- The Moon is in Cancer.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 10th, and a New Moon will happen on the 17th.
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from September 9th to November 13th).
- Jupiter stations today, ending its retrograde and turning direct.
- Current retrogrades: Mars Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon spends the day in your family and home sector, dear Aries, and you seek the comfort of familiar places and faces. Also today, Jupiter turns direct after four months of retrograde motion. You’ll enjoy a feeling of more hopefulness, faith, and confidence in your life direction, long-term goals, reputation, and career prospects and outlook. You may have recently questioned whether your efforts have had much impact. However, you feel stronger and ready to take on a challenge and bring more confidence to your work. Or, you feel more capable of handling your responsibilities and taking the lead. If a business venture or life path seems to have blocked in recent months, you are now turning a corner. Although it can take a bit of time to get back on track, you will likely see gradual improvements in these areas. Mars remains retrograde in your sign until November 13th, and it remains vital to slow down. Still, faith gradually builds. You’re approaching a golden time for taking steps towards achieving your goals and moving your plans forward.Taurus
Today’s Mercury-Uranus clash may pit your work and duties against your sense of freedom and independence, dear Taurus, possibly leading to mistakes or impatience in speech and with instructions. However, with Jupiter turning direct after four months of retrograde motion, you can feel you’re turning a corner with your outlook. Publishing or learning matters can move forward, perhaps after some limbo. Delays lift or news comes in that renews your interest in and motivation for these pursuits. In recent months, you may have questioned a particular belief system or suffered from some lack of faith in your future. Now, you readily find reasons to be optimistic about where you’re heading. Mind you, Mars has recently turned retrograde, and until November 13th, it remains a good idea to review and revise rather than begin brand new ventures. Jupiter’s direct turn is good for morale and a sense of turning a corner nevertheless.Gemini
Jupiter ends its four-month retrograde period today, dear Gemini, and you’ll gradually see improvements or forward motion with your intimate life or finances. You feel more confident and on the ball about dealing with tricky emotions and complicated problems. A close relationship may resume, rekindle, or heat up. Or, if you’ve been procrastinating on settling your finances, you’re now ready to take them on. The give and take in a relationship improves, or there is more clarity about your feelings and a partner’s involvement. The months ahead are good for making empowering lifestyle changes. While Mars has recently turned retrograde, and it continues to be important to take things easy, Jupiter’s change of direction is wonderful for boosting optimism. Today’s energies are up and down in the mood department and not ideal for clarity. Looks can be deceiving. Aim to take things easy on this shift day.Cancer
After four months of retrograde motion, Jupiter turns direct in your partnership sector, dear Cancer. This move feels refreshing and is a good sign for your close relationships or partnerships. It’s also strong for your general sense of balance. There can be more clarity or forward movement in a partnership. You experience less fear and more joy now, or you feel you’re turning a corner in a relationship. Certainly, your needs from others become more apparent. This change in direction can come in like a breath of fresh air, putting you in a better position to see the benefits of partnering going forward. Or, there could be more helpful, happy, or pleasing people coming (or coming back) into your life. You could feel on the fence today, nevertheless. Mars has just recently turned retrograde, and it remains wise to take things slowly and to get things sorted before pushing things ahead. However, Jupiter’s direct turn can boost your confidence and morale. The Moon spends the day in your sign, adding more color and punch to your emotional world.Leo
Jupiter turns direct after four months of retrograde motion, dear Leo, and your enthusiasm and motivation build for your work and health pursuits going forward. A delayed project can now “unblock.” Your motivation increases to get back on track with lifestyle changes or improving your habits and routines. Work matters pick up speed. You might return to projects that recently stalled, or you receive new information that lifts a block or obstacle out of your way. After reacquainting yourself with what you left behind, things pick up pace in these areas of life. You’re more confident and more likely to pursue new developments in business or work. Mars remains retrograde, so it’s not all clear to go forward, but Jupiter’s change of direction is useful for improving your outlook. You are less inclined to merely worry about the details and more willing to roll up your sleeves and take care of them. Today’s energies are on the moody or confusing side. It’s not a day for moving ahead straightforwardly, but you can get some little things done that ultimately help you advance. With the Moon in your privacy sector all day, you’d do well to focus on ways to relax or heal.Virgo
Jupiter ends its retrograde cycle today after four months, dear Virgo. As it turns direct in your creativity sector, Jupiter’s forward motion can help creative blocks lift. More clarity or enthusiasm may come to your love life, pursuit of joy, leisure time, or creative projects. Faith and optimism increase. You’re likely to make more spontaneous and natural connections in the coming weeks. Your excitement or motivation surrounding love, entertainment, hobbies, and pastimes builds. Although this shift isn’t instant, you’ll gradually feel more optimistic about sharing yourself with others. Keep in mind that Mars has recently turned retrograde, and some areas of life can still feel a little slow-going, but increasing confidence and boosted morale can help you get through delays or slower times.Libra
