Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- A First Quarter Moon occurred on the 13th, and a Full Moon will occur tomorrow.
- Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, and Chiron Rx.
- Note that Mercury is not yet retrograde (it will retrograde on September 27th), but it’s in its pre-retrograde shadow.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon transits your soul sector all day, bringing the necessity or desire for some extra personal space or time to think, dear Aries. It may be that functioning behind the scenes is useful or refreshing right now. Laying low at this time in the lunar month comes naturally or makes sense. You seem to be more productive in privacy or when you remove yourself from high-traffic areas of your life. You could gain some wonderful insight into a love relationship, special project, or your own inner workings. Or, you might admit to feelings you’ve been avoiding. It’s possible you experience a powerful draw to someone on an intimate level.Taurus
Self-expression comes more naturally today, dear Taurus, as transits seem to encourage more spontaneity and pleasant detachment. The Moon spends the day in your solar eleventh house. This sector rules your higher aspirations, and the primary key to emotional satisfaction or fulfillment may be to focus on your most precious wishes and dreams. Common goals, interests, and philosophies are more apparent today, or you appreciate them more. There can be a creative agreement now. You’re also in good shape to find ways to update technology or otherwise make progress. The need to challenge yourself and move into unexplored territory is strong.Gemini
Life plan or long-term goals tend to be on your mind today, dear Gemini, and so are your responsibilities. You might crave positive feedback. People notice your performance and actions more than usual with the Moon at the top of your chart, and ideally, it’s gently stimulating. Sometimes you need a little boost that reminds you to take better care of your life. You’re a little more ambitious, the need to be formal can emerge, or you find yourself in a more noticeable situation that keeps you on your toes. You have something to offer, and others tend to offer encouragement or insight that helps you.Cancer
You are braver about shaking things up a little today, dear Cancer, and you can gravitate to ways to bring some adventure into your life now, even if it’s a mental journey. Feeding your hunger for knowledge may be on the agenda. Try not to stick to a script, as you require a little more than the mundane today. Releasing yourself from intense emotions comes more naturally with the Moon in your spirit sector all day. You’re in a good position for connecting with others and for creative ventures. With the Moon reaching out to Venus today, there is a good chance you’re in the place to share and interact in pleasing, beneficial ways. Enthusiasm can be about an idea, feeling, or person, and whatever it is that motivates you, it feels good to be inspired.Leo
The Moon spends the day in your solar eighth house, dear Leo, and you seek greater self-understanding, or you experience a sense of inner strength and resolve. It’s an excellent time to focus on your inner world. If there’s something you need to change within that will improve your life, this can be a day when you’re ready to tackle it. Emotional satisfaction comes from depth experiences or applying yourself to something hearty. There can be unexpected pleasures or an interesting break in the routine that puts you in a forward-looking mood. It can also be a fertile time for ideas around the home or creative interactions with loved ones.Virgo
Your connections with someone special today can be more notable, dear Virgo. Someone’s input may very well stimulate new thinking and ideas, giving you greater insight into what you may need or want or what your next move might be. Being open to novel ways to interact and relate seems the key to success today. You might enjoy showing your appreciation for the people in your life, and release of mental tension is possible through your connections. The Moon in your partnership sector all day points to benefits from pairing up, and its harmony with Venus and Uranus suggests your social instincts are strong. You could make connections that revolve around or support education, personal interests, communications, and transportation.Libra
Your need to keep busy and be of practical help is strong today, dear Libra, with the Moon in your solar sixth house all day. Fortunately, you’re embracing new methods and ideas, and you’re likely to enjoy your routines more than usual. You tend to feel more fulfilled if you can cross some things off your to-do list–being productive fills a need right now. Today’s energies are good for happily attending to various details, organizing, and categorizing. Flowing daily routines will ultimately help you achieve your goals, and you can head in that general direction now. It can be a good time to discover new ways of doing things that improve or make your daily life a little more enjoyable.Scorpio
Today’s energies pleasantly nudge you to embrace the new, dear Scorpio, and express or enjoy yourself more fully. You might discover something special about a love interest or your own feelings. Pulling yourself back just a little from responsibilities can help you center yourself and refresh your spirit today. It’s a good time to follow a passion or a special interest. Venus is currently transiting your sign, and today’s Moon in your creative sector harmonizes with it, drawing out your appeal and warmth further. You’re especially attractive and fascinating at this time. You might put more of yourself into your creations or hobbies with great results.Sagittarius
Today’s transits encourage special attention to home and family, your support system, personal matters, and very long-range plans, dear Sagittarius. Try to dial things back a little if it’s possible, as you are likely to find the most satisfaction in familiar, comforting, and quiet activities today. Even so, with the Moon’s connection to Uranus, you may want to do these things just a little differently. It’s a good day for looking within instead of worrying unduly about what others are doing. While you might seek opportunities to improve business and finances, it’s not a time to strain yourself.Capricorn
The Moon spends the day in your solar sector of communication, connection, and movement, dear Capricorn, and you may also find yourself busy, more connected, and sometimes a little scattered. You might enjoy an opportunity to share a vision with someone special or partner in unique and creative ways. You could be feeling above it all, creative, and ready to move forward as the Moon connects well with Venus and Uranus. With your curiosity engaged, you’re seeking out new information or interesting interactions. This can be a magical day when it comes to friends, connections, and confidence. Mutually beneficial relationships are in focus now.Aquarius
With the Moon in your solar second house all day, you prefer activities that ground you, dear Aquarius. Still, you approach routine or comforting matters in different or unusual ways today with the Moon’s aspect with Uranus. Finding happiness in what you already have can be rewarding now. The day’s transits are good for consciously focusing on your patience and ability to concentrate on the present. It’s a day for taking stock of your situation or your resources and reconnecting with the things that matter the most to you. Events and feelings seem to refresh your mind and spirit, particularly as you focus on areas of your life that are moving forward and releasing. Home life can be integral to this freeing feeling.Pisces
With the Moon in your sign all day, you’re becoming far more self-aware, dear Pisces. You might find easy ways to channel emotional energy now. Your emotions are running very close to the surface, and you could find that, very often, all eyes are on you. It’s vital to listen to your feelings but not to let them overrule you. Your ability to let go and move on is critical to emotional satisfaction today with the Moon’s aspect to Uranus, as it’s a beautiful way to take a load off your mind. You can be feeling wonderfully refreshed and pleasantly energized.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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