Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 6th in Gemini.
- Pluto is retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
With today’s Moon, dear Aries, you may be bringing elements of the past, such as wisdom or heritage, to current projects and activities. There can be a nice focus on attention to your personal needs, family, or home life. You seem to need to get your domestic life running smoothly before taking on the world, or you need the space to get yourself together and functioning well, making a time-out especially essential now. However, current astrological weather isn’t ideal for going all out or over the top. Keeping things moderate makes sense just for the time being. People may not be very forthcoming or generous today while working through their issues. Reality and your ideals clash, and drawing on patience is a good idea. While you’ve been feeling more encouraged with personal interests and projects recently, the need to slow down and deal with some blocks is likely today. A Sun-Saturn aspect can make it too easy to focus on what’s not working in your life when a better use of your energy would be to work on straightening out problems and details.Taurus
Today’s transits tend to remind you of the reality of certain parts of your life, dear Taurus. Some of this is pleasing as it improves decision-making and inspires you to create more order in your life. It feels good to clear the clutter and your mind simultaneously. You might also recognize where you’ve had self-limiting attitudes. While there can be initial discouragement, ultimately, as you believe in yourself based on a realistic assessment of your capabilities, you’ll enjoy a more organic, natural confidence. Some refinements are needed to help round everything out. Transits today might also challenge you to address a problem area related to a friendship, project, or money matter. Blocks or obstacles can be temporarily deflating and discouraging, and you can be particularly sensitive to rejection or feeling excluded. If you’re dealing with a humbling experience now, aim to take the lesson from it and move forward a little wiser. A good strategy when Saturn is prominent and challenging, as it is today, is to focus on your own commitments and responsibilities and do your best to meet them. Concentrating on what you can control is best.Gemini
You’re most interested in building something that will last today, dear Gemini. It’s a time to get a better sense of your practical priorities. The desire to have a little more control of your life can be a motivating factor now, and the need for tangible results improves your self-discipline. Because both Venus and the Sun, currently transiting your sign, form a square to Saturn, the rules or limits of a situation jump out at you. You can be more sensitive to criticism. It’s a time for working towards a long-term goal and reminding yourself that patience will be rewarded rather than worrying too much about temporary obstacles. Rising above it means you win. You may not get what you want just now, likely due to career or other responsibilities and limitations. Still, if there are slowdown, they might help you focus your attention on those things that truly matter in the long term. Today is about reshuffling your priorities and finding better, more efficient ways to get things done.Cancer
You can have more get-up-and-go today, dear Cancer, with the Moon in your sign. You might acknowledge feelings that you’ve recently pushed to the side. Emotions are sharp and clear. With the Moon’s harmony with Saturn, channeling emotions in constructive, helpful, and practical ways can come naturally. As the day advances, the Sun and Saturn’s tension can reveal the flaws of a project or situation. There can be a difference of opinion, but the problem may run deeper than the topic. Temporarily, others may not be onboard, willing, or eager to follow along. As much as you’d prefer to lay low and get the rest you need, obligations will likely pull you out of your comfort zone now. While there can be a slight letdown, or it’s a time of seeing the glass half empty, keep in mind it’s a temporary lull or a checkpoint. If you use this time wisely, you’ll discover ways to improve plans and projects.Leo
With both Venus and your ruler, the Sun, forming tense aspects with Saturn, dear Leo, blocks and limits might slow you down long enough to make better plans, and it’s probably for the best. It’s possible you could get closer to someone today by backing off and allowing them space. With an emphasis on your solar eleventh house these days, you want to do your own thing. However, responsibilities and duties can loom large in your mind today. Problems emerging now are merely reality checks, slowing you down just enough to make necessary refinements. A plan or dream may hit some snags, but it may only take some refinement of your expectations to get back on track. It’s also important to avoid cutting corners because, with these challenging transits, this is a day to pay closer attention to rules and details for the best results. Tense feelings about a relationship may emerge, and it’s best not to jump to conclusions–let things play out before passing judgment. The Moon in your privacy sector today is a further signal from the cosmos to take things easy–or easier– so that you can rest and process recent events and feelings. The Moon’s flowing aspect to Saturn can help you understand which attitudes and situations no longer work for you.Virgo
Today’s Moon is a gently stimulating transit, dear Virgo, particularly regarding reaching out to others or latching onto a special heartfelt pursuit. Still, with Saturn strong and challenging today, there can be some fear of disapproval or lack of support. This could manifest in your personal relationships or professional endeavors. If you feel someone is jealous of the attention you’re getting, try not to take it to heart since you can see through it. Accepting that there are obstacles to understanding one another today can help. Focusing on work and business affairs can also be helpful, although you may need to clear up problems in the process. Today’s transits remind you to think in simpler terms and get things right before moving forward. Others may seem to stand in the way of your progress, but with a bit of effort and focus on your own goals, this can be an excellent time to make essential tweaks that contribute to long-term success. You may need to pare things down to move forward.Libra
