Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo until 1:22 AM when it enters Libra.
- The void Moon continues today only until 1:22 AM (since yesterday at 7:47 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 2:47 PM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurs today in the sign of Libra at 2:47 PM.
- There are no major retrogrades!
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s energies bring you in touch with what you value, dear Aries. A Full Moon occurring in your partnership sector can awaken feelings, and they’re insistent! This can be a time to connect with a significant other in beautiful ways or awaken to your relationship needs and goals. You might discover that the path to empowerment is through helping others. The more you open your heart, and the more you accept, the better life gets. Your ability to heal and understand is high right now, which may attract others to you. Personal confidence is about letting go of worrying about what others expect of you and simply expressing yourself naturally. Your unique style shines.Taurus
Today’s Full Moon opens your eyes to a work or health matter that needs your attention, dear Taurus. This week is an important time to seek advice, help, and guidance, armed with a stronger sense of what you genuinely want or need. This Full Moon puts you in touch with your feelings on a matter. Self-honesty now can open you up to opportunities to heal. You have the chance to better understand what and who is most valuable to you, benefiting your relationship with yourself and others, as well as your financial or practical worlds. Today’s Full Moon prompts an awareness of the need to manage your daily affairs with more punctuality, determination, or concentration. You might see a flaw in a plan that sets you on the road to improvement, or events occurring now remind you of the need to manage your time better. There can be a turning point or revelation about your work, health, or desire to be productive and useful.Gemini
Today’s Full Moon occurs in your sector of joy, dear Gemini, and there can be strong feelings and perhaps some social fireworks. This lunation might bring on a beautiful opportunity to understand your longings and needs more clearly, mainly related to creative and romantic matters. You’re in the position to see your heart’s desire, and it can be fantastic for creative vision. You can enjoy more appreciation shown for you–people value your friendship, input, and company more than usual. You might reach a new level of understanding or awareness, or you see ways of rejuvenating a connection. There is magic in honesty, even if it doesn’t always feel that way initially. You may find that as you seek emotional satisfaction and wholeness, people in your life, even in your networks, can lead you in the right direction. This Full Moon opens your heart to buried feelings and your eyes to situations that need your attention. There can be an epiphany or breakthrough that motivates you to make changes. A love relationship or a project close to your heart can be in sharp focus.Cancer
The Full Moon today can be highly revealing and romantic, dear Cancer. It’s a time for discovering your feelings on a matter and then redirecting your life with this new knowledge in mind. Homelife can need extra attention, and you might recognize the need for improved time and energy management or a better work-life balance. It’s a beautiful time to understand your needs more clearly and spend more time understanding the needs of those closest to you. Opportunities emerge to grow, learn, and heal. A humble approach does wonders for your professional life and reputation. At the same time, your willingness to think outside of the box can be invaluable. Discovering your true desires and needs can help you better define your goals. People are catching on to your unique approach.Leo
The Full Moon today might open your eyes to the need to express yourself more fully, dear Leo. You might rush to meet a deadline, or news comes in that moves things forward. While a hectic time, it’s also a period of discovering feelings that you’ve kept at bay. Once you know what’s in your heart, you’ll be ready to make good choices. Personal magnetism is great, and you’re braver about expressing yourself. This is a time for opening your heart, leading to opportunities to heal and resolve problems. Today’s Full Moon can prompt discoveries related to ideas, learning, communications, transportation, and relatives, which in turn can motivate you to make changes and improvements. You gravitate to things that need to improve, grow, and develop. People around you can be catalysts for relating and connecting more openly and confidently, and opening your heart leads to chances to heal and resolve problems. This is the time to believe in the power of positive thinking and manifestation.Virgo
Today’s Full Moon can open your eyes to the need (or desire) to manage your resources, dear Virgo. How to deal with a money matter can become more evident. You recognize the need to take better care of yourself and your money or things, and it’s a good move! You’re likely to have a moment of great clarity that helps you to establish your priorities. Emotions run high around any Full Moon, so take your time before making any important decisions. This Full Moon can bring new information, a turning point, or a culmination surrounding a practical, ownership, business, or financial matter. The chance to really dig deep and get to the heart of a relationship or private matter can arise. It’s a time for emotional repair, healing, and deep understanding. Emotional honesty is important now, and fortunately, it comes more easily than usual. You are courageous but also very sensitive in the face of new discoveries, even if they seem to touch on a soft spot. In fact, you may be going right for that soft spot since the desire to repair is strong.Libra
