Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio until 5:40 PM, after which the Moon is in Sagittarius.
- The void Moon occurs from 4:21 PM to 5:40 PM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Third Quarter/Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 17th, and the New Moon will happen on January 24th.
- There are no major planets that are retrograde!
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Your attention is drawn to the hidden elements of life and yourself again today, dear Aries. You are more interested in motivations and intentions than you are of what appearances seem to say. You’re finding practical solutions to problems, particularly related to debts, shared income, and career matters early today. Money and/or relationship worries can surface later today. Your mind tends to move towards the darker elements of your life, and this can stimulate mental circling and spiraling, which is destructive rather than creative. Confront your fears rather than allow them to take over. Helping you with this is the Moon’s move into your spirit sector and its trine to Chiron in your sign. This can lead to a pleasant feeling of freedom through emotional release from pressure. A Mars-Jupiter connection can detract from your productivity today. Watch for the temptation to take on too many things or to jump from one endeavor to the next simply because you can’t decide where to channel your energies. Your best bet may be to focus on your priorities first before entertaining new possibilities.

This is a time of the lunar month for considering areas of your life that require more balance, dear Taurus, or for learning about your needs for companionship. While you can be quite focused on the practical side of your life, the day may not feel as productive as others with a Mars-Jupiter minor aspect in play. This transit warns of spinning your wheels, as you may put a lot of energy into many different things without really getting anywhere with it all. Later today, there can be a brooding energy, but it may be best to lift yourself above petty disagreements. Avoid letting fears or insecurities control your actions, but do consider that the feelings you’re experiencing can give you clues as to secret desires. You can take the lesson from a situation and get closer to yourself as a result.

You may be happy to be working under the radar today, dear Gemini, as you need the time and space to get everything you want to accomplish done. Still, it can be a bit challenging to be as productive as you’d like to be today. There can be a tendency to nurse resentments, but do your best to avoid people who are playing games, keeping in mind that we can be more sensitive and reactive than usual right now. There is some tendency to spin your wheels or remain in limbo about where you want to channel your energies. The trick is to choose one thing and stick with it before moving onto the next! Relationships thrive as the day advances.

It’s the time of the lunar month to consider how you’ve been attending to your need for pleasure and entertainment, dear Cancer. Whether or not your leisure time is satisfying can be an epiphany at this time. Look for ideas for hobbies or for opportunities to create and share. While you genuinely want to get along with others and smooth over differences, there can be difficulties coming to a place of agreement or understanding. Tensions today tend to stem from people expecting one another to read their minds or to intuit what it is they need and want. As well, a Mars-Jupiter aspect can tempt you into wasting time or ditching one thing in favor of another just before you make worthwhile progress. Your best bet is to take things one step at a time. The Moon heads into your work and health sector later today, and taking care of business becomes more pressing.

You might consider this time of the lunar month a checkpoint, dear Leo, as you connect with your need for familiarity and comfort. The Moon’s harmonious aspect to both Saturn and Pluto in your sector of work and health suggests benefits from pouring some energy into getting organized. You see the benefits of getting things into order. Later today, the Moon moves into your sector of joy, creativity, and entertainment, and this inclines you to come out of your shell and share. Even so, there can be some tendency to overthink or worry about resources. Buried resentments can emerge, possibly in a disruptive way. Frustrations in relationships can be brewing now. When tension emerges, use the power of candid communications to rise above it all or figure out what it all means.

While social elements can affect productivity now, your efforts are nevertheless meaningful and contributing to long-term happiness today, dear Virgo. You may find yourself somewhat torn between wanting to stick with the familiar or reach out and share with others, and this can leave you spinning your wheels in spots today. Tension related to sensitive feelings can emerge today, and people seem a little more possessive or jealous today if they’re afraid of rejection or betrayal. You could feel that people in your life seem to need more reassurance than usual, and you might find yourself treading carefully. The Moon moves into your home and family sector later today, stimulating your need to connect with your emotional core or loved ones.

Today and tomorrow, some flaws in your immediate environment seem to stand out more than usual, dear Libra, with your ruler, Venus, forming minor challenging aspects. Try not to allow this to control your mood or to interfere with your relationships, especially since there is also some excellent energy with you for growing and learning through your experiences and interactions. Aim to explore your feelings of vulnerability. Attempts to protect your feelings may take you further from the problem than is healthy. As well today, you may struggle with a dual need to keep busy and settle in with a Mars-Jupiter connection that tempts you to bite off more than you can chew when simplifying is probably best right now. The Moon’s move into your communications sector later today does inspire you to seek out connections.

Interactions may not be all smooth going today, dear Scorpio, as Venus heads into minor challenging aspects. It can be all too easy to push an issue too far, and if you’ve been holding on to resentment, it might surface now, perhaps unexpectedly. Fortunately, you’re in a generally good place of acceptance of your feelings and understanding of your affections these days, and this helps you make better choices for yourself. As well, a Mars-Jupiter connection active today can make it hard to settle on a particular activity without activating a fear of missing out! The best approach is to take things one at a time. The Moon divides its time between your sign and your resources sector today, and you can spend the first part of the day prioritizing your emotional needs, after which you’d prefer to settle in and take things as they come.

You’re in good shape for healing through rest and a healthy attitude towards letting go of those things that are dragging you down today, dear Sagittarius. Worries about security or finances could be at the root of tensions in relationships, but you may be wasting your time and energy if you choose to dwell on them. However, if you allow pressure to motivate you to make improvements, there can be some inventive solutions now. A Mars-Jupiter aspect today encourages you to seek out greener pastures, but if you follow whims, you may end up taking on too much or merely spinning your wheels. The Moon’s move into your sign later today can serve to awaken you to a need to connect to the world around you.

You can enjoy taking special care of others or offering some guidance today, dear Capricorn. As the day advances, a Venus-Pluto minor challenge can stir up resentments or fears related to missing out or interpersonal problems. Frustrations emerging now tend to have a deeper root than what appears the case on the surface of things. You may be able to find a nice balance between keeping to yourself and trying out new things, but there can be some trial and error involved. Part of you wants to put everything out there, and another part prefers to observe and reflect. It’s better to take things easy because taking on too much can mean you end up only spinning your wheels.

You’re in good shape for applying intuition to your work or practical affairs today, dear Aquarius. Your common sense is always strong but is showcased to others in some way now. You might prefer more mature company right now. Today is generally reliable for emotional matters, but there could be some concerns later today. A Venus-Pluto minor challenge points to possible worries about money or resources, and may even stir up issues of self-worth. As well, a good part of you wants to be around others, and an equal portion would prefer to duck out and enjoy some quiet time. While this can certainly stir up some tension if left on its own, it doesn’t have to. In fact, you have all the tools you need to strike a comfortable compromise.

You may feel a little divided today between responsibilities and your social life at times today, dear Pisces. Mars is pushing you to go a little further or to accomplish practical goals, while Jupiter encourages your desire to work towards happiness goals. Ideally, you can divide your time between the two pursuits without falling into the temptation to overdo both areas. A Moon-Saturn connection this morning helps to tame some of the more impractical inclinations of this Mars-Jupiter transit, encouraging you to make preparations or lay down foundations. As well, vague concerns and worries tend to hang heavily in the air, but it’s best not to overthink things. Today favors making adjustments over bold moves.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is January 19, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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