Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini.
- A void Moon period begins today at 9:38 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 21st, early in the sign of Aries.
- There are no major retrogrades.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You may receive lovely feedback or encouraging news, dear Aries, and you can discover surprising information that boosts your mood. Mercury is moving into alignment with Jupiter in your sign, and you can feel excited to share a little more by talking, writing, and connecting with others. You communicate persuasively, and others see you as especially wise and fair. Opportunities to expand your mind, learn something valuable, or resolve a conflict may present themselves. This is not the best time for self-discipline or detailed analysis, but it’s fabulous for big-picture thinking and broad ideas. You’re success-minded. Plus, you’re feeling optimistic now, and thinking positively seems to attract more peace and happiness into your life.Taurus
You’re thinking a lot about matters of the past, keeping secrets, or simply spending more time in your own little world, dear Taurus. With Mercury and Jupiter heading into alignment, you will likely see a matter far more clearly today. Hindsight is valuable now, as it helps you move forward. It’s also a time for drawing upon your wisdom and helping others. You may have a significant meeting or event behind the scenes or a new understanding of an issue that has weighed heavily on your conscience. You see things in a more positive and forgiving light, which is powerful. Jupiter will enter your sign in May, which is pivotal, but before it does, you’re in great shape to clear the path for new beginnings.Gemini
Mercury and Jupiter head into alignment, dear Gemini, and you’re enthusiastic about your dreams and plans. There can be opportunities to learn, share, and enjoy friendships, or you feel more optimistic about your connections. There can be wonderful conversations with friends and promising new projects on the horizon. Thinking in big, broad terms can help you develop innovative new ideas and plans. Details may not get attention today, but they can be sorted out later. Now is the time for stretching your mind and entertaining exciting possibilities. It can be an excellent time to make pacts or agreements. Conversations and thoughts tend to turn to the future. The Moon spends the day in your sign, and you’re seeking some emotional color.Cancer
Today’s energies continue to benefit your focus and perspective, dear Cancer. You’ll find yourself looking forward as Mercury and Jupiter head into alignment at the top of your solar chart. You might choose a particular interest and run with it, pouring a lot of your energy into learning or furthering your understanding of a matter. It’s a time to see solutions to problems related to career or life path goals. This transit stimulates a hunger to learn new things and to come to conclusions and resolutions! It can also facilitate conversations with people who can help you achieve your goals. It’s a great time for optimism and hope or supportive news that excites you about your future. Who you know may be important now, but your positivity and confidence are key.Leo
You’re expressing yourself naturally now, dear Leo, and others appreciate your input. You could very well come to a happy agreement with someone. Enjoying an adventure, even if it’s only on a mental plane, can be gratifying. You’re seeking something more meaningful or interesting to wrap your mind around as Mercury and Jupiter head into alignment in your spirit sector. Energy flows particularly well for most things mental and communicative. Love and romance also get a boost. This transit can have you feeling excited about a project, idea, or venture. There can be good news or conversations that inspire you–it’s a time of big ideas and creative vision. Your optimism can prompt you to consider something you never felt was in the realm of possibility. The important thing now is that you’re feeling inspired and allowing new ideas to flow.Virgo
You might draw people into your life or inspire people you already know to enjoy the things that motivate you, dear Virgo. Today extends good energy for research, learning, sharing ideas, and advancing your work interests. We’re heading to a Mercury-Jupiter alignment that opens your eyes wide to an intimate or personal matter. You might gain insight into someone’s behavior or find a solution to a problem that previously eluded you. Mercury aspects happening now can open your mind to something you weren’t ready to see in the past. There can be excitement on mental levels. This is a fabulous time for investigation and research or invigorating communications. Talking about your feelings or confidential matters can be a sweet release, and you might learn something important in the process. For some, this can be a time for coming to a satisfying agreement or deal involving money or support.Libra
Your outlook is wonderfully bright, dear Libra, with Mercury and Jupiter heading into alignment. Conversations with people you care about can be extra special, as they can help you see your feelings and ideas more clearly. This is the power of a boosted Mercury in your opposing sign–others show you things about yourself that you may not acknowledge otherwise. Discussions can be amicable, helpful, open, and rewarding now. Opening up to a truth or new perspective can be significant. You might talk through difficulties or put conflicts behind you, and others give you the benefit of the doubt. This transit is also strong for meetings and connections.Scorpio
Energies today help you solve problems and find solutions, dear Scorpio, particularly related to work, health, and money matters. Good vibes are with you for communicating and planning. With Mercury and Jupiter heading into alignment, it can be a good time for opening up conversations with co-workers or people with whom you share your day or for consultations. It’s a good idea to entertain new approaches, methods, and ideas to improve your life. You’re hopeful about the future, and opportunities to grow and expand your skills, a business, or project can emerge.Sagittarius
You can feel excited and mentally engaged today as Mercury and Jupiter head into alignment, dear Sagittarius. You’re treated to the big picture of a matter, which helps round things out. There can be a communication advance or breakthrough, a new understanding of a matter, or a solved problem. You can be motivated to share ideas, affection, or entertainment with others. Fun interests or opportunities to enjoy yourself can emerge now, and it feels good to look forward! You appreciate more warmth and positivity in your interactions today.Capricorn
Your ideas are big and ambitious today, dear Capricorn, as Mercury and Jupiter head into alignment. It can be a lovely time for sharing happy moments with people you care about. You’ll want to speak truths, and you’re inclined to talk about issues clearly and openly. It’s an excellent day for coming up with long-range plans. Positive and forward-looking energy is with you. You’re likely to enjoy inspiration with the information coming into your world now, and seeing things positively in your personal life can be relieving. Mercury is transiting your home and family sector, facilitating conversations and thoughts/ideas on the domestic front. With this Mercury-Jupiter alignment, these things are enhanced further.Aquarius
The natural guide or teacher in you can emerge now, dear Aquarius, as Mercury and Jupiter head into alignment in your communications sector. You’re optimistic and should watch for taking on or promising too much. Otherwise, it’s a fine time to stretch your mind and look for opportunities to advance your goals. A learning breakthrough or a special connection can figure strongly. You can feel thoroughly enthused about what you’re learning or communicating now. This is a time for seeing a way out of a problem or for understanding a matter more clearly, which comes as a relief. You’re particularly interested in ways to expand, improve, or grow your projects, studies, and interests.Pisces
You receive a boost of mental refreshment, dear Pisces, as Mercury and Jupiter head into alignment. You can feel pleasingly motivated and directed. As you see the big picture of a situation, you feel more equipped to make long-term decisions. You might plan or map out some strategies for improving your relationship with money, or you could come up with fabulous ideas about how to use your resources more efficiently. You’re in great shape for dreaming up possibilities and thinking in bigger terms, particularly with business, money, and security or comfort matters. You can be excited about exploring and building on your talents. While practical issues are certainly in favor, this is also a fine time for feeling optimistic on personal levels and coming to happy agreements with others.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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