The Full Moon today holds the promise of a “big reveal” or an awakening to your true feelings on a matter, dear Libra. There can be a personal epiphany as you recognize feelings you may have buried due to busyness or distraction. This lunation falls in your sign and puts you in the spotlight — you are in demand! Knowing your heart is empowering, even if you don’t yet have a plan set in stone for going after what you want. There can also be epiphanies about a relationship or relationship needs/goals. You are open and generous, and others are attracted or drawn to you as a result. You might commit to a healing process, relationship, or improved attitude related to relationships. Helping someone through a difficulty or vice versa can be in focus. As you are in touch with what you need and value, your judgment improves. Still, if you’ve been particularly relationship-focused or doing a lot for others these days, then you are bound to recognize your needs for some independence, a voice, or personal time now.Scorpio
Today’s Full Moon reminds you to pay special attention to rest and spiritual nourishment, dear Scorpio. If you’ve been overworking or forgetting to attend to your emotional health, this lunation encourages you to slow down and balance things out. A work, health, or personal matter may illuminate as you see how you truly feel about a matter. What comes to light now helps you see where to go next. Temporarily, though, you could feel a bit lost as boundaries between your feelings and the outside world are blurred. However, from these experiences, new insight emerges. Fortunately, you’re finding new ways to get along with others, and people are valuing your services. You can find special joy in your work, services, dedication, and health pursuits. You can experience a compelling attraction to alternative ways to heal and strengthen yourself.Sagittarius
Today’s Full Moon can open your heart to the need for true friendship or camaraderie, dear Sagittarius. Unrecognized feelings can emerge, and these emotions may be about someone or can serve to rekindle an interest in a project that you haven’t yet fully pursued. You can feel inspired to do your best or pursue a dream upon a friend’s encouragement. The theme of this lunation is recognizing your need for others. Regarding romance, creative affairs, and personal enjoyment, you’re motivated to make improvements and share yourself with others more spontaneously and heartfully. There can be a turning point for forgiveness and understanding in a relationship. Imaginative undertakings can be rewarding, helping to release tensions.Capricorn
Today’s Full Moon pulls your attention to a career, public matter, or responsibility, dear Capricorn. You might attract attention for positive efforts or a good deed. Even so, it’s a great time for more wholeheartedly enjoying the comforts of home and the familiarity of family and loved ones. There can be wonderful discoveries and realizations about your home, family, or living arrangements that fuel your ambitions further. You might reach a new understanding of a matter that’s close to your heart. Channeling your energies into a project around the home that will truly make life easier can be especially useful now. However, balancing your attention to duties and personal life is essential. Family affairs or improved living conditions can be a motivator. The need to belong and feel nurtured can be a soft spot at the moment, and identifying this helps move you toward possible solutions.Aquarius
The Full Moon today is strong for learning, publishing, and announcements, dear Aquarius. You’re acknowledging and embracing your feelings. Your romantic senses heighten, and you’re exceptionally creative and open to new ideas and input. Circumstances seem to bring out the best in you, highlighting your strengths. Open, sensitive, and fresh communications can lead to the chance to bond and connect with others. Talking opens up doors, and others might enjoy your words of wisdom, even more so than usual. There can be a new beginning in a relationship or with a learning program or personal interest. There might be a sudden desire (or need) to depart your usual routine or do something more refreshing, meaningful, and life-affirming.Pisces
With the Full Moon today, there can be new information about finances or a reveal of intimate feelings that rocks your world a little, dear Pisces, nudging you in a new direction. It’s a powerful time to take an honest look at your needs and vulnerabilities surrounding money, income, and your talents. This week is quite excellent for identifying what you truly want and value, whether with relationships or the material world, and benefiting financial planning, purchases, and new awareness in a relationship. Natural or earthy activities that renew your connection to the world around you or the world of the five senses can be most helpful and healing. If you’re feeling especially sensitive about your worth or value to others, deal with this bravely. Today’s Full Moon can pull out strong feelings and might lead to a revelation or epiphany, perhaps about the need for someone or support, whether this is emotional, moral, or financial. The balance of power in a relationship, debts, a partner’s income, or other shared resources can be in sharp focus.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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