Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 10:49 AM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- A Full Moon occurs today in the sign of Taurus at 10:49 AM.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from October 13-November 3).
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from September 9-November 13).
- Current retrogrades: Mercury Rx, Mars Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Your ideas regarding a business, money, or ownership matter can take a turn today, dear Aries. A Full Moon and Sun-Uranus opposition can serve as a wake-up call to take charge of your finances or to view your assets and things in a new light. It can also promote a stronger desire to establish yourself and make your life more comfortable, and an epiphany about money can be part of this. If you’ve been investing too much of your energy into something that’s just not giving back in satisfying ways, then you’ll feel the need to make changes now. There can be a turning point in a close relationship, with money or business, and a revelation that leads to new and important ideas. Keep in mind that, with a Full Moon, the solution to any emerging conflicts is to find a compromise or balance.
Today’s Full Moon is personal, dear Taurus, as it occurs in your sign. Uranus in your sign is involved, pointing to surprises and unexpected impulses. This lunation can bring a sudden revelation that can relate to your personal freedoms or attention to a partnership. Your feelings are strong and hard to contain. If you’ve been working on auto-pilot, you might suddenly wonder why you’ve accepted restrictions and sidelines. Aim to avoid abrupt or rebellious moves, but listen to your emotions today. In fact, this can mark a time of a significant epiphany. If you’ve been ignoring or burying your feelings, you may not be able to do so any longer–you’re getting things into the open. Still, it’s also a good idea to exercise some self-control as you do since emotions are raw at the moment. Feelings or realizations occurring now can be surprising! Tensions related to restrictions or limits can be strong, but they help push you to make personal changes.
With today’s Full Moon, you’re prompted to look within, get some rest, and answer your inner voice, dear Gemini. You may need a small hiatus from daily pressures and demands as this lunation occurs in your privacy sector and the sign behind yours, reminding you to take care of your spiritual and emotional needs. Your intuition or dreams have strong messages for you. Light shines on recent hidden or background trends in your life, which helps you fill in some of the blanks of your life. If you’ve been working too hard or putting so much effort into helping others that you’ve ignored your own needs, you’ll want to restore some balance. This area of your chart is much like a closet–unaccustomed to a show of lights! What you see now can be surprising, but it can also lead the way to letting go of the past in meaningful ways. Circumstances may be such that you feel a real division or conflict between your working life and personal life, and the demands of everyday life can seem overwhelming temporarily.
Issues of freedom and individuality are in strong focus again today, dear Cancer. Today’s Full Moon can stimulate an epiphany. After a spell of being fairly wrapped up in your personal life, you may realize the need to reach out to others and remind them that they matter to you. It’s a time to enjoy new revelations and share your findings with people you care about. This Full Moon serves as a reminder of your need for friends, associates, community support, or like-minded people. Tensions in your social or romantic life can come to a head, or a discovery or epiphany is significant and in focus. There can be a sudden need to detach yourself from personal focus so that you can connect with others in meaningful ways. You might awaken to the need to feel valued as a friend or to align yourself with a cause, goal, or dream to motivate/drive you. A sudden awareness of feelings for someone or a buried relationship problem can emerge and demand attention. You gain new insight into a preexisting problem or your feelings, and this illumination helps you make better choices in the future.
Your emotional life is a tad complicated again today, dear Leo. Balancing your personal and professional/public life can be challenging but an important goal with today’s Full Moon. This lunation, happening at the top of your solar chart, can mark the culmination of a significant work project or a scurry of activity on the job or in your public life. Events occur that highlight your responsibilities. With Uranus involved, too, this can be a time of sudden movement and surprises. It can be a time of big reveals. Acknowledging your need to perform, lead, and manage can be in focus, and you might recognize unacknowledged needs or bringing a project to fruition. Problems and flaws with plans may come to light, motivating you to take care of things that you’ve overlooked. If you experience a rush of emotional energy now, aim to harness and use it for achieving something important to you. Consider that you may need to do more observing than acting right now with Mercury and Mars still retrograde.
New information or feelings can emerge today to change your perspective, dear Virgo, but there can also be someone who swoops in to challenge you, which can be frustrating. You have little tolerance for restrictive, limiting situations so that if someone is dealing with you in a rigid or pushy way, you’re likely to go another direction. Relations with a lover, special friend, or partner can be challenging or provoke change. Consider that someone might be indirectly introducing you to parts of yourself or buried desires that you didn’t know existed. Today’s Full Moon today can excite the senses, reminding you that you need time away from the routine. You’ve been particularly absorbed in your everyday activities, errands, personal interests, and tasks which may have kept you in familiar mental territory, and now you’re reminded of the need to feed your spirit. This is about renewal, revival, and spiritual replenishment. Instead, you might complete or release a project or study. Unmet and unspoken needs are likely to find a platform now. This Full Moon might encourage you to look at the big picture or to reach higher and wider.
Issues of personal freedom continue to emerge today, dear Libra. Events occurring now trigger buried desires to be more independent, although they may feel more like a disruption at first glance. Tensions about money, debts, and obligations now can motivate you to work harder and smarter in the future. It’s always useful to look for the lesson in your experiences rather than simply reacting to them. Today’s Full Moon can serve to awaken you to unacknowledged feelings, or there can be a turning point or announcement in a relationship. You might recognize the need to let go of extra clutter or a bad habit. There can be a significant financial move this week or a revelation in an intimate relationship. An issue surrounding debts, obligations, investments, sharing, or support can emerge. Releasing your hold on something if you’re hanging on too tightly to it can improve your life. Seek compromises for the best results.
Today’s Full Moon today is in your opposing sign, dear Scorpio, and tends to excite the senses. You see yourself, your relationships, and your experiences in a whole new light, which can lead you down new paths. It’s a time to redefine what you want and need from your relationships, and this Full Moon, while a bit chaotic, can help you out in this regard. It may bring a personal or relationship matter to a head, and there can be epiphanies, relationship drama, important announcements, and realizations occurring now and this week. If you’ve been ignoring specific needs and emotions, these things now demand your attention! You may discover your true feelings on a matter or about a person. This is a time for learning about what you need and want from others. However, some unpredictability is a theme, and you’re learning to rely more on yourself than others.

