Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces until 8:17 PM, from which time the Moon is in Aries.
- A void Moon period occurs from 4:57 PM to 8:17 PM today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 22nd.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde, and is in its post-retrograde shadow until September 30th.
- Venus is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until October 7th.
- Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon spends a good part of the day in your solar house of hidden things, dear Aries, and you can be quite content to keep things low-profile. Later today, however, you crave more connection with others and the world around you with the Moon’s move into your sign. This transit can energize you emotionally. You take the lead quite naturally, and others follow along without much thought. Even with this healthy self-focus, good energy for relating and interacting is with you. It’s a vital time for creative satisfaction and expressing affection and concern. Aim to take a break from daily demands and feel good about some self-pampering if you can manage it.Taurus
The Moon spends much of the day in your social sector, dear Taurus, which is good energy for connecting, socializing, and getting in touch. You might especially enjoy sharing memories, personal feelings, and thoughts. Home life can be a source of special pleasure and warmth. You can more easily discover creative solutions to family or home-related problems, and it’s a good time to nurture your loved ones or domestic projects. Later today, the Moon moves into your privacy sector, where it will spend a couple of days, stirring a need for a little more rest, introspection, and reflection. It’s an excellent time for gaining some emotional refreshment. You may be craving more emotional space or even a little bit of anonymity.Gemini
Responsibilities are on your mind as you begin the day, dear Gemini, and you can be in the position to solve problems in creative ways and define longer-term goals. The Moon spends later today in your social sector, drawing your attention to relaxing, pressure-free activities. This a freeing influence, and you may feel energized by supporting others or receiving support. The people around you appreciate your natural personal style more than usual. You’re also in great shape for learning and enjoying it as you do. Making important links and connections can figure strongly, and conversations can be warm and helpful.Cancer
You may be able to turn a chore into a pleasant pursuit today, dear Cancer. You’re in good shape for connecting with others, formulating goals, and feeling hopeful about where you’re heading. Your drive to taste life and appreciate it is strong. You’re feeling quite creative and a little more confident about pursuing your needs and wants. Practical matters can fare exceptionally well, especially as the day advances, and you are an expert at finding workable solutions to problems. The Moon’s move to the top of your solar chart later today increases your ambitions and your visibility as well. This area of your solar chart is your performance and reputation sector, and you may need to take care of business or take the lead.Leo
You more readily focus on special projects, studies, or a close relationship, dear Leo. You’re connecting with someone or a project in empowering ways. When it comes to emotional and personal issues, you are inclined to see things through the lens of wishful thinking, and it can be difficult to get fully behind any conclusions you draw, however. Make room for your intuition to fully engage. You’ll find that you move from a relatively serious approach to the world to a more hands-on, spirited attitude later today with the Moon’s move from your intimacy sector to your solar house of the higher mind. Later today is more forward-looking.Virgo
This can be a good day for cooperating with others towards a common goal, dear Virgo. It may not be easy to get enough time to yourself or time and space to get your work or chores done in spots, however. You are especially likable today, and you could find that you’re more influenced by or sensitive to others’ feedback. You have more competition, fire, and energy in your feeling nature, and your love life can mirror this. Releasing stress through physical or creative activities can be excellent for you. While you’re not very inclined to share everything you’re feeling, the mystery involved can perhaps only serve to boost your appeal further. The Moon moves into your solar eighth house later today, and it’s building toward a Full Moon, raising the intensity of your feelings.Libra
You can be very focused on handling the practical or business side of your life much of today, dear Libra. The desire to improve and grow is pronounced, and even with a practical focus, you’re bringing creativity, fun, and charm to whatever you set out to do. You can find others particularly cooperative, and you may seek special attention, cooperation, or camaraderie. Reaching out to others and taking the lead or initiative brings rewards, and it becomes more and more natural as the day advances. The appreciation of a friend may motivate you to go after what you want, and your social needs come into sharper focus. The urge to be around people or to soak up ideas and inspiration from others is strong.Scorpio
Your charisma is strong today, dear Scorpio, and part of your appeal right now has to do with some mystery, as you’re keeping some things to yourself. Others tend to follow your lead or flock to you for advice. Good energy is with you for entertainment and a playful, cooperative mood. As the day advances, you prefer not to be idle, and you’re ready to put the work in. The Moon moves from your pleasure sector to your work and health sector later today, shifting emotional focus to daily affairs and self-care programs for the next couple of days. It’s a time for organizing your life in small but essential ways, with a focus on the details. You might thoroughly enjoy piecing things together.Sagittarius
Creative energy is with you for learning new things and increasing your knowledge, dear Sagittarius. Personal interests are rich, and you’re ready to throw yourself into them. Later today, the Moon moves into harmony with your sign, boosting your confidence and desire to get things done. You might enjoy paying special attention to a romantic partner or a creative project — you are taking the lead and taking care of special people and projects in your life. If you’ve been stagnating, this can be a time for releasing some creativity and doing something a little differently. A Full Moon will occur tomorrow, leading to some wonderful insights.Capricorn
The day can be quite idea-focused, dear Capricorn. Your imagination is powerful right now, but discipline may be a bit lacking temporarily. The need for good company and interesting experiences can motivate you into action, however. You might enjoy opportunities to connect through acquaintances or groups, or you can find pleasure and inspiration through sharing and learning. Later today finds you in need of more comfort, familiarity, and quiet with the Moon’s move into your solar fourth house. Activities with family or people very close to you may be in focus and can strengthen a bond. You could find yourself guiding and actively supporting, or possibly even defending, people you care about.Aquarius
You’re approaching and solving problems that seemed a little too overwhelming or difficult on other days with stronger intuition today, dear Aquarius. You could enjoy pairing up and special activities or conversations. A bit of competition or an exciting possibility can motivate you to give a little more. Later today, the pace picks up on mental levels with the Moon’s movement into your communications sector. Aim to tap into some of the lighter elements of this Moon transit and enjoy some easy conversations or diversions that help you lighten up, but don’t ignore any tensions coming to the surface now, as they can help you understand yourself better.Pisces
The Moon continues to transit your sign much of the day, dear Pisces, and you strongly desire to feel more emotionally connected with the world around you. Your inner confidence is strengthening. Interactions with others are warm and helpful. There is easiness and a natural, warm feel to intimate matters, as well as a sense of peace and acceptance with yourself, which is very attractive to others! The Moon’s move into your resources sector later today tends to settle your emotions, as they feel less urgent. It’s easier to put feelings aside to get things done. You can bring a special touch to whatever you do. You may be in the position to defend or support someone you care about.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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