Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred on October 6th in the sign of Libra.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from September 27 to October 18th).
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon spends the day in your solar eighth house, dear Aries, and you continue to go within for some healing introspection. It’s best not to rush matters. The ruler of this area of your solar chart, Pluto, has just turned direct after retrograde motion since April, helping to unblock issues related to career, finances, and intimacy. It remains a rather intense time for happenings in your career and your personal life, but you’re likely to feel more and more on top of things. Extremes of feeling are likely as the shift occurs this week, after which things normalize. Good energy is with you for taking steps to improve your position. If there is a negative attitude or bad habit that you need to kick, this can be the time to do so. Today, it can be difficult to concentrate with social or romantic problems on the brain, and it can be difficult to socialize or enjoy yourself if you’re neglecting the work you need to do. Avoid taking mental disconnects with others to heart now, as the mind and the heart are unlikely to be on the same page temporarily.Taurus
You’re more likely to pay attention to others’ feedback today, dear Taurus, with the Moon in your opposite sign all day. Your partnership sector’s ruler, Pluto, has just turned direct after retrograde motion since late April. Faith in a system or conviction for a particular belief returns, and your desire to explore the world increases in the weeks and months ahead. Sharing your ideas and pursuing a special interest or topic can be more exciting. Problems with a partner or close friend that have been swept under the carpet begin to make themselves known. The good news is that you now feel more able to handle these things, and you’re prepared to make long-lasting improvements. While the shift occurs now, people may be more emotionally reactive than usual. However, as you advance, you’ll gain clarity on a partnership, travel, educational, legal, or promotional matter. Later today, you could feel some discontent with how your life is currently organized, and it can be challenging to know where to begin sorting it out. Try not to allow distractions to mess with your head, and aim to choose your words more carefully than usual.Gemini
The Moon spends the day in your solar sixth house of work and health, dear Gemini, and minor problems or flaws bother you enough to motivate you to handle them. The ruler of this sector in your solar chart, Pluto, just turned direct after retrograde motion since April. In the weeks ahead, you’ll feel more confident and motivated to take charge of your work, daily routines, habits, health, and finances. You are less concerned with whether you’ve made the right choices in the past and more focused on your current path and prospects. You’ll more readily recognize unnecessary elements in your routine or attitudes, making it easier to streamline. You may be actively doing research, and you can apply yourself with increased focus and dedication. The shift today may serve to magnify worries temporarily, but before long, you’ll gain perspective. As well, transits now can have you feeling the desire to escape routines. However you express inner discontent, this may be when you’re itching to do something different but having a hard time envisioning what you’d like to change. There can also be a problem communicating from the heart, which can lead to misunderstandings. Aim to be a little more mindful than usual about how you express yourself, as misunderstandings are possible.Cancer
The Moon transits your sector of joy and pleasure today, dear Cancer. While you should watch for the tendency to rush decisions, it’s a generally good time to find release through enjoyable activities. The ruler of this house of your solar chart, Pluto, has just turned direct after over five months of retrograde motion, and there can be a feeling of a breakthrough with a close relationship. You might come to a decision that has been a long time coming. You could be surprised to discover an ally or a newfound faith in someone you already know in the coming weeks. You can learn valuable things about someone special in your life, finding new layers to a person or special relationship. More clarity is likely in your love relationships and partnerships. As the shift happens today, you can feel some pressure, or there can be some dramatic feelings or discoveries. Later today, conversations may not be straightforward when they have to do with emotional matters. It’s best to make an extra effort to understand others before concluding that their intentions are poor. People may not be expressing themselves clearly, and there can be a general disconnect between the mind and the heart, so aim to rise above the more minor problems.Leo
The Moon spends the day in your sector of home and heart, dear Leo, and you seek some comfort and time and space for centering yourself. Nevertheless, today’s energies take you on a bit of a ride with the Moon square Jupiter and opposite Uranus. The ruler of this area of your solar chart, Pluto, has just turned direct after retrograde motion since April. This shift puts you on the verge of some exciting approaches to managing your domestic life, work, and health. A work project or a job can move forward now and in the coming weeks. The motivation to pursue a new or previously shelved health program can return. As you advance, you’ll be feeling more and more on the ball and empowered. There can be some intensity while the shift occurs this week, so don’t rush into anything. Aim to observe and strategize until you grow more accustomed to this shift of energy. It’s best not to skip steps today. Aim to be thorough if you must deal with important matters.Virgo
The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, dear Virgo, stirring your curiosity. The ruler of this area of your solar chart, Pluto, just turned direct after over five months of retrograde motion. As a result, your enthusiasm is returning for intellectual interests, hobbies, learning, studies, and creative projects in the weeks and months ahead. You’ve gained more insights into relationships, love, and your creative desires or pursuits, and you begin to see ways to apply them. Romantic feelings, personal interests and projects, and creative pursuits are life departments that get a nice forward boost now. Even so, this week, you might feel some pressure or worries along these lines as the shift happens. Things can temporarily feel overwhelming, but this is only your way of adjusting to the changes. Watch for misunderstandings, particularly related to family matters. Check that you’re actually in agreement — there is a tendency to perceive disagreement or disapproval when there is none right now.Libra
