*August 2019 Monthly Horoscopes – Summaries*

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Aries:
Your powers of attraction run very high this month, dear Aries. It’s a busy or favorable time for social and cultural activities. Travel plans might seem more viable, and enthusiasm for studies and other activities that broaden your horizons increases in August. Work begins to assume larger proportions in your life this month, rising further as August progresses. Creativity runs very high now. It’s not enough for you to follow a routine – you are challenged to bring a new perspective and alternative methods to what you produce or to the services you provide. Work can be lively, and your daily grind is not entirely as predictable, but not chaotic either. Health and fitness routines can also benefit from alternative and creative or holistic approaches now.
The first half of August can find you primarily interested in enjoying more expressive, leisurely, creative, or romantic pursuits with a strong showing of planets in your sector of joy. As well, Jupiter turns direct on the 11th and awakens your optimism. There’s exceptionally forgiving, positive energy for moving forward around the 6-8. Motivation and enthusiasm build along creative or romantic lines. You feel more comfortable sharing your creative side, friendships improve, a fun project or pastime excites you, or there may be much to enjoy with a love interest or romantic partner. There can be quite a bit of excitement about sharing your ideas and interests with others.
You’re likely to find yourself in a favorable position for romance, adventure, learning, transportation, communications, and creativity. As you seek out a little more experience and freedom, you naturally expand your options to meet people and enjoy yourself. Your feelings for someone can expand and grow, and a person who’s holding a torch for you may express their appreciation. You might enjoy a new line of study or develop a current interest, and writing and learning flow exceptionally well.
The Full Moon on the 15th can bring a surprise on a social level to your life. As the month advances, the focus shifts quite dramatically to work and health endeavors as one planet after another head into your solar sixth house. Mars leads the way on the 18th, followed by Venus and the Sun on the 21st and 23rd, and then Mercury on the 29th. With the Moon heading into the same sector, a New Moon occurs on the 30th with all inner planets in this same sector! This congregation doesn’t happen often, and in your solar chart, it brings a fresh start to your daily affairs, routines, work, health pursuits, services, pets, or habits, and these themes are strong heading into September, as well.
In the last week of August, your emotions are immediate, and desire for excitement is strong. You’re also pouring this energy into your job, chores, and wellness endeavors. Channeling your passion into productive pursuits and bringing more creativity to a project can be wonderfully satisfying now. You may very well stand out for your services or the work you do. Duties, chores, or work can be more joyful and pleasurable. It can also be a time for coming together with someone and making things happen, whether as a fitness or work partner.
The New Moon is a particularly concentrated, creative, and enlightening one. Sudden changes, new directions, and intense emotions characterize this time. From the 24th and into September, surprising events and feelings can arise, particularly in the areas of work, daily routines, and health. Sudden events or opportunities push you into a new direction in your work or with health and wellbeing endeavors. These things can tie in with changes related to money or personal possessions. As your attitude towards your money and things changes, your routines or work can take new shape as well, and vice versa. You feel a little lighter or freer as the result of a burden that leaves you. You can come up with bright ideas on the job or with money. Letting go of fear can open up creativity and improve your health.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Taurus:
Family relations and domestic matters are in focus and run smoothly in August, dear Taurus. You have the chance to repair troubled relationships, and you may very well grow closer to someone. Financial support for home improvement endeavors can be in the offing this month. Bringing more harmony and calm to your home life is a strong focus. Virtually every other area of your life will benefit in some way if you are at peace on the home front, and this seems to be your priority.
You can feel quite a bit of enthusiasm building, primarily along emotional lines. A feeling of support, whether you gain backing or enjoy helping others, is uplifting. Personal matters, intimate relationships, and family or household matters are in particularly good form in the first half of August. This is most notable as you come up with workable solutions to problems or reach out to connect and bond with people you care about. You can feel eager to put an obstacle behind you. It’s a time for asking yourself what you can improve to make your life better all around.
You may feel inspired by your deeper connections with a person or project, private matters, family connections, and realizations or discoveries about psychological issues. Breaking through walls or taboos, practicing forgiveness, and releasing or sharing a burden can figure strongly.
