Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio until 6:39 PM, after which the Moon is in Sagittarius.
- A void Moon period occurs today from 1:21 PM to 6:39 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 27th in the sign of Virgo, and the First Quarter Moon will occur tomorrow.
- Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
A slapdash approach to thinking today should put you on the alert, dear Aries, as Mercury opposes Jupiter. You could face some opposition or deal with someone who sees things differently than you, but it’s a great time to learn through your differences and find new motivation to overcome obstacles. Without a clear direction, you may feel restless or caged in. If you strive to enjoy the moment without borrowing from the future, however, you can have some fun today. Entertaining both practical and emotional or spiritual perspectives works best. Consider that you may reach a far-out idea before discovering a truth.Taurus
You tend to prefer sharing your ideas or activities with someone rather than go it alone today, dear Taurus. Today’s Mercury-Jupiter opposition suggests some back and forth or vacillation. There can be an emphasis on work, health, or routine matters, but decisions about these things don’t come particularly easily. You might find that letting go of the pressure to come to a conclusion or decision improves everything, even your practical affairs, which can benefit from added imagination and intuition. Details may not be apparent or precise, but the bigger picture can inspire you. You could come up with grand ideas that need polishing later but that have some real merit.Gemini
A focus on daily routines can be comforting as you begin the day, dear Gemini, and a more sociable theme emerges as the day advances. You can arrive at intriguing insights today, but you must first sort between fact and fiction. It may be best to tame impulsiveness. Otherwise, this can be a wonderfully creative and hopeful day. You will need a little more mental space and freedom to benefit the most from the day’s positive energies, so let your mind wander now and again or change the scenery to keep things fresh. You also seem at your best when pursuing what makes you happy. It’s important to keep your perspective and a healthy level of skepticism today, as information can be misleading. Unusual and exciting ideas are likely but do your best to avoid jumping to a quick conclusion about a friend or lover.Cancer
With many options in front of you today, it may be best to sort out priorities, dear Cancer, with a Mercury-Jupiter aspect in play. If you’re waiting for something to happen, it will likely be a tense day! However, if you have a goal in mind, you can manage this energy and be productive. A boss, person in authority, or family may not see things the same way, or professional goals might collide with personal ones. Enjoy new ideas that keep you enthusiastic, but consider that details will need more attention later. Tensions right now lie in overblown expectations.Leo
Early day favors close relationships and domestic activities, dear Leo, but as the day advances, you crave more stimulation. With a Mercury-Jupiter transit, people can be too busy expressing themselves to hear others. You might want to put in the extra effort to study a matter further, do some strategic thinking, and spend quality time. Otherwise, it’s all too easy to go overboard or expect too much. You can be excited and optimistic about your plans and projects, and it’s best to remember to keep things moderate, aiming for quality over quantity.Virgo
With Mercury opposing Jupiter today, dear Virgo, there can be push-pull energy that ultimately leads you to a better understanding. Until then, the tendency to think in big terms and fantasize about ideal scenarios is strong, particularly with money and relationships. You may need to cut things back and pay more attention to practical matters, as tricky as it may be. Aim to do your research before investing time and energy into something now, but allow yourself to think in bigger terms than usual. Keep in mind that important details may be missing and need attention later.Libra
You’re inclined to pay special attention to a pet project today, dear Libra, craving simplicity and focus. Still, with Mercury opposite Jupiter, disagreements can figure strongly. Watch that you don’t talk ahead of yourself, leading to regret later on for what you say or commit to now. Aim to be discriminating with self-expression with this aspect in play. Others might oppose your plans or compete to communicate when sharing ideas rather than listening to one another. Enthusiasm runs high, but it’s not a fabulous day for genuinely being heard and understood.Scorpio
Your feelings are in the spotlight today, dear Scorpio. While you begin to crave more simplicity as the day advances, a Mercury-Jupiter opposition can produce some restlessness. Enthusiasm is a good thing, but sometimes it can lead us to take on more than we can reasonably manage, and this transit illustrates this point. Enjoy the optimism and open your mind to possibilities, but try to tackle things one at a time rather than wear yourself out. Be especially careful that you don’t add more to your life if you’re already swamped. Nevertheless, there can be an optimistic frame of mind, and you are especially hopeful about job or project opportunities.Sagittarius
Sometimes a good mood can lead to overestimating or taking on too much, dear Sagittarius, and a Mercury-Jupiter opposition makes it more possible today. You may need to watch for exaggeration. Areas of excess may need a closer look, but allow yourself to think in bigger terms than usual if only to stretch your mind and entertain a broader range of possibilities. There can be some drama in your social circle, and perhaps someone wants your attention. While you don’t want to encourage others to resort to over-the-top behavior to turn your head, you may wish to examine whether you should look for warning signs before it gets to that point.Capricorn
Your need for non-competitive outlets for self-expression is strong today, dear Capricorn. However, a Mercury-Jupiter opposition makes it less than ideal for solid decision-making–there can be too much inconsequential information flying around. This is a time for thinking in big terms, although you’ll also feel the pinch if you’ve been overshooting or expecting results too soon. This transit calls into play the balance between personal life and outside world responsibilities. You’ll recognize that you need to make more effort to resolve imbalances. Later today, the Moon moves into your privacy sector for a stay of over two days, and you get a chance to recuperate before new challenges emerge.Aquarius
You’re pouring more heart into your performance, ambitions, and goals, dear Aquarius, but your less practical pursuits take on more importance as the day advances. Today’s Mercury-Jupiter opposition inclines to some excess. It can be challenging to see the bigger picture without first dealing with some distractions or frustrating details, but an overview is what you’re seeking now. Watch for mistakes from ignoring important details or paying too much attention to the ones that don’t matter. If you’ve been overshooting with daily activities, learning, or transportation, this is a time for seeing the excesses and making adjustments. While you should watch for holding on too closely to opinions, it’s a strong day to generate new ideas and put faith in your long-term plans.Pisces
You crave increased space and light on an emotional level today, dear Pisces, and expanding your mind or your personal experiences can be in focus. You may reach a far-out idea before discovering a truth, which could have to do with a financial or intimate matter as Mercury and Jupiter oppose one another. With financial and intimate matters, your judgment could be off today, even if, and possibly because, you’ve been feeling quite confident about these things. You could overestimate something’s value now. Take your time before making big decisions, but enjoy a mental exercise now, as thinking in bigger terms than usual can serve you well, even if there is some paring down to do as you go along. It’s a day for self-discovery, although you also have much to learn from someone else’s perspective.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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