Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio until 5:58 PM, after which the Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The void Moon occurs today from 1:34 PM to 5:58 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 27th in the sign of Scorpio, and the First Quarter Moon will happen on November 4th.
- Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You’re likely to be feeling quite pumped about your work or goals today, dear Aries, and you’re ready to take on a challenge. Watch for rushing things, as your eagerness may lead to some impatience. Mercury will turn retrograde in a couple of days, and plans may not go as expected. However, enjoy your strong feelings of enterprise and take advantage. There is good energy with you now for resolving conflicts or coming to agreements with others that genuinely work. You’re feeling brighter and wiser. Issues on the table today and tomorrow are tricky, however, as they have to do with differences in values as well as power, sharing, boundaries, or intimacy. Yet, you have all the tools at your disposal to work things out. Remaining fair and open-minded is the key, and you’ll find others more honest and open than usual in return.

You’re likely to deal with reasonable, fair, and balanced people today, dear Taurus, or your unique approach to others brings out their sense of fairness. Debates, counseling sessions, consultations, brainstorming, and any other interpersonal problem-solving and decision-making can be wonderfully successful today and tomorrow. Personal and social needs blend well today. You are not only interested in coming to surface peace and harmony — you’re willing to go further with this and make sure that problems are tackled from the root. You’re particularly relationship-focused again today, and you have all the power to make improvements to your connections. Emotions deepen or you seek an absorbing or intense activity as the day advances.

Strong energy is with you today for pleasing relations with co-workers or others with whom you share your day, dear Gemini. You are particularly insightful when it comes to methods for doing your work, organizing, planning, and sorting today and tomorrow. You can have a strong urge to redesign or redecorate your working or home environment. You might uncover new approaches and developments that help you improve your health or work skills, or enjoy pleasing connections with people while pursuing your routines and daily health or work goals. Helping someone solve a problem can be in focus, and for some of you, your services are recommended or otherwise appreciated. There can be a pleasant blend of social and work elements now. Later today, your social life takes on more meaning.

Love relationships benefit from a feeling of balance and mutual understanding today, dear Cancer. Creative design comes more easily now as you envision what you want to accomplish more readily than usual. Making long-term plans or mapping out a project may figure strongly, although it’s better to keep these things open to change with Mercury soon turning retrograde. Others are attracted to your vision or your unique ideas. Relationships continue to be in strong focus, and they’re particularly pleasant or productive. Solving an interpersonal problem with special insight or clarity can figure strongly now. While there’s a real social theme to today and tomorrow, later today, you’re gearing up to take care of business. You’re also quite detail-oriented.

Good energy is with you today for solving problems, getting details sorted, and seeing more deeply into matters, dear Leo. Family relationships might get a boost, or improving the home environment through some form of a redesign can figure strongly. You see things a little more holistically now, and you may arrive at conclusions that, on other days, you easily miss or skip. If it would benefit you to arrive at an agreement with a loved one, today and tomorrow are good for pursuing one. Keep in mind, however, that some details may change later on with Mercury turning retrograde on Thursday, so keep things open or tentative best results. Still, today is excellent for stimulating goodwill. You see the value in a more peaceful, smooth-running personal life, and you’ll go to lengths to create it. The Moon heads into your sector of joy and entertainment later today, and this helps you loosen up and enjoy yourself.

You’re in good shape for smoothing over differences with others today and tomorrow, dear Virgo, and for coming to agreements or expressing yourself more eloquently in your communications. There is gracious energy with us. Not all transactions made now are likely to stick with Mercury soon turning retrograde, but the atmosphere is friendly, equitable, and clear. You’re in a good position to organize your daily affairs, projects, or studies, and with an improved design, you feel more inspired to learn, connect, write, and share your ideas. People appreciate your viewpoint, intelligence, and insight, as well as your sense of fairness and impartiality. Relationships can thrive with a bit of extra attention now. Later today, the Moon moves to the bottom of your solar chart, encouraging you to get comfortable and soothe yourself with familiarity.

