Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius to 8:05 AM, when it moves into Capricorn.
- A void Moon period occurs from 4:49 AM to 8:05 AM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Third Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred yesterday.
- Mars ends its post-retrograde shadow today.
- There are no major retrogrades.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
A yearly Sun-Neptune alignment occurs today, dear Aries, reminding you to tap into your intuition. Imaginative or creative activities are most attractive. You could be making a personal sacrifice or helping someone out. While practical matters may suffer a little, and you could be procrastinating, your imagination is in full bloom, taking you to fantastic places. Aim to connect with your dreams and spiritual heart and make extra time for yourself and for healing activities. Releasing resentment and embracing compassion, particularly regarding past matters that still have a hold on you, can be helpful now.Taurus
This can be a day of illumination or illusion with Neptune in alignment with the Sun, dear Taurus, which can awaken yearnings for kinship, friendship, and involvement on the soul level. You may be taking care of others, or you may be seeking support. At the same time, you could become aware of the more confusing elements of your connections or a deceptive or inconsistent component of a relationship. Fortunately, it’s also a time of big dreams for long-term happiness–you can be particularly interested in contributing to a worthy cause. This week can involve some ups and downs as you wrestle with your expectations. It’s possible your dreams need some reworking.Gemini
Today’s transits incline you to plan or dream regarding your career or long-term goals, dear Gemini. Making peace with the past helps you clarify your ambitions. You are not letting the minor problems get to you, preferring to look at the bigger picture. With the Sun and Neptune in alignment, your dreams, imagination, and ideals are coming to the foreground. This yearly conjunction inspires you to dream big. It also had a way of illuminating your loftier goals, favoring fantasy and creativity but not necessarily attention to detail. If you crave some inspiration now, you might consider this a time for incorporating alternative or creative methods or elements into what you do. Spiritual longing or aspects of your goals or career that fail to satisfy could magnify since this transit spotlights areas where we may be ignoring our needs for a sense of a higher purpose, spirituality, and imagination. If so, it’s time to make a new plan to address these needs and desires.Cancer
A yearly Sun-Neptune alignment occurs today, dear Cancer, encouraging some extra fantasy and imagination. This transit promotes the release of tension and resentment and the embracing of compassion. These will most likely arrive through learning new things or finding inspiration through new experiences or perspectives. Publishing opportunities, trips, money ideas, or money itself can emerge in unusual ways. Venturing from your usual routine can lead to valuable insights and exciting adventures. You’re unlikely to choose traditional routes for expressing yourself now. While it’s important to be open to new feelings, try to keep your feet on your ground as you dream big–this week is about managing your expectations.Leo
The Sun forms its annual alignment with Neptune today, dear Leo, illuminating your more idealistic yearnings and spiritual needs, particularly related to relationships. If you’ve been feeling a lack on an intimate level, this can also magnify. There can be questions of boundaries or confusion over shared resources that may require some vigilance. If, instead, you’re meeting your expectations, this can be a time of increased intimacy and connection that feels magical. Consider that if you’re personally invested in something, it can be harder to see things clearly this week. There is a tendency to stretch beyond your reasonable limits, and while this can be good in moderation, pushing things too far is unlikely to pay off. Kept in check, this can be a fine time to connect with your dreams.Virgo
Today’s Sun-Neptune alignment amplifies themes of imagination, dreams, and creativity, dear Virgo. You see things and people in a different light. It’s best to watch for drawing in situations or people that drain your energy this week, as there’s a tendency for others to misinterpret your words or actions in ways suiting their lives more than yours! The tricky thing now will be to set up boundaries. Yearnings for something more in your relationships can come on strongly if you’ve been feeling a lack in this area. However, this transit might instead bring on a magical connection with someone. You can lend someone support and comfort right now, which can brighten your day. It can also be a time when you recognize what’s lacking or wanting from relationships. You may want to put a dream into action, particularly related to a partnership, but it may need some adjustments.Libra
You can feel a strong need for something different or special in your life to refresh and reinvigorate you, dear Libra. The Sun and Neptune line up in your work and health sector, and you could feel the urge to put your imagination into practical use. There can be a significant and possibly alternative idea, mind-body health method, or program emerging. Helping others or performing a valuable service can be satisfying. Look for hidden trends and themes, particularly with your work or efforts to help and support others. Instead of wasting time straying aimlessly from your priorities, consider taking a measured break or moments to refresh yourself.Scorpio
The Sun aligns with Neptune today, dear Scorpio, magnifying your dreams. It can also amplify feelings of longing if you’ve neglected specific needs, which you suddenly see dramatically now! Nevertheless, it strongly influences romance, creativity, and imagination, and it can be a time of important realizations. There can be a feeling of serendipity, magic, or special kinship, or the motivation to find these things if you’re feeling something’s missing. The best way to handle Neptune aspects is to work on making your own happiness rather than turning to others to make it for you. This way, you’re more likely to attract positive experiences your way.Sagittarius
You’re in fine shape for special attention to your inner world again today, dear Sagittarius. There can be a special mission to address household problems or redesign something, however big or small, from the bottom up. With the Sun and Neptune aligning in your solar fourth house, you could find that longings for better conditions in your personal life are stirring. It can also be an inspired time when you release negative or pent-up feelings and enjoy more compassion. The Sun spotlights problems operating under the surface of things, making it a good time for getting in touch with your inner needs. It could be better conditions for commitments or realistic planning. However, it’s an excellent day for making the extra time to rest or reflect, or at least acknowledge your need for more inspiration.Capricorn
You may be seeking a stronger sense of purpose with or through what you’re doing and learning, dear Capricorn. The technical side of things may not get as much attention as the creative components now. The Sun aligns with Neptune today, encouraging you to connect with your spiritual needs and dreams. You can be communicating in particularly creative or compassionate ways, and ideas for marketing or promotional strategies stand out as unique now. This transit comes as a gentle reminder to slow down and listen to your needs for a little more color, imagination, or whimsy in your life. While Neptune stimulates creativity, it can also confuse or blur boundaries, and you should watch for potential miscommunications. With this influence in play, and further aspects in the coming days that can stir the pot, it’s best to see where you might adjust your expectations and express yourself in new ways or through different channels.Aquarius
Your dreams and fantasies or ideals are in stronger focus than usual, dear Aquarius, and it’s a good time to connect with them. But you might also pay more attention to areas of neglect or disappointment, depending on your current situation, to round out your view of the best way to make changes. Today’s Sun-Neptune alignment illuminates your desire for more ideal conditions. It can be an inspired time for creative business or practical ideas and interesting ideas that catch on. However, because of the impractical side of this combination, it makes sense to be more careful with spending and lending. This transit is a tension diffuser, and as things slow down, you look at your life from a different perspective, questioning the things you automatically assume are priorities.Pisces
Today’s energies emphasize your sign and ruling planet, Neptune, giving you a real boost, dear Pisces. You’re exuding a positive, upbeat, and pleasant aura today, which endears you to others. Your innate compassionate and idealistic nature comes strongly to the fore. The Sun highlights your dreams and ideals with its alignment with Neptune, encouraging you to seek ways to connect with them. Otherwise, you might dream up something new that more accurately reflects your current needs and wants. If you’ve been neglecting your spiritual needs, this can be a time when you feel more longing and wish to do something about it. While apparent productivity may suffer a little as your mind wanders, you may very well make up for it through inspiration and imagination.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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