Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The Moon is void all day (until around midnight).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Third Quarter/Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 17th, and the New Moon will happen on January 24th.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
- The Sun spends its first full day in Aquarius (The Sun transits Aquarius from January 20-February 18).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

You can experience an emotional need to escape the usual routine, dear Aries, and introducing some variety into your day, or even taking a significant detour, may very well refresh your spirit. Stepping back from trying to figure out what your next move “should be” helps clear your head. Try to identify what is real and what is simply a reflection of inner discontent, and avoid beginning new projects now. You need your space, and you’re likely to get it! You could be feeling a little more sensitive than usual or somewhat vulnerable to odd experiences or even some deception. If it’s viable, prioritize rest or time for reflection, or aim to create something with your imagination so that you can better enjoy the day’s energies. Expectations of others, or your own goals, may need adjustments. Otherwise, it’s an excellent day for considering non-material, imaginative, and spiritual needs, and how you can meet these needs going forward. Look for ways to explore new things, but don’t overlook the real root of your restlessness. You may end up having some fun with an exploratory, spontaneous approach.

You continue to feel the need to turn inward today to examine your motivations with the Moon finishing its transit in your intimacy sector, dear Taurus. You may be taking a break from “doing” to observe and strategize. Emotionally, you seem to want a little more from life, and especially from others, but the tendency isn’t to pursue your desires just yet. Instead, you’re inclined to plan out your next move. Reputation matters, as well as career goals, can be complicated to see clearly at this time, and big decisions or promises may be best saved for a clearer time. A Sun-Neptune challenge can introduce some uncertainties into your day, but it’s designed to open your eyes to needs you’ve been overlooking or neglecting. Consider that you and others may not be seeing capabilities clearly so that expectations can also be a little off. There can be a restless quality and a sense that moods and desires are impermanent, and you’re probably right that they won’t last long. Avoid important new endeavors today, but enjoy yourself.

With the Moon in your opposite sign all day, dear Gemini, the universe seems to be asking you to come to a better balance. You may be craving a little more excitement from a partner or your social life today, or you can be thrown for a loop by events or your own feelings. Going off on a small tangent may be just what you need to keep things interesting, but big moves and changes are probably not wise just for now. The tendency is to overestimate your capabilities or misjudge situations and people temporarily with a Sun-Neptune challenge in play. Doubts are likely related to a lack of conviction or clarity about your future, but easing up on clear-cut definitions may be necessary for the moment. Letting things flow and keeping everything moderate are the keys to staying evenly, naturally happy today. However, if things don’t entirely smooth out, try not to let this get to you. Do recognize the need or desire to include others today.

Today is a little challenging for decision-making, dear Cancer. You may not feel especially equipped to draw a conclusion without all the information at hand. Relationships can feel a little out of sync but may only require some adjustments of expectations of one another or the relationship as a unit. Your long-term goals, visions, and connections seem to be competing for your attention, and it can be challenging to find a compromise. Watch for sudden desires that are more likely to be whims than true yearnings. Surprise elements may keep you on your toes, and depending on your mood, they can lead to creative detours or can be frustrating! Either way, a small change of pace may be in order. Keep in mind, however, that launching new projects is not a good idea just for today. Big purchases are also unwise right now. Aim to be an observer more than anything today, and reserve judgment for the time being.

The Moon spends another day in your creative sector, dear Leo, and this opens you up and reminds you to enjoy life, not just go through the motions. While it helps boost your mood and reinforce your need for spiritual or emotional refreshment, you can feel a bit sapped. Despite your strong ambitions to take care of business these days, you can quite easily succumb to distractions today. Personal interests are consuming, and there can be some emotional or spiritual needs that feel insistent now. It’s not the best time for keeping your mind in the game, but if you can embark on a healthy escape, you’ll be better off for it. You may need to step back to gain perspective or find ways to get a little break or emotional refreshment to come back to your work more productive and useful. Prepare for wildcards today, not only from the outside world but also with your emotions. Doing the same old thing won’t suffice right now, but it’s best not to go overboard either.

Some days call for action while taking the path of least resistance works in your favor on days such as today, dear Virgo. The Moon is in your cautious home and family sector and is void all day, and a Sun-Neptune aspect suggests to take things easy. You don’t always have to be “on,” — you might decide to gather your thoughts, collect yourself, and get in touch with your need for security and comfort. Doing so will better prepare you for busier and more outgoing days to come. Fortunately, you could find that you’re quite happy with the background today. Still, you can be a little torn between your desire for light entertainment and serious pursuits today. It’s possible you need a break from the routine. Misunderstandings with others now likely arise from leaving needs unspoken in the hopes that someone will know them intuitively. This is a better day for making adjustments to our expectations and plans than for definitive action. Keep things simple and moderate.

