Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo until 2:08 AM, after which the Moon transits Libra.
- The void Moon period continues only until 2:08 AM today (it began yesterday at 7:52 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 27th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from April 21st to May 14th).
- Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s transits help you see matters in a new way, dear Aries, but because there can be some misunderstandings, it may be best to avoid complicating matters further by juggling too much. It’s important to find things to engage your mind and refresh your spirit. Aim to pay special attention to ideas and information surrounding money, business, valuables, talents, and personal possessions. Whether they emerge from within or outside of you, something falls into place, and it can feel magical. It’s a time for seeing a matter in a new light, and benefits come from doing so. Not everything is likely to make sense, as is often the case with new beginnings, but what comes out of conversations and thoughts today can be significant later. Keep in mind that what you say today can be more memorable than usual, so be sure to choose your words carefully. The desire to smooth over differences and keep the peace is strong, but there can be missteps as you try.Taurus
You are especially “heard” today, dear Taurus, and generally received well, but with Mercury still retrograde in your sign, you may want to take special care when communicating. Aim to clear out the mental clutter to make room in your mind for positive thoughts and new ideas. Observations made now can lead to significant and long-term improvements. Creatively speaking, you’re in fabulous shape today for all things practical and spiritual. Later today, attempts to express your feelings can go a little wrong due to a temporary inability to connect with your true feelings. If you can, avoid work that requires close attention to detail or concentration. Distractions can make it challenging to keep up or to do your best.Gemini
You’re receiving interesting clues from your impressions and dreams, dear Gemini. You might aim to let go of bad attitudes or situations, and just how to do so seems a little clearer with today’s transits. There could be a secret revealed or an epiphany that leads you to view old problems or a past matter in a telling new light. The information you come across today can be significant for putting something behind you. A new or renewed project can be more appealing and motivating. Later today, others might misinterpret what you’re saying, or you could misrepresent yourself somehow. You may feel a little in the dark, or others could sense that you are holding something back. You benefit from looking within because, in truth, you may not have all the right information to make a clear decision for the time being.Cancer
The day holds good energy for ideas relating to friends, projects, and relationships, dear Cancer. You can be especially sensitive to what’s happening around you and what’s communicated right now. Still, you’re gathering valuable information, and it’s a great time for processing, reviewing, and rediscovering old interests or plans. While this insight is still in its new and raw stages, it puts you on the road to brand-new beginnings. It’s wise to be more mindful than usual with your communications later today, as it’s not an ideal time to stir the pot, open up sensitive conversations, or jump to conclusions. It’s better to listen and help or play a supportive role, keeping in mind that what you hear may not be especially objective. Distractions can lead to fuzzy thinking, too. Miscommunications are especially likely with friends and when addressing events from the past.Leo
Ambitions, career, responsibilities, or reputation issues can be in focus today, dear Leo. You’re starting to approach life direction and long-term goals in new ways that can be fruitful, leading to significant new ideas. You can get a sense of your next step or insight into particular directions you’ve been taking. You might get wind of a reputation matter. Your communications have more impact than usual. And, with Mercury still retrograde and an upcoming eclipse, it’s best to be selective with your words, keeping in mind that misunderstandings are possible. Your observations today can be invaluable later, but there are better times for conclusive or definite decision-making. With Mercury retrograde in a visible area of your chart approaching a minor challenging aspect with Venus, you might regret speaking publicly or professionally, or what you say can be taken the wrong way. You might struggle with simultaneous needs to perform and desires to resolve problems with friends or to analyze relationships. Or, it may be hard to agree with a friend or associate about how to move your goals forward. Breathe through disagreements and keep a reasonable distance since discussions can quickly turn into issues. Try to entertain your need for easygoing activities today, as they can be emotionally refreshing.Virgo
Thoughts might turn to the past or recent decisions and plans, dear Virgo, and your new take on a situation is helpful. The conversations you engage in now can be inspiring and possibly quite enlightening. Education, transportation, beliefs, or publishing issues can be in stronger focus. What you read and hear about today can be invaluable for future projects or inspire new thinking and ideas that have the power to stick with you for some time to come. You’re drawing on your experience and creating something new from it or seeing new layers of a situation you previously overlooked. Compelling interests and beliefs can emerge now. Nevertheless, with Mercury retrograde, it’s best to be more mindful of directions, instructions, and what you communicate. There can be a minor clash of values with someone or indecision, particularly regarding long-term goals or career matters. It’s unlikely you have all the information you need to make a firm or final decision, so wait things out if you can. Try to simplify or tackle things one step at a time, or you will feel you’re getting nowhere.Libra