The Moon spends the day in your solar second house, dear Libra, and you seek a bit more stability or calm in your life. Even so, there is some tendency to feel in flux. It may be best to give yourself and others some space and freedom. Pluto, the ruler of this area of your solar chart, has just ended its retrograde cycle that lasted since late April. The shift itself can feel a little dramatic this week. However, things will soon take off, particularly in financial, domestic, and family matters. Your relationships with family and family roles are changing, and your determination to resolve challenges is building. Motivation and take-charge energy begin to increase. Acknowledge the need to make changes and improvements for best results now, and own it! Home-related projects might unblock or gain momentum. Letting go of something that’s been dragging you down may be part of this energy. Today, there can be some social blunders or mild misunderstandings to sort through, but excellent opportunities for getting organized are emerging. Dealing with others who are unsure of themselves can be frustrating.Scorpio
The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Scorpio, and you pay more attention to your feelings, which are particularly colorful at this time. Emotions are immediate and at the surface. Your ruler, Pluto, has just turned direct after more than five months of retrograde motion, bringing take-charge energy to your life. Mind you, the shift this week can feel a bit pressured as your ambitions to make changes can overwhelm you initially. As you advance, however, you’ll grow into this state and own it! Issues that have been buried or swept under the rug might emerge now for better handling. You can finally come to a decision or conclusion about something you’ve been stewing over for some time. A project can unblock, or news arrives that pushes your studies or a venture forward. With clarity, both your motivation and energy levels take off. Aim to do a clear-out on a mental level so that you can envision your goals. Today, you can be rather sensitive to what’s going on around you and to what’s said. It’s not an ideal time for realistic thinking and communication since lines can cross, or you might sense someone’s insincere. This may be a disconnect between the heart and the mind and nothing more.Sagittarius
The Moon spends the day in your solar twelfth house, signaling the need to restore your energy, pull back, and heal, dear Sagittarius. You’re a little more retiring at this time of the lunar month. Pluto, the ruler of this area of your solar chart, has just ended its retrograde phase, and slowly but surely, you’ll be taking charge of your life. Due to Pluto’s long-term transit of your solar second house, this energy is about feeling more empowered to make changes in areas surrounding self-esteem, worth, money, talents, personal belongings, and income. It’s also a good time to recognize and work on letting go of automatic behaviors that have kept you from thriving. This week, concerns can intensify initially during the shift itself, but they should decrease as you make sense of them. A business or financial matter might unblock or release. A cautious or conservative streak with money and possessions does continue, but you’re aiming to rise above worries. Today, there is some tendency to take things too personally, which can be a minor obstacle. Aim to find pursuits that bring you down to earth and get your mind off emotional conundrums.Capricorn
The Moon spends the day in your sector of dreams, plans, wishes, and friends, dear Capricorn, motivating you to connect with your happiness goals or with others. The ruler of this area of your solar chart, Pluto, has just ended its retrograde cycle. While the shift itself can seem to magnify pressures and ambitions this week, once accustomed to this energy, you’ll feel more in charge of your life. You are less likely to dwell on problems and more likely to take matters into your own hands, take control of your impulses, and resolve issues in the weeks ahead. Opportunities can emerge to make changes to your friendships that benefit you for some time to come. Today, try to avoid procrastination. We tend to be logical and reasonable with facts and figures but might not see the intention behind the words when emotionally close to a situation.Aquarius
You are more goal-oriented today, and you might catch a wave of inspiration, dear Aquarius. Ideas for progress can be original, but you could feel a little distracted or scattered temporarily. Pluto has just turned direct after retrograde motion since late April, and while the shift itself can put on the pressure this week, you’ll begin to feel more in charge shortly. You might revive or renew projects you have been working on behind the scenes or left unfinished. A career or reputation matter might unblock. There is a sense of moving forward and doing so in a positive, growth-oriented way. Today, there can be some misunderstandings. Consider that people do not necessarily mean what they say at the moment.Pisces
The Moon spends the day in your solar ninth house, stoking your curiosity and desire to explore and discover, dear Pisces. Pluto, the ruler of this area of your solar chart, has just turned direct after more than five months of retrograde motion. This shift in direction can usher in some forward movement and a stronger sense of being in charge of your life, particularly with educational pursuits and friendships or group endeavors. During the shift this week, aim to tune into your inner rhythms rather than react blindly to what’s going on around you. Try not to give in to pressure. From now on, you’ll find that uncertainties clear up. Friendships may be intense, but instead of dwelling on problem areas, you are motivated to make necessary changes that bring you closer to the resolution of long-standing problems. New ideas and approaches to your social life can emerge and empower you. Today, there can be conflicting desires to manage, and it can be hard to please both your need for some level of withdrawal and your need to perform and produce. Avoid stressing over the little things and speaking too quickly.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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