- The Moon is in Cancer until 4:16 PM, after which the Moon is in Leo.
- The void Moon period occurs from 1:54 PM to 4:16 PM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase until 1:32 PM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurs today at 1:32 PM in the sign of Cancer.
- Mercury is direct and in its post-retrograde shadow until July 26th.
- Venus is direct and in its post-retrograde shadow until July 29th.
- Current retrogrades: Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s New Moon brings a strong focus on home and family, dear Aries. It’s the second New Moon to occur in this area of your solar chart this year, which doesn’t happen often. Unusual or previously buried desires can emerge that spur you to find new ways to express yourself on the domestic front. You might break free from the past in some way, particularly on emotional levels and having to do with your home or family life. Situations that have been holding you back can be put behind you. It’s a time of special attention to your domestic world, sense of safety and feeling of belonging, understanding your roots, and matters of intimacy and vulnerability. You’re coming in touch with basic feelings and needs that you may have overlooked. You’re improving your living conditions and arrangements. The Sun’s opposition to Saturn also occurs today. A new, more realistic look at your work-home balance is necessary now. There can be quite a pull to follow the rules and to achieve your goals and ambitions, but you are also craving family and home time. Remind yourself that you gain strength as you humble yourself to certain realities. Taking a second look at personal plans can be useful now.Taurus
Today’s New Moon occurs in your solar third house, dear Taurus, bringing the need to start fresh in the areas of communicating, connecting, learning, and everyday affairs. How you organize your daily life and divide your attention are called into question, and a reworking of these things may be in order. It’s time to put out feelers, take in new ideas and information, and be open to the need for more intellectual stimulation. However, watch for taking on so many activities or commitments that you feel overwhelmed. There can be new channels emerging for expressing yourself in new ways or new equipment that may open up different opportunities and experiences. There can be motivation to let go of outdated attitudes or conditions so that the path is clear for new beginnings. The Sun forms its yearly opposition to Saturn today, pointing to the possible need to deal with a roadblock or reality. If you’ve let something go or neglected a responsibility or errand, it can now come back to your attention. You might recognize the limits of time or energy for a project. Take this opportunity to make more mature and informed decisions. While criticism may enter the picture, you may be able to learn from it. Aim to downsize or pare down rather than take on more.Gemini
Today’s New Moon brings take-charge energy for personal finances, dear Gemini. In the weeks ahead, you are in a better position to take charge of your earnings, spending, and belongings. This is the second New Moon in this area of your solar chart, and you get a second push to take the lead and make improvements. While this lunation stirs up activity in your financial life, it’s a less visible period for you when you can cruise along without too much in the way of interference. Your sense of self-worth and how it affects your ability to support yourself or ask for what you want can be in focus. In the coming weeks, you may find new ways to increase your income or earning potential. Also occurring today is a Sun-Saturn opposition. There may be the need to face a financial or relationship reality before you wipe the slate clean. Someone may be disapproving or less than sympathetic, or you may need to draw some boundaries. Delays occurring now may very well lead to better conditions later, so be willing to exercise patience. Adjustments made now may send you in a new direction that better serves you in the long term.Cancer
The New Moon today is in your sign, dear Cancer, and yes, you just had one in your sign in June! It’s the second New Moon in Cancer, but this time around, it’s not an eclipse. You can be itching to do something new or to express yourself in different ways. You’re likely to make changes that reflect updated needs and plans. You may be in the mood for some form of a makeover, which can be physical but is more likely about attitude, manner, and confidence. There can be some restlessness experienced as you feel changes are on the horizon. Going forward, people build their faith in you, and this only serves to motivate you further to present the best version of yourself. Today, it’s important to seek self-understanding. The Sun in your sign opposes Saturn, and you may need to face reality, a restriction, or a responsibility. A relationship challenge could emerge or reach a head. You may not have others’ full cooperation, but you have the tools to sort things out even without a definite answer from someone. Keep in mind that while critics can be annoying, they may have something to show us. This can be a time for shoring up or taking steps to make you less vulnerable if you’ve been overlooking or neglecting a matter. If circumstances or a particular person seem to be slowing you down today, consider that you may need to take a step back and make corrections.Leo