Today’s Full Moon has a way of exciting things and heightening emotions, dear Sagittarius. This lunation may bring work, service, or spiritual matters to light. Information surfacing or feelings stimulated now nudge you to make necessary improvements and adjustments to your life, and a better work-life balance is the key to all of this. If you’ve been unsatisfied, or if problems have accumulated with work, health, or service matters, you’ll feel it strongly now with the events of the day and week. People needing your help can disrupt your workflow, or you’re easily distracted today. You’d be doing yourself a big favor if you manage previously buried resentment or guilt that has been driving your behavior and undermining your happiness. You’ve been doing a lot of looking within, withdrawing, and possibly escaping with the Sun’s transit your solar twelfth house. This Full Moon reminds you of your obligations, both to others (work, services) and to yourself (self-care programs, health regimes).

Changes in plans or sudden events can demand a new approach again today, dear Capricorn, particularly with friends, lovers, or children, and possibly a creative project or favorite cause. You’re thinking outside of the box, and you don’t want to feel bound by too many rules today. Today’s Full Moon can pull up unacknowledged feelings, and there can be some drama in your romantic life. A celebration is possible with the Full Moon in your sector of joy, pleasure, and self-expression. Feelings for someone or a project can blossom–you can experience a creative rush, strongly romantic or affectionate feelings, and a compelling need to express your emotions. It might be time to do something playful, fun, self-expressive, and creative, even with tensions experienced between what you think you should be doing and what you feel. It’s a good idea to feel out discoveries before making bigger decisions.

Demands are strong on you now, dear Aquarius, but it can be challenging to make headway until you strike up a compromise. A Sun-Uranus opposition today and a Full Moon occur today, and both events activate your work and home sectors. These influences shake up the status quo and challenge you to find a better balance between independence and togetherness, as well as work and home life. Finding that often elusive balance between work and play, security and excitement, or professional and personal life, is not always easy, but events occurring now can motivate you to try. This Full Moon lights up your personal life, pulling your attention to domestic matters. It’s a time to honor your need for a safe, comfortable, and supportive base. If you’ve been going it alone and making executive decisions, your need for support from loved ones is highlighted now.

Today’s transits tend to shake up preconceptions, dear Pisces, bringing surprising feelings. Changes in plans and schedules can alter your perspective on a matter or your view of a project or situation. Epiphanies and moments of truth can occur now, making it a powerful time to learn more about yourself. The Full Moon today is an eye-opening one and may feel a little hectic, but through a bit of chaos comes enlightenment, or at least a greater understanding of what’s most important to you. It can pull up unresolved emotional matters or buried feelings, and you can experience a strong desire to be understood, to have your say, or to express your ideas or point of view. Emotions run high, so do watch for speaking too soon. Otherwise, enjoy this rush of energy that helps you catch up with your true feelings on a matter. You may also need to catch up with errands and other essentials of your daily affairs.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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