With today’s Moon at the top of your solar chart, dear Libra, you have a stronger sense of your duties and others’ expectations today. You’re craving a little more order in your life, and you’re quite willing to put in the effort to make it happen. Duties and responsibilities keep you rooted for now, especially with Saturn strong and challenging today, but there are always workarounds if you look for them. Transits now can serve as a reality check of sorts, particularly if you’ve been ignoring important details. Past disorganization may need to be addressed and handled. This is a time for correcting problems that may have accumulated due to shortcuts you’ve taken in the past. While it can sometimes feel disappointing, you can turn this energy to your advantage. Saturn is in your work and health sector, encouraging you to get your daily affairs, routines, and habits in order. Still, try not to put so much pressure on yourself and deal with the pressures from the outside step by step. Slowing down can help you reorient yourself.Scorpio
On an emotional or creative level, you can feel quite refreshed today, dear Scorpio. A patient approach brings the most benefits now. Considering what’s best for you in the long term makes sense. Still, if you’ve taken shortcuts or ignored certain practical details in recent weeks or months, current Saturn transits remind you to tie up loose ends. It’s about taking care of your “future self.” While reducing redundancies can feel like a time-suck at times, it will help you streamline things in the long run and is well worth the effort. The energy to fight self-defeating thoughts can be temporarily low, but it may only be a sign to take a break. Answer to your need for order and purpose.Sagittarius
Saturn transits now could pit your need for personal space against your desire for feedback or company, dear Sagittarius. Try not to read too much into slowdowns, as the flaws of a situation appear more prominent than the strengths, and it’s temporary. You could be second-guessing a partner, a plan, or yourself today. Try to use a temporary block, hesitation, or delay as a chance to catch your breath. As a result, you might come to a more realistic assessment of a relationship or project. You could tap into the motivation to do something positive and supportive, particularly related to domestic harmony or structure. You need some space now, and people seem to sense this. Today is good for taking measured steps towards a goal rather than attempting to push forward quickly. Letting go of bad habits seems within your reach as well.Capricorn
Productive activities are attractive today, dear Capricorn, but so are friendly ones. With today’s Moon, you seek more harmony and balance in your life, in general, but especially in your relationships. It’s a time to nurture your ambition and get things done. Still, there may be an atmosphere of seriousness or even disappointment around you at some points today, as Saturn, your ruler, clashes with Venus and the Sun. These transits tend to want us to face certain realities, but their lessons could be a bit hard to swallow. Daily affairs, errands, and duties can serve to frustrate if they get in the way of your ability to thrive in your work or if they drain you of energy. It may be not easy to gain cooperation from others temporarily. Watch for how you express yourself. With Saturn in your communications sector, you can sometimes take on a negative, defensive tone that doesn’t do you any favors. Exercise patience, follow the rules, and avoid pushing too hard, and you’ll get over this hump.Aquarius
The Moon’s visit to your work and health sector today encourages you to take care of business, dear Aquarius. Its harmony with Saturn stirs a need for a little more order and stability. Quiet or solitary activities suit you just fine, and in fact, tend to bring out your best just for the moment. Ideally, you’re handling the details to further your financial, health, and work goals. Still, Saturn is challenging both Venus and the Sun, and insecurity or responsibility might hold you back from expressing yourself openly and naturally. These transits remind you of certain realities and practical factors related to recent projects and relationship developments. Your attention turns to limitations, likely having to do with resources. Another possibility with this combination is the sense that others are not treating you for what you’re worth. Taking a lesson from a humbling experience can be very worthwhile, saving you time and energy in the long run. Remind yourself that attention to practical matters now brings rewards later.Pisces
The Moon supports Saturn in your sign today, dear Pisces, generating a stronger sense and love of structure, order, and self-discipline. Working on longer-term projects that don’t have immediate dividends, whether material or spiritual, makes sense now. Still, Saturn clashes with Venus and then the Sun, creating a valuable, although possibly frustrating, checkpoint. You are exceptionally aware of rules, restrictions, and limitations, and it’s time to adjust a plan or initiative rather than push ahead. You may need to get nagging problems out of the way before you can enjoy some peace. It’s possible you temporarily feel cut off from others, or they’re overlooking or undervaluing you. If so, aim to be more explicit about your needs rather than waiting for people to jump in and help. Still, consider whether or not confidence about what you deserve is low at the moment before asserting yourself, as making a plan to ask for what you want on a day when you feel surer of yourself might be wise.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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