Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase until 12:33 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 6th in Gemini.
- Pluto is retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s transits help open your heart and put fears behind you, dear Aries. People see and appreciate your unique qualities. Your communications shine as your words help heal and replenish. There is an appealing openness to your self-expression, and your powers of attraction subtly lift. Willingness to listen is part of this. With Venus in harmony with Chiron in your sign, you are ready to broach almost any topic today, and your approach is compassionate. You might be able to keep some of your more significant concerns at bay long enough to enjoy yourself. Even so, it’s not about ignoring problems–you may very well focus on weak areas and work on fixing them now, which puts you ahead. However, it can be too easy to become distracted in your practical affairs. You may feel that you’re in a hurry even if there isn’t an actual rush, so aim to check in with yourself.Taurus
With the Moon’s transit of your solar fourth house all day, you’re in processing mode, dear Taurus. While Mercury’s minor challenging aspects can rile you up in spots today, a Venus-Chiron transit also coming into play helps you go with the flow. Identifying and sharing insecurities can lead to greater bonding. Your powers of attraction run high, and comforting activities help you heal. It’s an excellent time to uncover hidden gems or untapped resources. You can have unique insights with money, personal possessions, and business. Ideas or personal interests can be fascinating and enjoyable. It’s time to get in touch with your feelings about the people in your life. You seem to inspire confidence and attract goodwill.Gemini
Mercury in your sign these days makes it a rich time for fresh ideas, dear Gemini. Because Mercury is under minor strain today, you may need to check things twice or make some edits. There may be, quite temporarily, a heavier focus on the flaws more than the benefits of a situation. Be careful that you don’t talk ahead of yourself. Fortunately, a Venus-Chiron aspect coming into play puts you in good form for inspiring confidence. This transit boosts your appeal and magnetism and helps you break through problems or put issues to rest. Friends can be helpful and reassuring, or your social life/network seems more supportive. You may get the chance to express yourself in ways that make you feel good, and your communications can be healing. Others might trust you more than usual.Cancer
There can be some tension or restlessness to manage today, dear Cancer. However, a Venus-Chiron aspect coming into influence can help you see that camaraderie is more important to you than being right, and there can be healing powers to your words. There can be a secret attraction or a stroke of good luck from behind the scenes. Special moments taken for yourself can be most satisfying and possibly even healing. You seem to see career or practical matters more objectively, and panning out from a situation helps solve problems–even long-standing ones. You may feel a strong desire to help others, which can be particularly rewarding. Responsibilities are handled with more ease than usual, and interactions seem more sincere and open. With the Moon’s transit of your resources sector today, you tend to seek a more predictable or comfortable pace.Leo
The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Leo, stirring a stronger need to feel emotionally awake and connected through your experiences. Today’s energies favor sincerity in a relationship as Venus heads into harmony with Chiron. Rather than overthink things, you’re tuning into your intuition to arrive at important conclusions and resolutions. You’re not quite as close to a situation, so you can get a better perspective on it now. You’re seeking more satisfaction from your activities, and you’re more inclined to find it today. Someone’s understanding of your beliefs and ideas can feel great on a social level. Openness and willingness to both listen and share can benefit and boost a relationship. There can be some inner restlessness today, but this Venus influence helps you enjoy yourself and make yourself useful at the same time. You’re in good shape for personal appeal, fun projects, and a sense of camaraderie.Virgo
With the Moon in your solar chart’s hidden sector all day, dear Virgo, you can be somewhat retiring, but you can remain feeling pleasantly connected with someone or focused on a relationship. While today can be restless in spots, and it’s wise not to jump to conclusions, a Venus-Chiron aspect coming into influence can boost communications, helping you prioritize life’s healing and compassionate side. There can be positive reviews and possibly recognition for your ideas and advice. You might more deeply enjoy your work or absorbing activities, or you could draw in support or backing. You might enjoy developing strategies to reach your goals. This transit reminds you to learn from problem areas. It’s a good time for smart thinking and judgment.Libra
