Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase until 9:36 AM, after which it’s in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon happens today at 9:36 AM.
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from October 30th, 2022, to January 12th, 2023).
- Mars Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon is in the hidden sector of your solar chart all day, dear Aries, and you are a little more retiring than usual. As the day advances, there is provocative energy with you. A tendency to say too much or speak/react too quickly comes from a Venus-Mars opposition across your communications sectors. Boundaries can be crossed and it can be a little difficult getting to a point of compromise, but it’s far from impossible. It may take quite a bit of back and forth to arrive at a middle ground. Wanting more than can be provided from one another can be resolved only by changing your expectations or mustering up patience. Mental or intellectual exchanges seem to spark strong feelings or attractions and aversions. You might rediscover a desire or passion that you may have left behind.Taurus
You seek satisfaction and comfort from your social life, dear Taurus. Emotional freedom to be yourself without obligations is a need now with the Moon in your solar eleventh house all day. As the day advances, we approach a Venus-Mars opposition, and someone may not be budging, whether this is due to stubbornness or indecision. Buried passions and desires can emerge, but pursuing them may not be a straightforward matter–not yet, anyway. It’s a time when people can be pushing boundaries, and possessiveness or competitiveness can be strong themes. You could feel on the fence emotionally, too easily focusing on things that have been lost or buried. It’s best to tone things down and seek out a compromise. Ultimately, you’ll get to a plan that makes sense but it’s about discovery for now, and it can be a little disruptive. Avoid emotionalism when it comes to controversial topics, including money.Gemini
With the Moon at the top of your solar chart all day, dear Gemini, you’re a little more ambitious or formal today than usual. A Venus-Mars opposition is upcoming, and as the day advances, it can stir some tension. You don’t seem to be on the same page as someone, or you are, but the timing is completely off. It can be difficult to see eye to eye or to come to an agreement, as everyone seems to want different things. Perhaps someone is hoping you’ll intuit what they truly want. There can be volatile feelings, which can be a symptom of not being in touch with genuine needs and wants. You can learn a lot about yourself from whatever is easily triggered today! Avoid reacting with defensiveness and aim to draw on patience.Cancer
With the Moon in your adventure sector all day, you crave the sense that you’re growing, learning, and improving, dear Cancer. Focusing on past actions can get you into a bit of a jam as the day advances, and you could be facing stubbornness in others. A Venus-Mars opposition stirs restlessness, and yet you may lack energy to do something about it. A love matter can reach a head. You might want to watch for impulsive moves, as they’re more likely to be memorable and to have a long-term impact. You may unwittingly block your progress with your actions now, so do think twice. It may be better to wait things out before drawing conclusions. Even so, acknowledge whatever feelings coming to the surface today, even if they seem to be irrational, but keep in mind that you don’t have to act on them yet.Leo
With the Moon in your solar eighth house all day, dear Leo, you pay more attention to your intuition. You can quickly cut through to motivations. It can be difficult getting on the same page with others as the day advances. The eventual result of conflicts can be exciting and stimulating, but possibly less than satisfying in the moment. Rhythms in love and patterns in relating can be off and on, leaving it difficult to find satisfaction. There can be awkward moments in your relationships, and feelings can run hot and cold. Avoid taking things too personally, especially if someone is giving you confusing or mixed signals. It may be best to watch for haughty or impulsive decision-making and premature reactions.Virgo
The Moon spends all day in your partnership sector, dear Virgo, and your social instincts are strong. You’ve been making a lot of the decisions, and you may now crave the input of someone you trust. However, there can be off-timing and impatience in your relationships as the day advances and Venus heads into opposition with retrograde Mars. The social side of business or work, especially, can be complicated. You could be stewing in old anger or past problems, impacting the present. Give of yourself until you meet the halfway point, or to the point at which you still feel comfortable, to avoid stirring up resentment. It’s not the best time to go over the top or react too quickly.Libra
The Moon spends the day in your sector of work, habits, and routines, dear Libra, and you’re mainly focused on taking care of details and organizing some area of your life. As the day advances, it’s easy to become aggravated if others aren’t moving at your speed, making it best if you can set your own pace. Wants and needs can seem like the same thing. Debates can become personal with a Venus-Mars opposition influencing the day. Try not to fixate on something outside of yourself that you feel will solve all your problems. Your heart tends to rule your head with this transit in play, and it’s probably best to save practical matters for a better, clearer day.Scorpio
The Moon spends the day in your romance and entertainment sector, dear Scorpio, and you seek fun and unique ways to express yourself. As the day advances, you may discover that something you haven’t done in the past is now coming back to your attention. A missed opportunity may be frustrating, but it can also steer you on a course towards better managing your resources. If you haven’t felt valued or respected, you may now react and reach a boiling point as Venus opposes retrograde Mars. Financial matters can reach a head. Emotions and passions run high surrounding ownership, money, and respect or value right now. Watch for impulsive purchases or sudden decisions about money and relationships — it may be best to wait until you have a cooler head.Sagittarius
You have a stronger than usual need for familiar situations and environments today, dear Sagittarius, with the Moon in your home and family sector all day. There is quite a bit of attention directed towards you, but you can be rather sensitive, and something may be missing the mark as the day advances. You seeking peace and balance, but you feel thrown off by things left up in the air. A disagreement or lack of understanding is quite possible as Venus in your sign opposes retrograde Mars. Cupid’s arrows may be flying in the wrong directions, but avoid letting this drain you. Relationships can be conflicted but also hold valuable lessons now.Capricorn
Your personal affairs are emphasized today with the Moon in your solar third house, dear Capricorn. Your curiosity is strong. You’re likely to be in a busy frame of mind. There can be some tensions as the day advances and Venus heads into opposition with retrograde Mars. Someone may take issue with you if you’ve been on the fence about a topic or if you’ve been stalling. It may be hard to see eye-to-eye, and desires are likely intense, but they may also temporarily lead you astray. Frustrations with routines and work can be prominent, particularly as you crave more time to yourself to sort out your feelings. Emotions can bubble to the surface at unexpected moments. Sensitive information or hidden desires may be revealed, steering you on a different course. There may be a revelation or a culmination in a relationship, work, or business matter. Consider that you may be hypersensitive on a social level right now, before reacting.Aquarius
The Moon in your solar second house encourages you to learn more about your needs and get to know yourself better, dear Aquarius. A Venus-Mars opposition stirs passions strongly as the day advances. Inner frustrations can also emerge if current relationships are not satisfying your deeper needs or if you’re not able to get on the same page with the one you want. If you’ve been harboring resentment for someone, it may very well emerge now, or someone may be bringing up something about you that requires managing. Seek passion rather than mere experience for true emotional fulfillment. You might avoid making a stand or show right now, as you may regret it later when your head is clearer, but aim to learn from conflicts and disagreements.Pisces
The Moon in your sign today can be lively, personal, direct, and spontaneous, dear Pisces. It’s a time to get in touch with some of the needs and desires you’ve brushed off recently. There can be impatient or immature reactions to delays as the day advances with Venus heading into opposition with retrograde Mars. Buried matter can emerge and leave you feeling resentful of others, or desirous of something you can’t have. Passions tend to run high, but satisfying them may not be straightforward. The byproduct can be tension, but you might be able to turn it into something more creative. It can be challenging to be indifferent towards others, but it can be emotionally freeing to do so from time to time! Consider being kinder to yourself by looking the other way when it is appropriate to do so. This may also be a time when tension or hyperactivity in your personal life can disrupt your public life, work, or performance. You might want to avoid stirring the pot until you know where you truly stand on an issue, as things can escalate quickly at this time.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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