Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn today.
- The void Moon period begins today at 11:17 PM (running until tomorrow at 12:34 AM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 13th, and the New Moon will happen on the 20th.
- Mars is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until March 15th.
- There are no major retrogrades.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
People can be a little more sensitive or undecided than usual in the first half of the day, dear Aries, but this mood turns around quickly. Fabulous energy is with you for sharper senses as the day progresses. New visions of your future can motivate and inspire you as Mercury and Jupiter harmonize. Problems resolve more easily, and others are listening! The support of friends or incoming news and tips can figure strongly. It may be a good time to talk shop with associates, or you might run business ideas by friends. Teamwork is rewarding overall, and networking can stir up new ideas.Taurus
Making plans for your money, business deals, and problem-solving are in great favor today, dear Taurus, with Mercury and Jupiter in harmony. The power of positive thinking makes anything seem possible right now. You are well-aspected for commercial activity, negotiation, and settling contracts, as long as you’ve done your homework. Thinking is clear, and this brightens your mood. You are drawing upon your wisdom and experience to make better decisions. Talking through emotional problems may not fare as well as practical issues today, as this aspect favors logic and reason, and we might not see the intention behind the words when we’re emotionally close to a situation. People can be on the sensitive side, but overall, learning from mistakes, and you find it particularly easy to jump back on the train.Gemini
Today’s Mercury-Jupiter transit can produce good news, dear Gemini, particularly about education, publishing, business income, or friendship. You’re feeling readier to share happiness or helpful information! There can be some struggle with your perception of a matter early today, but you’re coming out on top as the day advances. You feel encouraged to think in the most favorable terms. You have a bigger, more optimistic view of social and happiness goals right now. It’s a good time to present ideas, make plans, and think in big terms. Relationships get a boost as you find yourself on the same page as someone special.Cancer
Professional matters are positive today, dear Cancer, and a Mercury-Jupiter sextile can pull you out of a thinking rut. You’re in an excellent position to arrive at a mutually beneficial agreement, cooperate with others, or receive helpful feedback. This transit can also help you manage financial support issues or formulate strategies for meeting your goals. Quiet study or research can yield the answers you need and perhaps some rewards. Further, focusing on something absorbing and pouring a lot of energy into a project you care about can boost your mood. Be generous with your time and attention today for best results.Leo
People have a way of jumpstarting your thinking processes these days, dear Leo, with Mercury in your partnership sector. As such, regular one-on-one conversations can turn into something inspirational if only because they get your creative juices flowing. This benefit can be prominent today with Mercury in harmony with Jupiter. You might discover that a good listener is better off. Your ability to put things into perspective can open up doors that were previously closed, not only because you’re entertaining new ideas, but also because others are more willing to consider your viewpoint. Willingness to learn increases clarity and satisfaction, and your mind opens, and options emerge as the day advances.Virgo
You’re hyper-motivated to sort out problems today, dear Virgo. With a Mercury-Jupiter transit in play, you’re more optimistic than usual and inclined to want to share your happiness with others. You can get much done now, and there is bound to be quite a bit of relief after reducing clutter in your mind and conscience. You are incredibly open to new insights and understanding, and you might also lend a sensitive ear to other people’s problems. You can be pretty pleased with your work and the many things you’ve accomplished. This transit can serve to brighten your thinking and conversations. You’re thinking up new methods and plans for self-improvement that excite you.Libra
Positive energy for thinking and sharing is with you, dear Libra. A Mercury-Jupiter transit helps conversations flow smoothly, and creative thinking can find satisfying channels or mediums. One-on-one exchanges can be particularly beneficial. Minds are open, so that making changes feels natural. Personal magnetism is good, and matters of the heart can thrive. Thoughts flow, and so does the creative process! There can be much activity with exchanging ideas, communications with friends, and a flood of thoughts. A pleasant conversation can be especially notable. You can also thoroughly enjoy where your mind takes you now.Scorpio
You may have some trouble concentrating on facts and figures early today, dear Scorpio, finding that your mind wanders. Plans may not pan out to the letter, but sidetracking may lead to new ideas. You are seeking more meaning from life than usual. As the day advances, good energy is with you for conversations and problem-solving related to family, home, parents, work, and health matters. Great ideas can come to you with fresh thinking. You may very well enjoy handling work and household details, or health can be a focus and a problem-solving area. Co-workers, family, or other people who share your day can be more cooperative, and this helps you to feel better about what you’re doing.Sagittarius
Today’s Mercury-Jupiter aspect benefits your communications and creative output in particular, dear Sagittarius, but is an all-around mood booster. There can be encouraging words shared, or you receive positive feedback. You find yourself in agreement with someone special, and your differences are enriching. You see many reasons to think positively today, and it’s easier to verbalize what you want. It can be a time for making a presentation or winning someone’s favor. There might also be exciting offers or good reviews that motivate you. You might enjoy discussing something dear to your heart.Capricorn
Whether there are more distractions or you’re more distractable early today, dear Capricorn, you can have problems focusing. Don’t fret too much about it since being temporarily out of sync can redirect you out of a rut and into an exciting new direction. A Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into play as the day advances, raising the mood and encouraging positive thinking. You’re in perfect shape for thoughts and conversations about money, family, or home life. Business thinking is excellent. You are inclined to want to share and discuss ideas with people close to you, which can be very fruitful. Instead of repeating old patterns that keep you in a rut, try a different approach. This way, you can make satisfying progress on a money-making or home-related idea or project.Aquarius
Fine energy is with you for creating something beautiful or some good memories, dear Aquarius. You express yourself with more ease, which attracts new opportunities your way. You might take on new interests, study a new topic, and enjoy a learning breakthrough. Today’s Mercury-Jupiter aspect encourages positive thinking and exchanges. While you may not have all the facts early today to make the right decisions, it’s temporary. As the day advances, you can be excited about an idea or a particular subject of study. The motivation to pursue your projects is building, or you get the chance to talk yourself into a positive perspective.Pisces
Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter today, dear Pisces, helping you see a situation positively. You might figure out a way to handle a private matter or a problem that was weighing you down. A sudden memory may figure strongly and warmly. Still, in the first half of the day, you may have difficulty seeing the whole picture of a situation, swinging from overly factual thinking to imaginative thinking. Still, you’re missing something if you can’t combine the two. This issue clears up quickly as the day advances. The Mercury-Jupiter transit not only boosts your mood but your credibility as well. You may be in a supportive role and enjoying taking care of someone now. Dreams and intuition are fertile for ideas.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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