With Jupiter’s direct turn on the 11th, you’ll gradually see improvements or forward motion with your intimate life or finances. You feel more confident about dealing with tricky emotions and complicated problems. Personal charisma increases. Leaving a bad habit behind feels right. The Full Moon on the 15th occurs at the top of your solar chart, reminding you of the need to pay special attention to your work or reputation. A responsibility or a call to action is likely now. While you could feel some pressure to perform, don’t push yourself too hard.
Romance and pleasure-seeking are in sharp focus as the month progresses. Desires come on quickly and with great force in August and September. As Mars, Venus, the Sun, and Mercury all head into your joy sector, a shift of focus to more creative, friendly, and pleasure-seeking activities occurs. Surprises are in store, and they’re pointing you in new directions! Unusual turns of events surrounding creative projects, romance, friends, and children are possible. Choose to grab invitations to go out and have some fun but try to keep one foot on the ground, particularly when it comes to money.
You are on fire in the personal appeal department in the last week of August, and there can be more than one admirer to juggle. You might bring great pleasure to someone’s life or choose to chase a pleasure yourself. You are exceptionally aware of–and awake to–the world around you. Your courage builds, especially when it comes to sharing yourself with others, and creative enthusiasm is with you. You are heading into a very dynamic period for personal relationships and self-expression! Forward-looking, creative energy is with you, or events and situations make you feel vital. You’re unlikely to encounter much resistance to going after what you want, on your terms! The urge to make a splash or to take a risk is strong. You approach others in new ways as you have your eye on making progress and improvements. Pastimes, pleasures, and people that break the mold are more attractive to you than usual.
After the fabulous New Moon on the 30th, you may revive or begin rewarding hobbies, enjoy healthier relationships with children, and possibly fall in love or enjoy new channels for expressing and enjoying yourself to the full. The 23-24 is especially strong for romance, but the brand new beginnings tend to come after the New Moon on the 30th and into September. It’s all about finding and following your joy, and this abundant energy follows you next month, too.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Gemini:
You are expressing yourself with more charm, and you are less hurried both in speech and movement as you begin the month, dear Gemini. You have the opportunity to smooth over troubled areas with siblings, acquaintances, and even neighbors if necessary. The lines of communication open with others. Increasingly, your home and family life come into sharp focus this month, and they’re set to improve and grow even further in September. Home improvement endeavors are favorable after the 30th, but in the week before the New Moon on that date, you have plenty of chances to get these things started.
You are building up your confidence in or enthusiasm for a project, a course of study, idea, or pursuit in the first half of August. With others around you responding well, you feel even more motivated. It’s a great time for opening up a dialogue with a significant other or for focusing on making plans or solving problems in a partnering-up or counseling scenario. You may meet someone new or more fully enjoy a person who is already in your life. Connecting with and building faith in a relationship can be in focus and rewarding. Partnering or pairing is favored, or you might discover new and more satisfying ways to express yourself. You’re excited about expanding and growing a project, personal writings, or a connection. You can meet someone special while running an errand, in the neighborhood, through the phone, or at a class.
Jupiter’s direct turn in your partnership sector on the 11th is a breath of fresh air, putting you in a better position to see the benefits of partnering going forward. Or, there could be more helpful, happy, or pleasing people coming (or coming back) into your life. Even with increased family focus as the month advances, your social life is set to grow, too. Moods lift. You can find much joy in feeling part of a partnership or close friendship.
The Full Moon on the 15th is a call to expand your interests and experiences, particularly if you’ve been too focused on your personal life. The power of your words is strong much of the month, and some of you will be quite prolific when it comes to writing or speaking. This lunation can bring surprising news from a relative or from afar. You may also be dealing with unexpected transportation issues, whether local or long distance.
As the month progresses, making memories with family and getting some much-needed rest climb to the top of your priority list. Domestic life is likely to be animated at times, but mostly in a pleasurable way. The shift in focus begins with Mars moving into your sector of home and family on the 18th. Next, Venus and the Sun move into this area of your solar chart on the 21st and 23rd, respectively, and then Mercury follows on the 29th. A New Moon happens on the 30th, capturing all of this concentrated energy and prompting a fresh start. Themes related to your personal life and domestic world are strong, and they follow you into September.
