square on the 23rd serves as a strong reminder that you should be getting your home and family life in order.
Mars moves into your home and family sector, and with Saturn here and rather difficult this month, this is an important time for taking care of home repairs, family problems, and other issues that require attention in your domestic world. There will be a lot of attention to these matters in the coming months, and it will be helpful if you get a jumpstart on potential problem areas now. Be proactive.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd can pull up strong emotions surrounding self-worth and/or money matters. A financial matter that has been brewing for some time might reach a head now. If you’ve been nursing resentment about being disrespected or undervalued, this is a time when emotions push up and out with force – you may feel the need to make a stand. The last week of March is strong for taking charge of your money and especially for settling a matter. It’s also a good time for intimacy.

There is strong energy for making positive changes in the work you do and with your health routines this month, dear Libra. There can be some juggling schedules to do, but if you manage to focus on priorities, you’ll be in great shape.
The Solar Eclipse on the 8th is a powerful one and can motivate you to take care of unfinished business related to work and health matters. Decisions that you’ve let hang or otherwise put off can suddenly seem urgent to make. This can be a wonderful time for taking charge of your health, starting a new fitness or wellness program (slowly but surely is best), or for organizing your daily affairs, including your work. It’s not always easy to keep things in order these days, but you’re learning that creative touches help. When it comes to health, the mind-body connection is a big focus these days. You could stumble upon great ideas for healing around the 10th. Social or romantic invitations could arrive around the 19-21, and quite possibly through your pursuit of work and health goals.
From the 5/6, you have more energy for, and interest in, learning, pet projects, and speaking up about matters that are important to you. Mars moves into your communications sector, where it will spend more time than usual in the coming months. With Saturn already here, it’s especially important to watch for harshness or a critical tone in your communications. Your sign is known for its diplomacy, but this month, haste and possibly tension can interfere with this trait.
Jupiter’s presence in your privacy sector has been boosting your intuitive power. Your perceptions heighten this month. You’re learning important things about your inner world, deepest needs, and family or loved ones. Jupiter is challenged by Uranus and Saturn this month, however, and these influences remind you that too much time spent behind the scenes is not good for you. It’s beneficial up to a certain point, after which you might be missing out. Look for ways to better balance your life. For some of you, your increased need for solitude, time alone, or time to think, can be affecting a relationship. For others, there can be less time available to connect, learn, and share daily activities with others.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd occurs in your own sign and can help point you in the right direction toward correcting imbalances, particularly in the me-you department in relationships. If you’ve been defining yourself largely through your relationships, now is the time to draw up your own terms. This eclipse puts your emotions on your sleeve. While emotions feel raw right now, important epiphanies can occur that serve as a push to make important changes in your life. This eclipse can catapult you into a position in which you are making executive decisions; but it can also remind you of the value of sharing your troubles with others rather than keeping everything to yourself. Honor your needs and personal plans while also taking care of your relationships – your needs and the needs of a partnership are not mutually exclusive. The value of teaming up with a partner to get things done can make itself clear in the last week of the month.

The month ahead requires changes and adjustments that put your life back on track, dear Scorpio. Romantic relationships, creative projects, finances, and friendships are in strong focus.
By the 6th, Mars moves out of your sign and into your resources sector. Due to an upcoming retrograde, Mars will actually return to your sign and you get a chance to go over recently made plans. For now, you’re moving on and forward, and your desire to take charge of your finances strengthens. You can be a little tough with yourself when it comes to making money, and perhaps a little tough on others if you’re not feeling valued. You’re also quite motivated to work harder for your money.
The Solar Eclipse on the 8th may clear the path for a new start in a romance or a creative project, and possibly even a new creative field. You are making big decisions about recreation, hobbies, love, and children now. The 10th and then the 19-21 are especially strong for all of these matters. Listen to your intuition, and don’t be afraid to strut your stuff, put your work on display, share your ideas, and connect with people you want to spend time with. Personal magnetism is wonderful this month, and especially around these dates.
Jupiter’s presence in your social sector has been good for your social life in general, and since October, you’ve benefited from a Jupiter-Pluto trine, which peaks again now (in mid-March). This is a good time for building a following for your ideas or your work. You can be feeling especially confident about what you have to offer others and the community, and put more faith in your own goals and dreams. You may be taking the lead in a group or people may be looking to you for guidance. New people coming into your life could inspire you to make important changes and improvements. If you’ve been overdoing your attention to friendships and your social life, or taking on far too many projects, Jupiter’s challenging aspects to Uranus and Saturn this month will help you get back on track. Be sure that work and health matters get their due attention. Do a reality check with money and resources before putting more of these things into new projects.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd can serve as a wake-up call if you’ve been neglecting self-care. Mental and emotional health need attention. If you don’t feel up to par, it may be that you’re overextended. You’ll be faced with the need to slow down now. You might also need to bring closure to a neglected or unresolved issue in your life. By the 24-26, you’ll be in the know, and ready to share the load in order to really get things done.

