Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- There is a void Moon starting today at 10:31 PM (it will continue until tomorrow at 9:43 AM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 5th, and the New Moon will occur on March 13th.
- There are no major retrogrades!
- Mercury is in its post-retrograde shadow until March 13th.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
It’s an important day for tapping into your intuition, dear Aries, with the annual meeting of the Sun and Neptune occurring today. You thrive with imaginative or creative activities, or this can be a private, romantic, or meditative day. The day’s energies might move you to help someone out. While practical matters may suffer a little, you imagine possibilities that you normally may not entertain, and it’s a great exercise, both mentally and emotionally. It’s a fine time to get in better touch with your dreams and spiritual heart. Still, this can be a time when you daydream or procrastinate a little too much. It’s a good idea to make room for time to yourself, healing activities, releasing resentment, and embracing compassion. The Moon spends the day in your social sector, engaging with Mercury and Jupiter and stimulating your desire to connect with people, dreams, or causes that inspire you. Your imagination is in full bloom, taking you to fantastic places.Taurus
The Moon spends the day in your career and reputation sector, dear Taurus. However, a Sun-Neptune alignment today encourages a break from the rules and structures. This transit might awaken yearnings for kinship, friendship, or involvement on the soul level. You could be giving of yourself to or taking care of others, or perhaps seeking support yourself. You might recognize confusing elements of your relationships or a deceptive or inconsistent component of a connection. On the other hand, you can feel inspired or heart-warmed. It might also be a time of big dreams for long-term happiness or some serendipity in your social life. You are especially willing to help out others, and you could be particularly interested in contributing to a worthy cause.Gemini
It’s not a time you want to feel boxed in, dear Gemini. The Moon spends the day in your spirit sector, aligning with freedom-seeking Jupiter there. As well, the Sun and Neptune meet today, emphasizing your dreams, imagination, and ideals. This yearly conjunction inspires you to dream big and illuminate your loftier goals. It favors fantasy and creativity, but not necessarily attention to detail. This is a time for incorporating alternative or creative methods or elements into what you do. Spiritual longing or elements of your goals or career that fail to satisfy could magnify since Neptune can illuminate areas where we may be ignoring our needs for a sense of a higher purpose, spirituality, and imagination.Cancer
The Moon’s transit of your intimacy sector today tends to pull your attention to hidden trends in your life, dear Cancer. Another influence in play is a Sun-Neptune alignment that shares some similar themes. It encourages fantasy and imagination and promotes the release of tension and resentment or the embracing of compassion. Learning new things or finding inspiration through different experiences or perspectives can figure strongly. You’re unlikely to choose traditional routes for expressing yourself now, and you can find that you are more successful as a result. Publishing opportunities, interesting experiences, learning, money ideas, or money itself can emerge in unusual ways. While it’s important to be open to new feelings, try to keep your feet on your ground as you dream big.Leo
The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, dear Leo, kindling an urge for companionship, even in the smallest ways. Your ruler, the Sun, forms its yearly conjunction with Neptune, which illuminates your more idealistic yearnings and spiritual needs, particularly related to relationships. If you’ve been feeling unfulfilled on an intimate level, this can magnify now, but for others, this can be a time of increased intimacy and connection that feels magical. There may be issues of boundaries or confusion over shared resources or financial transactions. It’s a good idea to be more vigilant if dealing with these matters today since Neptune can pull up illusion or illumination. Consider that if you’re personally invested in something, it can be harder to see things clearly today. There is a tendency to stretch beyond your reasonable limits, and while this can be good in moderation, pushing things too far is unlikely to pay off.Virgo
The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, dear Virgo, and making your daily life smooth can be in focus. Still, the annual Sun-Neptune alignment occurs in your partnership sector today, and imagination or creative elements tend to dominate. This transit can incline you to see things and people in a different light. Watch for drawing in situations or people that drain your energy. The tricky thing now will be to set up boundaries. Yearnings for something more in your relationships can come on strongly if you’ve been feeling a lack in this area. However, this transit might instead bring on a magical connection with someone. You can lend someone support and comfort right now, which can brighten your day. It can also be a time when you can connect with what’s lacking or wanting from relationships. You may want to put a dream into action now, particularly related to a partnership.Libra
