Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius until 10:38 PM, after which we have a Capricorn Moon.
- The void Moon occurs today from 10:28 AM to 10:38 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase until 9:41 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 27th in the sign of Scorpio, and the First Quarter Moon will happen on November 4th.
- Mercury Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury stations and turns retrograde today (Mercury is retrograde from October 31st to November 20th).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
With Mercury retrograde from today until November 20th, this is a good period for doing research, refining plans, and personal introspection, dear Aries. Now and over the coming weeks, there can be some confusion or limbo regarding financial commitments and shared resources. Review your finances and realize that facts may be fuzzy for the time being. There is value in slowing down and considering past successes or misses so that you can better understand the present. You may do some thinking about previous partners, or someone from your past may be thinking about contacting you. It’s better to budget than spend or borrow during this period. In fact, it’s an opportune period for reviewing and gaining a different perspective on your intimate relationships and your inner workings. Today, with Mercury stationing and Jupiter and the Sun at odds, judgment can be a bit off, and restlessness is possible. On the one hand, you have a strong desire for a more in-depth exploration of a topic, or you seek more intimacy and involvement with someone. On the other, your mind is restless for new learning and experiences. Keep in mind that any problems cropping up today due to this fundamental conflict are likely to be quickly resolved if you focus on moderating your expectations and actions. Aim to pace yourself.
Now and until November 20th, Mercury is retrograde in your partnership sector, dear Taurus. Some projects you’ve recently started or statements communicated need some touching up. It’s an ultimately necessary process, even if it may seem like you’re backspacing now. Delays can also help you to understand your situation better as you see details you may have missed in the past. You are likely to be seeing a relationship from a different perspective in the coming weeks. Give others space and give yourself time to arrive at conclusions or decisions. A little skepticism at the moment can’t hurt, as all is not as it seems. There may be a turning to the past now, whether it’s a past connection or past matters with a current one. Also, the Sun and Jupiter are at odds, and rushing can lead to the scattering of your energies and accomplishing little at the end of it! Unfinished business can bother you and play with your mood. Still, there is excellent energy with you for making the most of things. Take a time-out from heavy thinking if possible.
Mercury is retrograde from today until November 20th, dear Gemini, and this can serve to sway your thinking and change your mind about recent decisions. It’s better to think in terms of review rather than pushing something entirely new. It’s a great time to slow down and attend to those things you’ve passed over in haste. Mercury’s retrograde occurs in your work and health sector, and there can be some rethinking, delays, or editing related to health, work, and daily routines. You might need to redo work that you thought was complete, or you could be dealing with delays that seem to keep you in a state of limbo. However, you might find that the refinements you make now will be very valuable later. While you should watch for misjudging things today, your social life should do well. There is some tendency to overdo a good thing. As divided as you may be feeling about work and play, there is terrific energy for productivity when you get your mind to the right place. The trick is to avoid shooting so high that you give up too quickly.
Mercury is retrograde starting today and running until November 20th, dear Cancer, and this is a time for slowing down, taking stock, and reviewing in-progress projects. Particularly during the transition, communication breakdowns are possible. Mercury’s retrograde occurs in your sector of romance, creativity, and children. The creative process might feel as if it’s moving backward, but it’s actually a realignment process. You are thinking and expressing yourself in different ways. People from the past tend to come back or become a mental/emotional focus. Communication is not likely to be straightforward, and questions can be left hanging. Still, it’s a good time to revisit old creative projects or ideas that you didn’t have time to pursue or complete. As well today, the Sun and Jupiter form a minor challenging aspect, and this can point to divided feelings or some restlessness as you try to integrate two apparently conflicting urges. Moderation and pacing yourself can be difficult now but will solve many problems.
Mercury is retrograde starting today and running until November 20th, dear Leo. This cycle can help you see your personal life from an entirely different perspective, particularly regarding family, home, and emotions. You might elect to reevaluate a matter or make refinements. New initiatives may not be wise at the moment, but reworking and reorganizing your home can be especially fruitful now. Today is better for taking stock rather than pushing something forward. It’s also a good idea to be exceptionally clear if it’s essential to get your message across. Delays and miscommunications aside, this is a reasonable period for revisiting old projects or ideas. With Mercury’s station today and a Sun-Jupiter aspect also active, try not to jump into or out of something too hastily. The need for quiet seems to clash with a desire to share, or there can be competitive or frustrating elements with a project or person, and it can be challenging to unwind. Restlessness may lead to risk-taking or excessiveness, but it’s best to think twice.
Mercury retrogrades in your sector of communication starting today and going until November 20th, dear Virgo. Now and in the coming three weeks, there can be delays or edits required with matters surrounding studies, transportation, and basic communications. There may be the need to revisit old, unresolved issues, subjects may need further revision and review, or there could be mechanical issues with communication and transportation devices that prompt some rethinking of how you connect and get around. Through these experiences, you might discover new ways to express yourself — ways that wouldn’t have come to mind otherwise. Try your best not to focus on flaws and problems, and this can be a rewarding period when revisiting past projects or subjects of study can be satisfying. Today during the shift, get all the facts before you jump into something. With the Sun and Jupiter involved in a minor challenge, restlessness can further confuse matters. Diversifying is a drive these days, but another part of you is seeking peace. Personal projects that seem outdated or slow to advance can frustrate you, or family and home life irritations can feel a little overwhelming as different drives and needs clash temporarily. It’s not so easy to discipline yourself just for now.
With Mercury retrograde from today until November 20th, dear Libra, there can be a change of mind or interest, possibly even a bit of regret when it comes to those things said or begun recently. This retrograde occurs in your sector of assets, and there may be the need to review your finances or budget, or you could be dealing with lost or misplaced possessions. Take the time to re-think your sources of income and how you spend your cash during this period, but put off finalizing anything significant for the time being. Go at old problems from a new direction or perspective. Open your mind to new ways of thinking and new approaches. Try not to be too offhand with communications, expecting others to get your meaning, because Mercury turning retrograde today tends to create a heavier atmosphere in which interactions are taken a little more seriously and not necessarily correctly just for now. As well today, the Sun and Jupiter form a minor challenge, and while you have a strong urge to develop your favorite projects or focus on building what you have, part of you is drawn to exploring various options and ideas. Consider that mental and physical energies are inconsistent with one another for the time being, and do your best not to expect too much. Seeking balance makes the most sense now.

