- The Moon is in Libra until 12:05 PM, after which the Moon is in Scorpio.
- The void Moon occurs from 6:39 AM to 12:05 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase until 7:50 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 29th, and the Full Moon will occur on June 5th.
- Current retrogrades: Venus Rx, Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Pluto Rx.
- Mercury is not yet retrograde but is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mercury will be retrograde from June 18-July 12).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Conflicts or tensions today might awaken you to a new perspective on a matter by tomorrow, dear Aries. However, lessons learned may not come in a pretty package! Desires can seem very pressing now, and there can be some irritating competitiveness or internal pressures to perform to manage. You can be feeling especially sensitive and may put up a protective wall around you to cope. However, if you give off the impression that your skin is thick, you could end up with hurt feelings, so an in-between would be ideal. There can be substantial differences between what people want and what people are willing to give right now, causing friction. Tone things down as much as possible, unless, of course, conflict is what you need to clear the air. Consider that a Venus-Mars aspect active now can pull up a lot of surface tension, but barely touch the core or root problems. We’re not on the same wavelength, but while these temperamental conditions may seem random, they’re likely forcing out problems that have already been brewing. Ultimately, this brings issues to light, which can lead to quicker resolutions, even if it’s a bit rocky going getting there.Taurus
Avoid making too-quick decisions and choices if possible today, dear Taurus, particularly if you’re extremely busy or not quite organized. Watch for a slapdash approach to your money or belongings. Today and tomorrow, you may come to a whole new perspective on a business or money matter through what’s playing out now, although some friction is likely in the process. Sometimes clashes don’t have quick resolutions, but they may help redirect your energy. Tensions today tend to revolve around differences in methods, values, and approaches. If you’re not in touch with your true desires, you may be chasing superficial ones today. Today’s Venus-Mars square can be a very creative combination, but it tends to stir up dissatisfaction with current conditions first. If we use it as motivation to make exciting improvements or changes, we’re in the best shape. Off timing in relationships could ultimately lead to new ideas. Timing is off right now, but try not to take it too personally.Gemini
A Venus-Mars square can bring some impatient, brusque, or demanding energy to the day, dear Gemini. You may need to be extra careful with how you handle touchy situations and people. Try not to burn yourself out by pushing too hard or expecting instant results from your efforts. Aim not to talk ahead of yourself or jump into action too quickly based solely on the momentary emotions. You may need to deal with frustrating blocks or misunderstandings, but rising above them is possible with some patience. Desires that come on suddenly today may not be a true reflection of what you want or need. Note that dissatisfaction with a current situation can be harder to ignore, and it could motivate you to make improvements. By tomorrow, you may have a brand new perspective on a matter, which is helpful, illuminating needs you never knew you had. In the meantime, you may want to watch for impulsive or dramatic moves that won’t serve you well.Cancer
Today’s energies are on the temperamental side, dear Cancer, even with the Moon moving into harmony with your sign. Issues of a personal nature may not be well-received with Venus, in your privacy sector, forming a square to Mars in your house of expansion. Keeping things light or business-minded is probably best. However, there can be some inner frustration or angst experienced now that can be hard to ignore. There could be clashes if you, or the people around you, are succumbing to impatience with satisfying their desires. Sensitivity to feelings is not natural just for now. You may feel impatient with others regarding an idea or belief, especially if they seem to be shooting you down or not catching on to what you intend to say. Taking personal offense at intellectual disagreements can be an issue now, or you may want to escape, but how to do it can be a challenge. You may later regret hasty actions or words, particularly in love relationships. Desires can come on suddenly, but may only be a reflection of inner unrest, and thus may not be genuine. A tense atmosphere can make it difficult to look past small problems and challenges, but if you can manage to do so, it can go a long way towards reinstating calm. Plus, you might learn a lot about your needs in the process.Leo
Tempers might flare today, dear Leo, and frustrations can emerge as Venus and Mars challenge one another. You may think that filling a sudden desire will be the answer to all your problems, but it’s likely to be a mere distraction. Dig deeper, and you may find that the surface topic has little to do with the real problem. You could feel torn between filling your own needs and pleasing someone, and there could be a sense that you’re out of rhythm with them. This transit can stir up dissatisfaction, and feelings are complicated right now. Problems from the past can re-emerge. If you keep your expectations in check, you may be able to roll with the competitive energy, and it might fuel your motivation to make improvements. Ideally, clearing the air helps you turn a page, but you might also choose to ride things out and observe rather than take action. It’s all too easy to act on impulse today, and it’s not necessarily in your best interests to push forward.Virgo
There can be a tense atmosphere in spots today, dear Virgo, but there is much to learn from your interactions. Rhythms in love or patterns in relating can be a little off, leaving it difficult to find satisfaction. Feelings run hot and cold, mainly due to timing problems and impatience. A straightforward approach may go over as insensitive, but holding back may be interpreted as indifference. Differences in approaches are not always a sign of a deeper problem, but there are times when clashes lead to important realizations. Right now, Venus is retrograde, and old problems can come back to our attention as Venus forms a square to Mars. There can be a disagreement or discontent stirred that motivates you to make improvements, ultimately. Reactions can be quick, and people may be working on a short fuse. While there can be a temperamental or competitive tone to the day, you’re gaining deeper insight into your work, goals, or ambitions through a bit of trial and error. This clarity may be more evident tomorrow. Today, listening and observing are better than jumping into action.Libra