The Moon spends the day in your creative sector, and you can be seeking some fun or wanting to express yourself, dear Libra. With the Sun and Neptune coming together now, it’s a great time to consider ways you might incorporate your spiritual or emotional needs into your daily routines. You might reconsider whether your habits, methods, and systems reflect or support a higher sense of purpose in your life. The humdrum doesn’t appeal to you today, and a creative detour can serve to refresh and reinvigorate you. You could feel the urge to put your imagination into practical use. There can be a significant and possibly alternative idea, mind-body health method, or program emerging now. Helping others or performing a useful service can be satisfying activities.Scorpio
The Moon spends the day in your home and family sector, dear Scorpio, emphasizing your needs for more simplicity and familiarity. Even so, a yearly Sun-Neptune conjunction encourages more fantasy and imagination. This alignment occurs in your creative sector and can magnify feelings of longing if you’ve been neglecting certain needs. Even so, it’s a strong influence on romance, creativity, and imagination. There can be unspoken understandings, serendipity, or a feeling of kinship felt with someone. There can be a sense that you’re in the right place at the right time or connections made on a soul level. A special project can take flight. Aim to keep your feet on the ground as you dream big.Sagittarius
The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, dear Sagittarius, and personal interests are plenty. The Sun and Neptune align in your solar fourth house today, and this yearly transit can stir up longings for better conditions in your personal life. Even so, it can also be an inspired time when you release negative or pent-up feelings and enjoy more compassion. The Sun puts a spotlight on problems operating under the surface of things, making it a good time for getting in touch with your inner needs. It’s not ideal conditions for commitments or realistic planning. It would be wise to make extra time to rest or reflect, but living arrangements and conditions might be overdue for a boost or enhancement.Capricorn
The Moon’s transit of your resources sector today tends to ground you, dear Capricorn. However, the Sun aligns with Neptune today, encouraging you to connect with your spiritual needs and dreams. You may be seeking a stronger sense of purpose through what you’re communicating, sharing, and learning. You can be communicating in particularly creative or compassionate ways, and ideas for marketing or promotional strategies stand out. It’s a reminder to slow down and listen to your needs for a little more color, imagination, or whimsy in your life. While Neptune stimulates creativity, it can also confuse or blur boundaries, and you might want to watch for potential miscommunications. The technical side of things may not get as much attention. The focus is on expressing yourself in new ways or through different channels.Aquarius
The Moon spends the day in your sign, and you could be breaking new ground, dear Aquarius, particularly on mental planes. Expressing yourself through spontaneous, engaging, and perhaps unusual activities can be enriching. Also today, the Sun and Neptune align in your resources sector. This transit highlights your dreams, fantasies, hopes, or ideals, and possibly also areas of waste or disappointment, depending on your current situation. This can be a terrific time for creative business or practical ideas and interesting ideas that catch on. It makes sense to be more careful with spending and lending. You might consider whether your current projects, pursuits, and perceived needs are in line with your spiritual needs and values, and if not, seek ways to make improvements. This transit is a tension diffuser, and as things slow down, you look at your life from a different perspective, questioning the things you automatically assume are priorities.Pisces
The Moon spends the day in the sign just behind yours, dear Pisces, and you continue to need a little more rest, privacy, or a refreshing change of pace. This transit tunes you into your inner world and intuition. The Sun and Neptune’s yearly meetup, both currently transiting your sign, occurs today, reinforcing this theme. Your innate compassionate and idealistic nature comes strongly to the fore. As the Sun highlights your dreams and ideals, you’re finding ways to connect with them. Otherwise, you might dream up something new that more accurately reflects your current needs and wants. If you’ve been neglecting your spiritual needs, this can be a time when you feel more longing.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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