Mercury turns retrograde in your sign today, dear Scorpio, and will remain retrograde until November 20th. You are looking at the world a little differently–through different filters–and you might come up with some significant inner revelations in the three weeks ahead. This period is best used for reorganizing and reflecting. It can be a time of heightened emotional awareness, when meditation, reworking old plans, and reviewing past work are favored. Some personal plans may stall or appear to move backward but can benefit from making some refinements. A New Moon has just occurred in your sign, and this may have filled you with initiative. You may be excited to share your ideas about your plans. However, watch today for talking about something prematurely. Conversations and interactions can be tricky. Pacing yourself makes the most sense. As well today, a minor clash between the Sun and Jupiter suggests possible restlessness or divided interests that can lead to overspending or other excesses. Whims that come on suddenly are probably not reflective of your real needs today. Aim to take a little extra time making decisions or commitments.

Mercury retrogrades in your privacy sector from today until November 20th, dear Sagittarius. Some of the decisions made and projects started in the last couple of weeks can come up for review now. There can be some initial struggle with signals that are difficult to read until you recognize that you are looking at things in entirely new ways. A new perspective can be useful, and you may get the chance to see a past matter in a new way. Minor breaks in the mechanical aspects of communication can reconnect you to other valid means of communication. You’re in good shape in the coming three weeks for redoing and refining work that is already underway, for journaling, and for backtracking over the past to find answers that were previously overlooked. As well today, the Sun and Jupiter form a minor clash, and you may be wrestling with the desire to tuck yourself away and the desire to put yourself out there and connect. Self-discipline is not especially natural today. Seek out an activity that allows you to take the initiative, but absolutely take it easy as a compromise. It’s not an ideal day for making commitments or final decisions, either.

Mercury is retrograde starting today and running until November 20th, dear Capricorn, making it a good time to look to the past for answers, as well as to do refinement and editing work. This transit happens in your friends and dreams sector, emphasizing your communications with associates, groups, and friends. Some of you could meet an old friend during this cycle, or you could feel a bit stuck in the past, dealing with delays or matters that are left up in the air. Some of the seeds you recently planted in terms of long-term goals are likely to need review or revision. Today, with the transition and a Sun-Jupiter minor challenge, there could be false leads or poorly researched advice circulating. Keep things light and aim to enjoy yourself rather than focusing on the little things going wrong. Your desire for some time for rest competes with your need for collaboration or social urges, and moods can go up and down as a result. Be gentle with yourself and your activities and projects for best results now — things will grow and improve given time, but don’t push for these things to happen.

Mercury is retrograde from today until November 20th, dear Aquarius, and it’s smart to aim to be as flexible as you can with your schedule, as mix-ups are possible as the station occurs. With the Sun and Jupiter at odds today, the chances for misjudgment increase. However, the retrograde cycle itself is useful for making meaningful refinements and catching up on things you overlooked in busier times. While it’s a strong time for refining long-term goals and career projects, there can be some confusion surrounding business plans or communications at times in the coming three weeks. Matters from your past might be rehashed or recycled and circulated. Some delays in career projects might happen that keep some things in a state of limbo. Patience is required now! Today, your goals and ambitions seem to compete with social impulses and distractions. You’ll find a way to satisfy both needs, but there can be some restlessness stirred before you get there. Try not to push yourself.

Mercury turns retrograde today for three weeks, dear Pisces, presenting you with a reasonable period for review, refinement, and editing work. It can be a time to catch your breath and to learn more about what you want and need. You may need to review legal, educational, or travel matters or delays happening now keep you in a state of waiting or limbo. Your creative workarounds can take you to good places, so keep an open mind. Check your facts before expressing your opinions, spend extra time on publishing projects already underway, and consider returning to studies that were on hold. Take care when it comes to presenting ideas, writing letters and emails, and any detail work today. Still, miscommunications may dissipate as you go along. As well today, the Sun and Jupiter form a minor challenge, serving to contrast your drive for exploration and experimentation and your need for results. Keep in mind that today is not ideal for making big decisions. The lack of a clear plan or worry over unfinished business suggests it’s best to pace yourself or catch your breath now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is October 31, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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