The Moon spends part of the day in your sign, dear Libra, and then moves onto your resources sector. Emotions are strong, but as the day advances, you tune into settling down or settling in. Still, a Venus-Mars square today can keep you on your seat. Venus, in your adventure sector, inspires your interest in non-routine experiences, while Mars, in your work sector, encourages you to get the job done. As well, Venus is encouraging a more enlightened view of your life while Mars is motivating you to take care of business. Both can work together if need be, but it can seem hard to integrate them today. Consider ways to strike a compromise. You may be dealing with some contrariness, and you may feel the need to revisit plans, schedules, or statements. People around you can be temperamental and competitive with this transit that tends to highlight differences in needs, desires, and approaches. Be protective of information or feelings that you typically want to keep quiet, as there is an impulsive tendency that could be cause for later regret. Even so, frictions today can lead to new insights and a better understanding of yourself and others. It can be worthwhile to observe your reactions today so that you can better understand your needs. Consider ways to break the routine of your life so that you feel that you are truly living it rather than merely observing it, but balance this with necessary attention to methods and routines.Scorpio
Tricky areas today tend to involve the sharing of money or responsibilities, dear Scorpio. Aim to entertain new ideas and perspectives but wait until today’s tensions subside before drawing firm conclusions. You can experience pressures with someone or within yourself today over power dynamics, sharing, and intimacy. While frustrations may have been building for some time, impatience to handle matters can overcome you today. The Moon enters your sign today, and it invites you to pay more attention to your emotional needs. Today’s Venus-Mars square can pull up some discontent or unrest, and this can be informative, but a bit frustrating, too. You should probably examine sudden desires and urges more closely, as they’re unlikely to address genuine needs–it may take some energy and time to sort out what’s real. Venus in your solar eighth house tends to stimulate the desire for emotional intimacy and closeness, but Mars is more intent on having a good time as it transits your sector of joy and entertainment. It’s not straightforward to strike a compromise, but possible. Frictions today can ultimately get you closer to understanding your deeper needs.Sagittarius
The day’s energies can be on the temperamental side, dear Sagittarius. It can be all too easy to get into disagreements today, and it’s wise to pass on this kind of situation. Values, goals, or ambitions seem to clash, serving up some tension or frustration. Others may interpret your intentions, or you theirs, and people seem more competitive than cooperative today. There can be some unrest or emotional fireworks to manage, particularly in family relationships and partnerships. A Venus-Mars square seems to stir up tensions that have been brewing under the surface of things. The desire for companionship might conflict with the need to work things out for yourself. You may be dealing with impatience or bad timing in your interactions. Aim not to stir the pot and be on the lookout for others trying to push your buttons. Save important ideas or topics for a more free-spirited time, but pay attention to problem areas, especially if they keep resurfacing.Capricorn
Work or duties tend to keep you on your toes now, dear Capricorn, but the desire for more attention to your personal interests is strong. Your plate is full, and a surprise element from the past might also emerge now. It can be difficult to be productive without succumbing to distractions, and there can be a tendency to take things very personally today with Venus and Mars in hard aspect, presenting a timing problem. Somebody may be using a rough or insensitive approach, or on the opposite end, an approach that isn’t straightforward enough, and a disconnect ensues. There can also be pronounced differences in values, ideally leading to new insights and fine-tuning that improves matters going forward. For now, there can be some unrest. With a bit of creativity, a bit of discontent can motivate you to make needed changes. Watch for impulsiveness in love relationships and with communications since impatient Mars is currently transiting your communications sector, and is triggered today. You may be a little too quick to speak about something that needs time to develop or understand. The most benefits come from observation rather than action today.Aquarius
There can be some tension that ideally inspires creative changes, dear Aquarius. Still, there can be conflicts and impatience to navigate now. Frustrations can revolve around getting what you want, but it may be impatience itself that’s tripping you up more than anything. You might be focusing on a particular desire that, when attained, is not as satisfying as you imagined it would be. It isn’t easy to know what you truly want just for now. Spending and relating can be problematic with a Venus-Mars square active now that is impulsive, confrontational, and impractical. There can just as readily be sudden attractions as there are sudden turn-offs–this aspect tends to highlight areas of dissatisfaction. Possessiveness or competitiveness can be themes. Aim to let difficult energies blow over or use them to inspire you to improve and produce. It’s best not to mix emotions and practical matters for now. It may be a good strategy to avoid jumping into or out of something too quickly until you get a stronger handle on what you genuinely want and need.Pisces
Different perspectives can be frustrating today, dear Pisces, but they can also be good learning experiences. Still, it’s best to recognize that conflicts today may focus too much on surface problems, leaving core issues untouched. Looking more closely at what’s happening can be helpful. It’s not the best time for asking for what you want or for trying to push a new idea. Watch for impulsiveness since desires come on quickly, as do waves of anger! A square between Venus and Mars seems to highlight areas of dissatisfaction or disagreement. Since impulsive Mars is currently in your sign, this can affect you more than others, and you could very well find that people are pushing your buttons. Or, if you’re feeling a little on edge or unsatisfied, the temptation to rile others up can come on. Examine what comes to the surface now since you’re likely to discover some previously buried frustrations, and these can help you find ways to resolve them. Seek a change of scenery, which can help refresh you and perhaps lead to a new perspective as well. Challenges now can result in a new understanding, both of others and your own needs.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is June 2, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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