Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- A void Moon period occurs from 3:07 PM forward (until tomorrow at 1:50 PM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase until 11:06 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 24th in the sign of Capricorn, and the Last Quarter Moon will happen on July 1st.
- Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde, and is in its post-retrograde shadow until July 7th.
- Venus enters Leo today (Venus is in Leo from June 27th to July 21st).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Venus moves into harmony with your sign today, dear Aries, and until July 21st, you’ll benefit from an especially comfortable expression of your affection and charm. It’s a fantastic period for creativity, romance, children, entertainment, and other channels through which you might express your need for play and reinforcement. A gentle approach in these areas of life is the most successful one now. You might enjoy some extra fun and leisure time in the weeks ahead. It’s a fine time for love, romance, dating, pleasant pastimes, games, and hobbies–and you’re more likely to make room for these things. Venus in this area of your solar chart awakens your more creative and romantic urges.Taurus
Venus enters your solar fourth house today, dear Taurus, where it will transit until July 21st. There can be excellent prospects involving your family or home life during this cycle that encourages more warmth and peace on the home front. It can be a time for investing in your comfort, home, and safety. It’s also an ideal period for connecting with your own heart by exploring your deeper needs. It’s a generally quieter time of year, but making your home or base of operations more comfortable and harmonious can be a satisfying focus in the weeks ahead. You could be spending more time around the home or doing familiar things, helping you center yourself. Enhancing or repairing relationships with loved ones are favored during this cycle.Gemini
Venus enters your communications sector for a visit lasting until July 21st, dear Gemini. It’s an active period for talking and thinking about love and relationships, making happy and beneficial connections, and enjoying learning or studies. Favored now are short trips, studies, communications, transportation, and relationships with classmates, siblings, or neighbors. You’re also especially attractive in these areas–you’re drawing in the right situations, people, and things to you that improve your daily life. Conversations are helpful and interesting, or news coming in is heartwarming. You can experience improved verbal rapport with others and joy in your everyday affairs.Cancer
Venus enters your solar second house and will continue to transit here until July 21st, dear Cancer. During this stable cycle, you have good sense when seeing value in projects and objects you may have otherwise overlooked. You experience a stronger attraction to comfortable things, people, and situations in the weeks ahead. You are exceptionally skilled at making the best of your resources now. It’s a time when you might improve your financial situation or enjoy building talents and resources. You have a taste for more straightforward pleasures and feelings! You also benefit from a more comfortable pace.Leo
Venus enters your sign today, dear Leo, and this beautiful transit will stay with you until July 21st. It’s one of the more potent times of the year for personal attraction and for magnetizing what (and who) you want into your life. You are comfortable in your own skin and radiate good energy that attracts positive attention and feedback. It’s a time for living well and putting the right kind of vibes out into the universe! As well, it can be a period for rewarding yourself for recent efforts. You can use your charm and personality to get a little more from life than you usually do. Your desire for more love and harmony in your life tends to color much of what you do.Virgo
Venus moves into your privacy sector today, dear Virgo, where this planet of harmony will transit until July 21st. It’s a period when taking some form of break or time-out can be especially beneficial to you. It would help if you had extra time to process your feelings and thoughts during this period, and you might frequently (and naturally) review and reflect upon recent events. This cycle can connect love and sacrifice or service, or this is about enjoying your own company more than usual and some level of retreat from the world. It’s a time best used for exploring inner needs and desires rather than burying your feelings. You can be shedding attitudes that are not working for you, and it feels lighter once you do.Libra
Venus begins its transit of your solar eleventh house today, dear Libra, and will influence here until July 21st. This cycle is excellent for socializing and connecting. You may be in the position to fully appreciate the benefits of relaxing and taking some time off from responsibilities. You give particular attention to your humanitarian impulses and happiness goals in the weeks ahead. This transit comes as a welcome boost to friendships, love, and personal appeal. Love, affection, and charm flow naturally now. Good company may be easier to find. There can be mutual benefits with friends and a sense that you can be yourself with others and feel at ease.Scorpio
Venus moves to the top of your solar chart today, dear Scorpio, creating a winning time for you on public and professional levels until July 21st. You might enjoy a strong desire to contribute something unique, beautiful, or creative to the world and others tend to recognize these qualities. It’s a fortunate time for work and business-related endeavors, and you tend to derive more satisfaction from a position of responsibility or a job well done. A relationship may be in stronger focus or could become more public or noticeable in the weeks ahead. You might make especially significant connections and contacts. Today, the Moon spends the day in your sector of heart and home, and emotionally familiar activities satisfy most.Sagittarius
Venus moves into harmony with your sign today, dear Sagittarius, and will continue to transit your spirit sector until July 21st. You are more courageous and forthright with your feelings, and your relationships might benefit from a change of pace. Promotional efforts, studies, or publishing matters can thrive. You gravitate to others through beliefs and ideas. This cycle comes as a general boost to your powers of attraction, relationships, and social life. Your feelings tend to be easy to express and understand, and when it comes to love, your ideals are high. You value mental rapport with others. There might also be a pleasurable adventure or learning experience that takes you out of your routine.Capricorn
Venus begins its transit of your solar eighth house today, dear Capricorn, and it will benefit your intimate life, shared resources, or money coming to you from other sources than your income until July 21st. It’s a cycle of regeneration and processing recent events or new feelings in your love life. Ideally, this process clarifies where to make changes that benefit you going forward. It’s one of the better periods of the year for attracting any support you may need, material or emotional. Feelings of love and attachment intensify during this cycle. You enjoy digging a little deeper into the mysteries of life, or you prefer absorbing, involving activities and pleasures. It’s a fine time for bringing an existing relationship to a new level as well as self-discovery. You may enjoy looking for clues and hidden aspects of a situation.Aquarius
The Moon spends the day in your sign, enlivening your mood, dear Aquarius. You may want more interaction with your environment or seek action. Also today, Venus moves into your partnership sector for a visit until July 21st. This transit can bring helpful people into your life or improves current relationships, which tend to be friendlier and more pleasant during this cycle. It can be a time to make peace with someone or for significant negotiations, compromises, or contracts. Partnership feels rewarding. This cycle is a good one for smoothing over differences, particularly in one-to-one settings. If you can benefit from getting advice or counseling, it’s a strong cycle for doing so.Pisces
With the Moon in your solar twelfth house all day, dear Pisces, you gravitate to easygoing activities that help you wind down. Venus enters your work and health sector today, and until July 21st, this transit encourages more pleasure and harmony in your daily life, including your work or routines and health pursuits. You can take pleasure in producing and managing your daily affairs. You feel more accomplished through cooperation and sharing. Or, you might make pleasant contacts through the pursuit of your work, health, or daily goals. Collaboration and sharing can figure strongly and successfully in your work and perhaps even your health routines. Bringing more artistry or beauty to your work is satisfying. It can be a good time for attracting suitable or pleasurable work.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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