Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 8th, and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will happen on the 16th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from May 10-June 3).
- Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
People are more attracted to you and seek your input or company more than usual today, dear Aries. You want to bring more balance to your life, and you more fully appreciate the people in your life who are there for you. You can feel good about the ability to count on a partner or friend, or you may go out of your way to show someone they can rely on you. It’s a time to get to know someone better or learn another side of a story. While reflection can be creative and ultimately energizing, over-analyzing things can drain you emotionally. Watch for this tendency.Taurus
Today is less about moving forward and more about building your strength and momentum for the road ahead, dear Taurus. The Moon in your solar sixth house puts your emotional focus on some of the details of your life — things that you might overlook on another day but that now assume more importance. You’re in great shape for analyzing and considering. Other times favor big-picture thinking, but for now, work on the puzzle pieces and get nagging jobs sorted so that you can move ahead with a sense that you are carrying a lighter load. Finances can benefit from extra attention and strategic thinking. There is more patience in your approach to the world than usual today, and if channeled well, you can get a lot done.Gemini
The Moon spends the day in your sector of play, romance, and creativity, dear Gemini, and you find it most satisfying to explore your needs to express and enjoy yourself at this time of the lunar month. The Moon’s harmonious connection with Saturn helps you keep a good and steady pace. There can be building excitement surrounding current plans and projects. It’s a potentially good day for analysis, but the tendency to overthink or tip the scale toward negative thinking is high. Ideally, you come up with unusual and effective strategies for achieving your goals. While this is not the ideal day for taking direct action, it’s handy for observing the subtleties and nuances that you might usually overlook.Cancer
The Moon is in your home and family sector, dear Cancer, and the slower pace is helpful, even if you might initially resist it. You’re inclined to choose your company and activities that are most comfortable or comforting today. It’s a good time to tend to the hearth. You may want to insulate yourself from change and demands on you just for now as you catch your breath. Thoughts of the past or conversations about old issues can be powerful today, and you might come to an important conclusion. You tend to be in the background right now, giving you important opportunities to reflect before busier times.Leo
Interesting questions can come up with friends today, dear Leo, giving you pause to think. Past problems or situations are coming to light, and you see them differently. Food for thought comes through your networks, sparking exciting ideas or interests. Life is busy but mainly in a pleasing way. With the Moon in your solar third house all day, you seek more mental engagement and variety. Good advice or a helpful take on a situation can be in focus. Conversations about or with a partner can be very significant. Teaming up with someone to solve a problem or make plans can be fruitful.Virgo
There can be a focus on financial and practical affairs today, dear Virgo, and while you’re taking these things personally, there can be some good ideas now. You tend to be a flexible person, but today, you may be a little more rigid regarding opinions and methods. Be persuasive if it suits you, but avoid putting too much weight on whether or not people are catching on to your ideas. It’s a good time to pace yourself and consider practical angles to your endeavors. Filling your duties also makes sense as it will free you up for more engaging activities later. Transits favor building or completing a project that’s already in motion. A prime motivator right now is the goal of ultimately feeling less indebted to others and dependent on things.Libra
This is a good day for personal influence, dear Libra. The Moon is in your sign all day, and it’s appropriate to shift some focus to yourself and your emotional needs. It’s a time in the lunar month when emotional renewal is a priority. Distractions are not welcome today as you can become quite motivated to pursue a particular project or research an idea. Ideally, it’s more productive and constructive than obsessive. Conversations tend to become profound, even if they don’t at first seem to be heading in that direction. Your mind is ready to solve a mystery! Stabilizing influences ground you and turn your attention to the practical side of things.Scorpio
With the Moon in the sign behind yours all day, dear Scorpio, it’s natural for you to prefer to stay in the background or sidestep demanding situations. It’s a natural progression of the lunar cycle as you prepare for a new cycle when the Moon enters your sign, beginning tomorrow. You might naturally slow down, get extra rest, and build strength. It’s also a good day for focusing on one or two things and developments around the home or with self-improvement efforts. Conversations can begin casually and rather quickly become serious or profound today. People can give you something to think about, and you might find yourself frequently lost in thought.Sagittarius
Friendships are supportive today, or you find outlets for expressing yourself through networking or group efforts, dear Sagittarius. It’s a good day for strategizing and planning, particularly about realizing a goal or dream. Helping others can figure strongly and can be most rewarding. It’s not a day for bold moves–taking things one step at a time makes the most sense. A difference of opinion with someone close to you could feel heavier than usual today, however. Someone could feel left out as you tend to your other obligations.Capricorn
People tend to naturally follow your lead and go along with your plans today, dear Capricorn. Still, we tend to see those things that divide us rather than what binds us early today. However, as the day progresses, you might reach a whole new level of understanding with someone special or even yourself, which can be just as important if you’re breaking through self-deceptions or limitations. You want to get work done and handle your responsibilities with the Moon in your solar tenth house all day. The need to be productive is in the spotlight now.Aquarius
Business activities can be clever and positive today, dear Aquarius, although decision-making can be tricky, as you see too many layers of a situation. You’re in good shape for connecting, bonding, and collaborating or getting over humps and problem areas in relationships. The Moon in your spirit sector all day inclines you to non-routine, creative experiences. You tend to attach more meaning to situations, your endeavors, and your life. Channeling your energy into rewarding activities comes more naturally than usual, and if you can avoid overthinking, it can be a good time to feel that you’re steadily moving forward.Pisces
You’re more inclined to recognize and understand your deeper needs and desires, however complicated, dear Pisces, even if you aren’t as inclined to express them to others. You can be somewhat introspective, and it’s good for you. It’s a time to identify problems and look for answers to recent complicated feelings or events. Your words have more impact than usual, and there’s some tendency for something negatively expressed to blow up, which should be watched. Otherwise, the day is good for getting to the bottom of a matter. It’s a fine to implement small, manageable changes or explore a topic or work on a project intently and with higher powers of concentration than usual.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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