Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer until 4:27 AM, after which the Moon is in Leo.
- The void Moon occurs from 2:11 AM to 4:27 AM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 6:46 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Gibobus phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 2nd, and the Full Moon will happen on the 9th.
- Mercury is retrograde (from February 16-March 9).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Filling in the blanks could be a time and energy waster today, dear Aries, with retrograde Mercury in minor challenging aspect to Mars. While impatience or brusqueness may come with this influence, if you channel the extra mental energy well, you can make excellent progress on a project. Somebody, or people in general, can grate on your nerves in spots, though, and you seem to see the more unflattering side of people right now. Differences of viewpoint aside, you can motivate yourself to handle a nagging problem. Becoming fed up can be just what you need, but it’s probably wise to sidestep needless arguments as this influence can be tense. Speaking too soon in public or professional settings should also be avoided now. The Moon’s move into harmony with your sign today helps your comfort levels. This transit suggests a couple of days of focus on fun and self-expression.Taurus
The need for immediate results can either work for or against you today, dear Taurus. Ideally, a Mercury-Mars aspect influencing the day motivates you to put an irritating problem behind you. Otherwise, you could find your mind races or arguments occur and lead nowhere. Because Mercury is at the top of your solar chart, your words seem to have more impact these days, so don’t jump to use them with today’s rather impatient atmosphere. It’s a strong time for incubating ideas, but not the best time to launch them. There is a sense that you have to rush, be first, or get something done right away when haste probably isn’t necessary. The Moon moves to the bottom of your solar chart today, however, and you’re seeking some calm and familiarity.Gemini
The Moon’s move into your communications sector today stimulates your curiosity, dear Gemini. While you seek mentally engaging activities now, impatience may be a problem, and the pace of the day can be a little chaotic as it advances. This is especially the case if you want to push something forward that needs more time to develop naturally. While strategy works best for you these days, there is some tendency to rush things anyhow. If rushing makes you skip steps, try to slow down since there’s a real tendency to misjudge things today. Rushing a conversation that requires more thoughtfulness can also be an inclination. Looking at past subjects, relationships, or viewpoints in new ways can be stimulating, however. Use tension well by allowing it to motivate you to take care of business.Cancer
With the Moon’s move out of your sign today, dear Cancer, you’re more interested in manifesting and practical applications than you are making emotional connections. Others, especially a partner or close friend, can be difficult to please today, nevertheless. Likely, they’re wrapped up in their issues, and it’s unlikely to be a symptom of something bigger. As much as you might want to bring up a particular topic, it may be premature to do so. Watch for too-quick criticisms and conclusions today. There’s also a tendency to be clinical in situations that require more tact or thoughtfulness. Mental activity is intense, making it easy to get into arguments. Still, it can also be a good time for tackling a complicated problem or for avidly pursuing a mental interest. Think things through if you are not getting your way and if your thoughts lead you into tricky territory.Leo
The Moon’s move into your sign today makes you quite visible and connects you strongly to the world around you, dear Leo. It can bring your emotions bubbling up to the surface, and it can also stimulate a stronger need to feel emotionally connected and alive through your experiences. Misunderstandings are possible today with a minor challenging aspect between Mercury and Mars in play. Watch for being too impatient for your own good. You might rub someone the wrong way with the appearance that you know better, or you could feel others are too pushy with you. It’s difficult to discern between whim and true desire today. However, this can be a fine time for mental energy. Excellent energy is with you for productivity if you can combat haste and impatience. Major decisions should probably be avoided, and selecting activities that require a tough mind makes the most sense now.Virgo
The Moon moves into your privacy sector today, dear Virgo, and you can feel you need to take a break. A personal time-out can do a world of good now–you’ll have a strong urge to decompress and rest. Still, with Mars in minor challenging aspect to the planet of communication, your ruler, you’re likely to be both edgy and on edge in spots today. People from your past can be on your brain or reappearing in your life now. Be careful not to criticize someone in the process of trying to sort things out. Impatience is the downfall of this combo, but the tension it creates can be used to charge through something that needs your attention, which can work in your favor. A tough mind can come in handy for certain tasks. Do be aware of the tendency for tension and conflict, particularly if you’re juggling work and play. This is likely very temporary, and you can be moved to sort out any conflicts or impatience experienced today, which can lead to results.Libra
