Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 2nd in the sign of Virgo.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow for a few more days, until September 11th (Mercury was retrograde from August 5th to 28th).
- Saturn is Rx, Uranus is Rx, Neptune is Rx, Pluto is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
With today’s Moon, you gravitate to activities that help you feel intimately connected to someone or a project, dear Aries. Today’s Venus-Uranus minor challenging transit can inspire whims that detract from what you truly need. The atmosphere is ripe for surprise elements, and staying flexible seems your best bet. Today’s Mercury transits can also stir confusion or worries about your future or about not being on top of matters. Conversations can be vague or even loaded. Either way, getting straightforward answers or directions isn’t a given. Avoid putting too high expectations on yourself today, and let yourself explore your ideas and desires without making commitments.Taurus
With today’s Moon, you’re more inclined to seek harmony or company, dear Taurus. Today’s transits can confuse communications and are not ideal for solid decision-making. As well, you may not feel thoroughly understood, particularly when it comes to a special interest, friend, dream, or long-term plan. You may need more time to connect with your intuition before deciding things now, and distractions temporarily make it difficult to do that. Needless to day, it’s best not to choose today for an important conversation. Aim to let go of rigid ways of looking at things, and if you find yourself acting out of your insecurities or fears, nip this in the bud as soon as possible.Gemini
Today’s Moon can have you feeling more invested in your work or daily routines, dear Gemini. Fixing problem areas of your life can be satisfying. However, not everything is clearcut today. Conversations can be meandering or annoyingly passive-aggressive. The desire to improve and grow is likely the reason behind today’s impatience, and toning down impulsiveness is your best bet to achieve it. You’re holding more tightly to your individuality, but it may be best to find ways to combine your desire for independence and good company. It may be best not to communicate something important until you’re more confident about how you feel. But while your ability to concentrate may suffer today, it’s a good time to explore potential interests.Cancer
With the Moon in your solar fifth house today, dear Cancer, you gravitate to heartfelt pursuits. It may be better to expect the unexpected today, however, as minor challenging transits keep things a little unpredictable. While some original ideas can come from the day, it would help if you watched for impatience and hastiness. Your mind can wander, and you can feel more susceptible to distractions. It may be useful to tame restlessness through healthy, happy activities rather than taking on more. Fortunately, you’re feeling especially independent and self-reliant, and if others are not giving you the answers you crave or if your plans change, it’s easy to turn things around and enjoy yourself regardless.Leo
With today’s Moon in your solar fourth house all day, dear Leo, you tend to invest more heart and feeling in your personal life or home-related activities. While you may vacillate between wanting to stand out and blend in today, you’re in great shape to give further thought to your problems or a special interest. There’s also a tendency to swing between seeing too much or too little opportunity. You can feel some unrest if you have yet to approach your life and its various departments in a balanced way. Conversations can go in circles or up dead ends. While you may not get the answers you seek, and the day may not be exceptionally reliable, you tend to enjoy some fresh ideas, particularly about money or business.Virgo
Today’s Moon spotlights connecting, learning, sharing, and communicating, dear Virgo, but Mercury is going through a shift and minor challenging aspects, muddying perceptions and discussions. It may be best to wait for more clarity before making official or important statements. Tomorrow, Mercury will re-enter your sign, making decisions far more straightforward. It may be best to seek new ways to entertain yourself or even to do business, as a fresh approach can keep you engaged today, but avoid burning the candle at both ends. Because you’re more distractable today, seek positive or calming atmospheres. Perhaps most importantly, try not to over-analyze.Libra
With today’s Moon, you’re seeking some predictability and comfort, dear Libra. This is the time of the lunar month when you’d prefer to keep things simple! However, today’s transits include minor challenging aspects that can be annoying but manageable. Distractions are plenty, or you are more sensitive to them. Watch for making too much of an issue, as many of the things coming up today can have little significance or importance later. Try to avoid the tendency to focus on problems that make you tense. It’s not about avoiding them but taking a step back to see them differently. Enjoying a short escape can be just what you need, especially from overthinking.Scorpio
The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Scorpio, and your feelings are more colorful than usual, or at least seem that way! You have a stronger need for acknowledgment and emotional connectedness right now. Still, today’s moods and desires seem impermanent, and you’re probably right that they won’t last long. It can be a bit tricky arriving at a compromise, but it’s certainly not out of reach. Not feeling on top of your schedule can make you antsy. Your best bet now is to take on as few demanding activities as possible to avoid the feeling that you’re running behind. Try to be gentle in your communications now. Fortunately, your hunger for learning can expand now, and your enthusiasm can take you far.Sagittarius
The Moon spends the day in your solar twelfth house, dear Sagittarius, and taking a pause from your busy schedule or temporarily putting your ambitions on the back burner can be refreshing. You can learn a lot from your gut feelings and reactions now. At the same time, communications may take more work today. There can be mixed signals that lead to you second-guessing your first impression or past choices, and you may only need a change of pace. It’s unlikely to be anything drastic or permanent, but it could lead to a few misunderstandings or minor tensions. Keep the status quo if possible. Fortunately, you can enjoy putting more energy into self-understanding, research, investigation, or self-improvement efforts now.Capricorn
The Moon spends today in your social sector, dear Capricorn, and you need some supplemental enjoyment, not the same-old-same-old. Pamper yourself today, but don’t go so far with this that you pay a higher price later. Minor problems can seem larger than life, however, but question yourself whether you’re giving them too much power. A small change of pace may be in order, and it’s best to recognize your need for change rather than wait for it to happen to you. Aim for balance as much as possible now. It won’t be easy to satisfy an itch temporarily. Look for things to update, as gaining a sense that you’re making improvements may be precisely what you need.Aquarius
Today’s Moon highlights your long-term goals, dear Aquarius. While it’s a good time to consider where you are heading and where you stand, today’s transits emphasize shifting moods and ideas. It’s not always straightforward to focus today. As much as you’d like clear answers and definitions, you may need to settle for limbo just for now. People can be beating around the bush and pushing boundaries the next minute. Perceptions are blurry for now. Backing off from a problem can help let your intuition click in, leading to a better solution if you are patient enough to wait. Fortunately, it’s a good time to find the motivation to work hard at projects that have been on the back burner or to get moving on a health or self-care program.Pisces
With the Moon’s transit of your spirit sector today, dear Pisces, you might seek activities that break you out of the routine. You’re nourishing your mind and spirit. Today’s transits suggest shows of independence from others that throw you for a loop. Of course, they can also prompt you to find other activities that will allow you to do things solo with satisfactory results! The fewer expectations you have for your interactions today, the better. It will save you some frustration since unpredictable elements are part of the day. While there is good energy for innovative ideas, detours, and conversations, you’ll want to center yourself and take things step by step. Solid answers are not forthcoming today, making it best to pick a task and do it to prevent overwhelmed feelings that lead to procrastination.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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