With Mercury under minor strain today, mental tension is possible in spots, dear Libra. Others may be tense or critical, but it’s best not to put too much weight on statements made under stress or duress. The flaws of a situation seem far more prominent than its benefits, and if you don’t dwell, this can help you find solutions and fix problems. Fortunately, your planetary ruler, Venus, is heading into harmony with Chiron, and you may attract warmth or encouragement. Others more readily put their faith in you, and returning the favor can have a magical effect on relationships. So can consciously avoiding defensiveness. It can feel good to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable now. Your emotions or personal life are complicated today, but you’re growing. Look for ways to refresh your mind and spirit to gain perspective.Scorpio
Mercury’s minor but tense aspects suggest some tendency for a racing mind today, dear Scorpio. Aim to be easy on yourself and humble with others since these transits can stir up unhelpful criticism or brusqueness, perhaps most prominent in one-on-one settings. Jumping to conclusions is not likely to serve you well now, nor is being overly clinical in situations that require more tact or thoughtfulness. But while there can be some disconnects, it’s a good time to enjoy your duties, routines, and work. Fixing problems can be gratifying. A Venus-Chiron influence coming into play helps you attract support or interest and makes it relatively easy to find the information you need. A misunderstanding or misgiving may clear up with happy results now. You might gain a stronger sense of purpose through particular attention to problem areas, chores, and daily routines.Sagittarius
It’s best to watch for too-quick decisions today, dear Sagittarius, as you could feel some subtle pressure to push things along. Still, you might better understand a tricky matter through a partner or special someone as Venus heads into harmony with Chiron. High energy for personal attraction on social and romantic levels is with you. Opportunities to strengthen bonds can be subtle but valuable and much appreciated now. Even so, this is not about stagnating–you’re ready to heal, strategize, repair, and plan. The chance to get in touch with what you truly need and value is with you, helping boost future choices and decisions.Capricorn
There is some tendency for too-quick decisions today, dear Capricorn. Fortunately, opening your heart can help strengthen a bond. It’s possible to work through insecurities with a Venus-Chiron transit coming into influence that aids problem-solving and good judgment. For you, it’s particularly the case regarding home, work or chores, routines, and any associated relationships. It’s an excellent time to tackle issues that can use a subtle boost of honesty, compassion, and openness. This cooperative feel to the day can lift your spirits and heighten your desire to connect. Your ability to communicate your feelings creatively is strong right now. There may be a chance to show off your talents in small ways, and relationship repairs are favored if needed. Feedback is good, and this serves to motivate you.Aquarius
It may be too easy to distract you today, dear Aquarius. Disagreements generally happen today due to rushing and impatience. However, today is powerful for getting to know what you truly value. You might talk or think through problems, and it’s satisfying. Activities that help ground and center you emotionally can be a big draw. People notice you for your unique ideas and style of writing or speaking. There’s more maturity or honesty today, and you’re willing to grow, learn, and share, which boosts your interactions, communications, creativity, and learning. Look for opportunities to gain inspiration through your projects and the people in your life. A Venus-Chiron aspect brings the chance to learn and heal, and letting go of suspicion or negative thinking is key.Pisces
Something communicated could get you going, dear Pisces, stirring you into action. However, it’s best to avoid pushing a matter that you can’t change and allow for unexpected changes out of your control. Despite a busy pace, you may not feel particularly productive if you’re doing things in a scattered way. Avoid jumping to conclusions. Fortunately, a Venus-Chiron transit is coming into influence, helping you trust your own inner guidance. You might arrive at a fuller understanding of your needs, and bonding with someone can be satisfying. Reconciliation or healing and repairing relationships seem to come naturally. Purchases for the home can be in focus, or developing a talent is rewarding. Sharing financial concerns can be relieving. Transits today also boost your ability to learn through your interactions and feelings.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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