The last week of the month can stir strong desires and feelings, as well as a craving for more emotional interaction or a deeper connection with someone. If these energies are channeled well, you can come up with truly exciting and creative ways to improve your home or to enjoy family. This is a period for making discoveries, particularly on the feeling level or concerning relationships. Candidly talking about intimate or personal matters and clearing the air can be rewarding. Surprises may be in store with your feelings and affections.
You might also feel especially excited to move past a previous restriction. There may be emotional breakthroughs or otherwise radiant energy that opens you up, as well as creative problem-solving in your domestic life or inner world. Getting rid of clutter in your home can be especially helpful for improving your outlook, as you can feel lighter and freer as a result. This can also play out on another level as you let go of emotional “clutter” to free space in your heart and soul for new opportunities.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Cancer:
You’ll find a great need to settle in and enjoy yourself in August, dear Cancer, but as the month advances, your curiosity increases. This can be a slightly indulgent month as your interest in comfort is active, and you want to enjoy what you have. Fortunately, you are more able to attract the things you want and need right now. You might make some very sound investments, particularly on items that improve your health or working environment, especially around the 6-8. Financially, you seem to be in a good position to move forward with the plans you do make. You’re more focused on your needs now, and this is a necessary and useful process when done in moderation. You’re getting your bearings!
In the first half of the month, you’re especially interested in focusing on the positive things you already have in place in your life. Even so, your interest in work and self-care programs that inspire and motivate you is strong and rising. Money, business, work, and health matters are favorable. You’re ready to make the most of a situation, or you’re willing to take slow and steady steps to improve your life. You have no interest in pushing things, and this attitude works well for you! Pacing yourself makes sense.
A winning attitude attracts favorable circumstances, mainly related to work and business, and the chance to make your daily life or chores better, and even joyful can emerge. You may see what was blocking you in the past as you slow down, savor, and observe. At the same time, motivation for work and health programs increases. The next several months are excellent for benefits from work, services, and health. For now, you’re easing forward, and it feels comfortable.
The Full Moon on the 15th can bring a reminder of overspending for some, but it can also be a time when you have cause to celebrate. As the month advances, it’s an active time for changing mental interests, the entertaining original concepts, imagination, and networking, and this energy will continue into September. While at times you might be a little too quick to communicate or to present your ideas before they’re truly ready, you are brimming with beautiful ideas and discovering all-new interests that inspire and motivate you. You are especially passionate about your ideas, and you enjoy sharing them with others. Speaking, writing, and learning are in sharp focus.
The last half of the month is a solid period for your relationships, and in particular with friends and siblings. You’re likely to strengthen your connections through shows of support and positive actions. Influences now boost your personal appeal in your communications, and they serve to excite your passions towards a particular project or learning endeavor. Conversations can be stimulating. You may be especially motivated to get a project started or to put finishing touches on a venture already in progress. This is also an excellent time to make a romantic connection.
New interests and possibly love opportunities can be part of the picture in the last week of the month. Some of you could meet someone special through the phone, online, at school, or possibly in your neighborhood. You’re especially open to new ideas, topics, and friendships. Mental stimulation and variety are what you seek. There may be a surprising new crush, craving, or interest, and unusual or unconventional advice may be part of all of this. You may be pushing boundaries just a little in your conversations and interactions, and this can lead to exciting discoveries. People are particularly enamored by your unusual ideas and progressive outlook. Opportunities can come from or through friends, groups, meetings, and communications. Exploring different ways of relating and communicating can be satisfying. Efforts to learn or develop skills are favored. Breakthrough thinking or sudden, positive discoveries can happen, and freeing yourself from a burdensome commitment or chore may figure strongly.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Leo:
The month ahead brings solid energy for reinventing yourself, dear Leo. Your powers of attraction run very high with Venus in your sign until the 21st, and especially on the 6-8 when Venus in Leo harmonizes with Jupiter. Another headline for August is Jupiter’s direct turn in your romance and creativity sector on the 11th, giving the green light for romance, arts, and entertainment. It ushers in hope and feelings of optimism, particularly about a creative project or a romantic relationship. Your spirit to enjoy life is building. You certainly possess extra charm this month. It’s a good time for updating your personal presentation, as well as envisioning what you’d like to make of the year ahead.
