- The Moon is in Capricorn until 8:53 PM, after which the Moon is in Aquarius.
- The void Moon occurs from 2:05 PM to 8:53 PM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred on the 5th in the sign of Sagittarius, and the Last Quarter Moon will occur on June 13th.
- Current retrogrades: Venus Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Pluto Rx.
- Venus is retrograde (Venus is retrograde in Gemini from May 13-June 25).
- Mercury is not yet retrograde but is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mercury will be retrograde from June 18-July 12).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You’re in a serious but positive mood today, dear Aries. The Moon and Jupiter meet at the top of your solar chart, and there can be a boost to your reputation, public life, or career. Instead, it can be a time for feeling the excitement of wanting to pursue a goal or ambition. You feel most appreciated and motivated. You may be in a position to shine through meeting a responsibility. With today’s enthusiasm, it can be tempting to overdo or take on a little too much, but with this tendency kept in check, you’re likely to feel quite engaged today. Your comfort with your responsibilities radiates nicely. Later today, the Moon heads into your social sector, where it meets Saturn, fueling a desire to be productive. It’s a good time to be straightforward and to seek ways to simplify your life in key ways.Taurus
The Moon aligns with Jupiter today, and you can be looking for something new to learn or experience, dear Taurus. You might focus on a cause that inspires you or an activity that expands your mind. There is some tendency to overshoot with this transit, but with this inclination under watch, it can be a good time to enjoy yourself. Your need to broaden your horizons on a personal level is powerful right now. You might consider options you haven’t yet entertained or felt possible. Later today, the Moon makes it to the top of your solar chart, meeting Saturn. Your performance and responsibilities are in the spotlight. You might feel that you can’t get away with much at this time! While you could feel a bit anxious or self-critical if you feel you haven’t made enough progress, it’s a good time to check in with your plans and assess where you may have gone off track. Identifying your priorities makes sense now.Gemini
Today can be productive, dear Gemini, and you may be feeling especially motivated to improve, learn, and grow. Pouring energies into an enjoyable pursuit can be rewarding, but overdoing things is a potential pitfall with the Moon aligning with Pluto and then later, Jupiter. Watch for taking a good thing and pushing it a bit too far. Otherwise, it’s a fine time to gain insights into a partner, a relationship, or your own behavior. You’re thinking in terms of potentials and possibilities, and you feel purposeful, ready to handle a problem hands-on. Somebody important to you can come through in a pinch. The Moon heads into your spirit sector later today, promptly meeting with Saturn. It’s good energy for doing some serious learning, studying, or thinking.Cancer
Your feelings for someone can expand quickly today, dear Cancer. You may be finding special joy in a partnership or your relationships, although you might struggle with a matter of responsibility. People seek you out for support or comfort, or you easily find the support you need. Forgiveness can figure strongly, or a relationship problem reaches a happy resolution. While you’re open to others today, you’re not interested in restrictive or limiting connections. You prefer to have a little space to be yourself. Later today, the Moon moves into your intimacy sector, quickly meeting Saturn, and you’re inclined to take your interactions a little more seriously. You could very well get to the bottom of a problem or pour a lot of focused energy and heart into something you love. You’re making sensible decisions. Facing reality or dealing with a block can ultimately move you toward making improvements and getting yourself together or life back on track.Leo
Today’s energies tend to highlight an enjoyable sense that you’re productive, dear Leo. You might take pride in your usefulness and perhaps enjoy working on a particular project or your work/duties. You’re generous with your time and support. You tend to feel more fulfilled when you feel needed today with the Moon in your solar sixth house, meeting up with Pluto and then Jupiter. Taking care of business can be especially satisfying now. You may be tempted to overdo, but while stretching yourself a little is good, it’s best not to go too far. Later today, the Moon moves into your partnership sector, promptly aligning with Saturn. These energies support a mature, straightforward approach in your dealings and interactions.Virgo
Today’s good for exploring possibilities and your potential, dear Virgo, and for self-expression through a hobby or creative pastime. Romantic expression can also be satisfying now. You feel especially fulfilled when you bring something special to the world. You could have the opportunity to express yourself uniquely, spiritedly, and creatively. People recognize and appreciate your unique vision, and emotionally engaging activities are a huge draw. As the Moon aligns with Pluto and then Jupiter in your sector of joy, you can quickly become fired up and inspired to pursue pleasure or love. Later today, however, the Moon heads into your work and health sector, promptly meeting Saturn there, and a call to take care of business is likely. Getting on top of your everyday affairs is a need, and you’ll feel better if you focus on the details or finer points of a plan.Libra
