Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus until 11:49 AM, from which time the Moon is in Gemini.
- A void Moon period occurs from 11:42 AM to 11:49 AM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase until 4:48 AM, after which the Moo is in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 28th, and the New Moon will happen on July 5th.
- Neptune stations and turns retrograde today (Neptune is retrograde from July 2nd to December 7th, 2024).
- Saturn is retrograde, Neptune is retrograde, and Pluto is retrograde.
- Mercury enters Leo today (Mercury is in Leo from July 2nd to 25th).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Neptune stations and turns retrograde today, dear Aries, and it’s better to let things flow so that you can observe and determine your next move intuitively. Neptune will be retrograde until December 7th, and during this yearly cycle, you get the chance to have some level of peace about disappointments from the past. Neptune’s station can make it hard to concentrate today, however, and you could feel as if you’re faltering. Still, you might notice where you need more inspiration. It will be your mission to reconnect with what inspires you going forward. Also today, however, is a Venus-Saturn transit that helps ground you. You might enjoy simplifying an area of your life, particularly related to your inner world, home, or family life. It’s a great time to lay down some rules, structures, and goals that strengthen you and your loved ones in fundamental ways. Clearing up unfinished emotional business can be satisfying. Gestures that show others you care can be memorable today–they have more staying power than usual! This transit helps you see the value of planning, stretching out the good things so they last longer, and exercising patience. Forgoing a pleasure now seems worth it if it’s practical and promises more significant benefits later.Taurus
With Neptune turning retrograde today, dear Taurus, you may be feeling a little lazy or lacking in direction. Faith can temporarily falter. There may be some confused situations or a bubble-bursting moment now, particularly surrounding a long-term dream or friendship, but this is temporary. During this retrograde cycle until December 7th, you will get back in touch with your dreams, possibly refining them to better suit your purposes and current situation. Helping ground you today is a Venus-Saturn transit. With this influence, you enjoy the feeling of being on top of things or getting organized. It favors teamwork, agreements, and activities that help strengthen a project or friendship. Others value you for your contributions and dedication. Following some rules helps clear your conscience and can benefit your communications or studies. It’s a good time to put your inspiring, innovative ideas to work for you in the practical world.Gemini
Neptune stations and turns retrograde now, dear Gemini, and your feelings about your career path or reputation are shifting. This is not meant to lead you astray but rather for you first to question your goals and ultimately strengthen them. What feels like a lack of direction can work in your favor as you learn what you truly want. Neptune’s retrograde station is a yearly event, and its retrograde cycle lasts about five months. It’s an important time for self-understanding. Aim to dig deep to discover your true calling. Today, try not to take a scattered approach to handling your chores or responsibilities, as this can only serve to up anxiety levels. Helping you with this is a Venus-Saturn transit. You see your means, resources, and relationships in a realistic light. You’re less interested in immediate gratification and more concerned about what benefits you in the long term today. Even if it means putting off personal pleasures, you are willing to do so to secure your future. Instinctively knowing your priorities is part of this, and you’re in perfect shape to enjoy good advice or support from others. Putting your things in order can have a nice, comforting effect on you now.Cancer
Keep in mind that situations can appear more complicated than they actually are with Neptune’s retrograde station today, dear Cancer. A disappointment is possible, but it can lead to a better situation overall if you use it as a learning experience. Be careful with any forms or applications. A lot is going on behind the scenes and in your inner world, and you may be making some sacrifices for others and ignoring your own needs in the process. During the retrograde cycle itself until December 7th, you’ll be realigning with beliefs and pursuits that reflect your current growth. A small crisis of faith in a belief system, educational path, or project can occur this week. Helping ground you today is a Venus-Saturn transit that helps strengthen your relationships. You can find it easy, straightforward, and perhaps quite rewarding to express your responsible side now. Favorable reviews or solid news can figure strongly. With the ability to make a realistic assessment of your capabilities, you take on no more and no fewer endeavors than you need. Balancing and moderating things makes good sense today.Leo
Neptune stations and turns retrograde until December 7th, dear Leo, and this shift can have a somewhat confusing effect on your understanding of a relationship, support, or financial matters this week. However, the cycle, lasting approximately five months, helps you gain perspective on these matters. You may explore dreams, motivations, and spiritual needs as you look at these things with more detachment. If there is a letdown or lull this week, know it’s temporary and can help redirect you along a more appropriate and empowering path. Also today, Venus harmonizes with Saturn, and you could be pleased spending time alone or with trusted friends or family. You see the beauty in things that last. With this transit, you may give up a personal pleasure to gain something more significant to you in the long term. Coming to someone’s aid or support might figure strongly now. Getting practical things done is satisfying, and it’s easier with someone’s help or encouragement. If a relationship can benefit from some maintenance, it’s an excellent time to show you care.Virgo
Neptune begins its retrograde today, dear Virgo, and this yearly cycle is good for learning about your dreams and ideals. This planetary station can call to mind an important relationship, past or present, and the need for a new perspective on your own relationship needs or a person in your life. It’s important to let things flow more naturally so that you can tap into this energy. You may need to revise your outlook or approach. Eventually, this cycle, lasting until December 7th this year, will reveal the right path. If you experience a temporary lull or loss of faith in a dream this week, it can lead to important introspection as you get in touch with what you honestly want from a person or a relationship. Today’s Venus-Saturn transit helps keep you grounded in enjoyable ways. It helps you see and appreciate the simple things about your established relationships and how others value your company or input. Bonding with others can be satisfying, and showing affection in practical ways can be rewarding. You’re really feeling the need for authenticity in your connections.Libra