Now is the time for processing recent events and circumstances in your life, dear Leo, particularly how you deal with endings and manage your downtime. You may be clearing the decks for new beginnings with a New Moon occurring in your solar twelfth house. The need arises to take charge of your health and private affairs or put emotional baggage behind you. This can also be a time for giving more time to a person in need or a major cause. Buried or neglected issues can demand your attention over the coming weeks, and working on these can pave the road to future success and happiness. A Sun-Saturn opposition also occurs today, reminding you of your responsibilities or work that requires edits or adjustments. Obligations that you’ve forgotten about or avoided may need your attention now, perhaps with some consequences if you’ve let something slide.Virgo
Today’s New Moon can prompt a sense of a new beginning, dear Virgo. Your inner world is full as you dream up new ideas and long-term plans, and your social schedule is likely to fill up going forward. A fresh start is possible in the weeks ahead, although there are some hurdles to clear before truly beginning anew. If existing friendships need a new focus or a renewed bond, this New Moon can prompt a fresh approach. It can instead point you in the direction of new and exciting projects or other happiness goals. Also today, the Sun opposes Saturn, presenting some possible restrictions. There can be frustrations, delays, or possibly disapproval in a relationship or with a creative pursuit. There can be some concerns or anxieties that keep you from thoroughly enjoying yourself temporarily. You’re reminded of your responsibilities, and while this can feel limiting, you can benefit from slowing down and making some adjustments to your plans. Consider what’s best for you in the long run. This transit encourages you to realign, tidy up your life or a project, take care of unfinished business, and adjust expectations. Still, your attention to friendships, networks, and experiences that remind you of your social needs and happiness is powerful and beneficial now. You’re learning to consider your dreams and wishes, as you have spent too much time putting the hopes and plans of others ahead of your own. It’s a time to improve your connection to your community and, by extension, your quality of life.Libra
Today’s New Moon helps clear the path for new beginnings in your life direction, path, professional dealings, or reputation, dear Libra. You have more impact on others than usual, so use this time in the spotlight well. There can be shifts in your influence or authority, or with authority figures in your life. There is very little that others are not noticing about you! Be aware of the impact you have on others, as it is strong, but don’t be afraid to do your own thing. Treat resistance experienced now as a hint that may not be the best time to enforce your will. The Sun opposes Saturn today, and this yearly transit takes on a little more influence because it ties into the energies of this New Moon. It reminds you to correct some errors or redirects you if you’ve steered off-course, particularly with your work-home balance. Household or family responsibilities, restructuring, or some personal reservations and fears of exposure or risk can interrupt you now, but efforts to make corrections can be highly beneficial in the long run. It’s a time for examining whether you’ve been practical or self-limiting. You may very well discover that you’ve wasted too much energy dreading something that ended up much easier than you’d imagined.Scorpio
Today’s New Moon stimulates and speaks to your adventurous spirit, dear Scorpio. It’s about the broader vision emerging and a nice feeling of confidence taking over. The weeks ahead of this New Moon are strong for exploring new topics and ideas. You might become turned on to a new topic or interesting studies. Events occurring now and this week might serve to push you out of your routine. Aim to self-reflect today to get in touch with your true desires. A yearly Sun-Saturn aspect also occurs today, and it reminds you of your responsibilities, paperwork, errands, or studies that need your attention. There may be the need to go back to the drawing board with a project. Refinements and edits can be necessary now. Worries, fears of expansion, and insecurities might also limit your experiences if you arrive at a state of indecision. There could be disapproval or criticism that temporarily puts a damper on things. Negative reviews or feedback, if they occur now, might ultimately motivate you to tighten up your work or brush up on your skills. If there’s no lesson in it, do your best to discard negativity. Find ways to put habits that are holding you back from growing, learning, and experiencing life behind you. Positive shifts can happen as you find ways to embrace exploring new subjects and places, but first, you need to tackle your duties.Sagittarius