People enjoy your company and seek you out in August. It’s an excellent time for building bridges or enhancing current relationships. You feel freer to express yourself, and you’re focusing on renewal and creative refreshment. It can be a time for resolving a business or money problem or an issue of respect or ownership in a relationship.
Attention frequently turns to your gracious and attractive qualities in the first two weeks of August. Since people see you in a most favorable light right now, it’s an excellent time for doing interviews or presentations and for winning someone’s trust or favor. Opportunities for cooperation and shared happiness emerge, and creative or romantic matters can thrive. Discovering a new passion, interest, hobby, or love may be in focus now.
Others seem to be in your corner, and an important meeting of minds can occur. Your powers of attraction skyrocket and outstanding creative opportunities arise. You could be the go-to person for information and know-how.
August shapes up to be a slightly indulgent month. Your desire for comfort or luxury items increases as the month advances. You are looking at your money and possessions in a whole new way, and you might come up with creative ideas on how to earn more or use what you already have. You’re seeking more independence with money, and those in committed partnerships should be direct and upfront about this.
The need to act upon your desires feels urgent, particularly around the 23-24. Dynamic energy occurs in your sector of income, possessions, and natural talents, and it can be an active time for creative, enterprising ideas. This might also bring in money or gifts to you, or simply stir a stronger desire to make or spend money. It can be a good period for earning some praise or admiration for your creative talents.
Later in August is keen for inspired money-making ideas. While you may want to wait before launching your more substantial business or financial plans until after the 30th, pay special attention to the ideas coming to you. Your initiative is stronger than usual, and your taste for the new and untested is powerful. You dare to try something new or approach your life in a new and unique way. There can be a breakthrough, whether in method or attitude, relative to your career, responsibilities, long-term plans, or reputation. It’s a time for expressing your originality or being recognized for your innovation. There can be unique insights and intuition into business and work methods. You tend to thrive most when given space and flexibility so that you can work your magic!

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Virgo:
The first few weeks of August favor personal introspection and alone time, dear Virgo. You may often find yourself acting independently instead of going along with the flow and blending in. Find opportunities to recharge. This is an ideal time for seeing things that you’ve missed, for reflecting on the past year, and for envisioning how you’d like to proceed in the future. Communicate, but avoid publicizing ideas until you are entirely clear about them.
The last part of August brings the Sun into your sign and the start of a personal power period every year. This year, however, is an especially potent time for Virgos as cosmic bodies enter your sign and pile up there. Mars enters Virgo on the 18th, Venus on the 21st, the Sun on the 23rd, and then Mercury on the 29th! On the 30th, with such a strong showing of planets in your sign, a New Moon occurs in Virgo, meaning the Moon is in your sign, too. It’s quite spectacular!
What does this all mean? You’re in a strong position to start fresh in many different areas of your life. People are noticing you more than usual. The ball seems to be in your court in most ways. If you need to reinvent yourself or bring a new presentation of yourself to the world, now is the time to do so.
Until then, you have a lot of energy in your privacy sector–more so than usual at this time of year. Fortunately, there is also powerful releasing, forgiving, happy, and cooperative energy. Healing power is with you for your emotional world, personal life, and home and family matters. You find it easier to focus on the big picture and put aside differences and problems. You are making peace with the past, perhaps closing out a tense period or putting a big issue behind you. You may need a retreat or comforting and familiar surroundings more than anything right now.
Family and domestic affairs improve considerably as Jupiter connects well with other bodies this month and turns direct on the 11th. The Full Moon on the 15th requires a bit of a scramble to meet deadlines or deal with work or health matters.
As August progresses, it can be as if you are emerging from a waking sleep with planets, one by one, leaving your privacy sector and moving into your sign. From the 18th forward, your energy levels run high (sometimes too high), and your pioneering instincts are strong. By the 21-23, the Sun and Venus are in your sign, and others are taking note. This is a fabulous period for charm and attractiveness. The last week of the month brings more energy for personal plans and a resurgence of vitality. Everyone seems to want you at this time, and this extends into September!
With a Venus-Mars alignment in your sign on the 23-24, your magnetism and appetite for pleasure heat up. You’re especially motivated to go after what you want. Look for inspiration if it doesn’t find you first, and enjoy the attention. This transit can be a sign that money is coming your way or a settlement is on its way.
