Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius until the Moon enters Pisces at 11:33 AM.
- A void Moon period occurs from 3:17 AM to 11:33 AM today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 23rd, and the Full Moon will happen on October 1st.
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from September 9th to November 13th).
- Mercury is not yet retrograde but is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mercury will turn retrograde on October 13th).
- Current retrogrades: Mars Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx.
- Mercury spends its first full day in Scorpio (Mercury is in Scorpio from September 27th to October 27th, and then from November 10th to December 1st).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You seem to stand out for what you do today, dear Aries, or probably more likely, what you’ve done in the past. Still, there can be a conflict between your indulgent and responsible sides, with neither coming out a clear winner. Your need for affection is stronger than usual, and this can be at the root of your desire to pamper yourself or to do something different. However, the demands of the outside world are high. Strive for balance rather than throwing yourself into one pursuit while neglecting the other. You can feel on fire with passion and creative energy at certain points today, followed by frustration or blockage. Fortunately, a Venus-Mars aspect today favors creative, romantic, and recreational pursuits. You draw others to you, particularly as they admire your independence or energy. There could be exciting prospects, ideas, and projects now, but do pace yourself with Mars, transiting your sign, still retrograde.Taurus
This is a time for feeling inspired by a deeper connection to a person or project, private matter, or family connection, dear Taurus. Even so, you can be more sensitive to how you’re received. Passions are strong, but love or fulfillment is complicated, especially because you require some self-nurturing. There are opportunities today, even with a bit of off-timing or reservations. If you can focus on positive expressions and activities, you can tap into a lovely Venus-Mars aspect. Focusing on a solvable problem in the mental or mechanical world may be a way to release energy constructively. You may feel driven to take action on a personal matter or to put something behind you. Family matters can be notably warm, smooth, and natural now. Your personal appeal is strong, and the focus can be on missed opportunities or past connections.Gemini
You can be feeling especially motivated when it comes to pet projects, ideas, and friendships, dear Gemini, even with some reservation or hesitance. This is a good time to examine attitudes that are keeping you from truly enjoying your life. Even if the timing is not perfect or ideal, personal magnetism is strong today. A Venus-Saturn quincunx can point to some trickiness with decisions or agreements. In spots, your excitement may be met with indifference, for example, but any coolness now shouldn’t be taken too seriously. Insecurities may lead to missed connections, but there are also chances for inspiring harmony today as Venus and Mars form a trine aspect. Something you experience today can help motivate you to be your best, particularly related to mental interests and projects. Look for opportunities to connect with someone special through groups, acquaintances, and networking. Things that you’ve previously resisted learning can suddenly become appealing and relevant.Cancer
Today’s energies bring opportunities with relationships and practical affairs, dear Cancer, and especially when these combine in some manner! A new or more creative method of getting things done can figure strongly. You are motivated to make your daily life better. Even so, there can be worries about limited resources or disapproval at the back of your mind today. If you conquer this tension, you’re in a better position to tap into a Venus-Mars trine that’s friendly and exciting. Others can be especially intrigued by your talents, performance, or the services you offer professionally. Your unique qualities and talents are in the spotlight. Overall, it’s an enthusiastic time, but relations may be exciting one minute and strained the next, likely due to self-protectiveness and defensiveness. Conflict may stir creativity and motivation.Leo
There is stop and go energy with you today, dear Leo, but you’re likely to feel inspired and ready to make a positive change. Your magnetism runs high, but can also be a little problematic, especially if someone around you feels insecure about any extra attention you’re receiving. Others may especially enjoy you, although there could be some off timing as Venus forms an awkward angle to Saturn. You can feel torn between pampering or indulging yourself and wanting to put things in order and set things straight. It’s hard to turn a blind eye to flaws and responsibilities. You might gain a boost with friends, learning, publishing, and communicating. A bit of friendly competition can help inspire improvements. Watch that you don’t take on too much with Mars retrograde and a tendency to misjudge our energy levels.Virgo