March is strong for discovering better ways to manage the work-life balance, dear Sagittarius, although you could feel pulled in a number of different directions in the process. With Mars entering your sign on the 5/6, clarity comes, particularly about your desires, attractions, and personal plans. You are in take-charge mode, ready to take on a challenge, and willing to put yourself out in order to get where you want to go. This is also a strong time for attracting romantic and creative attention. Your personal presence is powerful now.
You get a nice boost to your natural confidence and spontaneity, and your relationships are energized. You may be wrestling with some inner conflicts between the need to feel secure and rooted and a strong desire to take risks at times, however. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th can bring powerful new beginnings of major new long-term projects and possibly family and home-related affairs. You should also watch for a tendency to come across rather harshly with to-the-point Mars and critical Saturn both in your sign most of March.
Your ruler, Jupiter, forms a powerful, helpful aspect with Pluto, but complicated connections with Uranus and Saturn as well. You may have the chance to use your most natural talents and skills in practical ways. You can be getting noticed for what you do best. There is courage for trying new things and even for starting something from scratch through redesign or renovation, particularly with money and in your career. You can be making connections with people who are in the position to further your goals. However, if you’ve been overdoing your focus on practical affairs, this is a time for seeing the imbalance. Take into account your need to play freely, to act on impulses, and to have some creative fun (Mars in your sign helps). If you are filling up your life too full of projects, even if they are thoroughly exciting, you’ll end up feeling too burdened or overwhelmed. You might also feel a little alienated personally if people seem to be focusing on what you can do for them rather than for who you are.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd can bring a friendship issue to a turning (or boiling) point. Look for ways to explore and share ideas with people in your life. If a friendship or group affiliation changes or ends, you might find that another door opens rather quickly.
Saturn’s change of direction on the 25th affects you rather strongly, since Saturn is in your sign. In some ways this can ease pressure that is on you personally, but on the other, there can be a feeling of lack of connection with why you are making the adjustments you are making and handling increased responsibilities that Saturn’s transit to your sign requires of you. This, by extension, can actually magnify problematic areas. The trick is to understand why Saturn is “testing” you and to go with it. You are maturing and learning that you can rely on yourself during this phase of your life.

There is powerful focus on your communications, projects, personal interests, and personal life this month, dear Capricorn. Opportunities to speak about matters that are important to you, share your ideas and knowledge, teach, guide, and connect are strong. You could be wrestling with some insecurities at times this month, but conquering them will be an empowering experience.
Mars moving into your privacy sector on the 5/6 can slow you down a little, at least long enough to reassess recent activities, desires, and goals. This is an important process, and a valuable one. If you’ve been overdoing things, this is a time for enforcing some quiet time. Pacing yourself means the world this month, particularly as your ruler, Saturn, forms a square to Jupiter, reminding you that more isn’t necessarily better. Watch that you’re not hard on yourself – be as gentle and understanding as you would if a friend needed some extra care.
The Solar Eclipse on the 8th can stimulate a decision to put an end to a particular mental pursuit or project in order to begin something new, or it could motivate you to push a project forward. Some of you could find new channels or platforms for self-expression, and these can be more imaginative, creative, and, ultimately, more fulfilling. The 10th and then the 19-21 are especially strong for sharing ideas and for your own intuition about what’s best for you. Promotional efforts can be quite successful now.
Jupiter in your adventure sector has stimulated you to think in bigger terms than you normally do. Jupiter once again forms a lovely aspect with Pluto – an aspect that first perfected in the Fall. There can be a turning point for a project begun then for some of you. Your ideas are reaching a larger audience and gaining recognition, or publishing, learning, and teaching are in strong focus. Combining business and travel can be rewarding. You’re discovering that moving outside of your normal bounds and routines improves your opportunities. There can be great hunger for new experiences and knowledge that feed your mind and spirit. Travel can be a big headline for some of you. Jupiter’s challenging aspects with Uranus and Saturn remind you of the need to simplify. If you’ve lined up too many potential projects or if you’re faced with too many choices, you could reach a point of feeling overwhelmed. You’ll need to make some time for freeform activities, leisure, and family.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd can bring a shake-up to your career or working life. There can be demands made on you that could seem a little steep. Circumstances occurring now remind you that this is a time for restoring balance between your personal and professional lives. For some of you, in the coming weeks you’ll be coming to a final decision about a move or change of career goals or focus. Saturn’s retrograde on the 25th and planets moving into your home and family sector can signal a need for more personal time and introspection.

