Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 2nd in the sign of Virgo.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until September 11th (Mercury was retrograde from August 5th to 28th).
- Saturn is Rx, Uranus is Rx, Neptune is Rx, Pluto is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
With a minor challenging aspect between the Sun and Pluto active today, dear Aries, don’t let power games with someone or worrisome work matters spoil your good humor. Consider that you need some emotional replenishment and that rushing through your tasks will likely lead to mistakes and disagreements. Get in better touch with your true desires before taking action. While you’re learning a lot and doing a lot, it’s hard to end the day feeling as if you’ve truly accomplished something with many things unfinished. A Mercury-Uranus square can create further chaos, as life tends to bring small surprises and changes in plans. Try not to take offhand remarks too seriously, as they are unlikely to come from the heart. However, with the Moon in your partnership sector all day, you seek more balance and fully appreciate the people in your life who are there for you.Taurus
Avoid jumping to conclusions or resorting to tactics to get your way today, dear Taurus, which can be a tendency with the Sun and Pluto in a minor challenging aspect. It’s a clue that tense undercurrents are brewing with others. Aim to get more information before making important decisions. A feeling of being blocked or inhibited is likely to pass quickly, after which life doesn’t seem quite as serious. Defensiveness can be your worst enemy. While it would be lovely if others could intuit that you need their support, this may only happen right now by stating your needs. Ideally, you learn much by taking on an observer’s role. Also today, there can be a scattered feeling on a mental level. While distractions are likely, and ideas can be raw, they can be worth a second look. You may want nothing more than to become absorbed in an exciting project or pursuit.Gemini
There can be some frustration as you could encounter delays and other stressors today, dear Gemini. Someone in your life could be envious or devious. Today’s minor challenging Sun-Pluto transit inclines people to avoid a direct route to their goals. You don’t need a master plan to be productive today, so aim to be patient. There is wisdom in a step-by-step approach to your pursuits and rewards or satisfaction in so doing. It’s best to find your center in preparation for less focused days to come. It’s not especially easy with your ruler, Mercury, forming a square to Uranus, but doable with mindfulness. Be aware of a tendency to speak ahead of yourself or prematurely. Preserving a secret may require extra effort now. Keep yourself as open to unexpected changes to your schedule for best results today.Cancer
It can be difficult to discern between what others expect of you and what you genuinely believe you can and should do today, dear Cancer. Emotional energy is a bit tense at times with current transits clouding your thinking or even disguising your true feelings. It can be wise to avoid undue stress, particularly over differences of opinion or getting caught up in drama. Try instead to focus on what you feel is right. Your belief in yourself and your endeavors can take you far now, but first, you need some breathing room to know your needs and wishes. It’s also best to avoid jumping to conclusions or even to communicate before you’ve thought about what you genuinely feel. Life is a little unpredictable now, but you could find ways to enjoy the detours that unexpected changes of mind or schedules take you on.Leo
There can be some tensions today, dear Leo, as others don’t seem cooperative or open to your ideas temporarily. It’s due to a minor Sun-Pluto challenge that stirs up fears of not reaching your goals and a sense that you need to strategize to get what you want. Work, duties, or the stresses of daily life can tug at you. While settling in can be a strong draw, tensions about what you’re not doing can interfere. As well, sensitivity on a social level can lead to quick reactions, which can heat things up further. Getting things out into the open can be purging, but today’s energies seem to lead to sloppy approaches, and you might decide that waiting to address issues is for the best. Aim to watch and listen before making big moves. Fortunately, personal interests are appealing and great stress relievers.Virgo
With today’s Sun-Pluto challenge, dear Virgo, it’s not straightforward or easy to get over frustrations. Allowing tense feelings to motivate you to make changes or put an irritating situation behind you can be productive. While clearing the air may seem to be what you need, there’s a tendency to be too defensive to make much progress, so waiting it out may be best. With this transit, there can be power struggles or nervous tensions with a lover, children, or friends. Dramatic moves, even if tempting, are liable to cause undue stress, or they can quickly complicate your life right now. Filter out as much drama as possible, and try to remain calm and objective. Admittedly, a Mercury-Uranus square also influencing the day can bring on interruptions and surprises. Words expressed may be sharp, or something that was buried in you could come out in a random remark. Fortunately, you can be motivated to pull yourself out of a certain train of thought and prefer to let go of the past and move on.Libra