The helpful and nurturing side of your nature is called upon today, dear Libra. Feeling good about your home life is a desire or theme now, and if you’re feeling discontented, you’re especially motivated to make changes and improvements. The Moon aligns with expansive Jupiter in your home and family sector, encouraging special attention to these matters. You recognize the qualities and habits that support or delay your growth. You can be dreaming up long-term, master plans for a business or home, or you’re inclined to focus on making your current living conditions more joyful. You’re seeking a stronger sense of belonging or connectedness, and it’s a great time to get in touch with any needs and desires you’ve suppressed. Later today, the Moon enters your sector of joy, and then promptly aligns with Saturn there. You’re attracted to spending time doing productive things, finding it soothing and satisfying. You can have great success working on a creative project or refining a skill, studying, or adding structure or form to a project.Scorpio
The Moon joins with generous Jupiter in your communications sector today, dear Scorpio, helping to boost your mood and sunny up your disposition. You’re in terrific shape for guiding, connecting, and learning and warmth can figure strongly in your interactions. Your ideas and kindness are a big draw. It’s important to watch for overloading your schedule with Jupiter involved since its optimism can lead to a sense that you can handle more than is reasonable. You have a fabulous ability to show others where there’s common ground. You might also be feeling very enthusiastic about a project, idea, or interest. Later today, the Moon heads into your home and family sector for a couple of days, meeting Saturn. You’re likely to focus on the practical side of your domestic world or personal life. This transit puts the spotlight on your needs for safety, security, and familiarity. Gather your strength rather than exhaust yourself or scatter your energies now for best results. Because you’re more sensitive than usual, seek positive or calming atmospheres.Sagittarius
You enjoy added emotional strength and stamina today, dear Sagittarius, as the Moon in your resources sector aligns with your ruler, Jupiter. It’s a time for enjoying yourself and settling in, as well as for connecting with the practical affairs of your life. A bit of indulgence may be precisely what you need now, but it’s better to avoid excess. Seek a happy place where you have a strong sense of abundance. You’re likely to benefit from a focus on your fundamental needs. Later today, the Moon moves into your communications sector, aligning with Saturn. You may want to concentrate on your projects, or there can be an important conversation. A bit of self-discipline can go a long way. There can be something useful to learn through your communications or through incoming information or news. Learning valuable skills or tricks that have a long-term positive impact.Capricorn
The Moon meets with Jupiter in your sign today, dear Capricorn, expanding your feelings considerably, whatever your mood! Expressing yourself through spontaneous and engaging activities can be especially rewarding. This transit brings out a desire to express yourself or to do something different and fun. It’s not a time for dwelling on the past–you’re focused, quite determinedly, on what you can accomplish right now. You radiate natural confidence. Still, you might also feel compelled to work out an inner conflict or handle a problem area. Later today, the Moon moves on, heading into your resources sector. You’re likely to derive more satisfaction than usual from getting your practical affairs in order. It’s a good time to give thought to how you can improve your work or income. A step-by-step approach to resolving problems makes the most sense and is particularly reassuring.Aquarius
You may be seeing a past matter in a more positive light today, dear Aquarius. It’s a good time to put something behind you, such as a frustrating issue or an attitude that has worked against you. As the Moon meets Jupiter in your solar twelfth house, it’s a time to take stock, stay in the background, and lay low — and thoroughly enjoy yourself! You can enjoy benefits from working behind the scenes or making preparations. Later today, the Moon enters your sign, and this can bring you out of your shell. Still, it quickly meets Saturn in Aquarius, and you’re inclined to take things more seriously than usual. You could very well have additional obligations to attend to now. A moderate approach to your goals is best at the moment. Working on yourself through self-improvement programs can be attractive with all sorts of restructuring going on inside.Pisces
Today is good for feeling excited about your plans, dear Pisces. The Moon meets with Jupiter in your sector of dreams, wishes, and friendship, and there can be a stronger desire to connect, mingle, interact, or focus on inspiring ideas and plans. You seem most content with a happiness goal in mind. While it’s a good time for optimism, it’s best not to take on too much in a state of enthusiasm. Enjoy feeling stronger and happier without going overboard for best results. Later today, this comes naturally as the Moon heads into your privacy sector and aligns with pragmatic Saturn. You may want to allow for extra time and space for yourself. Your observational skills are powerful now. This transit can serve as a layer of anonymity or a desire to lay low and recharge your batteries on an emotional level. You’re in a good position to identify those things that may be undermining your happiness.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 8, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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