Jupiter’s direct turn today after four months of retrograde motion increases your enthusiasm and joy, dear Libra, particularly in your emotions, home life, and personal world. The weeks ahead are excellent for gradual improvements to family life. It can be a time of increased happiness, warmth, comfort, and support in your domestic world. Home improvement projects can resume or pick up pace, and relationships with family may strengthen. You have a real and growing sense that things are getting better. In two weeks, Saturn will turn direct in this same sector, and more blocks are likely to lift. It’s best to take things easy now since today’s shifts tend to blur our perceptions Mars has just recently turned retrograde, and backstepping is still likely in some areas of your life. Nevertheless, there can be information that lifts a block or obstacle out of your way that makes delays more manageable.Scorpio
Jupiter ends its four-month retrograde cycle today, dear Scorpio, and is now moving direct in your communications sector. Your confidence in studies or your ability to express yourself increases. More clarity is likely in your projects, communications, and personal interests. Positive word of mouth can benefit you tremendously. Studies, interviews, connections, and contacts can figure strongly and work in your favor. Your enthusiasm builds for learning and connecting. Conversations open up, and faith and optimism improve in the weeks ahead. You’re more courageous about reaching out to others, or blocks to making connections lift, and this is a time for spontaneous and natural interactions. There can be a sense that you are turning a corner now. Financial matters may also improve, or finances could be looking up. A project may turn a corner, or you return to a flagging personal interest or studies. Because Mars has just recently turned retrograde, work and health matters may need some attention and review. Generally speaking, it’s best not to push yourself or your projects too hard.Sagittarius
Jupiter’s direct turn after four months of retrograde motion can increase your confidence and joy, dear Sagittarius. Your general outlook and stores of optimism strengthen. With this turn in direction occurring in your resources sector, you have good reason for more confidence with money, resources, and talents in the weeks ahead. Your faith in your abilities and skills increases. A money block or delay might lift. It may take some time to get completely back on track, but the months ahead are favorable for business ventures and money-making ideas. You are more decisive about making purchases and confident about pursuing your desires. You’re also a little more faithful and courageous about growing a business. Even so, Mars just recently turned retrograde, and in a general sense, it’s best to go slow and do things a little differently and creatively.Capricorn
Jupiter turns direct today after four months of retrograde motion, dear Capricorn. Jupiter is currently transiting your sign (until December), and you’re likely to notice a shift in your outlook and mood. In the weeks ahead, you’re increasingly more comfortable and confident that you have the power to make positive changes in your life. You are likely to feel freer. This change of direction can refuel you with enthusiasm. Personal plans gain clarity. You more naturally follow your instincts spontaneously. This week, you feel that you’re turning a corner. Your faith that things will work out if left to run their course increases. However, Mars has just recently turned retrograde, and you’re likely to deal with some backlog. It remains important to slow down and approach your life differently, particularly in your home life.Aquarius
Jupiter turns direct today after four months of retrograde motion, dear Aquarius. You are in a development stage with Jupiter transiting your privacy sector until December, when this confidence-boosting planet will head into your sign. For now, you’re clearing the decks, and Jupiter’s direct motion helps you do so with a stronger sense of purpose. The months ahead are golden for the culmination of projects and introspection as you prepare for a more visible and outgoing period ahead. Jupiter’s direct turn improves your outlook and faith that you can put troubling matters behind you. Blocks can lift for projects or initiatives that had stalled. Keep in mind that Mars has recently turned retrograde, and until November 13th, there is still a need to look back, slow down, and do things differently. Today’s Moon is in your work and health sector, and taking care of business satisfies an emotional need now. There are multiple influences active today that suggest taking things easy, but you can be productive as you do.Pisces
Jupiter turns direct today after four months of retrograde motion, dear Pisces. Enthusiasm is sure to build for friendships or new ventures as blocks and delays lift. The motivation to interact, contribute, and participate improves. There can be a significant turning point in your outlook, and your faith in a plan, dream, or cause increases. As these areas of life clear up, you gain more insight into where you stand and have a stronger sense of where you’re headed. You more naturally reach out to others and network in the months ahead when you have excellent opportunities to enjoy, build, or form friendships. Career outlook and prospects are likely to improve as well. You follow your instincts spontaneously as you second-guess yourself much less frequently. Still, Mars has only recently turned retrograde and will remain this way until November 13th, and it makes sense to keep things slow and steady. Today’s Moon transits your creative and romantic sector, encouraging you to pursue your joy.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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