Astrological terms used in my horoscopes and daily astrology pages.
Note that you can hover over these words on the actual pages to read these explanations.
Moon is in Aries [ moon-signs ]
Aries is an infertile sign. An Aries Moon is fine for purchases of sharp or metal objects and items that speed things up, but it's better to avoid buying soft items; Hair cuts and styles: not ideal but not bad; Avoid procedures, including surgery, on head, teeth; Marriage: not ideal; Start of a relationship: impatience, self-centeredness but honesty and directness; Diet: better for protein consumption while reducing fat and carbsMoon is in Taurus [ moon-signs ]
The Moon in Taurus is good for repairs and purchases of soft items, valuables, clothes for durability and longevity, cosmetics, jewelry, luxuries, decorations, and planets. Generally strong for investments. It's strong for love and good for massage, hair cuts with the goal of growth, dyes, creams, weddings, family, and business. It's a fertile sign. Food: salty foods preferable, within reason. Avoid surgery or procedures on neck, throat, thyroid, and teeth.