- The Moon is in Taurus.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase until 11:21 PM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurs tonight in the sign of Taurus at 11:21 PM.
- Pluto is retrograde.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until May 13th.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s New Moon occurs in your resources sector, dear Aries, which rules over your earning power, comfort, and security. It can be time to start fresh with what makes you feel comfortable and secure, encompassing material things and emotional attachments. New Moons can bring about new beginnings or slate-clearing events that prompt a new attitude or approach to certain areas of your life, making this a good time for resolutions related to business, finances, and boosting your sense of security. The weeks ahead are good for taking care of your money and things. If you’re looking to earn more, this can be a time to seek out new channels. This New Moon is strong for intuition, particularly with your income, personal resources, valuables, and self-worth. It’s time for a fresh start with issues of usefulness, respect, and stability, and you’re likely to feel encouraged, inspired, and determined to make positive changes. Sometimes, feeling temporarily insecure about your situation is enough to motivate you to strengthen your position. While money management can be in focus with this lunation, it’s also a fantastic time for taking moments to enjoy earthy and grounding activities.Taurus
Today’s New Moon is in your sign, dear Taurus, and it can ultimately serve as a powerful motivator or prompt to make personal changes and improvements. This lunation signals a time to reinvent yourself in a meaningful way. Instead, it’s a time for a personal new beginning. Your drive to be counted, seen, and heard emerges in full force this week! You might consider ways to update your personal presentation or image, which can lead to a fresh start. You’re encouraged, inspired, determined, and hopeful, and bringing these attitudes into the world. Opportunities are likely to open up to you in the coming days. You are more noticeable and dynamic than usual, and people appreciate you. Make plans to pay more attention to your own needs and happiness during this period when some healthy self-focus is especially appropriate. Avoid rushing into new beginnings, aiming to pace yourself.Gemini
Today’s New Moon might serve as a gentle push to put the past behind you with solid plans, actions, or even symbolic actions, dear Gemini. You’re tying up loose ends or dealing with secrets, private matters, and karma. It’s time to clean the slate, and you get solid support for doing so. In fact, you’re likely to feel both inspired and determined. There is much going on behind the scenes or in the background in your life with this lunation occurring in your privacy sector. Your dreaming world is vivid, and intuition is exceptionally active. Aim to listen to your inner voice! You can feel emotionally equipped to not only accept but embrace change and progress. New energy is with you for dealing with the past or private matters, letting go of things you no longer need, and attending to your mental and emotional wellness in the week ahead. The focus is on purging and healing. The weeks ahead are excellent for winding down activities.Cancer
Today’s New Moon brings a boost of fresh energy, dear Cancer, especially with friendships, group associations, humanitarian goals, and the pursuit of happiness. New friendships are one of the most prominent results, but other notable events include breathing new life into existing connections or arriving at new goals, dreams, and plans to look forward to and enjoy. You’re looking at people and your “place” with or amongst them in a new light. You might also discover a new interest or revive a project dear to your heart in the week ahead. Your sense of belonging to something bigger than yourself can be in focus now. It’s a time of awakening yearnings for kinship, friendship, and involvement on the soul level. You have more power and opportunity to make a difference with others or to make an impact in your social circle or community.Leo
If you need to start fresh with career or performance goals, dear Leo, aim to get your intentions with today’s New Moon. This lunation supports your professional plans, long-term goals, or life path pursuits. Your reputation can get a nice boost, and responsibilities are easier to meet. You’re inspired and determined to start fresh and make improvements. There may be new duties, recognition, positions, or projects. You might come into the limelight in some manner now, or you’ll find others are noticing you for your performance and actions. There can be the need to follow the rules or straighten out an area of your life in the week ahead. A new plan can unfold in the days ahead, and it can fill you with high hopes and a sense of purpose. Others’ vision of who you are does impact your life possibly more than you know, and now is a time for understanding the specifics of this.Virgo
Tonight’s New Moon clarifies that new approaches to your extracurricular activities are in order, dear Virgo. In the week ahead, you might commit to a new line of study or more enjoyment and discovery in your life. New or revitalized interests, unusual studies, and different perspectives can lead you in new directions. Breaking out of limiting habits and routines can be almost as important to you as breaking into unexplored territory. Either way, you’re feeling refreshed. This New Moon is a pleasant, gently motivating influence. Your quest to learn and grow is strong, and your studies or interests can take you somewhere exotic mentally. Gaining new knowledge or fleshing out your knowledge of particular subjects can figure strongly. You can be feeling particularly enthusiastic and excited about new beginnings and fresh starts.Libra