The New Moon on the 30th launches a period of increased personal power and charisma. Earlier, I mentioned that it’s an extra special one. This lunation gives you the green light to begin moving personal projects ahead, but always take a few days after a New Moon to get things sorted. You are bolder than usual and motivated to pursue what you want and to prove your value. There may be job offers and opportunities, and some of you could be receiving significant gifts or bonuses. Timing is right, and instincts are sharp. You are looking to improve, pioneer, and go where you, and perhaps others, have never gone before.
This is a time for improvising and enjoying yourself as you do. Loosen up, let things flow along, and embrace new experiences and small changes for best use of this energy.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Libra:
August is strong for your social life, dear Libra, as well as for tackling long-standing problems. Connections with friends and colleagues are in focus, and there is a possibility of finding romance through group connections. Towards the end of the month, you can experience unusual cravings and feelings, and possibly interesting twists. With Mars in your solar twelfth house from the 18th forward, you can feel compelled to do something about a situation that has been very much like a burden. It’s a time to review the past, as well as the sacrifices you are making in the present.
In the first half of August, you’re inclined to pull out of yourself to connect, chat, mingle, or network, and these things can bring you opportunities. You’re more willing than usual to see the positive of any given situation. Your communications are focused, confident, and possibly inspiring. Good news, contacts, and conversations can lift your spirits. Feeling unusually hopeful about a goal or idea can boost your mood. You are in a fantastic position to brainstorm, team up, collaborate, and share ideas and plans, perhaps making them better or simply enjoying the process. Your generosity and openness attract positive attention.
There can be a renewed interest in spirituality this month and next with an unusual amount of cosmic activity surrounding your soul and privacy sector as August progresses. Especially from the 11th forward, learning, communication, and transportation are highly favored. The motivation to pursue personal interests increases and this will get even better in the next several months. You may return to old or abandoned dreams, studies, and plans with new excitement.
The 15th can bring a romantic revelation with a Full Moon in your sector of joy. Your personal life and projects deserve some attention. Feelings are full and rich, and hard to ignore!
As the month advances, you’ll recognize that there are some loose ends to tie up. Endeavors in private or behind the scenes tend to figure strongly and thrive. An unusual amount of activity in your sector of endings, replenishment, healing, and processing occurs. First, Mars heads into this area of your chart on the 18th, Venus on the 21st, the Sun on the 23rd, and Mercury on the 29th, followed by a New Moon on the 30th. It’s a powerful prompt to pay more attention to your needs for rest, healing, and recuperation.
You are beginning a period best used for emotional renewal and laying low. Your ruler, Venus, aligns with energetic Mars in your privacy sector on the 23-24, too, and this brings animation to your private life, whether this takes the form of potent daydreams and intuition, or a private, exciting connection. There can be drama in your love life and excitement about bringing something to a new level or breaking new ground. This is also an intense time for personal appeal, even if it’s of the mysterious variety.
August is a month for making improvements on emotional levels or with personal, private matters. Pay special attention to dreams and daydreams, as you may very well come up with a solution to a long-standing problem through your intuition. You are not particularly satisfied with ordinary activities, and you’re inclined to look for something inspiring to keep your interest. It’s an excellent time for discovering new feelings, desires, and needs. For some of you, there may be a release from an old obligation that makes you feel a little lighter and happier. You may very well break out of an emotional rut or pattern. A special relationship or project can motivate you to do so.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Scorpio:
The month ahead can be a particularly focused one, dear Scorpio. There is a distinct move from a business or life-path frame of mind to a social focus as August advances. You’re inclined to keep up appearances with the rest of the world with a high concentration of energy in your solar sector of career, goals, responsibilities, and reputation. It’s a time of year for extra attention to your objectives and the rules! Friendships and group connections are lively later this month. Unusual turns of events can occur that keep life exciting. It’s especially important to be flexible and open-minded now, as you have much to learn from and through others, even impersonal connections made in later August.
You are in a beautiful position to connect with someone who can advance your goals in August. You are exuding charm and grace, particularly around the 6-8. A project, business, or financial matter can excite and motivate you. Hurdles seem smaller or less significant as a result. The key to success seems more about building what you have than taking on new enterprises. You are extraordinarily resourceful, and there can be some good favor, referrals, or other forms of reward, recognition, and help with parents, bosses, people in authority, or associates.
