Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer all day.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 19th, and the Full Moon will happen on the 27th.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde, but is in its post-retrograde shadow until March 13th.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
There is strong energy for quiet time, family relationships, and comforting or homey activities today, dear Aries. You might crave a closer connection to people you love, your own feelings, or your roots. You gravitate to the familiar, which can strengthen you for future more adventurous pursuits. You are taking special comfort in reliable relationships and activities. You might aim to bring a little more harmony into your world today. At the same time, the need to detach yourself from mainstream activities is real.Taurus
Today is strong for communication, sharing, and your social life, dear Taurus. There is a nice flow to your interactions and conversations. Emotional satisfaction comes from mental stimulation, contact, and learning new things. It may not be ideal for concentration, as you’re so curious that it’s easy to get distracted. However, you seem to need the change, movement, and variety involved. You are not a fan of being pulled in different directions, but if you mentally prepare for frequent distractions, you might be able to keep yourself calm and balanced.Gemini
With the Moon in your resources sector all day, dear Gemini, you seek balance on an emotional level. You could feel quite settled and comfortable with less emotional urgency and more patience. You gravitate to physical comforts, and you’re more inclined to appreciate and enjoy the moment. Your emotional orientation veers towards simplicity and clarity. You are better off with quiet, productive activities for the time being. Cooperation helps your overall mood and assists you with clarifying your goals.Cancer
Today’s energies are good for putting issues behind you that no longer serve you well, dear Cancer. With the Moon in your sign, you might aim to wipe the slate clean on an emotional level and start fresh. It’s a time for taking care of emotional needs that have been put aside or left unattended. You are more powerful and visible right now. At the same time, you might experience a greater need to feel that you belong and that others need or want you. Fortunately, you readily gain the support and cooperation of others under this transit. As well, you tend to do things with more feeling than usual now.Leo
With the Moon in your solar twelfth house all day, dear Leo, it’s a strong time for quiet activities and some introspection. Aim to take some personal space if you can. Emotional energy levels may not be strong just for now, but you can benefit from a gentler pace. A review of recent events is appropriate as you wind down a lunar cycle. Good energy is with you for helping someone out behind the scenes. You’re more likely to look within for answers than you are to seek feedback at this time of the lunar month. There is a lot to discover and problems to solve, so you’ll especially appreciate the time to yourself. This is a day for an inner tune-up.Virgo
It’s easier than usual to muster up support and cooperation today, dear Virgo, and brainstorming can help you move your plans forward. You can have a stronger drive to grow, try something different or alternative, and connect with others or a plan. Your friendships, connections, and even networking activities can pull up warm feelings with the Moon in your social sector harmonizing with the Sun in your partnership house. Your need for non-competitive outlets for self-expression emerges. The less expected of you, the more naturally you contribute, share, and connect, and there are benefits from doing so now.Libra
You have steady energy working for you both personally and professionally today, dear Libra. Today is good for organizing projects and feeling stronger about the future as a result. With the Moon in your performance sector all day, your attention frequently turns to structures, goals, rules, and responsibilities. If you feel behind or bothered about any of these things, it can motivate you to do your best. This is a fine time to find an area of focus and work towards a specific goal. You seem to function better today if you have an objective in mind.Scorpio
The Moon spends the day in your spirit sector, dear Scorpio, and connects wonderfully with the Sun in your creative sector, setting up attractive opportunities for expressing yourself. It’s a good day for creative inspiration. Emotional energy runs high, and you’re inclined to feed it further with interesting topics, interactions, connections, and experiences. A strict routine doesn’t seem to thrive under these conditions. You may be looking for a higher meaning to what you’re doing now. It’s easier than usual to find suitable channels for expressing your emotions today. Transits now intensify your desire for forward movement, growth, and discovery. Spirited conversations are favored over small talk, and broad thinking over detail work.Sagittarius
Cooperation can be excellent now, dear Sagittarius, although you’re inclined to go just a little undercover today. There can be a good sense that you’re supporting one another in a relationship, or that your goals are meshing well with the people you care about. Agreements tend to be mutually beneficial. Still, you’re tuning in to your inner guide. You’re acknowledging those tricky things that you might normally sweep under the carpet. You might aim to use this time to find answers to emotional dilemmas. It’s also a powerful time to observe others’ behaviors and learn new things about important people in your life.Capricorn
Today is good for communicating warmly, dear Capricorn. You are more approachable in your manner and more inclined to attract positive people or experiences into your experience. Relationships are in strong focus with the Moon in your partnership sector all day. You might feel a need to pay more emotional attention to your close relationships. You might also desire to balance your life in key ways and areas. You’re more receptive to feedback, and you more readily put yourself in others’ shoes. Relationships frequently help us see ourselves a little more clearly, which is especially the case for you today.Aquarius
Sometimes going with the flow comes naturally and just works, dear Aquarius, and it’s often the case when the Sun and Moon harmonize, as they do today. It can improve your mood or restabilize you. The Moon spends the day in your solar sixth house. You can experience a stronger desire to be of service to people you care about, or you could be feeling a little more in tune with the work you do or the self-care programs you have in place. You have a solid grasp of your limits, which keeps you grounded and productive.Pisces
Today is strong for expressing your more creative, playful, and romantic side, dear Pisces. The Moon spends the day in your solar fifth house of leisure and self-expression, and it harmonizes with the Sun in your sign. You are in a good light today, finding it easy to access your “inner child.” There is more playfulness in your approach to the world. You have visions about where you want to go on romantic or creative lines, and you’re more patient than usual about putting effort towards a long-term goal. Romantically, you’re attracting attention.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
Coming soon.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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