Today’s New Moon serves as a cosmic nudge to share, support, and enjoy a relationship or project in more depth, dear Libra. This lunation is motivating, and it can open doors for you for following a passion. It stirs up a keen interest in learning about your own needs, motivations, and deeper desires, empowering you to make important lifestyle or psychological changes. New beginnings with shared finances or debts may also be in store. A fresh start in an intimate relationship or with a particular passion project is also possible now. You’re inspired and determined to make improvements! You might become more aware of any negative or undermining dependencies you may have. The desire for emotional intimacy and closeness can enforce more creative relating patterns. New insights can be intensely revealing, particularly about money, love, or intimacy, potentially shedding light on your financial situation, relationship dynamics, or personal desires. It’s essential to feel the inspiration for what you’re doing–if you have that, you can move mountains. With New Moons, always aim to start slow, gathering inspiration before you begin fresh.Scorpio
Today’s New Moon occurs in your partnership sector, dear Scorpio. As such, a fresh start or new beginning in the week ahead can relate to your relationships, especially partnering matters, negotiations, a sense of balance in your life, and perspective. You could reach for new or improved goals related to a partnership. It’s a time for feeling inspired and determined at once! There might also be increased activity with clients, counselors, or the like, and you could be in higher demand than usual. It’s a busier time of year for involvement in others’ lives and an opportunity period for building your skills with people and negotiations. A significant someone in your life could add a fun dose of excitement to your life. You’re likely to feel that you’re progressing or improving, and this sense serves as a powerful motivator across the board. There can be a need for collaboration.Sagittarius
Today’s supported New Moon helps you start fresh with work, health, routines, wellness, and good habits, dear Sagittarius, as a new cycle begins. There can be new projects, jobs, priorities, and tasks to manage in the coming days or the week ahead. Inner stirrings can prompt a new approach to work and health or the desire for something new from your routines. Circumstances can be such that you’re inspired and motivated to begin anew with your health and wellness, physical healing, your job or chores, daily affairs, or pets. This can be an opportunity period for building better, more satisfying systems in your life. New duties or chores can be in store. Still, it’s important to avoid beginning too quickly, aiming to pace yourself. A New Moon is about inspiration–the details will be filled in later.Capricorn
Today’s New Moon can bring on a new beginning or fresh start regarding love, romance, creativity, children, fertility, entertainment, leisure, or hobbies, dear Capricorn. There can be opening doors, new beginnings, or restarts along creative or romantic lines in the week ahead. It’s a good time to express your feelings, create, romance, enjoy, and entertain. You feel strongly about doing more enjoyable things and discovering more pleasurable pastimes, and this is an excellent week for committing to taking care of your inner child and feeding your spirit with activities that are celebratory, fun, and playful. Ideas for enjoying life’s more playful moments can come to you in a rush, or opportunities can suddenly appear, ready to grab. This lunation begins a period for taking charge of these areas and making improvements that help restore balance. It can be a passionate time for you, or it can be about rediscovering old passions and bringing them back to life. The focus should be on eliminating those things that have been weighing you down.Aquarius
Today’s New Moon brings fresh-start energy to your domestic world, dear Aquarius. It’s a time when you can learn profound things, not only about your current affairs but also about your life path and direction, by getting in touch with your true feelings. In many ways, this New Moon is a push to reconnect with yourself to check in with your feelings and comfort levels before pressing forward. On another, more literal level, this can be a good cycle for starting fresh with home projects or reorganizing your living space. There can be a move, preparations for an eventual relocation, or the resolve to become more active with family or to take more time off to enjoy home life. You are determined and inspired to make improvements, and you can feel a sense of mission regarding your living conditions or support system. New household projects or a renewed focus on activities around the home can be in store, or family relationships or support systems figure strongly. You can be in need of a safety net, comfort, familiarity, and nurture.Pisces
Today’s New Moon prompts a fresh start or approach to learning, sharing, and connecting, dear Pisces. In the days and week ahead, new or improved channels might open up for you to get around, reach out, and communicate. This lunation is wonderfully supportive of your projects and outlook or attitude. It launches a favorable cycle to learn, develop interests, make contacts, and explore different communication channels. There can be better mental rapport with others, and you can take care of daily tasks with increased and renewed energy. If you feel unsettled in these areas of life, know it’s time to make changes and take charge. This is one of the best times of the year for writing, beginning new courses, projects, and interests, speaking engagements, and making friends.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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