- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase until 7:27 AM, after which the Moon is in its Third Quarter phase.
- The Third Quarter Moon occurs today at 7:27 AM.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until May 13th.
- Mars spends its first full day in Aries (Mars is in Aries from April 30th to June 9th).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
With Mars now in your sign, dear Aries, you’re experiencing a reawakening of sorts. Until June 9th, you feel comfortable in your own skin, energetic, and confident. Since Mars is your ruling planet, you are very much in your element. Watch for impatience and brusqueness, as you can easily get carried away. Tackle projects you’ve let slide and direct your considerable energy into reviving works-in-progress or new endeavors. It’s a time to pursue personal goals heartily. You prefer to do things on your own, to be the first, to pioneer, and to take the lead — and this is an excellent time to do so. Today’s energies help you to state your case, express your ideas, and share your plans. Others are finding you particularly interesting. It’s a good time to help someone solve a problem.Taurus
Mars is now transiting your solar twelfth house, dear Taurus, and you’re paying more attention to your need for renewal and replenishment. Energy can be at a lower point, encouraging you to slow down, digest, process, and rest more often. During this cycle, you could temporarily feel less clear or confident about your plans, but this apparent slowdown should not be considered bad luck. Instead, it’s a time for a spirit boost or recharge. Until June 9th, you’re reorienting yourself for busier, more assertive times. Avoid inclinations toward self-deception or devious tactics to get what you want, as these never truly satisfy. Seek ways to put lingering problems behind you for the very best results. Today, meeting your responsibilities is vital for emotional satisfaction. Even so, it’s a good time to take a break from the usual mental routine and to let your mind wander. It’s best to make room for both serious and whimsical ideas.Gemini
You’ve begun a Mars cycle that encourages your desire for the freedom to be yourself and to express yourself authentically, dear Gemini, lasting until June 9th. You may feel less limited or restricted than usual. The motivation to pursue your goals and dreams in concrete ways is strong and building. When Mars makes challenging aspects during this period, there can be conflicts or unrest with friends as you need to address matters that have been brewing or held at bay. Otherwise, you possess more energy and drive than usual to organize projects, to take the lead in group or team projects, and in friendships as well. It’s a great time to reach out to others and organize activities with them. Your humanitarian impulses are stirring, and you have easy energy and drive for organizing projects, making plans, taking the lead in group endeavors, and pursuing and enjoying friendships. Today is good for keeping abreast of current happenings and gaining some new perspectives on a matter. You’re more likely to become inspired by the feedback you receive from sharing ideas, skills, talents, or knowledge with others now.Cancer
With Mars now transiting your solar tenth house until June 9th, dear Cancer, your ambitions are stirring, and you are more eager to perform well, meet your responsibilities, and take charge. You’ve likely had many ideas about what you’d like to do to improve your life, and now you are more motivated or able to put these into action. There may be times during this cycle when you feel you are on the “hot seat,” but it’s a good idea to remind yourself that defensiveness will get you nowhere. Instead, it’s a time to cultivate a forthright yet considerate approach to others, especially authority figures and business associates, for maximum success. Mars here can animate your professional life, or you might be inspired to pursue a lofty project or goal in the weeks ahead. Today’s transits favor generating ideas, having lucid conversations, or sharing helpful information.Leo
With Mars now moving in harmony with your sign, dear Leo, you can feel a natural energy boost. You are turning a corner regarding energy and confidence, and until June 9th, you are eager, and your joie de vivre comes out to play. You have a braver quality that attracts more adventure to your life. This transit comes after a more introspective trend, and you’re now ready to experience life without worrying too much about the why, where, and what. Symbolically, you are beginning to move on instead of nursing your feelings and suspicions. It’s a helpful influence for competition, learning, and exploring. This transit also fires up your desire to connect more fully to a higher purpose. You may not have seen direct routes to your desires in recent months. Now, obstacles seem easier to clear. You tend to fight for what you believe in, and you’re more courageous about expressing your ideas or opinions in the weeks ahead. This period can be the start of an exciting new passion or interest. You might gently challenge yourself to improve and seek new experiences that enhance your well-being or engagement with the world around you.Virgo
Mars is now transiting your intimacy and sharing sector, dear Virgo, where it will stay until June 9th. You’ve recently had Mars opposing your sign, often challenging you, and frequently through others! Your intimate life is now likely to heat up. You tend to prefer a subtle approach to getting what you want during this transit. Watch for arguments with a partner over money and power when Mars is under strain in this sector. Otherwise, it’s a powerful influence for connecting with and exploring your hidden desires. It can be a time of intensity within you or in a close relationship. Much is going on behind the scenes. You tend to write your own rules during this transit, and you are more aware of your instincts and impulses, but you might often keep things to yourself. You seek more satisfying and absorbing endeavors. Sometimes, this transit correlates with disputes over money. However, it’s also a time for taking charge of what you owe or what you’re owed. The desire to get to the root of problems is with you, and you have much to discover. You may put considerable energy into your relationships, a pet project, or into self-understanding during this cycle. You’re particularly courageous about dealing with your inner demons and the trickier elements of your life that tie you in unhealthy ways to people and things.Libra