Interactions can be inspiring and revealing today, dear Virgo, and you could be feeling quite passionate about a person or an idea. Even so, there is also some uneasiness to the energy of the day, and defensiveness can seem to make things worse. People may be wrapped up in their problems and are not readily intuiting your needs. You could be strongly attracted to someone, but unsure about whether it’s mutual. Or, you could be excited about a project but not certain about how much energy or enthusiasm you have for it. Some feeling of discontent with your social life or a sense of being stuck creatively is temporary. Recognize areas of your life you may be neglecting. With this under control, you can take advantage of a Venus-Mars influence that spices up your relationships or feelings in pleasant ways.Libra
Relationships and affections are exciting although complicated today, dear Libra. A healthy link between your ruler, Venus, and Mars usually brings a certain ease to social situations and possibly romantic excitement. However, a Venus-Saturn influence is also in play, and while you might enjoy these things, something (or someone) seems to hold you back just a little. There could be both uplifting and discouraging news, for example. Try not to take to heart the ups and downs experienced today. Feeling torn between the desire for togetherness and affection and the need for some emotional space is temporary. You might aim to see the beauty of the moment rather than worry about everything else. Someone may be paying special attention. You tend to attract people from your past these days.Scorpio
Complicated energies are with you today, dear Scorpio, but it’s an inspiring day overall. There are warm, generous, and exciting themes to the day, and your magnetism runs very high. You can make good strides in work-related matters, although your mood is also quite sociable. You should find your stamina level strong, and you might find it easier to get the job done without having to waste extra energy. However, fears or insecurities can surface, and you may need to tame the tendency to expect negative responses from others. Consider that splurging can be fun, but reinvesting in something you care about can be exciting as well. Today’s Venus-Mars transit is an exceptionally creative influence for your work and practical goals, as well as personal and professional appeal.Sagittarius
You might feel inspired to reach out or push yourself a little out of your comfort zone today, dear Sagittarius. Today holds some beautiful potential for creative interactions, although some emotional blocks may need attention. A Venus-Mars transit triggers creative urges and a need to share them. A positive, spirited approach to specific areas of your life, and especially relationships or creative endeavors, can benefit you considerably now. You are magnetic, but also making happy things happen. Competitiveness is likely, and it seems quite natural for you to turn it to your advantage as you “best” a previous success. There can be a nice, warming flow of friendliness between you and others. Overcoming obstacles is necessary as you bring a pursuit to a new level.Capricorn
Affections run deep, dear Capricorn, and you’re likely to seek more intimacy and passion in your exchanges or activities. If you’ve been unhappy in your personal life, you can be particularly motivated to correct the issue! Ups and downs are likely, and aiming to stay centered makes sense. Consider that you might end up being at peace with others but at war with yourself if you choose to make compromises that don’t feel entirely right. Overall, however, you can enjoy some nice feelings of enthusiasm, and you can feel optimistic even if you face small obstacles. Today’s Venus-Mars trine motivates you to take the lead in pursuing better circumstances. Focusing on personal matters, healing energies, and positive reinforcement can be worthwhile. Finding creative channels to give voice to some of your inner longings can be rewarding.Aquarius
Collaborating with others, sharing ideas, or partnering up can be very energizing today, dear Aquarius. You can have stimulating exchanges, but while there can be a very nice flow happening, some difficult energy is with us. You can be more sensitive to slights, making it best to find a balance between the high energy and enthusiasm of much of the day, and feelings of being blocked. It’s best not to take poor timing or a bit of emotional distance to heart. There can be a chance to speak about something dear to your heart, and you are likely to do so with particular charm and persuasion. A boost or advantage gained in a love relationship, partnership, project, or close friendship can help brighten your day.Pisces
You can be enthusiastic or creatively inspired today, dear Pisces, enjoying some increased motivation to get things done or brilliant ideas for business, work, or health routines. While you may need to deal with some disapproval or problems with overload and time restrictions, you shouldn’t allow it to push you back. Disconnects and indecision are temporary and possibly instructive since, through them, you might connect with a valid need. You’re in a fine position to enjoy your work or apply yourself to a unique pursuit. Fortunately, a Venus-Mars influence lifts your spirits, and you can find ways to turn competitiveness or discomfort around to your advantage. Your confidence or motivation adds to your appeal and heightens your chances of succeeding at what you set out to do. The Moon moves into your sign today for a couple of days, awakening you to your needs to interact.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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