Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn until 11:42 AM, after which the Moon is in Aquarius.
- A void Moon occurs from 11:14 AM to 11:42 AM today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon (Solar Eclipse) occurred on the 25th, and the First Quarter Moon will happen tomorrow.
- Mars just turned retrograde yesterday (Mars is retrograde from October 30th, 2022, to January 12th, 2023).
- Mars Rx, Jupiter Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You are exceptionally skilled at resolving differences these days, dear Aries, but there are times when your affections or feelings are unusually complex. Encountering some resistance is possible today–you can be unsure how to approach a matter or conversation, or people are running hot and cold. Troubles such as these are temporary, and they ask you to get in touch with what’s in your heart. It can be challenging but worth the effort! It’s best to watch for impatience, which can aggravate already tense situations. Fortunately, influences help strengthen your emotional world or the conviction of your feelings. There is much to learn from a look at the layers of a given situation. Today is good for pulling into yourself to gather more strength, although the Moon does encourage you to diversify in the second half of the day. Ideally, you make time for both.
You have a stronger desire to harmonize these days, dear Taurus, with a strong emphasis on your partnership sector. However, with minor tense aspects today, this may go a little too far, opening you up to tension. It’s also a way of borrowing good energy from your future, as problems will grow if you sweep them under the carpet merely to enjoy the moment. It’s a generally good time to enhance and attract relationships, but there can be annoying differences or general impatience that complicates your exchanges. While irritating, it can stimulate you to think a little differently–disagreements can jumpstart your mind. Otherwise, today is good for gathering strength through your connections or long-term plans. You thoroughly enjoy mapping out a plan. You want to feed your need for inspiration now, and you need a good sense that you’re learning, growing, and improving through your activities and relationships. The Moon climbs to the top of your solar chart midday, calling your responsibilities or goals to mind more than usual. You might be in a position of leader, which can keep you on your toes!
You take more pride in your work, management ability, and performance, dear Gemini, making this a generally good period for firming up your routines. Minor challenging transits today can be tricky, and you’re more aware of problems, or you could feel overwhelmed. Differences in values with someone close to you can be in the spotlight. Remember that minor issues can be the trigger, but major issues may be at the root. Consciously try to slow down and tame your desires, which can seem very immediate and urgent now, but may not hold much weight later. Otherwise, you’re paying a little more attention to your hunches or dreams and can gain some wonderful insight into health or work matters.
An emphasis on the sector of joy in your solar chart is boosting these days, dear Cancer. Today, minor challenging aspects suggest that your pursuits and pleasures might interfere with other life departments. It may be that your desire for appreciation and admiration is so strong that it leaves you vulnerable to mood swings, for example. Exchanges can be fraught with tension or subtext. You may be facing some childishness in others or impatience in yourself. A better bet for the day is to maintain some detachment on an emotional level. Try not to stir up trouble over tiny matters. Otherwise, your motivation to do something meaningful is powerful today and tomorrow. You might thoroughly enjoy learning something new or developing your specialized skills or knowledge, which makes you feel stronger. Creatively speaking, things are picking up steam. Your ability to make all parties feel included helps you and boosts your position with others.
Minor challenging aspects today can stir up tensions, dear Leo, and ideally, lead to creative detours or solutions. Relationships can run hot and cold–there’s little predictable about your interactions and feelings right now. Stubbornness is an inclination, but if you can steer away from it, you’ll be in better shape. Some hypersensitivity to your environment is likely. To compound matters, you may be returning to old problems that have stumped you. Unfinished business can stick around and disrupt your life at unexpected moments. Otherwise, today and tomorrow are solid for gaining a sense of mission or purpose. Your ambitions are building, and your to-do list is filling up. You can feel particularly motivated to get things done, knowing that an effective and flowing routine may help you achieve your goals. The Moon moves into your partnership sector today, putting you in an enlightening position to get a different perspective on your life.
It’s best to be wary of indulgences or activities that compromise your values today, dear Virgo. With today’s minor challenging aspects, it’s all too easy to misrepresent yourself or react to something you might ignore another day. While indecision can be uncomfortable, it’s usually better than making poor decisions! Only push if you have to today, as timing can be a little off, and tension can spark easily in your relationships. This is because people are focusing too much on what they want and neglecting to see the other side. Aim to be patient. Otherwise, you might discover satisfying ways to bring more balance to a friendship or partnership. Focusing a little less on outcomes means you’re exchanging information and enjoying the flow more naturally. Healthy give-and-take is more clearly rewarding as you feel gently challenged.