You may very well be building your confidence in your natural talents, and others are picking up on this. You want to enjoy what you have, perhaps indulge a little, and get comfortable, but it’s also an excellent time for growing a business, bank account, or idea. Splurging is fun but reinvesting in something you care about can be exciting as well. Taking the high road and generosity bring rewards now, particularly in business or with your career.
Money matters improve considerably in August, and they are set to take off further in the months ahead as Jupiter turns direct in your resources sector on the 11th. Alternatively, this transit can be about your assets, including your talents. You might purchase or receive something that you’ve always wanted, or you’re especially fond of taking care of or improving prized personal possessions.
August and September can bring opportunities to clinch a deal and cement a bond, or there can be a favorable legal outcome. The Full Moon on the 15th can prompt more attention paid to your personal life, family, or needs for quiet, safety, and familiarity. Be sure to recharge so that you can give other areas of life your “all.”
Your sector of happiness goals, dreams, hopes, friends, community, and groups becomes exceptionally active as the month advances. Mars moves into this sector on the 18th, followed by Venus on the 21st, the Sun on the 23rd, and Mercury on the 29th. A New Moon occurs there on the 30th! The emphasis is on pleasure, love, and attraction with Venus and Mars joining forces in this area of your chart. You can also come up with some very creative ideas for future projects. Meeting someone special is certainly possible now.
The New Moon on the 30th brings new energy to friendships and long-term goals. This is a time for feeling personally hopeful, emotionally satisfied, and socially popular. Friendships might be formed, renewed, or revitalized. It’s a time for doing something that frees your spirit. Teamwork or group and networking activities can lead to exciting opportunities, including a new friendship or even partnership. It’s a perfect time for connecting with people who inspire you or who you inspire. In fact, there can be a mutual fan club situation happening now. Love and friendship can bring pleasant surprises.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Sagittarius:
You are approaching a very busy and robust period for career and reputation, beginning this month and extending into the next, dear Sagittarius. Unusual turns of events can take place. Creativity soars. Aim to prepare as much as you can by brushing up on skills and gaining practical experience. Don’t forget your social life, as you have a lot to learn from others right now. You can meet people who inspire you or introduce you to new ideas and perspectives this month. Attend special events and accept invitations to break up your routine a little.
You are likely to feel especially enthusiastic this month with Jupiter, your planetary ruler, turning direct in your sign on the 11th. As it begins its slow but sure direct motion, your confidence and faith build. You become more precise about what you want, and by extension, the signals you give off to others are clearer. You are getting ready to grab opportunities and go after exactly what you want. You are received exceptionally well from the 6-8 when you might also have the chance to broaden your horizons. You’re especially effective and active this month, and more often than not, you gain the approval and support of others.
There is wonderful energy for discovery and self-expression in the first half of August. You are looking at the world around you, yourself, and situations with building confidence and positivity. People see you in a particularly favorable light, and you may feel inspired by a particular topic, piece of news, or promising opportunity. People want to be around you and catch some of the good vibes. You are inclined to be a little philosophical, and sharing ideas and experiences with others can be fulfilling. Benefits come from reaching out and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Your ability to take things as they come is attractive, and your positive attitude tends to attract attention.
The Full Moon on the 15th can bring deadlines, errands, and paperwork to your attention. If you’ve been avoiding your daily affairs, it’s a time for bringing back more balance to your life. Mars climbs to the top of your solar chart on the 18th, Venus and the Sun follow suit on the 21st and 23rd, and then Mercury brings up the rear on the 29th. It’s a spectacular show in your career and reputation sector, and you’re making a splash!
Venus and Mars align in your career and public sector on the 23-24, bringing some excitement to these areas. Your relationships or personal magnetism can be on display in some way, and creativity on business or promotional levels is in focus. You might bring strong people skills or unique creativity to the table. You are dynamic and engaged, although possibly a little impulsive now.
