Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase until 8:28 PM today, after which the Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon (Solar Eclipse) occurs today in the sign of Capricorn at 8:28 PM.
- Current retrogrades: Uranus Rx (until January 6th).
- Mercury spends its first full day in Capricorn (Mercury transits Capricorn from January 4-24).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You can have valuable insights into your love life, intimate matters, and possibly your inner workings today, dear Aries. There could be beneficial information, news, or resources coming to you, and there is quiet authority in your manner. Today’s Solar Eclipse occurs in the professional or public sector, pointing to new beginnings or a fresh approach related to career, reputation, and life path matters now and in the coming weeks. There can be an initial feeling of being stuck, blocked, or uncertain of your next step, but ultimately a sense of renewal and reinvigoration regarding your career goals. It’s a time to focus on the elements of your personality that you are projecting in your career or to society, with an eye for improvement. Significant shifts in how others see you can occur now, and you may gain recognition for your accomplishments. You might decide you need to improve your performance and general practices so that you can better follow specific rules. This is a phase when you will be busy with career and/or public responsibilities, and you may encounter some pressure to do so. This eclipse is part of a set occurring from mid-2018 to mid-2020 that encourages you to find a better work-home life balance.
Personal appeal is strong today, dear Taurus, and you can feel you’re going somewhere in a relationship. Your vision broadens with openness to others’ points of view, and your sincerity comes shining through. Also today, a Solar Eclipse falls in the sector of your solar chart that rules your spirit to grow, explore, and expand beyond the everyday experiences in your life. This can bring invigorating events into your life that serve to nudge you out of your usual routine. You are making a break from the past in some manner, which will help clear the path for future growth and development. There may be opportunities to broaden your horizons through travel, education, life experience, or adventure. There can be emerging opportunities to publish or promote your work, share your ideas, and enjoy mind-expanding experiences in the coming weeks and months. Meeting important people through these endeavors is possible. Transportation issues can also be in focus, with new avenues opening up for getting out and about. It’s a good time for exploring the world, or new perspectives, with friends. Eclipse days can be emotionally exhausting, after which energy and motivation slowly but surely rebuild. Watch for impatience, mainly when communicating your plans. Rushing things will do you a disservice now.
Work matters are in good shape now, dear Gemini, and you may see the benefits of sharing power today. Learning something important about yourself and your own deeper desires and needs is also quite possible now. With a Solar Eclipse bringing powerful energy to your intimacy sector today, the period ahead is one of empowerment and discovery. It’s a time for working on yourself from the inside out, for addressing dependencies and issues of support, and for improving an intimate relationship. The period ahead is outstanding for focusing on issues of intimacy and sharing, as well as for developing self-mastery skills. Goals to reduce debt, to get support, to make sense of or unravel an emotional entanglement, to quit a bad habit, or to understand your psychological workings better are favored now. Be as patient as possible with these things — don’t push for clarity, and it will come! Energy levels can be unusually low around an eclipse and then replenish themselves slowly but surely in the coming days and weeks.
There can be wonderful gains in a close relationship now, dear Cancer. Someone might help you out, giving you a much-needed boost of confidence. With a Solar Eclipse bringing powerful energy to your partnership sector, you’re in a strong position for new beginnings regarding your close relationships. Negotiations and one-to-one relationships are highlighted now and in the coming weeks. It can be a time for beginning new relationships or redefining existing ones in significant ways. A stronger awareness of the role someone plays in your life or the need for support and companionship may be in focus now. This is a sound period for making contacts and for making something public. Today and the next few are suitable for paying attention to news coming in and feelings emerging, but taking new action should wait at least a few days. Energy levels can plummet initially, and then they’re likely to rebuild slowly but surely later. The months ahead are important ones for exploring your need for partnership, whether this is about starting a significant relationship, committing to enhancing an existing one, or recognizing changing needs regarding relationships, dependence, and autonomy, in general.
You stand to gain deeper insights into your family, work, and possibly health now, dear Leo. A Solar Eclipse occurring today can prompt a refresh or new chapter in your life related to work, health, habits, and routines. It heralds a period when new diet regimes, healthy routines, and satisfying work schedules can be successfully initiated, or current ones improved or revamped. You’re in a strong position to take care of business, handle details, and increase your efficiency. Circumstances around you can force these matters or motivate and prompt you to want to make significant changes. It’s a good time to recognize and honor your limits regarding how much you can give and do, and the weeks ahead are excellent for bringing more structure to your daily life. This period is marked by a desire to sort things out and to be useful. Be sure to pace yourself and don’t jump into something without thought. A new direction will come, and you don’t have to push for it. It’s common to feel drained around the time of an eclipse, after which your energy increases.
You can make meaningful connections with others today, dear Virgo. You may be leading conversations in positive directions now. Also today, a Solar Eclipse occurs in your sector of romance, creative self-expression, recreation, children, and hobbies. Events happening now and in the coming weeks set you up for new beginnings in one or more of these areas of life. Romantic inclinations are in the spotlight, as are any kind of celebratory, playful, and just-for-fun endeavors. This can be a passionate time for you and a time when you might feel bolder about sharing yourself or your creations than usual. If you’ve been holding on too tightly to things that have been keeping you from expressing your true self, this is a time for making necessary changes. You are likely to attract positive attention from others, especially romantically or creatively speaking, in the weeks and even months ahead of you. You may be starting or improving a hobby or making decisions about recreation, hobbies, love, and children now and in the coming months.