Flexibility is a major key to success today, dear Libra. Today’s void Moon hanging out in your solar third house suggests keeping things light makes a lot of sense. Taking care of a variety of different tasks should keep you pleasantly busy and engaged, but it’s best not to push things forward. There is some tendency to misjudge our capabilities today, too, and knowing this can help prevent problems and moodiness. You’re in good shape for creative and imaginative pursuits or methods for approaching things, and if you can manage to escape others’ pressures or the need to follow a strict schedule or plan, all the better. Poor planning communications may mix up your schedules and plans, but it’s a time for adjusting and resting before pushing forward. It’s a natural time for reviewing recent events and recharging your emotional batteries rather than for leaping into something new. It’s a good day for observing, and not so strong for important launches.

Any activity that supports a goal to ground and center yourself will help you to move forward with more purpose, dear Scorpio. Even so, today’s energies are rather diffuse. Your focus can waver temporarily, and energy levels are likely to drop a level. It’s temporary, but it’s also a message that you need a break from material pursuits so that you can nurture your spiritual or emotional needs. It may be that a problem needs fixing before you continue or that you need to sort out your feelings about a matter. It’s probably best to plan on a small break or change rather than answer to sudden whims if they seem to take you far off course. Inner unrest is quite likely but can be turned into something positive if you put the effort forward.

The Moon spends the day in your sign and doesn’t form any major aspects, dear Sagittarius. While you can feel some restlessness, it’s a time for connecting with your feelings and needs–the ones that you often overlook when you’re too busy. You might toy with a desire for something out of the ordinary, but defining what you want can be the challenge! Routines seem less tolerable, yet you can’t quite get on board with avoiding them entirely. If you can think up ways to satisfy both your need for variety and your equally strong need to keep things quiet and secure, you’ll have a much more satisfying day. However, if you can’t, try not to sit in a state of limbo for too long. Keep in mind that we’re not in the most practical of mindsets right now, so it may be best to avoid making quick purchases or decisions that would have a significant impact on you. In some ways, today is good for playing things by ear, and changes in plans can stimulate new approaches and ideas. It’s important not to look outside of yourself for happiness and satisfaction, as people around you can be enthusiastic but may not be consistent.

The Moon spends the day in the sign behind yours, dear Capricorn, and you’re inclined to take things easy. It may not be easy to get the break you need, but it’s important to dial things back when and where you can. With current transits, it’s important to ease up on the seeking of definite answers or the making of solid plans. It’s a better time to deemphasize the ego and material world and to tune into your imagination, although you may fight these urges at first. Be careful that you’re not making too much of something unimportant, or making a simple matter too complicated, as that’s the tendency now. Aim to be open and willing to look at issues from a positive perspective, but keeping things realistic is also important. You can make some exciting detours and discoveries if you keep an open schedule and mind today. Reserve judgment, and do what you can to focus on activities that bring refreshment to your senses and renewal to your emotions.

Even though events may not unfold exactly as planned today, dear Aquarius, very little can truly get you down today, except perhaps routine. Fortunately, the day’s energies are anything but routine, so you’re sure to experience a real mix of feelings and circumstances. It’s best to take charge of your own happiness rather than waiting for someone else to fill that job. Relationships and moods can suffer if expectations are set unrealistically high. Transits today suggest it’s a time to regroup or make adjustments rather than push ahead. Take things slowly when it comes to making decisions since you may not see the whole picture just yet. There can be some vagueness or confusion to manage, and it’s best not to fight the fog. Pulling back to consider your options is preferable for the time being. Aim to enjoy and entertain your feelings without acting on them just yet.

Your performance or reputation can assume more importance to you today with the Moon once again occupying your career sector, dear Pisces. Be emotionally prepared to take on new responsibilities so that you’ll accept them graciously or, if nothing does come along, you’ll feel relieved. While you may feel as if you’re on show in small ways now, it’s a better time to go with the flow than to tense up. Keep your plans fairly open and your expectations realistic, and you’ll do best now. The only safe route is to stay centered and avoid expecting too much from regular things and people. There can be a bit of moodiness or confusion today, but only if you’re focused on arriving at reliable conclusions or attempting to fit too much into your day. We may be misjudging situations, or we’re now suffering the minor but annoying consequences of past poor planning. A fresh or new approach can keep you engaged, and if there is space left for surprises, all the better.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 21, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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