Mars is now transiting your solar seventh house, dear Libra, where it will visit until June 9th. This influence enlivens your relationships with others, sometimes stimulating conflicts but also generating excitement, passion, and activity. Whether you’re rushing into a new relationship or partnership or tackling problems fearlessly, it’s a time of a more active experience with others. Relating can take on a competitive feel. At the very least, relationships are unlikely to be predictable or boring at this time. Shared activities can help release excess energy. This transit can manifest as quite a bit of “push and pull” as you attempt to achieve equality and balance in your life. Today, talking objectively about your relationship dynamics comes naturally to you. It’s natural to listen, understand, and support.Scorpio
Mars is now transiting your work and health sector, bringing dynamic energy to your daily routines and self-care efforts until June 9th, dear Scorpio. You can be raring to go with self-improvement efforts in the weeks ahead. You can be super-motivated to get more work done or to take better care of your health. Difficulties arise if you feel others are pushing their work on you or telling you what to do, or if you give in to impatience. Strive to assert yourself confidently and professionally, and watch for pushing yourself too hard or fast during this period. If you’ve been craving better methods and programs for health and work, then this is the time when you are ready to take action. This transit animates your daily routines. Today is strong for dissecting problems, working on solving tricky matters, and finding solutions to practical dilemmas.Sagittarius
Mars is now transiting your solar fifth house, marking a turning of the corner for you, dear Sagittarius. Until June 9th, you’re more confident, involved, and spirited. During this cycle, you might pour more energy and initiative into actively pursuing a rewarding love life, social amusement or hobbies, and pleasure in general. You have a likable, competitive, more energetic, and pleasingly assertive approach. However, in some instances, you may be coming on too strong or meeting with conflicts in romantic relationships. You’re motivated to participate in creative endeavors, games, and fun activities during this personally magnetic and attractive cycle. It’s a more outgoing period that helps smooth out your energy levels. Your direct approach tends to get results! Today is strong for expressing yourself. Aim to gather information but take the time to sort through what’s helpful and what can be ignored or dropped. People are responsive and are more inclined to understand what you’re trying to communicate.Capricorn
With fiery Mars now animating your sector of home and family, dear Capricorn, your personal life is heating up. Mars will continue to visit this area of your solar chart until June 9th, bringing a lot of energy to your domestic life — possibly too much, at times! If you use it well, you can get much done around the home and be more assertive and forthright with family members. Do watch for argumentativeness or tension with those very close to you. You are especially protective of yourself and others, so be careful that you don’t take on a defensive attitude that prevents others from getting close to you during this cycle. This extra energy undirected (or misdirected) can produce tension with family and within. However, it’s a time to dig up buried problems and get them out in the open. Ultimately, it’s a helpful process. It’s an excellent cycle for pushing a family or home-related matter forward, but it does require some adjustments to your general approach to pursuing your desires in other areas of life. Aim to take a good look at how you’re expressing (or bottling) anger. Increased self-awareness can lead to solutions and improvements.Aquarius
Mars is now transiting your solar third house, dear Aquarius, and will visit until June 9th. It can be a busy, communicative time for you. The motivation to learn, connect, and pursue your mental interests is strong, although impatience can be a problem if you feel others are not keeping your quick pace. Mars acts to speed up your daily routine in a variety of ways. While impatience with others, argumentativeness, and competitiveness are potential negatives of this position, if these are kept under control, it’s a strong period for mental resourcefulness and sharpness. It’s a time to feed your need for mental stimulation without overdoing it. You’ll pursue and develop intellectual passions or studies and find more courage to share your ideas. You can quickly get fired up about your opinions in the weeks ahead. The Moon in your sign today eases your self-expression. Your emotions tend to find channels and outlets now, particularly through your connections, projects, personal interests, and studies.Pisces
Mars is now transiting your solar second house, dear Pisces, and until June 9th, it stirs your desire to improve your lot in life. Life tends to settle down a little for you, although you can have a strong desire to bring abundance into your life. You may feel increasingly motivated to make money, but you are also capable of impulsive purchases during this period. It’s a fine time to get settled and work on self-esteem or security issues. While having Mars in your sign has helped you understand your desires, you’re now a little more patient and focused now. You can be especially excited about and motivated to take care of your valuables and money matters. If you’ve been undervaluing yourself or your talents, this is the time to make things right. Difficulties can arise during this period if you get the feeling that others are not respecting you or your things. Today, you’re drawn to concrete facts and certainties that simplify your life. The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector, and the need to rest or retire is strong. Still, it’s a good time for bringing new ideas and objectivity to your practical affairs.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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