A delightful blend of the social and practical feels right to you today and tomorrow, dear Libra. Problem-solving related to business or practical affairs is especially favored. Still, it’s best to keep things a little open-ended for the time being with Mercury soon turning retrograde (on Thursday). You may be particularly excited about moving on and turning over a new leaf with your money or resources. You might also tackle sorting out money or ownership problems now, and this can send you along a new, more empowered path. There is a better chance that people cooperate and come to fair and civilized agreements now, and this appeals to your especially idealistic nature. The Moon heads into your communications sector later today, where it will spend a couple of days, encouraging you to learn, connect, and share.

Today is useful for reaching agreements with others, communicating, and sharing ideas with a receptive audience, dear Scorpio. Venus and Pallas come together in your sign, and your creative ideas and unique insight are appreciated, noticed, and perhaps even applauded by others now. Good feedback on your work or projects may be forthcoming. Connections and contacts made now can be particularly valuable and significant down the line, perhaps expanding your viewpoint on a matter. Your intelligence is playing a vital role in your considerable attractiveness right now. You might enjoy some creative inspiration and useful feedback on your projects. Still, there can be some backtracking later for decisions or agreements made now with Mercury about to turn retrograde. The Moon spends some of the day in your sign, and when it enters Sagittarius, it heads into your solar sector of resources. It’s a time for settling down and taking an inventory of what you have and what you need.

You’re likely to find people to be particularly reasonable and ready to talk through problems today, dear Sagittarius. The day can be constructive for finding the right resources to resolve a conflict or a personal challenge. Attention to the mental or emotional side of health is essential today and can lead you to important discoveries. Venus and Pallas come together in your privacy sector, and you can find precisely the right resources to resolve a conflict. People seem ready to talk and cooperate, at least on a mental level, but you tend to prefer some level of privacy or confidence before expressing your ideas just for now. Your private life or time with yourself is particularly rewarding and confidence-boosting now. While the Moon continues to transit your privacy sector for part of the day, it ends up in your sign, and this can lead to a small feeling of emotional rebirth. You feel ready to take on more, and you’re willing to move out of your comfort zone to do so.

Aim to savor the moments and plan well today, dear Capricorn. Fortunately, good energy is with you for mapping out plans, making fruitful connections, and coming to agreements. You might meet particularly unique and interesting people now, or a friend introduces you to intriguing ideas or groups. You can feel quite a bit of excitement about plans for the future. Talking through the trickier of issues and problems comes more easily today than usual. While today and tomorrow are strong for verbalizing, connecting, and sharing, Mercury will turn retrograde soon, and it makes sense to reserve judgment since you may change your mind about a matter later. The Moon continues its transit of your social sector today but later heads into your privacy sector for a few days. This points to a need to rest, reflect, and release energy as you prepare for a new cycle.

Today is an excellent time for formulating goals, connecting with people who can advance your plans, and good relations on the job or with people in high positions, dear Aquarius. Today’s energies are quite magical for dealing with a public or professional matter. It’s also strong for making reliable, well-designed plans for the future or your career. Progress can be made now on repairing, developing, and enhancing your connections. There is good energy with us today and tomorrow for cooperating and allowing for multiple viewpoints. Still, Mercury will turn retrograde on Thursday, and it’s better to keep things open and avoid setting things in stone since perspectives can change later. Later today, the Moon enters your social sector, stimulating your need to detox from goal-based thinking and enjoy something lighter.

You can feel building enthusiasm for your new projects, ideas, contacts, and connections, dear Pisces. Today is useful for making long-term plans related to travel, writing, and studies, although you may want to leave some things open. It may not be time to lock things down. Sharing your ideas, viewpoints, and beliefs and listening to others’ experiences can be particularly inspiring and pleasant right now. You’re willing to take a fresh approach to teaching, guiding, learning, and communicating today. The Moon spends part of the day in your adventure sector, encouraging you to seek out new or different experiences. It ends up in your career and responsibility sector, however, and your thinking is more goal-oriented as the day progresses. It’s a good checkpoint for assessing where you’ve come with your goals and where you want to go.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is October 29, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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