Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon happened on November 30th.
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from October 30th, 2022, to January 12th, 2023).
- Mars Rx, Uranus Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
With the Moon in your solar second house today, dear Aries, you crave some predictability. The desire to settle in is with you. Working on self-acceptance at this time of the lunar month is particularly apt. However, as the day advances, people can be rougher around the edges. You may be excited about sharing your thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. But it’s best to watch for those who are boasting or exaggerating, as the truth can too easily be stretched. All ideas entertained now are not write-offs–you can come up with something exceptional today that will need fine-tuning later. The problem lies in speaking or promising something too soon.Taurus
Today’s Moon encourages you to explore and develop your independence, dear Taurus. You’re more expressive today, and you find strength in being self-reliant. Still, watch for impulsive actions, but consider anything revealed in the heat of the moment, since it can be important. It’s all too easy to miss important, practical details or focus on things that don’t truly matter in the long run. There is also the tendency to make mountains out of molehills. It may not be easy to relax your mind temporarily, and incoming information may be overblown. There is no need to jump into something, even if it feels that way. Aim to reserve judgment.Gemini
Today’s Moon encourages you to give due attention to your inner world, dear Gemini. Aim to let go of unnecessary worry and guilt to clear your vision. However, as the day advances, watch that you don’t burn out by attempting too much or by setting over-the-top goals for yourself. With a Mercury-Jupiter square in play, take your time with your work or conversations, as it’s easy to overlook something critical. Judgment may be off temporarily. The temptation can be to borrow from the future in some manner, such as by promising something or delaying the inevitable. The tendency is strong to go a little overboard or for a partner to demand too much from you. Keep things real for best results, but if your mind can use a good stretch before coming back to earth, entertain big ideas without doing so at your own expense.Cancer
Today’s Moon encourages a need to connect with others, dear Cancer, and cultivating true friendships can be rewarding now. As the day advances, you can quickly become all wound up on a mental level. Ideally, some great ideas can come out of this kind of tension. Entertaining big ideas can stretch the mind. However, it’s up to you to keep this moderate when appropriate. Ideas about how to handle chores, work, or health endeavors can be particularly exciting. There could be innovative ways to manage a health or mechanical problem coming to you now, and the trick will be to focus long enough to build up a realistic plan. Consider that there can be some misleading talk or false leads later today, but enjoy new ideas that motivate you now.Leo
Today’s Moon encourages your focus on meeting your responsibilities, stepping up to the plate, and putting yourself out there, dear Leo. It’s a time to aim for more integrity in your image or work. As the day advances, it’s best to watch for a tendency to exaggerate or for others who are stretching the truth. You might jump upon a new idea, and, in your excitement, forget about the practical details required for its realization. Otherwise, listen to your creative ideas and inspirations, even if they seem a little far-out. Stretch your mind while keeping your feet on the ground. Great ideas usually go through many transformations before reaching their potential.Virgo
Today’s Moon encourages you to reach beyond your usual limits or routines, dear Virgo. It’s a time to consider ways to nourish your spirit. As the day advances, there can be impractical or exaggerated talk. Still, it may be a helpful exercise to think in big ways, especially if you previously missed an opportunity by focusing mainly on practical possibilities. Ideas come easily, but they’re hard to bring home! This is the energy of a Mercury-Jupiter square influencing later today. The pace may be hectic, and your domestic life may be awhirl. If this energy instead only occurs in the mind, nervous tension is possible.Libra
Today’s Moon encourages special attention to your spiritual and emotional needs, dear Libra, even when dealing with your practical affairs. Of course, this should be done within reason, and it’s best to consider that a Mercury-Jupiter square later today can lead to misjudgments. You might want to keep a check on your communications as the day advances, as the inclination is to speak too much or too soon. Snap judgments can be off temporarily with this transit. Whether or not what you communicate is over the top, it could be perceived that way, or plans are coming apart at the seams. Mental restlessness can lead to positive experiences, particularly if it compels you to seek out new and interesting information or interests. Discipline, however, can be lacking if you are required to focus on dry or monotonous work.Scorpio
Today’s Moon encourages you to find a balanced perspective, dear Scorpio, or to balance your life by sharing. Reaching a compromise can be satisfying now. You could come up with a truly visionary idea later today, or you could be thinking too big! With a Mercury-Jupiter square in play, the ordinary doesn’t satisfy, which can lead to interesting thinking. You’re stretching your mind, which can be a good exercise, but circumstances aren’t ideal for attending to details. Big ideas need more fine-tuning later, and today is better for finding inspiration than it is for locking something down.Sagittarius
Today’s Moon encourages attention to your routines, work, and health, dear Sagittarius. The more you put into these things, the more they give back. It can be a bit of a juggle, but balancing your genuine needs for self-service and service to others is important now. As the day advances, however, watch for exaggeration or overreach. Big ideas are exciting now, but because you’re not yet in the frame of mind to see what’s genuinely doable, it’s best to save fleshing out details for a more organized, cautious time. Aim to enjoy the mental exercise of thinking up possibilities without banking on them just yet. Watch for overlooking important details with the more demanding or mundane endeavors.Capricorn
Today’s Moon encourages you to pay due attention to your personal life, dear Capricorn. You might choose to temporarily downplay your obligations to the outside world so that you can develop your love relationships or enjoy some personal time and creative outlets. Instead, it can be a time to find your creative voice or discover and share your unique talents. However, as the day advances, it’s not an ideal time to make new plans–the information available to you now isn’t complete. It’s a good time for positive thinking, but the details may not get their due attention.Aquarius
Today’s Moon encourages pouring more energy into home life, family, downtime, or comfort needs, dear Aquarius. Later, you can bring back a more rested, balanced self to your work, goals, and obligations. It’s a good idea to carve out some time to attend to your emotional life now. As the day advances, you prefer to let your thoughts roam more freely. While ideas come readily to you now, it’s best not to run with them just yet, as impracticality is likely with a Mercury-Jupiter square influencing the day. Watch for going overboard but aim to enjoy the mental exercise involved with thinking in bigger terms.Pisces
Today’s Moon encourages you to gently challenge yourself through learning, communication, and connecting, dear Pisces. It’s a time to develop your communication skills and sensitize yourself to others’ needs and views. This process will help release you from the nervous tension and pressure you’ve felt about learning and sharing. As the day progresses, there is some tendency to overdo, especially to say too much. Try to leave your ego at the door when entering into professional arenas or in more formal settings since you have more impact than usual with Mercury at the top of your solar chart. Avoid sweeping decisions that come on suddenly and impulsively for the best results. However, this can also be a time for stretching your mind to consider new possibilities. You’re thinking further ahead and in bigger terms than usual now. It’s essential to simplify as you can be juggling far too much. Career matters are a little complicated but also fresh and exciting.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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