Some healthy self-focus or absorbing projects and pursuits can figure strongly today, dear Libra. It’s a powerful time to delve into your feelings and intimate thoughts. If you’re a little self-absorbed now, it may very well be a valuable exercise. You’ll likely gain a big clue or further information on a matter, but it’s not yet time for a conclusion. Thoughts, ideas, news, or conversations about private or financial matters now can lead to important directions or developments in the future. However, there can be some difficulties getting your message across since people can be more sensitive than usual. We may be so focused on the words used that we don’t attempt to understand the intentions behind them. Watch for overanalyzing or intellectualizing your feelings in such a way that you misrepresent yourself. Don’t pull your hair out if solutions to problems are not immediately apparent.Scorpio
You might look at a matter or person from the past in a new way today, dear Scorpio. Seeing both sides of a situation helps round out your thinking, ultimately leading to better decisions. Counseling and advice can be in focus and helpful. There can be a meaningful conversation with a partner, or someone’s feedback can make all the difference in your life today. You might recognize relationship needs, and new goals can emerge. You won’t have all the facts or answers right now, and the significance of your ideas or discussions today may still need to be clarified. However, they can lead to important conclusions or directions down the road. Later today, there can be plenty of interference to navigate. The tendency is for people to take things the wrong way or too personally. Objectivity is difficult with feelings and logic mixing in all the wrong ways, to the point that we either speak too emotionally or relate too intellectually or logically. Unrest with others can figure strongly in this, especially if you sense insincerity. You may not be in close touch with how you truly feel so that it’s better not to try to explain your feelings until you truly know what they are. With a little extra thought put into how questions are phrased and the tone of conversations, life tends to smooth over.Sagittarius
You approach problems from a different angle today, dear Sagittarius, which can be very helpful. You might see new details and gain meaningful insight into a work, chore, or health issue. Ideas born now can have great significance later. It’s better to think about what you can do to improve and tweak current projects and ideas than to start all-new ones, but your thinking in this regard is creative. It’s a turning point of sorts, moving you from a state of indecision to increased clarity, although your path is not yet fully illuminated. Later today, watch for arriving at a conclusion too hastily or speaking about your feelings before you truly know what they are. You want to be productive but can have a hard time concentrating due to emotional or social concerns.Capricorn
Today’s conversations or ideas you form now can serve as significant turning points, dear Capricorn. You might find new ways to get your message across that are perhaps non-traditional but very satisfying. Someone from your past could reappear, or an old issue might wrap up. Whether this happens within you or without, it’s helpful and serves a valuable purpose. Your attitude about future growth and improvement is also evolving, and looking to past ideas can lead to useful new methods, redirecting you in positive ways. Further information or an epiphany about a creative or romantic matter can figure strongly. Later today, with retrograde Mercury heading toward a minor challenging aspect to Venus, there can be some problems communicating effectively or social blunders to navigate. Go light if you can. It can be difficult to concentrate with social or romantic issues on the brain, and it can be difficult to socialize or enjoy yourself if you neglect the work you need to do. Pace yourself, aiming to avoid taking mental disconnects with others to heart, as the mind and the heart are unlikely to be on the same page.Aquarius
You’re in great shape for mental exploration, dear Aquarius, as ideas resulting from today’s musings and communications can have long-term importance. You might gain a new understanding of a past, home, or family matter. You’re in the right place to see things in a new light, and it nudges you forward in positive ways. Still, with Mercury retrograde for a while longer and an eclipse in a few days, it’s best to observe, take notes, and muse, but wait and see before locking something down. Aim to be mindful of what you’re saying and let intuition engage, especially later today and into tomorrow. There can be mistaken or missed communications and the temptation to gloss over issues just to avoid unpleasantness. There can be a problem communicating from the heart, which can lead to misunderstandings. Over-analysis can be at the core of this.Pisces
There can be helpful conversations and musings today, dear Pisces. Ideas generated now, especially about learning, mental interests, communication, neighbors, connections, and siblings, can be especially significant. They could kickstart a long-term pursuit or lead you in an important new direction. While this can be a turning point, it may be best to postpone big launches until more information completes the picture. We’re in the middle of the retrograde Mercury cycle and only a few days behind an eclipse, and there can be more to an evolving story. For now, it’s a great time to observe, get a feel for a matter, and take notes. Later today, it’s far too easy to get distracted. Try not to say something insincere or untrue to keep the peace or to avoid awkward moments, which is a tendency. There can be missteps socially and with family, and a disconnect between the heart and mind is at the core.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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