- The Moon is in Cancer.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon (Solar Eclipse) occurred yesterday in the sign of Cancer.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from June 18-July 12).
- Venus is retrograde (Venus is retrograde from May 13-June 25).
- Current retrogrades: Mercury Rx, Venus Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s Moon transit encourages your need for private or personal time, dear Aries. There can be a stronger need for comfort, security, and familiar situations. It’s a time of the lunar month when sticking with the tried-and-true benefits you. Some self-pampering and nurturing can be refreshing. There can be some unreliable energy with you today, but if you can allow some things to play out as they may, you might catch a breather. Still, there’s good energy for a sense of camaraderie or cooperation with you now. You can feel quite passionate about a project or end goal and motivated to improve. Putting your principles to work can be satisfying. With Neptune turning retrograde, aim to avoid too much focus on missed opportunities.Taurus
The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, dear Taurus, and you’re curious, seeking more interaction or movement than usual. You can be feeling a little stubborn about an idea or learning project right now, and there can be some frustration today if you feel restricted or forced into working within rigid rules. Avoid power games. Unwillingness to let go of an idea can add to any communication problems you may be having later today. However, a spirit of sharing and learning tends to benefit you in the first half of the day. With Neptune’s retrograde turn, there can be some confusion or the need to find alternate forms of inspiration. It may be best not to pin your hopes on promises made now.Gemini
Today’s Moon transit encourages your need for comfort and familiarity, dear Gemini. If you have trouble relaxing, you might consider adding very simple, grounding, and earthy activities to your day. Even so, it’s a positive time for work matters, management, cooperation, and relationships with people above your post. The ability to see the bigger design or long-term plans helps you form excellent strategies. You are going your own way when it comes to career or goals, and it works well for you now. Your excitement about your projects is notable, even with some ambiguous energy with Neptune’s retrograde turn and both Mercury and Venus retrograde. You may very well seek some new inspiration as your needs are changing and evolving.Cancer
The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Cancer, and you can be feeling spirited. Putting effort into personal plans or projects that require strong but not necessarily long-term effort makes sense today. If allowed some personal space, aside from minor challenges, the day can play very much in your favor. There can be a nice spirit of cooperation and positivity with you. Sharing ideas or activities with others is fruitful. Debates tend to be entertaining and even enlightening rather than frustrating. You may reach an understanding or agreement about a matter or cause. Although the day does contain some possibly confusing energy as Neptune nears its retrograde station, if you aim to stay flexible, it can be quite enjoyable.Leo
With the Moon in the sign just behind yours all day, dear Leo, it’s a good time to take a breather from too much thinking and analyzing if possible. You’re passionate about your ideas and convictions these days, but today, paying too much attention to facts, figures, or details can be draining. Keeping in mind that people, in general, are not particularly clear in their communications today, you might fall back more strongly on your observational skills. If you’re feeling a little drained or blocked creatively, slow down and do something different or seek a change of scenery. This way, the information you seek or need is likely to come naturally and in its own time. You’ll do well to enjoy activities that serve to renew or refresh yourself today. The Moon will enter your sign tomorrow, and you’ll enter a fresh new cycle. For now, take time out for emotional recharging.Virgo
The Moon spends the day in your social sector, dear Virgo, and you desire to contribute, connect, or belong can be in the spotlight. You might explore your creative side. Watch for the sudden temptation to display your independence since you can put your point across more delicately, which can work more to your advantage. Keeping an open mind and your options open can invite positive, interesting experiences. There can be a sense of excitement about a person or cause now, or someone in your life inspires you to improve, grow, or reach towards a goal you previously felt was out of reach. Even with this good feeling of connection, Neptune’s station can bring on a theme of mystery or wistfulness. Aim to take note of creative ideas and information coming your way and adopt a wait-and-see attitude for best results now.Libra
The Moon spends the day in your solar tenth house, dear Libra. This transit serves to draw out your need to perform, accomplish, succeed, manage, or lead. The motivation to pour your energies into a special goal or project is building. Changing attitudes towards others’ opinions of you can motivate you to do something out of the ordinary. Avoid getting yourself embroiled in power games that go nowhere today. Instead, think about ways to start fresh. You’re especially comfortable with the energy of objectivity and cooperation in the first half of the day. Your work, home life, and domestic affairs benefit from strategic planning, and positive actions meant to improve these areas of life. It’s a welcome wind of change. However, you mustn’t get too caught up in the idea that you’ll reach clear conclusions today, as something feels up in the air. Inspiration may be a bit of a struggle as we navigate a Neptune retrograde turn and several shifts this week. Allowing the ups and downs to happen without fighting might be the answer.Scorpio
The Moon spends the day in your solar ninth house, dear Scorpio, drawing out your need to discover and explore. You’re learning something new or seeking some inspiration. Aim to avoid overshooting or adding more to your plate. While arguments may loop in frustrating ways, the day is strong for seeing where you can make a change. There can be much to keep you interested and engaged mentally. Your ideas are particularly creative now, and your sense of fun is strong. Today is more about inspiration than attention to the details, and you need these kinds of days as much as you need the days in which practical intelligence rules. Still, misunderstandings or stops and starts might be avoided if you let things flow along, waiting for a better time to make a solid move.Sagittarius
With today’s Moon transit, dear Sagittarius, you may want to get to the root of problems, and you have much to discover. You’re inclined to automatically look for the nuances or hidden layers of a situation. There can be positive progress around the home, with business, or towards the goal of greater security. You have a sense that you can make big improvements that have a real impact on your life. Still, the day’s energies favor inspiration and imagination more than they do attention to detail. It’s best not to rush a financial or intimate matter. Keep your options open and experiment with different ideas and approaches before settling on something definitive. Neptune is about to turn retrograde, and you could feel temporarily drained during its station today and tomorrow.Capricorn
With the Moon transiting your partnership sector all day, dear Capricorn, you’re more relationship-focused and ready to look at your life from a different perspective. This transit doesn’t find you at your peak energetically speaking, but it’s a good time to see where things are out of balance. You are very much going your own way when it comes to ideas and decisions these days. Today, it can be useful to take a break from doing all the thinking. Today’s energies are in and out, however. On the one hand, you can feel particularly motivated to get things done, and you can have ideas you’re excited about putting in motion. On the other, you can be easily distracted as Neptune changes directions in your sector of the mind. It may be best to adopt a wait-and-see approach.Aquarius
The Moon transits your work and health sector all day, dear Aquarius, drawing out your desire to get organized and handle your daily affairs. You’re seeing problems and wanting to solve them, perhaps less tolerant of things that are out of order or amiss. Creative ideas about how to manage, handle, or increase your resources, personal possessions, or money can be in the offing. Still, with Neptune about to turn retrograde, you may be looking for a little more inspiration in these areas. It’s temporary as you redirect your focus or find areas that need improvement. Sharing ideas can be fruitful and satisfying, but locking something down is not favored just for now.Pisces
You’ll be feeling more confident, vital, and ready to share yourself in the weeks ahead, dear Pisces. There’s a bit of a hump to get over as Neptune turns retrograde in your sign now, and with several shifts happening this week. Still, you’ll begin to find inspiration in new places. These days, you have more impact than usual, and people may be noticing your enthusiasm. Your attention span is not perfect right now, but you still seem to find things to keep you busy and engaged. Friends, associates, and networks add value to your life in more distinct ways than usual. Watch for blurred lines in the practical world, and aim to do your best to avoid making unclear or vague statements.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 22, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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