Today’s New Moon increases your passion for pursuing your goals, dear Sagittarius, especially related to self-mastery and improvement. Financial and intimate matters are in focus, and while there can be challenges and obstacles involved, a take-charge attitude is bound to emerge. It’s a time for turning over a new leaf. You have a chance to see your inner workings in new, meaningful ways. If you’ve been too dependent on others, or the opposite, too proud to ask for help, then you’ll see and feel it now and want to make changes. Intimacy and deep levels of sharing are heightened. Financial support issues and matters of debt or obligation can come to the fore, and it’s time to take charge so that you can start anew. It can also be a good period for quitting bad habits and unhealthy dependencies and for releasing burdens. A Sun-Saturn opposition occurring today occurs yearly, and because it’s tied to the New Moon, it has a little more impact this time around. This transit might bring a particular responsibility to your attention or an obstacle to overcome. Blockages related to money or business, and perhaps a stronger need for security and safety, can temporarily disrupt the equilibrium or your enjoyment of a relationship. There may be a disappointment or limitation encountered, or if you’ve let something go or procrastinated on a matter, this can be a time for facing it. Fear of loss can be at the root of either possessiveness or emotional distancing in a relationship, even though these seem opposite in nature.Capricorn
Today’s New Moon points to a stronger urge to merge than usual, dear Capricorn, as it’s the second one to occur in your partnership sector. There can be opportunities arising to have a fresh start in a relationship. It can be about taking on a new attitude or by gathering the courage to make something happen. Attitudes that no longer serve you well need to go for you to take advantage of this opportunity to move forward in the relationship department. Pay particular attention to new information or goings-on in your life as they can be significant. Take in now, and take action when it feels right. Saturn in your sign faces off with the Sun today, which can bring worries or frustrations to your attention for handling. Keep in mind that limitations encountered today and this week are likely to set you on a new path that is better aligned with your values or more beneficial for you. Aim to be patient, both with others and yourself, if things are not going the way you expected. If you feel that you’re dealing with everything on your own, consider how to change things around.Aquarius
Lifestyle improvements are strongly favored with today’s New Moon occurring in your solar sixth house, dear Aquarius. You’ll be taking charge of your services, working environment, daily life, or health matters in the weeks ahead. You are likely to feel a charge of energy and motivation to start fresh going forward. For now, tame restlessness and take stock of your plans and their developments. Be sure to pace yourself–a new direction will come, and you don’t have to push for it. You’ll feel the motivation and courage build, and you’ll get to a point where you’re in charge and confident of what you’re doing. If you’ve struggled with difficult work relations or situations, this is a time to start fresh. Clearing up the clutter is necessary and beneficial now. With the Sun’s annual opposition to Saturn occurring today, it’s a time to see the reality of a situation, prompting adjustments. There may be tough questions, a reality check, or perhaps some criticism or a delay to deal with, particularly if something was overlooked, neglected, or avoided in the past. You’re motivated to work and take care of business, but you may need to take care of an emotional matter or an obligation to help someone, delaying things a little.Pisces
Today’s New Moon pushes you forward on a personal level, dear Pisces. For some, it’s about romance, and for others, personal enjoyment and expression. More clarity is coming to your life. There can be a clearing of the slate and new energy with hobbies, romance, or creative activities. Rediscovering the playful side of life and your nature will be in strong focus in the weeks ahead. This is a passionate period when you discover the need to enjoy yourself and express your uniqueness with confidence. Pace yourself and allow the process to unfold. There may be a reality check happening now with the Sun’s annual opposition to Saturn also in effect today. Even if it’s discouraging, it can motivate you to firm up your plans and take care of important details that you’ve overlooked in the past. You are maturing through the adjustments you make now. It can be empowering to know where you stand, as plans made are sturdier and ultimately more realizable as a result. Limitations you deal with now can open you up to freedoms later.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 20, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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