Minor disagreements can happen more easily today, dear Libra, and the underlying issues may not be explicit or overt! There is a tendency to keep things to yourself or gloss over problem areas, but tensions emerge regardless. Temporarily, it may not be easy to see your desires clearly as you may be fixating on what you don’t have or short-term goals that are not particularly satisfying. Instead, you might wrestle with whether to stick with tradition and familiar situations or branch out. Working on the source of problems can be complicated but ultimately rewarding. Otherwise, the day holds promise for feeling empowered by getting a better handle on your daily routines, chores, work, or health. Attempting to push to find a resolution to a problem is unlikely to work well, but pulling back from it might.
You’re busier than usual with connecting, thinking, and talking in the first part of the day, dear Scorpio. Intellectualizing issues may be your way of avoiding an issue, so do watch for that. The Moon later moves into your solar fourth house, and you begin to crave more peace or calm. However, debates can easily turn into something else entirely, as there is a tendency to take differences of opinion personally. Competitiveness may feel disruptive rather than constructive or stimulating for now. It’s not easy to see beyond immediate desires and sensations for the time being, which can lead to chasing short-term goals that are unlikely to satisfy. While in spots irritating, tensions today can also stimulate the desire to improve. Aim to be patient if the timing is off with someone in your life. Fortunately, a hobby can have a powerful effect on you today, and dedication to something (or someone) you love motivates and drives you.
An emphasis on your soul sector indicates a reflective period these days, dear Sagittarius. It may not be the most upfront period, but it’s a good time to release outdated attitudes and clear space for new experiences and feelings to enter your life. However, today’s energies tend to pull up buried problems, and there is some tendency to make poor emotional decisions. Try to look past immediate desires, as these may be leading you down the wrong path. As well, avoid giving your hunches or observations too much weight until you get more proof. Impatience might influence your perceptions more than logic. You could feel that timing is off, particularly in your relationships, and you might discover that the best approach is to move forward, back off, and then try again. Proving that you have the endurance to outlast obstacles will obliterate them over time, slowly but surely. You can take a particular interest in your inner world today, and you’re likely to derive quite a bit of satisfaction from efforts to improve family and home life. You’re seeking a stronger sense of continuity and security.
The Moon continues to transit your sign, and you continue to see the world through a more emotional lens than usual, dear Capricorn. However, the Moon heads into your solar second house for a couple of days, and you seek more calm moments. Minor challenging transits today can stir up strong and sudden desires, but they can be misleading. Try to avoid making big decisions based on the feelings of the moment. The general atmosphere might feel a little tense, but consider that if you are having an off day, you might also be meeting the world from that position, which creates a vicious circle. Awkwardness is possible when it comes to returning social gestures, and others might hold you at a distance because they’re uncertain about how you feel. Be patient and try not to take timing problems to heart. Still, you can get the chance to gain just enough perspective on a situation to see the lesson. You can also feel particularly good about specialized learning or skills development now, and you want to contribute something of value.
Today’s minor challenging transits can make it difficult to be objective in spots, dear Aquarius, especially when assessing the value of things, situations, projects, and even yourself. Strong emotions, cravings, and desires can heavily influence your viewpoint. Someone could seem a little distant or aloof, or feelings can run hot and cold, but this is unlikely to reflect real feelings. Warmth may be lacking at times, but at other times, things get too hot. People are dealing with their own fluctuating desires, so it’s not something to take personally. Still, it can be worthwhile to examine trigger points. While this is a generally good time for enjoying working towards your goals, there can be some missteps today. Observation and strategy win the day. You’re in great shape for getting things done, particularly in a quiet or behind-the-scenes kind of way.
Some tension is possible today, dear Pisces, as you wrestle with the desire to explore, on the one hand, and a compulsion to oversee things on the other. Your social life may be a little confusing. Although you sense good energy in your interactions with others, a part of you could be questioning what you want or impatient to have your way. Ideally, tension or frustration stirs a desire to make improvements. Competitiveness may motivate you to step up your game, in other words! Consider that there can be some see-sawing between wanting to stick with what always works and the excitement of trying something non-routine, new, and unfamiliar, as both choices seem equally attractive. Still, you might enjoy a confidence or motivation boost from sharing ideas with others or supporting a friend. Be sure to add creative and imaginative pursuits to your day for a healthy escape from the routine.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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