There has been quite a bit of pressure on you to perform recently, dear Aquarius, and you’ve been entertaining big ambitions, but by the 5/6 of March, the pressure eases considerably. You’re likely to return to some of the recent plans you’ve made in a couple of months’ time, but for now, you’re ready to put more energy into personal enjoyment and your social life.
There may have been a lot of concern about finances, personal possessions, your ability to earn, what you have to offer the working world, and your talents and resources recently, and by the Solar Eclipse on the 8th, you’re ready to put a plan in place and start fresh. New beginnings on a financial or business front are likely. You’re taking a new path, and after a short period of reorientation, you feel more in control. You may not know exactly where you’re headed, but you are putting more faith in the universe and your own intuition to guide you in the right direction. The 10th and then the 19-21 are strong times for ideas on these fronts, and for some, bonuses or awards. Try not to turn a blind eye to the details of money matters, but do continue to entertain ideas that incorporate higher goals and ideals.
For some of you, connections with others or with a partner can deepen. Your private world holds a lot of appeal and opportunities to grow. There can be times when you’re utterly absorbed in quiet activities, research, and projects. The desire for more intimacy in a relationship, or in your relationships in general, is increasing, and opportunities are likely to present themselves to fulfill these needs. Support from others tends to be more and more available to you, if you are seeking it. These influences are due to Jupiter’s presence in your solar eighth house, getting support from Pluto in your privacy sector. However, Jupiter is challenged by Uranus and Saturn in March, and these aspects remind you that even good, happy things require some self-discipline and balance. In fact, they may even impinge upon your freedom and limit your opportunities with friends. The answer may be to simplify or cut back on something, even if this is not the easiest choice.
The Lunar Eclipse on the 23rd can bring a communication, learning, or transportation matter to a head, and possibly to an important turning point. You might be in the position to announce a project launch, come to a turning point in a course or educational path, or experience a sudden desire to advance your education. Transportation or communication problems can be part of the picture for some of you, but these can lead to alternatives that end up serving you very well. The last week of the month is more outgoing and other-oriented.

March is a big month for your personal image, career or life path goals, and relationships, dear Pisces. Relationship is an area of greatest challenges and opportunity this month, as Jupiter in your partnership sector connects beautifully to Pluto and is challenged by Saturn. A total Solar Eclipse in your own sign occurs on the 8th, enabling you to start fresh on a personal level, perhaps because it’s something you feel you need.
Using your personality and personal influence to advance your interests can be especially effective in March with at least one of the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in your sign at any point in the month, as well as the Solar Eclipse itself. You are getting noticed, and even small improvements to your manner and appearance can have significant impact. The Solar Eclipse on the 8th pushes you into the spotlight. It can be disorienting at first, but ultimately very rewarding. Don’t shy away from attention. Venus will give you a helping hand from the 12th forward as it moves into your sign, reminding you that you are really quite wonderful, and framing you well in others’ eyes as well.
This is a month of “who you know” benefits, and some of you could be benefiting from friends in high places or simply connections that help move goals forward. The power of connections shouldn’t be underestimated this month. It’s a strong time for advances in business goals, although there can be some costs involved, or challenges between a partner and career. People seem to be helping you out, but there is a price to pay in some way. A partner may be both a facilitator and obstructor with goals and career – it’s complicated! A relationship may be demanding at times but contributing to a growth and learning process. Mutually beneficial connections can be made, and networking can be rewarding. Some of you could meet a partner through your work or group associations. A partner or special friend can inspire or motivate you to pursue a dream or to work up to your potential.
You’re super motivated with Mars moving through your ambition sector from the 6th – around the time that Mercury moves into your sign giving you more confidence about making decisions and sharing your ideas. Even if you’ve been lackadaisical recently, these influences will inspire you to reach for a little more from life. You may be slowing down a little around the 10th, but it’s a fabulous time for personal recognition and a renewed sense of purpose.
People are especially interested in what you have to say, and in your advice and opinions. Some of you may be asked to speak on a matter in a formal way, and others will simply find that people are paying more attention. While Venus in your sign from the 12th forward increases your powers of attraction in general, the 20-21 is especially powerful for personal magnetism – you are drawing others in. Your appeal is magical at this time.
Financial activity, including pressures or concerns, can be a big theme, particularly by the third week of March, and with a Lunar Eclipse occurring in your sector of shared resources and debts on the 23rd. Something has to change! The last week of the month is particularly strong for work – you’re especially willing to put in the hours. There could be more money invested in the home and family in March.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
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