The New Moon on the 30th brings fresh energy for career and reputation matters. It’s also a time when inspiration comes suddenly, and you could pick up new, and possibly radically different, interests or goals at this time. The whole week seems to inspire innovation, particularly in your work or daily affairs. You want to make progress! In fact, you’re in an excellent position to see where you can move forward with less baggage. You want inspiration and stimulation now, and if you find either, your work can be extraordinarily inventive. This dynamic energy follows you into September.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Capricorn:
You are moving toward a highly expressive, adventurous period of the year, dear Capricorn, but the beginning weeks of August tend to be more introspective. While from the outside looking in you appear to be ready for action, a lot is going on inside. Feelings are more intense than usual, but not uncomfortably so. You are more willing than usual to explore your deeper feelings.
By the last week of the month, your love life is more straightforward, and you express your feelings unreservedly. Travel, higher education, cultural events, and other experiences that broaden your horizons are in high focus by month’s end. These themes will continue to make headlines in your life in September.
In the first half of August, you’re likely to feel particularly confident along emotional lines with your private feelings and needs or with close relationships. You can resolve emotional predicaments, or, if not fix, find peace with your problems. You might decide to share a burden or secret with a trusted person or find some other form of satisfying release for issues that have been weighing you down. Your tendency is to see the hidden layers or elements of a situation to your advantage since you know how to work out a problem from the inside out. A spirit of openness, even if it’s only with yourself through self-honesty, can be useful now, leading to breakthrough insights. Choosing to put your faith or trust in someone can feel good. Indeed, letting go of the negative energy of mistrust can be therapeutic.
The Full Moon on the 15th brings your attention to a money matter or your resources. It’s a time for recognizing your needs, and with more clarity about your feelings, you’ll have a better idea of your next step. There may be a financial breakthrough, or simply a quick purchase, but whatever does occur, it seems out of the blue and unexpected. Opportunities to advance business and financial goals can arise now. You might also be asserting your independence in surprising ways.
Mars moves into harmony with your sign and into your spirit sector on the 18th. Amazingly, Venus and the Sun follow suit on the 21st and 23rd, respectively, and Mercury on the 29th. By the 30th, the Moon is there, too, and a New Moon forms with all personal planets in this one area of your solar chart. This congregation can certainly emphasize adventure, non-routine and spirit-lifting activities, travel, learning, or sharing ideas in your life.
Energies in the second half of the month, and especially the last week of August, stimulate your desire for exciting connections, encourage a passion for a new idea, subject, course of study, or travel destination, and bring you into strong touch with personal desires. It’s an active time for romantic expression as well, although you may need to watch for impulsiveness, and it favors competitions and athletics. You’re ready to share your enthusiasm with others. You’re more experimental, spontaneous, and adventurous than usual.
While it’s a friendly time, you seem to do your best when listening to your own signals and instincts. Your tastes are unusual and perhaps only temporary, but you might stumble upon a fabulous find as you entertain new ideas and feelings. It’s quite natural to let go of recent frustrations and pressures, and to move forward. Others appreciate your vigor and warmth, and this vibrant energy follows you into September since it’s captured quite beautifully in the August 30th New Moon.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Aquarius:
Close relationships are in strong focus this month and next, dear Aquarius. You have energies on your side for improving your connections with others and your relationship with yourself in August. Friendships are encouraging and motivating, as are group associations, where you are especially influential and charming. The people and networks in your life are more peaceful and happy this month, or positive and friendly people are coming into your life now.
Relationships can become very exciting, exotic, dramatic, and intimate towards the end of the month, or your focus on a particular endeavor strengthens, and you’re especially motivated and determined. A congregation of planets in your sector of intimacy and shared resources suggests intensity and concentration of energy.
The first half of August is rather light and friendly, however. You might enjoy a stronger understanding or a positive focus for your attention that helps lift your spirits, especially around the 6-8. Partnering or teaming up with someone can be particularly beneficial, and a relationship can improve tremendously by focusing on long-term happiness goals. You’re determined to grow and develop, particularly in a relationship, with money matters, and family or home affairs. With this mental commitment, you may very well release a burden. Others are putting their faith in you, and this, in turn, motivates you to step up your game even further! Group activities and associations could be avenues for fulfilling your goals.
Jupiter’s direct motion on the 11th contributes to hopefulness about your friendships as well as long-term plans. Essentially, this shift is bringing your social life to life, and this energy picks up in the months ahead. Connecting brings joy.