Stress can build as you become aware of responsibilities that might at first appear a little too much for you to handle today, dear Libra. You’ll likely benefit from cutting out the things distracting you from getting where you want to go. Watch for power struggles that lead nowhere with today’s minor Sun-Pluto challenge. There can be some problems and possibly underhanded or deceptive behavior to manage. Avoid getting entangled in matters of ego for the best results. If possible, focus on what you need to do and feel you should do, and don’t take on any more than that. A Mercury-Uranus conflict also influencing the day can throw you a few curve balls, particularly in the form of upset schedules, surprising remarks from a friend or lover, or an unrecognized desire for change that spurs a comment that upsets the apple cart. Do your best to focus on the problems you need to resolve, as in the small but important ones, but stay flexible and open to a turnaround or change in focus at a moment’s notice.Scorpio
Today’s Moon can prompt a need for quiet or some form of retreat, dear Scorpio. However, a Sun-Pluto minor challenge can dial up the demands and your stress levels in spots. The key is to avoid getting caught up in too many projects or worrying about multiple things simultaneously. This strategy can keep you in a more mindful state that helps you navigate frustrations. It might also help to build a list of priorities or take a step-by-step approach to deal with your to-do list rather than a scattered one that leaves you feeling as if nothing truly was accomplished. There can be some feelings of being slighted or overlooked. Know that this may not be the best time for pushing ahead with plans. Even when among others you tend to have a rather retiring quality to you today, and it’s good for you — it’s a natural phase in the monthly lunar cycle.Sagittarius
Issues of power, control, and responsibility can crop up today, dear Sagittarius, or money worries cloud your thinking. Today’s Sun-Pluto transit isn’t free-flowing nor conducive to pushing ahead with personal plans. A Mercury-Uranus clash also requires some flexibility when it comes to schedules. There may be an unplanned need to attend to a work or health priority that interrupts your schedule. You might have to deal with surprise communications or provocative comments. For the best results, take your time with new initiatives and avoid depending on someone to help you for the time being. It’s best to center yourself, if possible, so that you can channel your energy into something truly worth your while. As well, if you can do so, you might inspire others to understand, accept, and go with the flow.Capricorn
With a minor Sun-Pluto challenge involving your sign today, dear Capricorn, you could feel a little annoyed and perhaps undermined. Avoid negative thinking or expectations as much as possible, as it can set you up for a fall. While you should do your best to avoid getting caught up in emotional games, try not to use manipulative tactics to get what you want. It’s unlikely to be a great day for focus or concentration, either, with Mercury and Uranus approaching a square. While projects seem to be moving forward after delays in August, there can be surprise twists and interruptions to deal with now, so aim to keep your mind open to sudden changes to your schedule. There can also be sharp words exchanged, and even if they’re not intentional, you could be craving more warmth and reliability from the people in your life now. Aim to establish your priorities and tackle them first today. Look for important signals today that will help guide you toward the right decision, but give things time.Aquarius
While today’s Moon inclines you to crave freer or more spontaneous activities, dear Aquarius, a Sun-Pluto minor challenge can introduce pressure. There can be tensions in interpersonal relationships if you or others focus on the flaws or complexities, which is a tendency now. Distractions are plenty, and the key will be to prioritize and adopt a mature approach, avoiding the sometimes strong pull towards game-playing and tit-for-tat arguments. You might also vacillate between wanting to do something independently and craving others’ involvement. Focusing on more practical concerns could be useful. Also, a Mercury-Uranus square is coming into play today that can divide your attention. Ideas and news may be interesting and exciting, but perhaps uprooting or distracting. Changes in schedules, interrupted plans, or offhand remarks may ultimately lead to refreshing detours, even if they’re perceived as annoying initially. Fortunately, conversations can be rewarding and inspiring if you look a little deeper. Creative inspiration can come from a partner or close friend.Pisces
There can be some tension with others in spots today, dear Pisces, which can interfere with productivity, or you could find that responsibilities weigh heavier than usual. Distractions and worries or fireworks with friends or lovers can interrupt the flow. There’s a tendency to dial up the drama today, and it’s a good idea to aim to stay grounded and objective amidst the confusion. Avoid getting caught up in a tug of war when you can probably use your energy better elsewhere. The tendency to see-saw between intensive inquiry and detached acceptance can bewilder people around you, so you may want to keep an eye on it, especially since it doesn’t do you any favors, either. Distractions are likely to be plentiful, but if you can get something solid and tangible done, you’ll feel quite content at the end of the day.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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