With the Moon’s move into your social sector today, dear Libra, you might seek comfort from peers or people who don’t hold expectations of you. While you crave an easygoing atmosphere, a minor challenging aspect between Mercury and Mars can produce some tension, although it can be just the right amount to give you a needed push to get something done. There can be so much to think about that you may have a hard time turning your thoughts off long enough to relax. Or, the atmosphere around you is so chaotic that you can’t hear yourself think. Impatience can lead to disagreements or irritability. There can be combative energy that is better applied to practical affairs than it is to people. Use mental tension to plow through something that requires a thick skin, for example. Avoid rushing things that need special handling. Disagreements emerging today tend to be due to rushing and impatience more than anything.Scorpio
The Moon moves to the top of your solar chart today, dear Scorpio, making it easy and natural to tap into your ambitions. While it’s a generally good time to satisfy your needs for learning experiences and conversation, it may be best to reserve judgment today since some facts can be missing or difficult to see. Pressure builds as the day progresses, and it’s wise to watch for impatience and avoid pushing something that you can’t change, allowing for unexpected changes that are out of your control. Frustrations may only be about small problems, and you’ve had more than your share of these recently, so things have been building up. Arguments can happen suddenly with Mercury and Mars in minor hard aspect. When in doubt today, don’t! Judgment is not on par just for the time being. Sarcastic responses can create unnecessary hard feelings or challenges.Sagittarius
The Moon’s move into a fellow Fire sign can boost your spirits today, dear Sagittarius, and you may be seeking some inspiration. A Mercury-Mars aspect in play can bring some minor pressures, however, and some time alone may be in order if you can manage it if only to hear yourself think. Otherwise, life feels a bit chaotic. Feeling directed and motivated doesn’t come easily or naturally just for now. Tensions can rise as the day advances, particularly if you are relying on schedules to go as planned or if you feel pressured to rush. Check in with yourself since we can sometimes put pressure on ourselves when it isn’t warranted. While there can be some mental agitation, this transit can also serve as a boost to handle a matter that you’ve been avoiding. It may be a good time to tackle a project or problem if you can channel your energy well.Capricorn
The Moon’s move into your solar eighth house brings a stronger need to observe and strategize, dear Capricorn. It’s time for making longer-term plans. It’s a brief transit, but it’s a good time for observing rather than jumping in and doing. A Mercury-Mars transit in play today can put the pressure on, but it’s best to avoid rushing things. Complicated feelings can quickly bubble up to the surface today, seemingly out of nowhere, and it may not take much to trigger frustration as the day advances. Still, mental tension can be used to your advantage if you become determined to take care of a matter that’s been hanging around too long! You can feel a little tougher about handling problems, perhaps, in part, due to impatience.Aquarius
The quick-moving Moon enters your partnership sector today, dear Aquarius, and your powers of negotiation rise, as long as you don’t jump too quickly to express yourself. There can be some disagreements to navigate today with a Mercury-Mars transit influencing the day. The tendency for something to burn out nearly as quickly as it’s started runs very high. Both physically and mentally, avoid overexerting yourself today. Aim to pace yourself. Be careful that you don’t attempt to force an issue or talk ahead of yourself — both strong possibilities with retrograde Mercury in your sign and Mars in the sign behind yours, forming a minor but challenging aspect with one another. Speaking prematurely about your plans may not be wise right now. Still, tension can turn into productivity if it moves you to resolve a problem quickly.Pisces
A Mercury-Mars challenge influencing today can lead to impatience or disagreements, dear Pisces, but it can also serve as a push to handle a problem. The Moon heads into your work and health sector–another sign that you’re more aware of (and sensitive to) the flaws today. There can be tensions with a friend, or distractions get in the way of work or business. The trick is to avoid activities that require patience or attention to detail if you can. Extra energy seems available on a mental level, and it’s best applied to something productive. Otherwise, there could be tense interactions or an overactive mind that never seems to let you rest. Decisions shouldn’t be rushed today. Even if pressures are happening for legitimate reasons, you won’t do yourself or anyone favors if you push so hard that you can’t hear yourself think. Watch for speaking too quickly or too soon about a matter.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is March 6, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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