Mid-month brings an emotional Full Moon in your sign, and feelings bubble up to the surface with great force, at the same time as a big commotion in your partnership sector. You’re likely to have epiphanies about your needs now. This lunation can bring an epiphany or culmination of sorts. The month’s focus changes as planets begin moving into your solar eighth house. Mars moves into this area of your chart on the 18th, Venus and the Sun on the 21st and 23rd, and Mercury on the 29th. On the 30th, a New Moon occurs there, when all personal planets are in this same sector! Gradually, August’s energies strengthen for attention to a passion project or an intimate relationship. It’s also an intense time for strategy and research–something you can pour yourself into wholeheartedly. Finances deserve special attention, mainly shared money and property as well as loans and support.
The last week of the month is powerful for emotions and desires. There could be a sudden emergence of a buried desire. You’re likely to have some breakthroughs in your personal life. It’s a time for being brave and honest with yourself, and perhaps some excitement and courage with a special person. If you’ve felt as if you’re in a rut emotionally, perhaps stuck on something from your past, this is a time for pulling out of it or for taking steps towards that end. There can be a freeing feeling now, or excitement about exploring a new and progressive idea or topic.
Pleasant changes on the home front, or a sudden desire to change up your immediate environment, come from the need for a refreshing change of pace. You can find unusual feelings, interests, and sensations particularly attractive, or you might thoroughly enjoy solving a mystery or problem. There can be a surprising or sudden show of support, emotional or financial. An intimate connection may occur seemingly out of the blue, or there can be an unanticipated financial matter to manage.

Horoscope Overview for August 2019 for Pisces:
While work and health goals are in strong focus this month, dear Pisces, increasingly you are turning your attention to your social life or partnering. Many of you will be meeting a partner in the coming weeks or will experience new levels and layers in a current relationship. You are approaching a power period for relationships, and you’re likely to experience some unusual desires and plot twists along the way!
In many ways, you’re busy working in the background in the first half of August. However, there is an active, open, and generous spirit to what you’re doing that attracts attention. This can be a time for forgiving and forgetting, resolving to focus on making improvements, and for enjoying the benefits of cooperation, particularly along work lines. Good energy is with you for solving a work problem or straightening out misconceptions and reputation problems. People recognize your efforts, talents, or leadership ability. You can be particularly inspired by a work or health pursuit, project, or lifestyle adjustment. You may fully enjoy helping someone out, or your generosity and above-board approach are appreciated. If you provide services, you’re in a high position to receive positive feedback.
Especially with Jupiter’s direct turn on the 11th, you’re likely to enjoy more optimism about your career or general life direction. Meaningful work is a real possibility now and in the coming months. You are easing back into a power period for work, recognition, and promotion that lasts until December. Professional and reputation matters gain clarity, slowly but surely. Although it can take a bit of time to get back on track, you are likely to see some subtle improvements in these areas. The motivation to pursue a particular course or path, and possibly a business venture, increases in the coming months.
The Full Moon mid-month can awaken you to feelings you’ve kept at bay. Hunches seem accurate at this time. From the 18th, a significant shift in focus begins as planets start moving out of your sector of work and health, and into your partnership sector. In the last week of August, especially, you’re likely to enjoy a relationship renaissance or a stronger feeling of balance in your life. As Venus and Mars join in your partnership sector on the 23-24, you seem to bring out strong reactions and emotions in others, whether or not it’s your intention! There can be passion, romance, and pleasure, although some extremes are also possible. Someone special in your life challenges you to experience new things. You are undoubtedly magnetizing people to you now. There can be impulsiveness in relationships and possibly with money or the pursuit of pleasure. However, it’s a good time for bringing a little more excitement or passion to a relationship.
The New Moon on the 30th can signal a fresh start in a relationship. Throughout the last week of August, in fact, you’re in good shape for opening up the airways or making progress in a project or with studies. This energy will follow you into September. People in your life may be a little more open-minded than usual, or you’re excited and motivated by your personal interests. It’s an excellent time to express yourself and explore new ideas. There is a general feeling of being “in tune” and abreast of the goings-on around you. Problem-solving is enhanced, especially when inspired by a friend or partner. There can be pleasant surprises in your conversations or your news feed!

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