Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Aries.
- There are no major retrogrades.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Aries, and you’re in your element. You can feel pumped up on this day after a New Moon in Aries. While you may be particularly eager to move projects forward, try to be patient and prudent about doing so. Savor the moments and plan well. Fortunately, transits today support you on this mission. You can be successful with nurturing a business or work project, and your sense of what is worthwhile is on point. Your hopes and spirits are high, and people especially enjoy your company. Still, today is very much about your needs, feelings, and desires. There is no room for worry about the past — you’re looking ahead of you now!Taurus
The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector, dear Taurus, and there can be benefits to working behind the scenes, preparing, building inner strength, or reflecting and enjoying some peace of mind. You’re growing more comfortable with your vulnerabilities or limitations, and self-acceptance is both a goal and a reward. You experience the need to regenerate your emotional “batteries.” At the same time, good energy is with you for finding new or renewed ways to express yourself today.Gemini
You’re in good shape for friendships and communications today, dear Gemini. Your connections are more animated and energetic than usual. Activities with others can be rewarding; lively exchanges can inspire or help renew your spirit and confidence. Your social life can step up a notch now, and discussions or connections that you never expected to make can figure strongly. Today is also powerful for intimate or family relationships, particularly as you’re emotionally courageous. While some old problems can resurface, it’s a fine time for tackling and handling them.Cancer
Today is upbeat, with clarity increasing many times over, dear Cancer. Sorting out problems comes easily and naturally with your determination to get things done. What you can do with knowledge is more important to you today than knowing just for the sake of knowing. You want to produce something tangible. With the Moon in your solar tenth house all day, you’re more aware of who’s watching, and people notice you more than usual. At the same time, energies are good for growing a bond through sharing ideas or past experiences. It’s not only easier to discuss issues, but you’re also ready to repair and improve things. Support can come from behind the scenes or unexpected sources today. You have more courage and energy at your disposal.Leo
You’re seeing and grabbing opportunities right now, dear Leo. You can feel passionate or enthusiastic about a dream, belief, or idea. You see a broader viewpoint through your connections, and it’s enriching. The Moon spends the day in your sector of spirit and higher learning, meeting Jupiter there and favoring sharing ideas, guiding, and inspiring. You’re in great shape for positive thinking and enjoying deepening your knowledge. It’s also a time for great ideas about money, business, and work. You seem to quickly zero in on what’s worth your time and energy today.Virgo
You’re in the frame of mind to focus on the things you love, dear Virgo. It’s a time of greater self-acceptance and enjoyment. Learning new things about yourself or someone important to you can figure strongly. Others appreciate your insight. Revealing a secret or personal burden can be purging today, or problem-solving is easy today. You quickly zero in on the hidden and might also retrieve a memory that has been eluding you recently. You could be anxious to take action on matters related to debts, refunds, intimacy, and career. Today’s transits tend to refuel your confidence. It’s also a great time to expand your horizons or open your heart to new ideas. Guiding and sharing ideas can figure strongly and positively.Libra
A close connection is especially important to your emotional satisfaction today, dear Libra. The harmony you crave in your relationships is relatively easy to come by right now, mainly as you can readily tune into others’ needs and points of view. You share your ideas and discoveries with enthusiasm, and you might help someone put a plan into motion or resolve a problem. Discussions are lively and motivating. Circumstances are such that you feel you are growing through contact with someone special. It’s a fine time to lend a hand and accept one as well.Scorpio
With today’s transits, you are the most fulfilled when you feel needed, dear Scorpio. You feel far more confident about your chores, work efforts, or health pursuits, and good ideas along these lines are easier to come by. You’re seeking tangible and practical ways to achieve your goals. You want to deal with problems hands-on and enjoy yourself in the process. There can be an important project that is ready to move ahead, or your work can be motivating. You might even settle a dispute. Collaborating can also be very productive, and you’re showing yourself in the best light.Sagittarius
Your motivation is building, dear Sagittarius, and you can feel as if you’re starting fresh. Transits nudge you to follow your heart with courage. You’re more confident about your affection, and you’re making a good impression. A direct and natural approach to life is most well-received right now. At the same time, you gravitate to emotionally arousing activities. Your creativity is blossoming, and you’re looking at life with a sense that you can take on anything that comes your way. Transits are also favorable for physical therapy or earthy and grounding pursuits.Capricorn
Your timing seems right on point today, dear Capricorn, and plans related to home and work matters come together. Your determination to make things happen is notable. With your heart engaged as it is right now, you can accomplish much. Ways to improve or advance are more obvious to you today, and your confidence is on the increase. At the same time, you’re motivated to do some nesting or connecting with your inner world. Enjoying domestic, quiet, or indoor comforts comes most naturally. It’s also an excellent time to nurture a personal plan and support others.Aquarius
Today’s transits are motivating, dear Aquarius, and your excitement about a new interest or project is growing. You’re expressing yourself or connecting with confidence and creativity. Lively exchanges can be notable, and you more readily find solutions and opportunities. The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, connecting with Jupiter and boosting your mood–and curiosity–even further. It’s a great time to learn or guide and enjoy the process. You could find it exceptionally straightforward to bring up tricky topics and get something out into the open.Pisces
Transits today seem to naturally push ahead a matter related to home, family, business, or money, dear Pisces, and you can feel considerably more confident and motivated. You’re resourceful and ready to make things happen and solve problems. You gravitate to pursuits that increase your feelings of security and comfort, and creative ideas and methods come to you easily today. With the Moon in your comfortable solar second house all day, joining with happy Jupiter there, you may want to do something special for yourself. Also today, bonding moments can happen in friendships or partnerships, or you could gain an understanding of a situation that improves your mindset.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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