Neptune turns retrograde today, dear Libra, as it begins its five-plus month retrograde cycle. There can be some temporary lack of direction or a reason to pull yourself back from a dream or plan to get some perspective. This may come in the form of a minor letdown related to work, service, or health areas, but it can redirect you along a more authentic path. If your daily life has been chaotic, you’ll feel some of the consequences this week, and this can prompt you to reconsider some of your recent pursuits or plans. Keep in mind that problem areas may feel bigger than life temporarily as they draw your attention to what’s missing. The retrograde cycle itself, lasting until December 7th, is strong for gathering intel. Today’s Venus-Saturn transit helps ground you. It helps you see and appreciate the good things about your work. You’re willing to give up immediate pleasures to ensure a long win, and this strategy works well for you now. Shows of affection through simple gestures go over well. There can be significant benefits to considering others’ input or advice, as it can provide you with valuable insights and perspectives.Scorpio
Neptune stations and turns retrograde today, dear Scorpio, and will spend the coming five-plus months in retrograde motion. There may be a slight disappointment that ultimately works in your favor as it fuels you to make changes. There can be a natural need to step back just a little from certain creative or romantic pursuits to gain perspective. As you let things flow, you’ll better understand which of your dreams and pursuits are worth your time and energy. Today, there can be confusing energies around you. You could experience a motivation dip, signaling that you need to look for a different source of inspiration. Take things easy, be gentle with yourself and others, and trust that you’ll ultimately feel more directed. A Venus-Saturn transit helps ground you. It helps you see a creative matter, project, or relationship with less pressure or with fewer rigid expectations. You may be dividing your time well between work and pleasure, and it can be a great time for teaching, learning, and making valuable connections. Relationships seem to be supportive rather than competitive, helping you get things done.Sagittarius
Neptune stations as it turns retrograde today, dear Sagittarius, and this shift can be disorienting. However, the retrograde cycle, lasting until December 7th, is excellent for gaining perspective. In the coming months, you’ll see which of your goals and plans, mainly related to family and home life, are doable, need refinements, or are better off left behind you. Pulling back from some projects or dreams can be strategic. Give yourself extra time to think, imagine, and reflect, and as you advance, aim to pay more attention to your spiritual or imaginative needs. A Venus-Saturn aspect today helps you plan and appreciate some simplicity. You’re willing to give up immediate pleasures to support a long win, and this strategy works well for you now. It’s a good transit for making your life feel more structured, secure, and safe. It helps to look at a situation with more realism, patience, and objectivity. Dividing your time between work or chores and pleasure more effectively makes everything less stressful. A technique for improving your productivity may be close at hand. This is a good time for recognizing and loving others’ flaws, and remember to do the same for yourself.Capricorn
Neptune is at a standstill today, dear Capricorn, as it turns retrograde for more than five months. Stopping to find the beauty and magic in your everyday life can be healing. If you’re coming up lacking or feeling disappointed, it may be a signal to seek new sources of inspiration. Or, feeling unsettled can help redirect you along a more authentic path. A bubble-bursting moment about a project or friendship is probably temporary, and you’ll have plenty of time to rebuild, ideally on a stronger foundation. In the months ahead, you’ll get in touch with the fantasies and dreams that serve you well and let the ones that no longer serve your purpose fall by the wayside. You’re likely to move in a slightly different direction or towards a new, enlightened perspective. Today’s Venus-Saturn aspect helps you gain a greater sense of your expectations, limits, and boundaries, helping you find a good balance. You might improve a relationship or help create links between others. You are gracious with your responsibilities, and you don’t waste time on things that distract you from the task at hand.Aquarius
Neptune stations and turns retrograde today, dear Aquarius, making it wise to find ways to unwind and let go of tension. While the shift occurring this week can be mildly confusing, the retrograde cycle itself, lasting until December 7th, helps you out. There can be more rethinking, introspection, and perhaps some indecision about business or money matters, leading to a new perspective. Ultimately, you’re seeking inspiration, and if you’ve been sourcing it from the wrong places, a redirection might happen now. It’s a great period for exploring your dreams and ideals and examining whether you connect with them as you pursue worldly affairs. Events occurring now can serve as a reminder to get in touch with what may be missing from your life, particularly on spiritual or emotional levels. Fortunately, a Venus-Saturn transit today can bring opportunities to strengthen a project, especially with a mature approach. Making a personal sacrifice to get something right or advance a goal seems very well worth the effort now. You might take some pleasure in being practical or frugal.Pisces
It’s important not to overbook today, dear Pisces, and a Venus-Saturn transit helps with this task. However, Neptune begins its retrograde cycle, which lasts over five months, and there can be some confusion surrounding facts and figures or increased sensitivity as the shift occurs today. Still, the retrograde cycle is good for detaching yourself just enough from your ideals and dreams to gain a new perspective on them. While you may lose some wind in your sails just for now, this cycle can ultimately bring about more balance in your life. Be particularly vigilant and kind to yourself this week if you feel some loss of energy or motivation, but in the coming months, you’ll benefit from this cycle that gives you a chance to see your dreams in a new light. Today, observe what you’ve missed or overlooked, particularly related to nonmaterial soul needs. As you do, you might recognize the need to make some adjustments.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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