Getting to the heart of what you truly want and value seems to come naturally to you today, dear Libra, and this makes setting priorities much more comfortable than usual. A Solar Eclipse occurring today clears the way for new beginnings, and for you, this is particularly related to your personal life or living conditions and arrangements. The coming weeks are powerful for taking charge of your home life, special attention to matters of security and safety, and connecting with family and your own emotions. This eclipse can serve as a cosmic nudge to find your roots, learn your worth, improve your sense of security, and focus on building your support system or base of operations. The coming weeks are ideal for making long-range plans for the future, for any type of reorganizing or even remodeling of the home or home environment, and for family-related activities. There can be the need or desire to put your personal life first now, and changes may be afoot.
You might decide to take action to correct things that have been making you unhappy, dear Scorpio. Improvements made now are likely to be permanent, and interactions are wonderfully sincere. A Solar Eclipse occurring today can push you to turn over a new leaf with your studies, communications, and connections. It’s a great time to learn something new, make contacts, and use the power of communications to move your goals forward. In the coming weeks and even months, you are likely to find new opportunities for learning and communicating or avenues for self-expression. In some cases, this is about transportation and could be prompted by an event that forces the issue! Developing mental rapport with others, sharing ideas, and reaching out or pouring energies into your interests and studies can be in current focus and favorable. There may be new ways of getting around or connecting that open doors for you. The period ahead is excellent for taking care of daily tasks with increased and renewed energy, although you could experience an initial feeling of being overwhelmed since eclipses can wipe us out before restoring energy.
It’s easier to focus your attention on things that truly matter today, dear Sagittarius. You can be extra motivated to do something meaningful with your talents or resources. You are especially astute at recognizing things of value. As well now, a Solar Eclipse occurs in your resources sector, and you may be making important decisions in the coming weeks related to personal finances, business, and practical affairs. This can also be a time for establishing yourself and discovering and developing your natural talents and personal resources. Your financial status, income, or arrangements related to security and comfort are subject to improvements, changes, and new beginnings. It’s a beautiful time for earthy, tactile, and comforting activities that help you to feel more grounded and connected. Issues of being treated well and with respect can also come into play. It’s undoubtedly a robust period for resolving problems with income, spending, and saving, and it’s part of a series of eclipses in which you explore these themes from mid-2018 to mid-2020.
You’re in a strong position for cultivating friendships and connections with associates, strategizing on business levels, and taking good care of money and resources now, dear Capricorn. A Solar Eclipse occurring today is in your sign, and it helps pave the way towards significant changes in the coming weeks and even months. This is a time for reinventing yourself in some personal way, such as with a new look or manner of expressing and presenting yourself. Aim to focus on changing personal habits in such a way as to improve your confidence, and concentrate on putting your best foot forward, as this is a time when you will get noticed and make a powerful impression on others. Circumstances can prompt a rethinking of your general attitude towards new beginnings, bravery, your role as a leader, your independence, and the ways you instinctively defend yourself. This is a time when you can be braver and enjoy new experiences. There can be a tendency to dig in your heels and display your independence now, which may be necessary for personal growth, but care should be taken to stay true to yourself in the process. Going forward, people build their faith in you, and this only serves to motivate you further to present the best version of yourself. You are working towards being more independent, a greater sense of freedom, and more authenticity in your presentation. Ease yourself into this dynamic phase of your life.
If you’re feeling dissatisfied with the direction your life is taking, dear Aquarius, you are more likely to come up with a plan to make changes and improvements today than you are to just live with it. A Solar Eclipse launches a period of review, letting go, and recharging your spiritual or emotional batteries, and you’ll discover that the weeks ahead are strong for releasing, purging, and healing. This eclipse encourages you to put certain outdated ventures or situations behind you. It may be a time of withdrawal and retreat in a social sense, of soul-searching, and the seeking out of emotional peace of mind. You’re due for extra time to yourself, or with yourself! If you’ve been neglecting your psychic, spiritual, or emotional needs, then circumstances can push you to pay attention to your inner world now. There can be flooding of energies now which can be a little disorienting, but going forward, you’ll get a stronger sense of what changes need to be made. It’s a period for more dedicated attention to your emotional and spiritual needs. Buried or neglected issues can demand your attention, and working on these can pave the road to future success and happiness.
If you’ve traveled a little off course in pursuit of a long-term goal or dream, dear Pisces, circumstances are such today that you might see where you can make improvements and adjustments. There can also be subtle shifts in a friendship that lead to a strengthened bond. The Solar Eclipse occurring today places a strong focus on making contacts and reaching out to others in the coming weeks and even months. Events and circumstances are such that they serve to clear the path for new beginnings, mainly related to how you fit in with friends and the community. Goals that involve networking, making connections with others, joining or strengthening ties in a group project or activity, and nurturing goodwill are the focus during this cycle. This period favors formulating goals that have to do with future, long-term happiness, or a sense of mission or purpose, aligning yourself with important causes. This can be a crucial time for delegating, collaborating or calling on a team or help so that you have more time to focus on honing your craft or getting time for yourself. Developments related to friends, happiness goals, dreams, wishes, new ideas, technology, networking, and teamwork are likely to be significant with long-term effects, setting you on a path for personal changes and new beginnings.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 5, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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